HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1988.04.19 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA APRIL 19, 1988 { SUGGESTED ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER f { 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks: $51 ,138.32 { Special Fund: 2,906.29 { { 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL { 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { . a. System Advisory Board Minutes and Attach-{ ments f b. City Newsletter { c. Negative Declaration and Initial Study { for Parking Structure on Parking Lot A { d. Friends of the Library Newsletter { e. Legislative Day Announcement & Agenda { f. Read-In Flyer f . g. California State Library Newsletter { h. Update on Legislation { i. Articles on Literacy and Distributing { Tax Forms { j . Library Spectacles - April { f 6 . REPORTS { INFORMATION { a. Report from PLS Advisory Board - Blevins { b. Planning Committee - Cannon { c. City Librarian f { 7 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { INFORMATION { a. Project Read - Tabled to May Meeting { b. Survey Form Returns { DISCUSSION { 8 . NEW BUSINESS { { a. Request to Foundation for Funds from { the Duncan Trust { ACTION b. Legislative Day - May 11th { INFORMATION c. Request for Funds from Trustees Acct. { ACTION { 9 . FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 10 . ADJOURNMENT { { { PMB/jg { 4/13/88 { AGENDAA { { { BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES MARCH 15TH, 1988 CALL TO ORDER• A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees was held on the above date in the California Room of the Burlingame Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 4 : 30pm by President Mink. Trustees Present: MINK, CANNON, ROBERTSON & BLEVINS Trustees Absent: BACIGALUPI Staff Present: MRS. JUDY GLADYSZ, LIBRARY SECRETARY MRS. PATRICIA BERGSING, CITY LIBRARIAN MR. ALFRED ESCOFFIER BILLS: M/S/C (Cannon/Robertson) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $24 ,810. 46 and payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $1, 296 . 59 . MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 16th, 1988 were approved. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: Acknowledgements: a. Letter from the San Mateo County Adult School thanking Michael Hubbell for assistance on their field trip with the students of ESL. There was some discussion regarding the new foreign language materials that Sandy Gleichmann is purchasing for the library. Some discussion followed. b. Library Spectacles - Mailed in packets REPORTS: City Librarian: Budget: Mrs. Bergsing reported that she had not yet completed the Library Budget. She mentioned again to the Board that City revenues are down, and large capital improvement projects are pending, so it appears there will be no increases in the Library budget beyond the absolute essentials. She said that in view of increasing service demands from the public, particularly in the areas of Reference, Audio-Visual, and Technical Services, and no increases in staff, that it was time to look at clearer priorities of service, more efficient procedures, and possible reduction of service in some areas. Discussion followed. Parking Structure: Librarian Bergsing described the "Architect ' s drawings she had borrowed from the City Manager, and brought them up to date on the current status of the parking structure plans. Some brief discussion followed. The Board said they appreciate Patti ' s efforts to keep them informed. S.M. County Reading Day: Trustee Robertson reported on the letters being sent from the library to leaders in the community inviting them to participate in "San Mateo County Reading Day" on April 27th. Individuals will read aloud from their favorite books for a 15-30 minute period of time at the Main Library from 10: 00am to 8: OOpm. The Board agreed to support the special "Reading Day. " Page 1 SB181 : Librarian Bergsing reminded the Trustees that the Legislative Breakfast is Saturday, March 19th and that SB181 will be discussed. Personnel: The Library Board said "Wow! ! " to Cathy Somerton. . . . . She is doing one fantastic job. PLANNING COMMITTEE: Trustee Cannon reported that the members of the planning committee met on February 25th at the Captain' s House on Coyote Point. She said the committee discussed internal strengths and weaknesses, external threats and opportunities and stakeholders in the results of the planning process. Another meeting of the committee was held with the facilitator, Marilyn Snider, and the staff members on the committee to work on some of the internal issues of concern that were raised during the first meeting such as effective communications, etc. The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for March 31st and will deal with assessment tools, and discussion of the Mission Statement and roles of the Library. President Mink asked that the Board be kept informed about the progress of the planning process, and suggested that keeping the staff informed was also an excellent morale builder for staff. There was some further discussion. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Project Read: Mrs. Bergsing said she had called Nancy Crabbe, the City Librarian at San Mateo Public Library and that she and Project Read Director Maura Okamoto, will be attending the April Board meeting to discuss the Literacy Project. President Mink asked that any information, ` background and/or statistics that would be helpful to the discussion be `,.• distributed to the Board members prior to the meeting. The City Librarian agreed. Roles of the Burlingame Library: Mrs. Bergsing had asked the Library Board to fill-out a questionnaire regarding eight possible roles of the Library. Assistant City Librarian Escoffier tallied the scores submitted by the four Trustees present. Some discussion followed but it was agreed that further discussion would be postponed until they could get input from all the Trustees and all could be present. NEW BUSINESS• None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of March 15th, 1987 was adjourned at 5 : 50pm with the next meeting scheduled for April 19th in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 031888 MARCH Page 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT `-- APRIL 19, 1988 Project Read San Mateo City Librarian, Nancy Crabbe, has requested that the discussion about the San Mateo Public Library Literacy Program be postponed until your May Board meeting. She is short of staff and has not had time to pull the information together for your April meeting. Budget 1988-1989 The Library budget was submitted to the City Manager in late March, but he hasn' t yet scheduled a meeting with me to discuss it. So, I have no new information to report to you since your last meeting except to say again that it was a "very tight" budget. Request for Funds from the Duncan Trust Attached to this report is a request for funds from the Duncan Trust. Our past practice has been that the request is forwarded to Mr. Lechich and the Peninsula Foundation as a request from the Library Board of Trustees. Parking Structure Attached to this report for your information is the Negative Declaration and Initial Study Document on the Parking Structure on Parking Lot A. As I understand it, there will be further discussion regarding the structure at the City Council meeting on April 18th. Strategic Planning Process Trustee Cannon will update you on our progress to date on the Planning Process. Attached is a copy of the survey that we are currently distributing to the public, and to City Council, City Department Heads, Community Organizations, etc. It would be helpful if each of you would fill out a survey form and we could include your input in the process. This is just a simpler way to deal with the role statements that you already did at your last meeting. Because the Planning Committee believes that staff input is so important, we have asked Marilyn Snider to facilitate a general staff meeting from 10-12 noon on April 28th. The Planning Committee will meet that same afternoon to discuss the results of the surveys plus your ideas and those of the staff. Then we will try to develop a Mission Statement. The general staff meeting and two additional meetings that were held on "Team-Building" have put us over our budget for the Planning Process. I 'd like to discuss a possible funding method at your meeting. Older Adult Materials Grant Burlingame Library received approval from the State Library for the $5,000 Grant for older adult materials collection development. Esther Cummings in our Reference Department will coordinate the project and she will be attending a meeting on April 15th to learn more about the rules and regulations required by the Grant. A11 _the funds must be encumbered by September 30th, 1988 and all invoices received by November 30th, so we will need to make decisions fairly quickly. Page 1 Programs and Services Library traffic totalled 36,829 people in the building during March. This averages 1 ,188 persons per day. On Thursday evening, March 24th, City Attorney Jerry Coleman presented "Canaling in England" to an enthusiastic group of 74 armchair travelers. Exhibits during the month included paintings by the Oriental Art Association of San Francisco. Exhibits on Women' s History Month, Canal vacations in England and National Wildlife Week were featured. Joan Giampaoli reports a total of 157 shut-in patrons in our Outreach program. They are served by 21 volunteers, who contributed 142 hours of their time during the month. Sixty five visits were made to patrons, with a total of 453 items circulated. Joan spends about one quarter of her time supervising this activity. Reference Services Reference statistics were down 6% over the same month last year. Due to resignations, the Reference Division continued to be down 1. 5 FTE during the month. On-call staff and regular staff have filled in. Donna presented a budget proposal in both audio and video formats, regarding space planning in the Reference Room. Tours were conducted for two English as a Second Language classes. On `- March 21 , Sandy Gleichmann conducted a tour of a Burlingame High School English as a Second Language class taught by Jean Van Houten. The students were from a variety of countries including: Romania, Peru, Guatemala, France, Iran and Spain. The group was attentive and seemed to enjoy the tour. Michael Hubbell led another group of mostly Spanish-speaking students on a tour later in the month. Donna Smith submitted a report indicating an increase in "shelf checks" requested by other libraries. Many patrons travel from other libraries to Burlingame to pick up a book, rather than wait for interlibrary loan. Statistics have increased 140% for this function since the implementation of Geac in March 1985. Children' s Services Cathy Somerton reports 41 programs done during the month of March: 4 pre-school story hours, 2 special holiday story hours, 1 class visit to the Main Library, 7 class visits to Easton, and 27 programs in the schools. The programs were attended by a total of 803 children. Cathy also continued preparations for the Hands-on Teachers workshop April 9th, which will be repeated May 14 at the Branch. Page 2 PLAN/GEAC Planning is moving forward on the implementation of the Geac 9000 . The crucial components at this time involve the physical requirements and location of the Computer Room at County Central where the main computer and PLAN staff will be located. Costs for the Computer Room are likely to be higher than anticipated, as the room must be completely recreated in another location. This is due to the necessity to work within the existing County facility, as well as to avoid long periods of potential downtime, with work going on in the existing computer room. The new computer room will allow for expansion of the 9000 to 700 terminals in the future. Other issues center on the PLAN budget itself, as well as initial terminal allocation for the 9000. Conversion of the database is continuing under the new Database Manager, Susan Yasar. Another operation to "de-duplicate" records by Library of Congress card number will take place later this Spring. Policy questions are also being determined which will have an ultimate impact on local libraries. For example, all libraries will need to add materials to the database via Marc-tagged records, beginning as early as January 1989. For us this may mean cataloging records, cassettes and videos in Marc-tagged format, which we are not now doing. Books have been done this way for sometime. Although this is an extra technical step for us, it will give greater access to items in the database when we move to an on-line catalog environment. Easton Branch Diane reports that since the recent publicity on the latch key problem in libraries, she has noticed that some of the school children are being picked up more quickly after school. Discussion of a latch key policy is still under review by staff. Diane conducted a third After School program on "Wee Folk, " in honor of St. Patrick' s Leprechauns, which was attended by 22 children. Diane also conducted a preschool story hour at the Main Library in early March for a class of 30 Montessori students. Staff Development Esther Cummings attended a half day Display workshop sponsored by the PLS Community Relations Committee. Brenda Chavez and Al Escoffier attended a forum on the future of the PLS Film Center on March 16. Personnel A combination All-Staff Meeting and Staff Recognition was held on March 16th. Staff were honored for 1 to 20 years of service. A new mug, designed by the City Librarian, was given to those with anniversary dates of hire falling in the months of January, February, March, April. City awards were given for non-use of sick leave as well. Deanna Tomei received her 10 year service pin from the City at the same time. Page 3 A reorganization has been announced by the City Librarian. The Reference Supervisor will report to the City Librarian. The Assistant City Librarian will focus attention on space study, capital outlay requests, collection management, and implementation of the Geac 9000 . The recruitment for Librarian II in Reference has resulted in the establishment of an eligibility list. Selection of the final candidate will take place after in-house interviews. Interviews have already taken place for the part-time Librarian I in Reference. Selection will be made shortly. Interviews are continuing for the vacancy of Library Assistant I in the Children' s Division. 4/13/88 librepta Page 4 CITY OF BURLINGAME ���/ (� � - BUDGET STATUS REPORT 12 MONT Y-T-O Y-T-O CUR MO UNEXPENDED AW DESCRIPTION APPROP, ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCU' LI8R4RY - 750010 LIBRARY SALARIES 5259241 3939930 36-29-2-53---------389494 319677 1629988 75CCll LI9RARY EMPLOYEE 8ENEFITS IG0 ,405 1429803 1429075 15086 728 48030 75C012 LI8RARY OVERTIME __ 500 378 152 0 226 348 ----- - -- ----- _- --750013 L18-k- PARTTIME 291,746 219,56.4 220,046 239201 --- -- 482- 72 ,700 750110 LIBRARY OFFICE EXPEtdSE 109245 79686 59147 924 2 ,539 51098: 750120 LIBRARY SPECIAL OEPTL EXPENSE 171,860 13092 _ 11,301 813 2 ,092 6 ,560 750121 LIBRARY BOOKS E MAPS 1659670 1249254 103,209 13,920 219045 629461 750122 LIBRARY PERIODICALS 199445 149580 189020 21719 3 ,440- 1 ,425 750123 LIBRARY BINOINGS 109725 89046 79028 378 19018 3 ,697 750124 LIBRARY CATALOGING 159655 119745 19575 93 109170 14080 750125 LIBRARY RECOROS E CASSETTES 7,605 59706 59075 1 ,087 - 631 29530- 750120 LIBRARY SMALL TOOLS E EQUIP 300 225 94 _ 0 131 206 750160 LIBRARY COMMUNICATIONS 9, 250 69939 4,564 662 29375 49686 750170 LIBRARY UTILITIES 319000 239257 189551 19798 4 ,696 129449 7501SO LIBRARY MAINT SLOG E GROUNDS 169207 12, 159 8,934 19993 3 ,225 7 ,273 75 2 0 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 19025 765 876 123 111- 149 7502( 1 LIBRARY EQUIP MAINT-AUOIO VIS 19050 792 823 0 31- 227 7502C2 LIBRARY EQUIP MAINT-SEC.SYSTEM _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 750210 LAI WARY. P- OF E SPECIAL SERVICE 49510 393d4 49510 0 19126- 0 750220 LIBRARY OTHER CONTRUCTUAL SERV 399638 29,727 339551 0 3 ,824- 69087 750232 INSURANCE COST ALLOCATION 39696 2 ,772 29772 308 U 924 750240 L18RARY DUES E SUBSCRIPTIONS 72 540 700 40 160- _ 750280 LIBRARY TRAVEL 900 675 562 35 113 338 750251 LIB CONF L MTGS-LIBRARIAN 800 603 279 0 324 521 7502:2 ! I8 CONF E MTGS-STAFF 1 ,600 19197 5 . 2 0 665 1 , 6t�- -- 750260 L18RARY TRAINING 4 SAFETY 29000 1 ,503 690 205 813 1 , 310 750250 LIBRARY OTHER CHARGES 100 72 0 0 72 100 750800--C4P-I TAI --�UTE.AY 18,462 189862 3s4I2 5,450 1 ,4 50 s* �*---TClAL LIBRARY 13b7916 5,5 4 6 ,731 STATISTICS FOR MARCH 1988 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered _,urlingame Adults . 10 , 095 Burlingame Children 1 , 591 Hillsborough Adults 1 ,749 Hillsborough Children 618 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 306 TOTAL: 14 , 359 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main• Branch: Adult Print Materials (books , periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks ) 21 , 153 1 ,719 Children' s Print Materials (books , periodicals, pamphlets , paperbacks) 6 , 493 1 , 222 Audio Visual Materials ( records, cassettes, films , videos , art prints, slides, equipment, talking books ) 1 , 948 4 TOTALS: 29 , 594 2 , 945 Main Total 1988 Circ: 29 , 594 Main Total 1987 Circ: 30 , 670 = 3 . 51% Dec. Branch Tot 1988 Circ: 2 , 945 Branch Tot 1987 Circ: 3 , 178 = 7 . 33% dEC. GrandTotal 1988 Circ: 32, 539 GrandTotal 1987 Circ: 33 , 848 = 3 . 87% Dec . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 6 , 853 I .L.L. Borrowed: 78 I .L.L. Lent: 214 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 7 , 145 I .L.L. Total: 292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS : added withdrawn total VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 139 , 489/104 , 676 277 / 168 446 / 319 139 , 320/104 , 425 Ch.Non-Fic. 18 , 467/ 14 , 883 231 / 119 26 / 1 18 , 672/ 15 , 001 YA Non-Fic. 3 , 336/ 3 , 287 18 / 9 -0- / -0- 3 , 354/ 3 , 296 Ad.Fiction 48 ,770/ 45,008 305 / 201 104 / 6 48 , 971/ 45 , 203 Ch.Fiction 15 , 643/ 10 ,421 266 / 141 3 / -0- 15 , 906/ 10 , 562 YA Fiction 3 , 281/ 2 , 892 9 / 8 -0- / -0- 3 , 290/ 2 , 900 TOTALS: 229 , 041/180 ,829 1 , 106 / 646 579 / 326 229 , 568/181 , 149 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 26 ,897 138 5 26 , 822 Paperbacks 2 ,726 -0- -0- 2 ,726 Maps 1 , 577 -0- -0- 1 , 577 Records 5 , 485 35 20 5 , 500 Cassettes 1 ,738 124 3 11994 Video Tapes 205 5 -0- 201 Films 6 -0- -0- 6 Art Prints 79 -0- -0- 79 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1, 525 . 52 Branch: $ - 195 . 24 User Traffic: 36 , 829 = 1 , 188 daily average Total: $ 1,720 . 76 Total Meetings Held: 46 People in Attendance: 520 Children' s Programs : -0- Children in Attendance: -0- 49o4-sin . 8904-Green ' 4204-white CITY OF BURLINGAME �./f.3.P.4.e11 �,�.srEE �cozivT 1— --- — 2 - -- 3— — 9 --- T— I- -- ---- --- -- - lr3A3g3- /D 377� tp - q p 3 t�,n 6 Lj, a o i I �l a SJ a a 7 8 P z zl i� S L a i I 1- i 1' ! oSC?,ob l 14 5 10 it 361 12 I � 61 3D' I /, 1 o 14 i! I i -7 ! 0 3 j I ! L �I / 116 7 agli I I t G I � O 3 7 °I 17 3 i I it I iy,S. . I a 3 00 18 19 U 120 ji I! fI II I 121 1 2 i+ 22 3 !! 23 j I I 1124 5 u 1'25 6 ; Ij ,2 I j i i !27 �� II si I I'32 i2 13 I 1133 34 s4 1 i� !35 15 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH March 1988 - Outreach Activities 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked A4 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 2 B. Hours contributed 142 3. Shut-in Patrons--Indivuadual Visits A. Number of patrons 34- B. Number of visits made 7-333 "" C. Items circulated 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. visits Attendance Materials circ. A. LaVrar 2 30 B. C. Hacienda 2 p, Burl . Care 2 30___------ E. Marian Convent 2 30 F. S. Totals (3&4) A. Shut-in patrons 157 B. visits made 65 C. Items circulated Comments/ activities: More large-type- books are available for our shut Carewest and Retirement Inn patrons are leased books but want more and more romance. It' s Spring! The wonderful volunteers from the Friends are busy preparing for the Spring Book Sale May 13, 14, and 15.