HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1988.01.19 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA JANUARY 19, 1988 { SUGGESTED ACTION f 1 . CALL TO ORDER f { 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks: $23,674.49 f Special Fund: $ 428.09 { { 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL { 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICAT,"ONS { INFORMATION { a. Memo to City Planner from, Board - b. oard b. Thank you to Board from Library Staff-- { c. Teletype message on status of Shasta: { County libraries - d. City Newsletter { e. Memo to City on Board attendance- 7 ttendance- { f . Library Spectacles - Uanuary f f 6. REPORTS { INFORMATION { a. City Librarian { { { { 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { None { { 8 . NEW BUSINESS f { a. Holiday Schedule for 1988 { ACTION b. CALTAC Membership for 1988 { ACTION { 9 . FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 10 . ADJOURNMENT f { { { { { { { f { { { { { f { BURLINGAME PUFLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUT_E_S DECEMBER . '� 1987 '\LL TO ORDER: A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees was held on the above date in the California Room of the Burlingame Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 4 : 30pm by President Mink. Trustees Present: MINK, CANNON, BACIGALUP1 , ROBERTSON & BLEVINS Trustees Absent: NONE Staff Present: MRS. JUDY GLADYSZ, LIBRARY SECRETARY MR. ALFRED ESCOFFIER, A.'�.ST. CITY LIBRARIAN MRS. PATRICIA BERGSING,. CITY LIBRARIAN BILLS: M/S/C (Cannon/Robertson) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $23 , 604 , 04 . M/S/C (Cannon/Robertson) unanimously to approve the payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $366 . 38 . MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 17/th, 1987 were approved. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATION`: Acknowledgements: a. C.L.A. C:or,ference Reports From Staff: Mailed in packets. Trustee Cannon said she thought the \, reports:, gave a good view of how the staff saw CLA. She thought they were interesting, and she enjoyed reading them. b. Letters tc Mrs. Leach from the 7th Graders at Crocker School: Distributed for the Board to read. c. Library Spectacles : Mailed in packets . REPORTS: City Librarian: There was some discussion regarding the Geac terminals and the Community Access Module which will be located at Aragon High School. Trustee Cannon said she thought the flyer that was sent home with the school children announcing the Family Holiday Program was good. Mrs. Bergsing said there were about 75 people present and the storyteller was excellent. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on the Planning Process: Mrs. Bergsing g«,�e the Board an update on the Planning Process. She then requested up to $4 ,000 from the Trustees Fund to hire a consultant and cover other expenses associated with the planning process for the months of January-June. She said she would be requesting a matching amount fro.-ii the City as part of the budget process to cover expenses from July-Deccmhcr. After furth,-,r discussion, Trustee Blevins made a motion to pre-appose an amount up to $4, 000, from the Trustees Fund to cover the costs involved to begin the long-range planning Page 1 process. The motion was seconded by Trustee Bacigalupi and carried unanimously. President Mink asked Mrs. Bergsing to keep the Board informed of the progress. NEW BUSINESS: Memo on Parking Structure on Lot "A" : There was discussion regarding the proposed parking structure drawings. Mrs. Berg-ring said she had attended the meeting of the City' s Planning Committee with the architect to see what impact, if any, a parking structure would have on the Library. The City Planner said she will keep the City Librarian informed on the progress of the plans. After further discussion there was a motion made by Trustee' Blevins that a memo he sent, from the Library Board, to the City Planner, stating the concerns the Board has regarding the parking structure on Lot "A" . The motion was seconded by Trustee Robertson and carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of December 15th, 1987 was adjourned at 5 : 40pm with the next meeting scheduled for January 19th in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 12/16/87 DECEMBER Page 2 LIBRARIAN' S REPORT January 1988 Long-Range Planning Progress has been slow this past month, primarily because of the holidays. However, we have arranged an appointment on January 25th for the Planning Team to meet with the consultant, Marilyn Snider. She comes highly recommended and if the group is comfortable with her, and if we can afford her, we have decided that we will hire her to help us with the process. Capital Improvement Budget 1988-1989 The City Manager has distributed instructions for the Capital Improvement Program for the next five years, and a summary of "Big-Picture" Capital Improvement Financing. They are attached. At this time, the Library is not planning on submitting any requests for funding in 1988-89 , but we will submit again a request for a study of space needs in the next fiscal year, 1989-1990 . Let me know if you have any other suggestions that we should consider. New Year' s Resolutions Attached is a copy of the Library' s New Year' s Resolutions which were submitted to the City Manager this month. They were compiled with input from all the divisions of the Library. Holiday Schedule for 1988 We will have a tentative holiday schedule for 1988 for your approval at �. your meeting. Compiling it was a little tricky this year because of the way the holidays fall on Christmas and New Years. Older Adults Materials Grant The Library has decided to apply for a $5, 000 Grant from the State Library for the purchase of materials for older adults . A copy of the guidelines is attached. Approximately 260 of Burlingame' s population is over the age of 60, and it is becoming necessary for the Library to focus more resources and services on serving this significant segment of our population. Parking Structure Attached is a copy of the memo forwarded tc the City Planner and the City Manager reflecting the issues discussed at your last Board Meeting. The City is currently conducting a study to determine exact property lines in Lot A, and also a soil analysis and tests to determine the water level. We' ll keep you posted. CALTAC Membership Membership in the Califoycnia association of Library Trustees and Commissioners is due for renewal. I recommend that you approve $35. 00 for a group membership for all five Trustees. Page 1 Geac PLAN database cleanup is continuing. Sometiiiva in January, a merge �..,,,oftware will be run which is c'.esigned to merge 4,600 duplicate RLIN and OCLC records within the database. This is the second phase of the cleanup project in preparation for the conversion to the Geac 9000. A third portion of the process, which will merge records based on Library of Congress catalog number will be run in the Spring. A request for information regarding a conversion strategy and associated costs has been submitted to six conversion vendors. It is designed as a first step toward developing a request for proposal to be distributed to vendors in the Spring, to prepare our database for conversion. The upgrade requirements have been forwarded to Geac, who will review the requirements before formal negotiations begin. In the meantime, we have been asked to do specific planning for equipment needs, such as terminals, etc. , at the local level, for the next five years. We are planning our projected needs in conjunction with staff needs and future patron terminal needs. Project Read An issue that may be coming up this spring r:!lates to the San Mateo Public Library Literacy Project. They are reaching the end of their initial three-year Grant from the State Library and will be receiving reduced funds. It is SMPL' s intent to ask the San Mateo City Council if the City will make up the difference or should they ch-urge other citi.es per student that they tutor. The statistics regarding Project Read students are included in this packet. Their analysis indicates that it costs about $744 per student. We' ll keep you posted. Programs for Adults Our first program of the new year will feature Alma Gilbert of the Alma Gilbert Gallery in San Mateo. Ms. Gilbert will present a film and talk on artist Maxfield Parrish on Wednesday, January 27, 1988 , 7 : 30 PM, Library Community Room. Ms. Gilbert is a recognized authority on Parrish, having developed a Maxfield Parrish Museum at the arti,.,t' s home several years ago, before its tragic destruction by fire. Children' s Services November and December children' s programs .included a number of booktalks and school visits by Joan Leach. Joan reached 145 students in 6 visits in November; and another 230 students in 9 classes in December. Schools visited included: Burlingame High, Crocker Intermediate School, Burlingame Intermediate, anal Lincoln School. Hillsborough Montessori School was visited by staff and in December, 32 preschoolers from United Methodist and Hillsborou•:h Montessori visited the library. November' s Saturday program with Ron Singer the Magician had over 150 in attendance. The Family Christmas program, with storyteller Sandra McLees, attracted approximately 80. Page 2 Joan Leach is preparing for the Children' s Book Preview which will be '1eld Wednesday, January 13 at 7: 30 PM. This program is focused on teachers grades 3-8 to introduce them to what is new .in the collection for children, as well as what services the library 1-las to offer. Other programs during the month of January j.nclude the beginning of the winter session of the Preschool Storyhour Tuesday, January 12 , 1988, 10 AM, at the Branch Library. A school age storyhour is planned on Tuesday, January 19, at 3 : 30 PM. The Saturday Special children' s program will be Saturday, January 26th. Begin with Books Program At the end of the first year of the program, Cathy Somerton reports 237 programs given to young children, reaching some 4 , 053 children. One hundred baby bags were sent to new parents. Four letters were sent to preschool and kindergarten parents throughout Burlingame and Hillsborough. Cathy also prepared 7 resource lists and sent them to local preschool and kindergarten teachers. Cathy has also prepared a first birthday packet to go out to new parents beginning in January. Cathy also prepared for the teacher workshop which she will present with Joan Leach. Reference Services Bill Van Niekerken was hired December 16th, to fill an "on-call" slot in our Reference Division. Bill is a familiar face to Burlingame Library, as he worked for us in the 1970 ' s moving up from Page to Library Assistant II . After attending graduate Library School, Bill was Assistant Head Librarian at the San Jose Mercury Library and is now working as a librarian for the San Francisco Chronicle Library. It is good to have Bill back on staff . At the PLS Film Committee meeting, December 16 , which. Brenda Buckley Chavez attended, many feature films were approved for purchase, as well as a video on the history of South San Francisco and a video for teens, "The Power of Choice. " Tax forms began arriving in December. We will be ready to distribute them by January 15. Al, Brenda, Donna and Marilyn met to discuss to space crisis in Audio Visual. They settled on an interim solution which will involved some rearrangement of existing furniture, as well as removal of the art print collection. The Reference Division has received a new software package called "First Publisher. " It is "desktop publishing" software that allows one to produce professional quality graphics and text. Art Print Collection We have decided to drop the circulation of art prints, after 15 years. Although the collection has been added to and maintained over the years , many prints are badly damaged and therefore do not circulate. In addition, '--' we have experienced a significant decline in circulation over the past Page 3 several years. As a result we have opted in favor of releasing the space for more popular formats such as video cassettes, audio cassettes, and, in �. the near future, compact discs. Easton Branch Diane Casey completed her first year as Branch Librarian. She is busy planning school age programs for the Branch this Winter and Spring. In addition, she is forging relationships with, the Our Lady of Angles School via class visits. This contact is important not only for improving library service, but to maintain open channels of communication between the library and the school--since so many OLA students use the Library. Personnel We currently have several openings in the Library Assistant series. Following a reorganization of staff assignments, we will begin to advertise for a full time Library Assistant II . This is the former Outreach/Children' s position. This individual will work half time in Technical Services and hayf time in Circulation. He/she will deal with the details of inputing information into the on-line databases, as well as working on Geac reports, and working at the Circulation Desk. A second position will be that of Library Assistant I , Children' s Assistant, part-time. This person will be involved primarily in assisting children and adults select books in the Children' s Room. We are giving a Page Test on January 28 , to create a new list of Library Page. We continue to have significant turnover in this area, and `- currently need pages in several divisions. Staff Development Al previewed a video cassette on dealing with "Complaints" at PLS headquarters during the month. The video featuring British comedian John Cleese takes a humorous look at dealing with problems in public service. The video will likely be purchased by PLS so that libraries may use it as a training device. Following up on the Angry Patron workshops given this fall, we will shortly be forming a core group to work on completing a "problems" handbook and developing training to accompany it. Exhibits/Promotion Holiday magazines with an emphasis on craft ideas to personalize celebrations were on display. Exhibits included bcoks that would be lasting gifts, games people play and doll sculpture. . Hope O'Brien' s pictures and Norine Nicholson' s works in many medias were on display at the Maln Library. PMB/jg 1/13/88 Page 4 STATISTICS FOR DECEMBER 1987 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered rlingame Adults 11,374 ,.,...rlingame Children 1,750 -- Hillsborough Adults 1,993 Hillsborough Children 576 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 312 TOTAL: 16 , 105 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 17 , 326 1 , 297 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 3 ,711 895 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 1 , 563 -0- TOTALS: 22 , 600 2 , 192 Main Total 1987 Circ: 22,600 Main Total 1986 Circ: 24 , 295 = 6 . 98% Dec. Branch Tot 1987 Circ: 2,192 Branch Tot 1986 Circ: 2 ,642 = 17 . 03% Dec. GrandTotal 1987 Circ-. '24,,792 GrandTotal 1986 Circ: 26 , 937 = 7 . 96% Dec. ---------------------\------------------------------------------------ ,FERENCE ACTIVITY: \ --- \.• Total Reference Questions: 4, 988 I .L.L. Borrowed: 64 I .L.L. Lent: 154 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 5, 206 I .L.L. Total: 218 ------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: added withdrawn total VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 139, 397/104 , 555 429 / 312 88 / 41 139 ,738/104, 826 Ch.Non-Fic. 18 ,258/ 14,754 91 / 68 2 / 1 18, 347/ 14,821 YA Non-Fic. 3 , 311/ 3, 268 1 / 1 1 ;` 1 3 , 311/ 3 , 268 Ad.Fiction 48,329/ 44,507 168 / 114 35 % 1 48,462/ 44,620 Ch.Fiction 15 , 252/ 10, 291 159 / 40 1 -0- 15 ,410/ 10, 331 YA Fiction 3 , 236/ 2 , 866 28 / 17 -0- / -0- 3 ,264/ 2, 883 TOTALS: 227 ,738/180,003 876 / 552 127 ; 44 228 ,487/180, 511 ---------------------------------------------------------- OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 26 ,429 306 -0- 26 ,735 Paperbacks 2 ,726 -0- -0- 2 ,726 Maps 1,555 22 -0- 1 ,577 Records 5 ,400 33 32 5 , 401 Cassettes 1,718 58 50 1,726 Video Tapes 205 -0- -0- 205 Films 6 -0- -0- 6 Art Prints 103 -0- -0- 103 "Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main. $ 1 ,045. 83 Branch. $ 242. 15 Total: $ 1, Total Meetings Held: 8 People in Attendance: 164 Children' s Programs: 1 Children in Attendance: 80 / I / . , : 11111 •l�II.Gii N1 . 1 � %IM 1!l��i�� . , ► �r�III11111111112 .��• �.�II9,.: NIrIZ1 IlliliNNil(I11�alr� NIIIIIINlNII©e e01N11l�e ININI�lSSISl�I IIIE IIN 1��'�r�11�IJ�0�1�'�'�G� IIIIIINN .!l1�,�111l��IR1flN11l�11l,1! 111111 •. 1 �� i MINIM 19, RI .: 1 MINE -_ M:l�1N11110M, 111'�l�11 - MINE e�P01111111e1.111111ee . MINIM IPER-1I I I I I i M I MINIM 1lion 1111111M. 11 M ■ IIII11N1N111111N1NMEOW IIIIIIN! ■ 111111■{NIIIIIIN�IIIIIINNIIIIIiNI ■ HI111NiN1 IIIIN�IIIIIIN1N111111■ ■ IliM MI NIININIIIIONIN11111IN ■ IIIIIININ111111NINIIIIIINlN111111N1 , 11 IININIIII NNIIIIIININIIiIII II IININIIII HIM HIM 1 N1111111111 II 111111 N(N 111111 NI 1 111 i 1/111111 IIIIIIN�111111 IIIIIININIIIIIIIII IIINIII 11ill HIM IIIIIIIIIIIIIiII■ 111111N1t111111111111HER ERIN1N11/1111111111 INHIM 111111 NIIII I I®111111 1®111111 4 IIIIIIN�IIIII�IIIIiiN�111111 IIIIIIN�I NIIMEN NNINN 11111M 11N11MEN N1�HIM HIIII�IINII®IIIIIININIINII 1111N IIIII�IIIIIIMINIIIIII MEN 111101111111®NIIIIII MONTHLY REPORT MONTH December 1987' Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 40 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 16 B. Hours contributed 12U_ 3. Shut-in Patrons--Indivuadual Visits A. Number of patrons 25 - B. Number of visits made C. Items circulated 777- 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. visits Attendance Materials circ. A. LaVrar B. C. Hacienda 2 22 30 D. Burl . Care 2 48 30 E. Marian Convent 2 30 30 F. S. Totals ('1144) A. Shut-in patrons 122 B. Visits made —58 C. Items circulated . Corrrentsi activities: Winter—stc-rms have prevented Hillhaven visits, Kris Cannon has resumed her visits to Emily Hickey and a new patron, Bertram Wolf, from Burlingame Hacienda has been accepted for Outreach.