HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1996.12.17 UURLINGAMOE URLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY Board of Trustees Agenda December 17th, 1996- 4.30pm 130 Park Road- Conference Room SUGGESTED ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. BILLS: City Checks: $ 29,762.97 Approval Special Fund: $ 1,131.65 Duncan Funds:$ .00 4. MINUTES: Approval 5. CORRESPONDENCE & COMMUNICATIONS: Information a. City Newsletter b. Poetry Month Press Release c. System Advisory Board Schedule d. Letter of Thanks Re: Dan Alvarez �. REPORTS: Information a. City Librarian's Report - Escoffier b. Foundation Report- Herman 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. None 8. NEW BUSINESS: a. Opening Events - Escoffier Discussion b. Lion's Thank You LetterAction / c. "Sacramento Reads" Program Prototype Discussion 9. ADJOURNMENT: pe gendaD i r BURLINGAME � ,. 4 > Ge( L1��� �- Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes November 19th, 1996 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of November 19th, 1996 was called to order by President Herman at 4:30 pm. 2. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Berger, Cannon, Dunbar & Herman Trustees Absent: Taylor Staff Present: Alfred Escoffier,City Librarian Judy Gladysz, Administrative Secretary 3. BILLS: M/S/C (Dunbar/Berger) unanimously to approve the payment of City and �. Special Fund checks. 4. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting of October 15th, 1996 were approved as written with the following correction: "President Herman called the meeting to order", and ordered filed. 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: i All correspondence was mailed in the Trustee packets. 6. REPORTS: a. City Librarian's Report- Escoffier• Trustee Dunbar said all of the recipients of the Employee Achievement Awards had sent thank you notes. Trustee Cannon remarked about how well the Easton Drive landscaping r looks. f 480 Primrose Road 9 Burlingame, CA 940110RW83 • (415) 342-1038 0 Fax (415) 342-1948 b. Foundation Report - Herman: Trustee Herman reported there is still money "rolling in" from the letters that were sent out in July. She said there was a $5,200 profit from the fund raiser and the Foundation has earmarked $5,000 to enhance the cassette collection and $1,500 to support the Children's programs. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 8. NEW BUSINESS: a. Donor Opportunities: Librarian Escoffier explained to the Board that the Architects have compiled a list of potential donor opportunities in the new library. He said he would mail the list to the Trustees. b. Entering the 21st Century: Librarian Escoffier distributed "Entering the 21st Century" booklets to the Board. c. Christmas Lights at 480 Primrose: Librarian Escoffier explained to the Board that the General Contractor, Dennis Amoroso, would like to install Christmas lights on the frame of the new library. M/S/C (Cannon/Dunbar) to unanimously approve the purchase of the lights up to $1,000. based on a proposal from the contractor as to how many he would need to be taken from the Trustees Special Fund. Trustees Berger and Cannon would review donor possibilities. 9. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of November 19th, 1996 was adjourned at 5:15 pm. The next regular Board meeting will be held on December 17th, 1996 in the Conference Room at 130 Park Road. Respectfully submitted, Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian Trustees Minutes-96November 12/6/96 Page 2 IF UBURLINGIAME 'I City Librarian's Report December 17, 1996 "Something New is Building..." The Contractor is maintaining the critical path work on the construction schedule. Metal decking has been completed with the exception of the mechanical rooms. Both main and upper level concrete floor slabs have been poured, leaving only the concrete curbs and structural ties to the exiting building wings to complete the structure. Following this, the temporary shoring of the existing building may be removed, another important milestone. Installation of the below-grade wall waterproofing was delayed because of bad weather during the latter half of November. The installation, to be followed closely by backfilling is now scheduled for the first half of December. The Architect, Construction Manager and staff are finalizing bid documents and agreement forms for new and refinished movable furniture, systems furniture and window coverings. These documents will be ready for review this month, and for bidding in February 1997. The Architect and Construction manager have discussed the necessity of additional service fees to complete the project. Group 4 is requesting additional fees because of the longer duration and greater complexity of the project. RSA is requesting additional fees due to the city's request for additional oversight of the project. This matter is calendared for January 6, 1997 Council review. Planning for Opening the New Building Plans are in the conceptual stage for opening events for the building. Early in January a meeting will be planned with representatives of various groups to assist with the planning. A tentative schedule will be reviewed at the next Board meeting. It is my hope that members of the Board of Trustees and the Foundation might assist with various special events surrounding the opening. -1- 480 Primrose Road • Burlingame, CA 94010-4083 • (415) 342-1038 0 Fax (415) 342-1948 Foundation Update The Foundation gave a generous holiday gift to the library of $ 5,000 for the — purchase of Books on Tape. This popular collection of cassettes is used by commuters, as well as those who simply would like to hear a book rather than read one. All of the library's collection of Books on Tape are unabridged and range from classics to best sellers. The Board may wish to offer a special thank you to the Foundation for their very successful year and generosity to the library. Children's Services During November, Cathy Somerton did a total of 24 programs, including: 1 Saturday Story Time, 4 Preschool Story Times, 4 Toddler Story Times, 3 Main Library Story Times, 1 visit to Easton, and 11 programs at schools. These programs reached a total of 617 children. Cathy has also arranged with Pacific Cable to do one Story Time at the studio for future broadcast on January 23rd, 1997. Easton Branch The Easton Branch patrons now have access to Dynix, Internet and Magazine Index on the public computers. In addition, the Branch Librarian has a computer which allows her to produce fliers and work on the Bookgroupies web page from the Branch. The Branch landscaping is nearing completion. Cobble stones have been installed on the Cabrillo curbside to allow for mud-free arrival at the library! Reference Services Dan Alvarez is coordinating an update to Burlingame's holdings on the Union List of Telephone Directories. Once all libraries have reported, a new edition will be distributed. One day this useful list will be online. Personnel I will announce the official appointment to the Librarian II, Community Services Librarian position at the Board meeting. Shortly we will be recruiting to fill the vacancy for Staff Artist. This position was vacated several months ago and will serve an important function in providing exhibits, graphics, fliers, and other promotional materials for the new library. -2- Upcoming Events: o Board Sponsored Holiday Luncheon, December 19, 12-2 pm o Holiday Closures: December 24, Close at 1 pm; December 25, Closed; December 31, Close 1 pm; January 1, Closed. o City Council Meeting, January 6, 7 pm o Foundation Board Meeting, January 9, 4:30 pm o Martin Luther King Holiday, January 20, Closed o Library Board Meeting, January 21, 4:30 pm CL.46 12/11/96 -3- STATISTICS FOR NOVEMBER 1996 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered: Burlingame Adults 15,236 Burlingame Children 3,022 Hillsborough Adults 2,161 Hillsborough Children 927 Universal Borrowers 205 Total Registered Borrowers: 21 ,551 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main Branch Adult Print Materials(books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 18,309 1,052 Children's Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 8,135 1,432 Audio Visual Materials(records, cassettes, films, videos, cd's) 5,243 190 TOTALS: 31,687 2,674 Main Total 1996 Circ: 31,687 Main Total 1995 Circ: 28,782 = 10.09% Inc. Branch Total 1996 Circ: 2,674 Branch Total 1995 Circ: 3,684 = 27.42% Dec. Grand Total 1996 Circ: 34,361 Grand Total 1995 Circ: 32,466 = 5.84% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Questions Directions Reference 3,958 695 Children's 404 306 ILL Borrowed: 1,765 Branch 281 93 ILL Lent: 2,291 Total: 4,643 1,094 ILL Total: 4,056 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES TOTAL VOLUMES Ad.Non-Fiction 116,090 /110,730 4,785 120,875 Ch.Non-Fiction 21,995 / 20,680 1,945 23,940 YA Non-Fiction 1,910 / 1,695 95 2,005 Ad. Fiction 51,155 / 48,970 5,320 56,475 Ch. Fiction 18,320 / 17,105 5,560 23,880 YA Fiction 2,785 / 2,520 350 3,135 Reference 5,595 / 5.400 190 5.785 Totals: 217,850 /207,100 18,245 236,095 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 30,975 Paperbacks 2,740 Maps 1,635 Records 1,500 Cassettes 6,800 Video Tapes 1,785 Compact Discs 1,525 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: 2,028.35 Branch: 323.05 Xerox: 375.00 Donations: .00 CLSA: 9,747.43 TOTAL: $ 12,473.83 Est. User Traffic: 22,917 Daily Avg.: 790 Children's Programs: 24 Attendance: 617 i I (II'i INS i. ,fll � I FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Joan Manim, Head, Children's & Young Adult Services 342-1283 November 21, 1996 POETRY MONTH at Burlingame Public Library School-aged children, January is poetry month! Bring us your favorite poem (either one you write or one you copy from a book) and you will receive a free paperback book of poetry to keep for your very own. In addition, WORD FOR WORD will help us celebrate poetry with their performance of Rudyard Kipling's story "The Elephant's Child" at 11 a.m. on Saturday, January 25 at the Burlingame Public Library, TemporaryQuarters, 130 Park Road. Afterward, they will conduct a workshop between 12 and 2 p.m. for children in grades 3 through 8 who would like to learn how act out poems and stories themselves. Registration is required for the workshop. For more information or to register for the workshop call Children's Services at 342-1283. Programs are sponsored by the Burlingame Library Foundation and the Friends of the Library. i 480 Primrose Road 9 Burlingame. CA 94010-408-3 • (4 15) 342 10381 f ,i . !"t I', ; 1 ' I"A8 Uj —� FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Joan Manini, Head, Children's & Young Adult Services 342-1283 November 21, 1996 WORD FOR WORD !r e hying literature io its feel! In celebration of Poetby,Xfonlh the Children's Department of the Burlingame Public Library is proud to present WORD FOR WORD, the San Francisco based theater group which brings literature to life in a tun, dramatic way for audiences of all ages. Using Rudyard Kipling's language, they will act out his story "The Elephant's Child" by adding just a few creative touches to dramatize it in a fresh, original way. Following the performance they will hold a workshop for children in grades 3 through 8 during which participants will learn techniques so that they, too, can act out a story or poem. The performance is open to all ages and will be Saturday, January 25, 1997 at 11 a.m. at the Burlingame Public Library, Temporary Quarters, 130 Park Road. The workshop which follows will be held between 12 and 2 p.m. for children in grades 3 through 8 and registration is required. For more information or to register for the workshop call Children's Services at 342-1283. Programs are sponsored by the Burlingame Library Foundation and the Friends of the Library. 480 Primrose Road Burlin<a<une, CA 94010-408 1 (4 15) 342 1018 I-ox -1 1 PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING & EVENT CALENDAR 1996/97 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 10, 1996 1996 Jul August Orientation Committee Meets as needed Update Orientation Materials if necess Se tember OrientaUon and Review Session Tuesday, September 1 October Regular Meeting, Tuesday, ctober 1 Assign members to PLS Committees and Board Sub-committees November Annual CLA Conference/Dinner- SAB Awards, November 14 December 1997 January Regular Meeting, Tuesday, January 14 Members make 2resentations on library advocacy to selected groups February Sub-committee meets to plan Legislative Breakfast Other committee meetings as needed Members make presentations on library advocacy to selected groups Implement Le 'slative Breakfast plans March Joint Meeting with SBCLS Tuesday, March 4 Sub-committee meetings as needed April Initiate Draft Plan of Service (SAB section) for FY 97/98 Host Legislative Breakfast , Saturday, April 19 Sub-committee meetings as needed May Regular Meeting, Tuesday, May 2 Review and Approve Plan of Service, 1997/98 Attend Legislative Day, Sacramento Sub-committee meetings as needed June Regular Meeting, Tuesday, June 3 (tentative) Elect new Chair Conduct self-evaluation for 1996/97 Select SAB Orientation Committee Note: All regular meetings are scheduled from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at PLS, 25 Tower Road, San Mateo; the joint meeting with SBCLS is scheduled from 4:00 to 6:00 pm at Menlo Park Library, Alma& Ravenswood, Menlo Park. 25 TOWER ROAD SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA 94402-4000 415/349 5538 FAx 415/349 5089 x Nancy Frank Photographer 769 Crescent Aven4e ` San Mateo, California 94402 415 / 344-2456 �I