HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1996.11.19 UBURLINIGME1130 URLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARYBoard of Trustees Agenda November 19th, 1996- 4 30pm Park Road- Conference Room SUGGESTED ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL: 3. BILLS: City Checks: $ 36,578.95 Approval Special Fund: $ 616.69 Duncan Funds:$ 290.36 4. MINUTES: Approval 5. CORRESPONDENCE & COMMUNICATIONS: Information a. Letter, Peninsula Community Foundation b. Legislation Update c. Memo from Dr. Kevin Starr, State Librarian REPORTS: Information a. City Librarian's Report - Escoffier b. Foundation Report- Herman 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. None 8. NEW BUSINESS: ` a. Donor Opportunities Information b. "Entering the 21st Century" (to be di tributed) �j I Information c. Christmas Lights at 480 Primrose Ro d Information/Action I 9. ADJOURNMENT: '1 gendaN vie �i �j BURLINGAME 1 Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes October 15th, 1996 1. CALL TO ORDER: m a.� The meeting of October 15th, 1996 was called to order by President at 4:30 pm. 2. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Berger, Cannon, Dunbar & Herman Trustees Absent: Taylor Staff Present: Alfred Escoffier, City Librarian Judy Gladysz, Administrative Secretary 3. BILLS: M/S/C (Berger/Dunbar) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks. 4. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting of September 17th, 1996 were approved as written and ordered filed. 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: All correspondence was mailed in the Trustee packets. 6. REPORTS: a. City Librarian's Report-Escoffier: The Trustees commended Cathy Somerton on the fantastic job she is doing with the children. 480 Primrose Road 9 Burlingame, CA 940lbW83 • (415) 342-1038 9 Fax (415) 342-1948 b. Foundation Report - Herman: Trustee Herman reported that she expects about 100 guests at the "Elegant Affair". She further reported that the Foundation is still receiving donations from the mailing that was sent out to Burlingame residents. Trustee Herman said she would like to do a large fund raiser again in January. c. System Advisory Board Report - Robertson: There was no System Advisory Board Meeting to report on. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. "Topping Out": There was no discussion. 8. NEW BUSINESS: a. Staff Holiday Luncheon Sponsorship: M/SIC (Cannon/Berger) unanimously to approve up to $400.00 for the 1996 staff holiday luncheon to be held on December 19th, 1996 from 12 until 2 at 130 Park Road. 9. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of October 15th, 1996 was adjourned at 4:50 pm. The next regular Board meeting will be held on November 19th, 1996 in the Conference Room at 130 Park Road. Respectfully submitted, Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian Trustees Minutes-960ctober 10/16/96 Page 2 V City Librarian's Report November 19, 1996 "Something New is Building..." The steel erection on the building is complete--all 500 columns, beams and cross pieces! Welding and bolting have continued during the last few weeks to finalize the steel work. In the meantime, the electrical conduits and cable runs have been installed on top of the steel decking in anticipation of the pouring of the concrete decking. The pouring of the two slabs for the main and upper floors is scheduled for the week of November 12. Moving Toward Building Completion Library and city staff are actively involved in the many tasks which need to be accomplished in the coming year to complete the building. Among those tasks to be completed before opening day: finalize, issue, monitor furniture and equipment contracts; determine needs for additional equipment, building maintenance equipment, including copy machines, vending machines; coordinate donor supplied audio visual systems for community room; research and develop the phone systems for new building; develop guidelines for art within the library; plan for the move to the new building, including staffing and public relations; coordinate moves from storage (2 sites) and from temporary quarters and furniture vendors; plan, coordinate technology, including move and upgrade of Dynix system and computer workstations for the public and staff; research, budget for CD Rom network; develop staffing plan for the new building; develop volunteer plan for the new building; plan for opening events; continue to review building issues: graphics, signage and other issues. "Topping Out" Celebration The Topping Out celebration, on October 16, co-sponsored by the Library Board of Trustees and the Burlingame Library Foundation, was a great success. The celebration included music from children of Crocker School, a few words from the Mayor, the architect, the Library Board and the Library Foundation. Attendees signed their names on a steel beam which become a permanent part of the structure. -1- 480 Primrose Road • Burlingame, CA 94010-4083 • (415) 342-1038 • Fax (415) 342-1948 Foundation Update The "Elegant Affair: Through Rose Colored Glasses," a Foundation-sponsored fund raiser, was a great success! Six authors spoke during the evening of their experiences with books, reading and libraries. The buffet atmosphere enabled attendees to circulate and socialize. Senator Tom Lantos and his wife Annette were in attendance, along with most of the City Council and Board members. The event received very favorable press coverage, with many photographs. Co-chairs Loretta Blevins and Sheri Galvin are to be congratulated on their hard work in making the event such a success! Children's Services During October, the Children's Division offered a total of 45 programs, including: 1 Saturday Story Time, 5 Preschool Story Times, 5 Toddler Story Times, 5 Main Story Times, and 22 visits to schools, and one Halloween Story Time. These programs were attended by a total of 1,092 children! Easton Branch The Branch landscaping project is continuing with some plantings installed along with stepping stones on the Cabrillo Avenue side. After school children have calmed down as staff continue to strictly enforce rules of appropriate behavior. The Branch now has the IAC 2000, a periodical resource with full text magazine indexing. Reference Services Dan Alvarez attended the PLS Community Relations Forum meeting held at the Community Information Program Office in Belmont on October 10. The members of the forum were given an introduction to CIP and their new Community Information Mapping Project. Personnel Employee Achievement Awards were given to three staff members by the Library Board of Trustees. Those so honored were: Lisa Dunseth, Mary Scharlan, Dorothy Wilson. It is indeed an honor to be named by your peers and honored by the Board. Congratulations! We have extended our recruitment for a Librarian II to head up our volunteer program to November 19. -2- We have hired two on-call librarians. Bill Sanders and Barbara Janis. Bill is a retired librarian who has worked at the United States Geological Survey Library, and at Stanford University. Barbara is a recent graduate from San Jose State Library School, and works part time with the retirees of the University of California Berkeley. Upcoming Events: o Thanksgiving Closures: Wednesday, November 27, close at 5 pm; Thursday, November 28, Closed; Friday, November 29,Close at 5 pm. o Library Board, December 17, 4:30 pm o Holiday Luncheon, December 19, 12-2,Temporary Quarters CL.45 11/12/96 -3- STATISTICS FOR OCTOBER 1996 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Reaistered: Burlingame Adults 15,152 Burlingame Children 2,989 Hillsborough Adults 2,157 Hillsborough Children 916 Universal Borrowers 195 Total Registered Borrowers: 21 ,409 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main Branch Adult Print Materials(books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 19,382 1,174 Children's Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 8,746 1,763 Audio Visual Materials(records, cassettes, films, videos, cd's) 5,378 202 TOTALS: 33,506 3,139 Main Total 1996 Circ: 33,506 Main Total 1995 Circ: 32,867 = 1.94% Inc. Branch Total 1996 Circ: 3,139 Branch Total 1995 Circ: 3,710 = 15.39% Dec. Grand Total 1996 Circ: 36,645 Grand Total 1995 Circ: 36,577 = .19% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Questions Directions Reference 4,106 801 Children's 300 255 ILL Borrowed: 1,896 Branch 259 96 ILL Lent: 2,441 Total: 4,665 1,152 ILL Total: 4,337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES TOTAL VOLUMES Ad.Non-Fiction 116,125 /110,795 4,775 120,900 Ch.Non-Fiction 21,950 / 20,645 1,935 22,580 YA Non-Fiction 1,910 / 1,695 95 2,005 Ad. Fiction 50,995 / 48,845 5,300 56,295 Ch. Fiction 18,255 / 17,060 5,535 23,790 YA Fiction 2,770 / 2,505 345 3,115 Reference 5,595 / 5,400 190 5,785 Totals: 216,295 /206,945 18,175 234,470 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 30,905 Paperbacks 2,040 Maps 1,630 Records 1,500 Cassettes 6,665 Video Tapes 1,780 Compact Discs 1,465 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: 1,900.95 Branch: 532.95a/y3 9d Xerox: 750.00 Donations: .00 CLSA: .00 TOTAL: $ 3,183.89 Est. User Traffic: 25,677 Daily Avg.: 856 Children's Programs: 45 Attendance: 1,092 P E N I N S U L A C 0 M M U N I T Y FOUNDATION November 4, 1996 Al Escoffier Burlingame Public Library 480 Primrose Burlingame, CA 94010 Dear Mr. Escoffier: DIRECTORS I'm pleased to send along your Advised Fund statement for Robert C.Kirkwood,Chair the third quarter of 1996. As we near the end of the year, you Tbomas F. Bailard might enjoy knowing that you've been part of one of the best years Hugh C Burroughs John H. Clinton,Jr. in Foundation history! Susan B. Fiord Hon. 7honurs Af.Jenkin., We've made more grants to community organizations than Charles R Johnson �-- ever before—$9.1 million at this writing—and donors like you Olivia G.Afartinez, F.d D have made gifts to the Foundation totaling more than $30 Karen Van Hoesen Olson million. The Foundation now stewards $140 million in charitable Cordon Russe/1 assets for the good of the community. Donald 1� Seiler William Wilson 111 I hope you're enjoying the Foundation's Annual Report Rosemary Young "Circle of Friends." Focusing on the great stories of friends like you at work in our community made the whole project fun. I'm so OF COUNSEL pleased that you're part of our circle. My best wishes to you and Albert J. Horn. Fsq. your family for the upcoming holidays. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Sterling K.,Speirn Sincerely, �J Sterling ,K.T eirn g � Executiv�i ctor TEL: 41 ( 5) 358-9369 FAX: (415) 358-9817 PENINSULA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION DDUN 10/31/9( Roger & Jean Hunt Duncan F U N D B A L A N C E For the period 7/01/1996 through 9/30/1996 inclusive. BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (as of 7/01/1996 ) : $ 721 , 751 . 04 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITY: INFLOWS Revenues Contributions 0 . 00 Interest & Dividends, Net 5 , 139 . 49 Gains (Losses) , Realized 787 . 18- Gains (Losses ) , Unrealized 25, 010 . 53- Other 0 . 00 Interfund Grants RecE!ived 0 . 00 OUTFLOWS Administrative Fees 902 . 19- Other Expenses 0 . 00 _ Interfund Grants Awarded 0 . 00 Grants Awarded 0 . 00 -------------- -------------- Total Activity: 21 , 560 . 41-. - --------------- --------------- ENDING FUND BALANCE (as of 9/30/1996 ) : $ 700 , 190 . 63 Although the Foundation's investment returns for 1996 have been good overall, you'll notice that your fund experienced a loss this quarter. Quarterly measurements tend to be variable, nonetheless the Investment Committee of the Board is naturally concerned about the negative return. The investment performance will be discussed at their next regular meeting in November. 14OV-06-1995 16:31 FROM PEN111SULP LIEFnRY SYSTEMS TO EIRLINGAIIE P 1._ P.01%u PiilEl_IMINARY ELECtION ICFSUI TS rIDR LIBRARY BALLOT MEASURES NOVEMBER, 1996 CENEItAt, EtfCTION By., Wchaxd S. ball Library Development Bureau California State Library SIXTY PERCENT OF LIBRARY MEASURES PASSY Overall librariesdid pretty wiell ai the ballot box this fall with 6 out of 10 rrtP.AVirPq pansingt Five of the measures received over 2f3's of the popular vote and three of them got over 70% with one library receiving a spectacular 77.5 percent approval ratel The following is a listing of the results by community in alph W, ical order: ALAMEDA COUNTY A utility users tart passW countywide with 67'16 of the vote. This tax will be in P&K.l for 4 years and raise approximately:fit.25 million per year. The funds am availableto provide library, planning, sheriff and other services in the unincorporated areas of the County and will be allocated cat the discsmtion of the Roard of Supervim. m. BERKELEY Approximately $30 million In general obligation bonds has been approved by a 67.1`X: margin in the City of Berkeley to expand and remodel the main library. The library project was part of a larger $49 million package which included City Hall repairs and street Improvements. COALINGA-HURON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT LIBMRY A parcel tax for $12 per residential unit failed with 54% of the vote. if approved, the measure would have proOded art additional $130,000 per year of operating funds dedicated to the library district for an indefinite amount of time. MIu VALLEY Seventy-four parcent of the votflrs approved a Mello-Roos spedal tax which will he in r4fec:t for 30 years. The tax will ralse $64 per parcel per year for a total of $4.6 million for the Pxpansion and remodeling of flee library building. This monrry is dedicated only to the library palert and will he supplemented with additional fundraising efforts for furnishings and equipme"t. Past it'Fax Nota 7571 nes tt G 5 To � 57 C Fax a Fax -ZIA S d IdOI�-C1G-19'3= 16:'-31. FROM P T111,ISUI_A L[L-MR`r' S`Y'STEMS TO Et_PLIHGArIE P L P.02/02 OAKLAND _ As part of a $45 million package, the library will receive $13 million for wristnXtion projects rased upon tlw appro)ral of the general obligation bond measure• lite qty of Oakland measure received a 77.6% approval level for the meawre which includes a number of public works projects (Zea, Parks. & Recmation, Scionrw C_entpr t4c.). PIA.CENTIA LISKARY DISTRICIf A parcel tax for $29 per unit fall,A, with only a 49.5° approval level in this Orange County library district. The tax would have been in place for 5 year's quid would have raised approximately $500,000 per year. SA c.ttAmFNTo (CITY & COUNTY) A benefit a5sessrnent for$22 per residential parcel passed with 62.7%of the vote In the City of Sacramento, but unfortunately failed in the County which requirQ � ?13's approval race by getting 58.3% of the vote. The measure will raise$3 million per year in the City for 10 years, and would have raised $3.4 million from the C-ountY. SANTA CRUZ (CITY & COUNTY) A 1/4 cent sales tax passed with a 72% approval rate county-wide. the tact will be in effect for 16 years and will raise appnaximateiy$5.5 million per ywr. SAN DIEGO? (CITY & COUN 11) A 1f4 cent sales tax failed in San Diego with 59% of the vote. This tax would have raised approximately $73 million per year county-wide for 5 years if it had been succMful- The above results are preliminary and may be subiea to change. If I have overlooked a library ballot measure, please c�antact me, and I will try to do an update. Richard 8, Hall Tele: (916) 653-7252 E-Mail. rhaltOlibrary.c Lgov Tnrai P.ct CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY Telephone (916) 653-5217 LIBRARY—COURTS BUILDING•P.O.BOX 942837•SACRAMENTO,CA 94237-0001 P MR P, 4 CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY 10-Deo IM TO: Members of the California Library Community FROM: Dr. Kevin Starr, State Librarian of California DATE: November 6, 1996 K" SUBJECT: Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grant Program As many of you nave heard by now, the news from Washington, is good. The passage, of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) replaced, with entirely new legislation, the Library Services and Construction Act(LSCA), which expired September 30. Passage was achieved after a massive campaign initially for .re-authorization of LSCA which evolved into a big push by ALA and many others for approval of LSTA. The most vital support came at the end from the State's Congressional delegation led by Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Escondido). The bill was signed by the President October 1, 1996. The LSTA extends certain of the provisions of the LSCA for library programs in the area of services to special populations, expands the emphasis on technology, and will accommodate resource sharing/library cooperation. Since it is unclear which law (LSCA or LSTA)governs during this transition year, we plan to comply with both Acts for the 1997/98 grant cycle. Application materials are in preparation, along with an information guide, forms, procedures, and last-minute changes to prior programs. Grants will be awarded on a competitive:basis for the 1997/98 funds available. Although some changes in the priority categories in LSTA and its funding levels are becoming clear, there may be more changes in the kind of projects we are able to fund. We will keep you apprised as clarifications become available. Successful grant projects will begin on October 1, 1997, and conclude on September 30, 1998. The major provisions of LSTA for the 1997/98 grant cycle are: Services to Special Populations • Public libraries, public library systems, and State institutional libraries are eligible for grants under this provision • Eligible projects involve. library services to people who are underserved--those who are disadvantaged, who are geographically isolated, who are illiterate, etc. Technology, Networking, and Resource Sharing • Libraries of all types -- academic, corporate, institutional, public, school, special — are eligible for grants under this provision • Eligible projects involve technology innovation, multitype library networking, and resource sharing -2- I am taking this occasion to announce a change in assignments at the State Library. Effective with the beginning with the 1997/98 cycle, the LSTA Coordinator in the Library Development Services Bureau will be Jay Cunningham, tel. (916) 653-8112; e-mail <jcunning@library.ca.gov> . Please contact him if you have questions concerning the LSTA program or the application process. We all owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to those who spent so many hours in the re-authorization effort, including Barbara Will, who, along with many other Californians, ALA members, librarians, and state library staff played an influential role in forging the re-authorization and successful passage of the LSTA legislation. Because of the delay in action on the LSTA legislation, the application and grant-processing timeline is somewhat compressed this year. However, the basic two-stage procedures will remain the same as in the past: a proposal for a grant concept is submitted, followed by advice from the State Library regarding the competitiveness of the proposed project. Completed applications may then be submitted,with awards announced after review by the State Librarian. Detziled instructions may be found in the application packet. The deadline.for filing proposals for LSTA grants is February 3, 1997. If you would like to apply for an LSTA grant for 1997/98 or are interested in the program and wish to know more about it, please send your request for an application packet (together with a mailing label) to: Library Development Services ATTN: LSTA Application Packet California State Library P.O. Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 FAX (916) 653-8443 KOS:JO Lstal.ann