HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1988.05.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA MAY 17 , 1988 { SUGGESTED ACTION { 1 . CALL TO ORDER { f 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks : $19,020.12 { Special Fund: $ 1,145.04 { { 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL { 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION f a. Proposed Literacy Contract with San Mateo{ Public Library { b. Letter Appointing Trustee Robertson to { the Peninsula Library System Advisory { Board { C . Letters From the Peninsula Community { Foundation Granting Request for Funds { From the Duncan Trust, and Statement of { Income and Expenses - Jan. -March 1988 { d. Planning Info. : Mission Statement; { Summary of Library Roles; Summary of { Survey Responses from Public ; Demographic{ Info. Compiled for Planning Committee { e. Summer Reading Club Materials ( @ meeting) { f . Library Spectacles { g. San Mateo Public Library Book Auction { Flyer { h. Article from Library Trends "The Library { Building Tomorrow" by Richard Waters { { 6 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { f a. Project Read - San Mateo City Librarian { ACTION Nancy Crabbe, and Project Read Director { Maura Okamoto { b. Older Adult Materials Grant - Cummings { f 6 . REPORTS { INFORMATION { a. Planning Committee - Trustee Cannon { b. City Librarian { C. Legislative Day - Trustees Robertson & { Cannon { { 8 . NEW BUSINESS { { None { { 9 . FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 10 . ADJOURNMENT { PMB/jg { 5/11 /RR F BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APRIL 19TH, 1988 CALL TO ORDER• A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees was held on the above date in the California Room of the Burlingame Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 4: 30pm by President Mink. Trustees Present: MINK, CANNON, ROBERTSON & BLEVINS Trustees Absent: BACIGALUPI Staff Present: MRS. JUDY GLADYSZ, LIBRARY SECRETARY MRS. PATRICIA BERGSING, CITY LIBRARIAN MR. ALFRED ESCOFFIER, ASST. CITY LIBRARIAN BILLS• M/S/C (Cannon/Blevins) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $51, 138. 32 and payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $2, 906. 29. MINUTES• Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 15th, 1988 were approved. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: Acknowledgements: a. System Advisory Board Minutes/Notes and Attachments: Mailed in packets. b. City Newsletter - Mailed in packets c. Negative Declaration and Initial Study for Parking Lot "A" - Mailed in packets d. Friends of the Library Newsletter - Mailed in packets e. Legislative Day Announcement and Agenda - Mailed in packets f. Read-In Flyer - Mailed in packets g. California State Library Newsletter - Mailed in packets h. Update on Legislation - Mailed in packets with another update distributed at the meeting. i. Articles on Literacy and Distributing Tax Forms - Mailed in packets j . Library Spectacles for April - Mailed in packets REPORTS: Report from PLS Advisory Board - Trustee Blevins: Trustee Blevins said the notes from the last PLS Advisory Board meeting had been sent in the packets and asked if anyone had any questions. Trustee Blevins said she did not wish to serve a second term on the PLS Advisory Board. She explained it' s a two-year term, consisting of about 6 meetings per year. President Mink said it' s a worthwhile Board and very interesting. Trustee Robertson expressed her interest and the Board concurred that a letter be sent to City Council recommending Shirley Robertson be appointed to the SAB Advisory Board. Discussion followed. `- Planning Committee - Trustee Cannon: Trustee Cannon brought the Board members up-to-date on the progress of the Long Range Planning Process. Page 1 After discussion, the Board M/S/C (Blevins/Cannon) to authorize $1 , 500 from the Trustees Account to cover the additional meetings with the consultant. City Librarian: Parking Structure: Librarian Bergsing shared the new blueprints for the parking structure and President Mink gave an up-to-the- minute progress report on the Council meeting held on April 18th. She said Council voted 5-0 to support the one story parking structure and agreed the architect should proceed. Trustee Robertson asked where the garbage dumpster would be. Librarian Bergsing said she ' s been in touch with the architect and he is working on it. Some discussion followed. President Mink congratulated Librarian Bergsing for obtaining the Grant for Library materials for senior citizens and having the foresight to pursue it. Trustee Robertson said Joan Leach, Children' s Librarian, gave a program to the members of the San Mateo Reading Council which was very well received by teachers and school librarians about adult books for young adults . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Project Read: Tabled to May meeting. Survey Forms Returned: Librarian Bergsing said 102 survey forms had been received to date. NEW BUSINESS: Request to Foundation for Funds from the Duncan Trust: After some brief discussion, there was a motion made by Trustee Blevins , seconded by Trustee Robertson, to send a letter to the Peninsula Community Foundation requesting fund from the Duncan Trust. The motion was passed unanimously. Legislative Day - May 11th: Librarian Bergsing asked which Board members would be attending Legislative Day on May 11th in Sacramento. They said they would have to let her know. Trustee Blevins strongly recommended attending the briefing on May 3rd for whomever shall be attending Legislative Day. Those who were almost positive they would be going were Trustees Cannon and Robertson and Al Escoffier. Librarian Bergsing shared the proposed requests to the Friends of the Library with the Board members . Some discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of April 19th, 1988 was adjourned at 5 : 50pm with the next meeting scheduled for May 17th in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 042188 APRIL Page 2 E I LIBRARIAN' S REPORT May 17 , 1988 E Project Read I San Mateo City Librarian, Nancy Crabbe, and Project Read Director, Maura Okamoto, will be attending your May Board meeting. Attached to this report is a "proposed" contract from San Mateo Public Library to provide Literacy Services for Burlingame residents. We understand the amount of money requested $9 , 817 is negotiable. The City Manager has also received a copy of the contract . As you know, at the moment, there is no money for Literacy in the current Library budget request or in the City Manager ' s budget. Approximately $12 , 000 has been set aside by the Manager to answer requests from outside public agencies for support . To date, eleven agencies have requested funds in the amount of approximately $18 , 000 , not including Project Read. I have not received any further background information from San Mateo regarding the Project, so I think we should just be prepared to ask questions of both Nancy and Maura at the Meeting. I have asked Esther Cummings of our Reference Staff to attend your meeting. She serves as Burlingame ' s Representative on "PENLIT" the P.L. S. Literacy Committee, and she may offer further insight from her perspective. Other Adult Materials Grant Since Esther Cummings will be attending your meeting to hear the discussion regarding Project Read. I have asked her to give you a brief update on the older adult materials grant . Budget 1988-1989 The City budget has been sent to the City Council. There were no changes in the Library Budget from the way it was submitted to the Manager. Council will be reviewing the budget at its June study session on the evening of June 8th. Duncan Trust Attached to this report is a copy of the check in the amount you requested from the Duncan Trust. In addition, we received an income and expense statement on the Duncan property from January through March 1988 . It is gratifying to receive the check so quickly, and also to receive the information on the property without having to request it. System Advisory Board Representative Included in this packet, is a copy of the letter sent to Trustee Robertson confirming her appointment by Council to a two year term on the Peninsula Library System Advisory Board. Congratulations Shirley! ! Page 1 Planning Process Trustee Cannon will provide you with an update on the planning process at your meeting but I thought you might like this additional background information which is enclosed. First and most important: the Mission Statement that the Planning Team developed as a group. Second: The summary rank order of roles of the Library as developed by the different groups. Third: A further breakdown of the public survey responses (which totaled approximately 230+) Fourth: A summary of demographic information compiled by Assistant City Librarian, Alfred Escoffier for the Planning Team. Fifth: An interesting article on "The Library Building Tomorrow. " Legislative Day Trustees Cannon .and Robertson and Assistant Librarian Escoffier and I attended Legislative Day in Sacramento on Wednesday, May 11th. We' ll have a report for your meeting. PLS Planning Meeting - May 23rd Just a reminder that four of the Board have been registered to attend the presentation by Dr. Shirley McCune on May 23rd from 4 :00-5: 30pm in the Board Room at the San Mateo Community College District offices. There will be a number of staff attending as well. Volunteer Coffee The annual "Thank-You" to the volunteers has been scheduled as a coffee at 11 : 00am on June 8th. It will be held on the patio if weather permits. You will receive your invitation soon. Friends Book Sale The Spring Book Sale by the Friends of the Library is scheduled for this weekend, May 13th, 14th and 15th. If you decide to attend, please be sure and introduce yourself. I ' ll let you know the results at your meeting. Awards Luncheon The following library employees will be honored at the City' s Annual Award Luncheon on June 3rd: Marilyn Morrison - 15 years with the City Janet Laurie - 15 years with the City Paul Lechich - 20 years with the City Patti Bergsing - 30 years with the City Reference Services The distribution of tax forms was completed during the month. Esther Cummings reported nearly 30,000 items distributed during the 3 1/2 month period. Approximately 71 . 5 hours of staff time were spent ordering, storing, restocking, and cleaning up the forms. Page 2 On April 7th, Sandy attended the PLS Latin American Services Advisory Committee workshop. The workshop touched on how to best serve the Spanish speaking. Issues covered included registering the Spanish speaking patron, searching GEAC for Spanish Language titles, etc . Burlingame refers any questions which must be answered in Spanish to the Fair Oaks Branch of Redwood City Public Library. Esther attended the PLS Community Relations meeting where plans were finalized for the author programs in celebration of National Library Week. The programs were very successful, with the second one a sell-out. The programs will be repeated next year with different authors and different locations . Brenda attended the PLS Film Committee on April 6 where many new videos were approved for purchase, including Hope and Glory_, Untouchables , Whales of August, Dr. Zhivago. Children' s Services Joan Leach would like to thank the Board of Trustees for their support of the Reading Day activities at the Library. Joan also reports that "Magic Mike" was a hit with children and adults alike at our Saturday Special Program on April 23 . Approximately 65 were in attendance. The Summer Reading Club fliers are ready to go. The Read to Me theme is "Tales of Tails" featuring a blue peacock. The Reading Club is "Travel in Book Country. " Joan also attended an awards presentation for the Bay Area Writers and the mystery writer program sponsored by PLS. Begin with Books Program During April, Cathy Somerton did a total of 21 programs . This included one Teacher Workshop, 2 pre-school storyhours, 2 holiday story times one at the Main and one at Easton, 5 class visits to Easton and 11 programs in the schools. Total attendance was 383 . The "hands-on" Teacher Workshop on April 9th was very popular with those who attended. We discovered after setting the date that it was the end of a week of vacation for most of the schools and this probably limited attendance . The workshop will be repeated at Easton on May 14th. The Spring Story Times in April were the last of the six scheduled "Special Holiday Story Times. " Attendance for these programs varied, and because of the time involved in planning the story times , we do not plan to have monthly story times next year, but rather to concentrate on two of the holidays that seemed to be the most popular-- Halloween and St. Patrick' s Day. Cathy plans a Father ' s Day Program in June. Page 3 PLAN/GEAC The final vote was taken May 4th of the Community College District Board of Trustees to determine whether they will go ahead with the plan to join Peninsula Library System. They voted 4-0 to join. Selected staff met with Susan Yassar, new Database Manager, to determine any uniqueness Burlingame may have in the way we handle records in RLIN, GEAC and other manual files. Easton Branch Educational board games have been very helpful at the Branch in controlling after school noise. Diane was particularly pleased with the public' s positive response to the Planning surveys. Staff Development Hilde attended a workshop on reference resources and skills. It was taught by Kris Ramsdell for AJ Seminars. On April 22, most of the division heads attended the NCTPG workshop on planning at Canada College. The keynote speaker was San Francisco Public Library new director Ken Dowling. He spoke of the strategic planning which has occurred at San Francisco Public Library, and of the plans for a bond issue for a $ 90 million new main library. Personnel Both reference positions have been filled. Maribeth Farcich ( far such) was the successful candidate for the Librarian I , part-time position. She begins May 9th. Maribeth comes to us with experience with the San Jose Public Library and the San Bruno Public Library. She received her MLS from San Jose State University and is a resident of San Carlos. Shuk-Chun Au-Yeung (Sue chen o young) was the successful candidate for the full-time Librarian II position. Shuk-Chun comes to us with extensive experience with the U.S. Information Service in Hong Kong, with 17 years as their library director. Shuk-Chen is currently a reference librarian at Gavilan College in San Jose. She received her MLS from Catholic University and is a resident of San Jose. Michelle MacFarlane joins us in the Children' s Room as Library Assistant I , part-time. Michelle has attended Skyline College and is currently working on her bachelor ' s degree at San Francisco State. She is currently a Library Aide in the Daly City School District. Michelle has an interest in Children' s Literature and has taken courses in the field. Her career goal is to become an elementary school teacher. We are pleased to be back up to full staffing this month. LIBREPTM Page 4 CITY CF BURLINGAME BUDGET STATUS REPORT 12 MONTH Y-T-D Y-T-D CUR MO UNEXPENDED ACC1 CESCRIPTION APPROP. ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMB L I E R A R Y 15C010 LIBRARY SALARIES 5259241 4.37, 700 4009191 379938 37, 509 125050 ? 75C011 LIBRARY EMPLCYEE BENEFITS 1409405 1589670 1579861 159786 809 329544 //'pi 75C012 LIBRARY OVERTIME 500 420 152 0 268 348 7o 75C013 LIBRARY PARTTIME 2929746 2439960 2439298 239251 662 499448 7 75CI10 LIARARY OFFICE EXPENSE 109245 9 ,540 59369 222 39171 49876 w r 75C120 LIBRARY SPECIAL DEPTL EXPENSE 179BoO 14, 880 129193 893 29687 51667 3A 750121 LIBRARY BCOKS C MAPS 1659670 1399060 1259444 229235 129616 409226 94 75C122 LIBRARY PERIODICALS 199445 169200 18,043 23 19843- 19402 7 75C123 LIBRARY 81NCINGS 10, 725 89940 79163 134 1 ,777 39562 3-5 15C124 LIBRAkY CATALOGING 159655 139050 1 ,709 135 119341 13,946 9' 75C125 LIBRARY RECCROS E CASSETTES 79605 61v340 5 ,075 0 19265 2 ,530 33 75C130 LIBRARY SMALL TOOLS E EQUIP 300 250 94 0 156 206 41 75C140 LIBRARY CCMPUNIC.ATIONS 99250 7 , 710 5 , 782 19218 19928 3,468 37 75CI10 LIBRARY UTILITIES 319000 259830 229855 49304 29975 89145 -,'L 7 5 C I S 0 LIBRARY MAINT BLDG L GROUNDS 16 , 207 13 ,510 99226 292 49284 69981 y3 75C2C0 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 19025 850 876 0 26- 149 75C2C1 LIBRARY EQUIP MAINT-AUDIO VIS 19050 880 823 0 57 227 z z- 7 5 C 2 C 2 75C2C2 LI:3RARY ECUIP MAINT-SEC. SYSTEM 0 0 0 0 0 0 75C210 LIBRARY PROF L SPECIAL SERVICE 4, 510 39760 49510 0 750- 0 750220 LIBRARY OTHER CUNTRUCTUAL SERV 399633 339030 399638 69087 69608- 0 7502:2 INSLRANCE CCST ALLOCATION 39696 3 , 080 3,080 308 0 616 i7 750240 LI8RARY DUES L SUBSCRIPTIOVS 725 000 700 0 100- 25 3 75C250 LIBRARY TRAVEL 900 750 562 0 188 338 37 7 5 C 2 5 1 LIS CCNF E MTGS-LIBRARIAN 800 670 279 0 391 521 4r 75C252 LIB CCNF L MTGS-STAFF 19600 1, 330 677 145 653 923 sr 75C210 LI8RARY TRAINING L SAFETY 2, 000 19670 690 0 980 19310 157 75C2SO LIBRARY OTHER CHARGES 100 80 0 0 90 100 400 7 5 C 8 C 0 CAPITAL CUTLAY 18, 662 189862 189862 159450 0 0 * *** ** TOTAL LIBRARY 1387 , 760 11599612 1085, 153 1299422 74,469 3029607 STATISTICS FOR APRIL 1988 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 10 , 095 Burlingame Children 1 , 591 Hillsborough Adults 1 , 749 Hillsborough Children 618 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 306 TOTAL: 14 , 359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals , pamphlets, paperbacks) 20, 766 1 , 656 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets , paperbacks ) 5 , 821 1 , 141 Audio Visual Materials ( records , cassettes , films , videos, art prints, slides , equipment, talking books) 2 , 121 4 TOTALS: 28 , 708 2 , 801 Main Total 1988 Circ : 28 ,708 Main Total 1987 Circ: 28 , 232 = 1 . 69% Inc. Branch Tot 1988 Circ : 2, 801 Branch Tot 1987 Circ: 2 , 611 = 7 . 28% Inc. GrandTotal 1988 Circ: 31 , 509 GrandTotal 1987 Circ: 30 , 843 = 2 . 16% Inc . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 7 , 252 I .L.L. Borrowed: 75 I .L.L. Lent: 166 Grand Total Ref . Activity: 7 , 493 I .L.L. Total: 241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: added withdrawn total VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic . 139 , 320/104 , 425 580 / 463 315 / 215 139 , 585/104 , 673 Ch.Non-Fic. 18 , 672/ 15 , 001 146 / 117 22 / 1 18 , 796/ 15 , 117 YA Non-Fic. 3 , 354/ 3 , 296 13 / 12 -0- / -0- 3 , 367/ 3 , 308 Ad.Fiction 48 , 971/ 45 , 203 255 / 152 2 / -0- 49 , 224/ 45 , 355 Ch.Fiction 15 , 906/ 10 , 562 342 / 232 -0- / -0- 16 , 248/ 10 , 794 YA Fiction 3 , 290/ 2 , 900 25 / 20 -0- / -0- 3 , 315/ 2 , 920 TOTALS: 229 , 568/181,149 1, 361 / 996 339 / 216 230 , 535/182 , 167 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 26 , 822 77 -0- 26 , 899 Paperbacks 2 ,726 -0- -0- 2 , 726 Maps 1 , 577 -0- -0- 1 , 577 Records 5 , 500 -0- -0- 5 , 500 Cassettes 1 ,994 51 -0- 2 , 045 Video Tapes 201 -0- -0- 201 Films 6 -0- -0- 6 Art Prints 79 -0- 1 78 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1 , 849 . 79 Branch: $ 196.35 User Traffic : 37 , 226 = 1 , 283 daily average Total: $ 2,046.1 `' Total Meetings Held: 35 People in Attendance: 396 Children' s Programs : 1 Children in Attendance: 60 MONTHLY REPORT - - MONTH April, 1988 - Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator ` A. Hours worked r.3a. 2. Yolunteers • A. Number of volunteers 21 B. Hours contributed 144 3. Shut-in Patrons--Indivuadual Visits A. Number of patrons 34 B. Number of visits made _ 57 C. Items circulated 333 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. visits Attendance Materials circ. A. LaVrar 2 �— C. Hacienda 2 30 D. Burl. Care �_ n E. Marian Convent 2 _ 30 F. S. Totals (3&4) A. Shut-in patrons 157 B. Visits made 65 C. Items circulated 453 . Comments/ activities: Burlingame Library Outreach is looking for-more volunteers and more patrons. A publicity plan to recruit volunteers is being worked on.