HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1988.06.21 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - ' AGENDA JUNE 21st, 1988 { SUGGESTED ACTION 1 . CALL TO ORDER 2 . ROLL CALL �`�� ` }�rl, �� { 3 . BILLS Ile �\ { APPROVAL City Checks: $59,086.59 Special Fund: $ 527.75 { { 4. MINUTES { APPROVAL { 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { a. Letter from San Mateo City Librarian { Regarding Project Read { b. Letter From President Mink to Council { Regarding Project Read { C. Council Minutes - June 8th, 1988 { d. Priority of Service Statement from the { Planning Team f e. Letter to the Peninsula Community Found. { f. CLA Clarion { g. Flyer for Booth at San Mateo Co. Fair { h. Library Spectacles { 6. INTRODUCTION OF NEW STAFF MEMBERS: { { Shuk-Chun Au-Yeung-Libn.II-Reference Full-time{ Maribeth Farcich -Libn. I- Reference Part-time{ Michelle MacFarlane - Library Asst. I - { Children' s - Part-time { Kathy Naftaly - Library Asst. II-Circ/Tech- { nical Services - Full Time { { 7 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { a. Budget Review - 1988-1989 { INFORMATION { 8 . REPORTS { INFORMATION { a. Planning Committee - Trustee Cannon { b. Meeting with Dr. McCune -Trustees Cannon { and Robertson { C. City Librarian { ' { 9. NEW BUSINESS { { None { { 10 . FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 11 . ADJOURNMENT { PMB/jg { 6/15/88 { 4 AGENDAJ { BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES MAY 17TH, 1988 CALL TO ORDER: A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees was held on the above date in the California Room of the Burlingame Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 4 : 40pm by President Mink. Trustees Present: MINK, CANNON, ROBERTSON, BLEVINS, BACIGALUPI Trustees Absent: NONE Staff Present: MRS. PATRICIA BERGSING, CITY LIBRARIAN MR. ALFRED ESCOFFIER, ASST. CITY LIBRARIAN MRS. JUDY GLADYSZ, LIBRARY SECRETARY MRS. ESTHER CUMMINGS, REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Others Present: NANCY CRABBE, CITY LIBRARIAN, SMPL MAURA OKAMOTO, DIRECTOR, PROJECT READ BILLS• M/S/C (Cannon/Bacigalupi ) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $19, 020 . 12 and payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $1 , 145 . 04 . President Mink welcomed the above mentioned guests . MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 19th, 1988 were approved after the inclusion of "for the purchase of miscellaneous items" under New Business, in reference to the request for Duncan Funds . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: Acknowledgements : a. Proposed Literacy Contract. with San Mateo Public Library: Mailed in packets b. Letter Appointing Trustee Robertson to the Peninsula Library System Advisory Board - Mailed in packets C . Letters From the Peninsula Community Foundation Granting Request for funds from the Duncan Trust, and Statement of Income and Expenses - Jan-March 1988 -Mailed in packets d. Planning Info; Mission Statement; Summary of Library Roles; Summary of Survey Responses from Public; Demographic Information Compiled for Planning Committee - Mailed in packets e. Summer Reading Club Materials - distributed at the Meeting f. Library Spectacles - Mailed in packets g. San Mateo Public Library Book Auction Flyer - Mailed in packets h. Article from Library Trends "The Library Building Tomorrow" , by Richard Waters - Mailed in packets Page 1 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Project Read - San Mateo City Librarian, Nancy Crabbe, and Project Read Director, Maura Okamoto: Mrs. Bergsing gave some background as to the reason Nancy Crabbe and Maura Okamoto were in attendance at the meeting. Ms. Crabbe then explained, to the Board members, the origination and purpose of Project Read. She further described the roles of the staff; i.e. the Project Read Director, the Tutor-Student Coordinator and the clerical employee. She said they have had an Outreach Coordinator to do public relations but the position will not exist after June. Ms. Okamoto added further details of the program, and Ms . Crabbe described the funding of the Project. The Board members had numerous questions regarding the costs , the tutor training, the materials , the number and type of students etc. After further discussion the Board agreed that it is an important and worthwhile program, and it was M/S/C to support the San Mateo Public Library' s request for. $9 , 817 to serve Burlingame residents in the Project Read Literacy Program. President Mink agreed to write a letter to accompany the San Mateo Public Library request for funds and the proposed agreement between the cities of San Mateo and Burlingame. Older Adult Materials Grant - Cummings : Reference Librarian, Esther Cummings, gave a report on the Grant that had recently been received. She explained that the amount is $5 , 000 and is for the purpose of purchasing library materials for older adults . Esther presented a budget to the Board on how the funds will be spent. She also shared book bags, display materials , etc. Some discussion followed. - REPORTS: Planning Committee - Trustee Cannon: Trustee Cannon gave the Board an update on the Long-Range Planning Process, stating there will be one last meeting to be held on May 19th. Trustee Blevins congratulated the Committee on the Mission Statement. City Librarian: Mrs. Bergsing said the City Library Budget was submitted to the City Council by the City Manager with only two minor changes . One was the reduction of costs from PERS to the City, and the other was a request to change the classification of a Library Assistant II to a Library Assistant III in Technical Services. She reminded the Board that there is a meeting at the San Mateo Community College District Offices on Monday, May 23rd. She also said that the Friends Book Sale netted $3 , 100 . Trustee Bacigalupi said to be sure to let him know when the materials for the senior citizens arrive and he will be happy to promote the materials on the radio in order to reach those who can use the service. President Mink congratulated Cathy Somerton once again for the fantastic job she is doing and will write a letter from the Board. The Board wanted the Minutes to reflect how very proud they are to have the people working at the Library who have served the City, collectively for 80 years : Paul Lechich, Marilyn Morrison, Jan Laurie, and Patti Bergsing. Page 2 Legislative Day: Trustee ' s Robertson and Cannon both said they enjoyed Legislative Day very much and found it to be both interesting informative. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of May 17th, 1988 was adjourned at 6 : 25pm with the next meeting scheduled for June 21st in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 051988 MAY Page 3 LIBRARIAN' S REPORT JUNE 21st, 1988 BUDGET 1988-89 At the regular study meeting of the Council on June 8th, the Council informally approved the budget as submitted by the City Manager. Formal approval will take place at the regular Council meeting on June 20th. Mayor Pagliaro requested $500 . 00 for Project Read, but this was not supported by a majority of the Council. He also requested funds for an additional two hours per night at the Branch during the summer months. This did not receive support from the other Council members . I ' ll have a brief report for your meeting. STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS Trustee Cannon will report on progress to date on our planning process. We have developed goals and preliminary objectives. We won' t have a full report until later in the summer. Enclosed is the "Priority of Service" statement developed by the Planning Team. In addition, Trustees Cannon and Robertson may wish to share with you information on the program by Dr. Shirley McCune. REQUESTS FOR FUNDS TO THE FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY At the Board meeting of the Friends on May 19th, all the requests submitted by the Library were approved unanimously. We are very appreciative of their continuing support. VOLUNTEER COFFEE A coffee honoring our Library volunteers was held in the Duncan Patio on June 8th. President Mink very graciously thanked all the volunteers for their service to the Library and presented each of them with a coffee mug with the City seal on it and also a small bronze replica of the seal. There were about 12 of our 25 volunteers in attendance, and Trustees Blevins and Robertson were also present. It was a very pleasant occasion and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves . Joan Giampaoli was in charge of the party, and she was assisted by Esther Cummings . BOND CAMPAIGN Enclosed is the June issue of the CLA legislative update "Clarion. " Among other things it explains about the upcoming campaign to publicize the 75 million dollar bond issue for library construction and renovation on the November ballot. Donations are badly needed. CLA is requesting at least $50 per person. Can you help? REFERENCE SERVICES A telephone answering machine was installed at the Reference Desk, to answer calls at times when the reference staff is too busy to answer the phone. The initial intention is to use it only at "single staffing" times . RLIN, the on-line bibliographic database, is being successfully used at the Reference Desk, as a verification tool for purchase requests and reference queries . In March, it was logged on 20 times ( including training) , in April 8 times , and in May, 11 times . Page 1 On May 31st, Lisa Kernan of Community Information Project came to train our two new staff members on the human services database. On May 5th, Donna attended the Public and High School Libraries Committee of the San Mateo Union High School District. The meeting was held at Aragon High School, the test site for the dial-in access to Geac . Nancy Tucker, the Aragon High School Librarian, gave a demonstration of searching to the group of librarians, teachers and administrators. On May 13 , Michael Hubbell gave a tour to a high school ESL class and on May 20, Brenda gave a tour to a Sixth grade Nueva Learning Center class. Esther gave a tour of the library for the Adult School Basic Reading Class. The 30 minute tour and information on how to locate basic reference sources was followed by a class assignment prepared by the teacher. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Esther Cummings on our Reference staff scheduled a program for June 15th on gardening during the drought. The featured speaker was Rich Quadri, Director of the Park Department. Unfortunately, there were only about 20 people in attendance. Sandy Gleichmann is coordinating plans for two Poetry Readings in our Community Room on Monday evenings , June 13 and 27 , from 7 : 30 PM - 8 : 30 PM. Sandy was contacted by Jim Gove, one of the editors of Poetry Flash, a newspaper poetry review and calendar for the Bay Area, headquartered in Berkeley. The PLS Community Relations Committee is again planning a booth at the San Mateo County Fair this year. A flier is included in your packet if you wish to participate. Participants will be trained again this year and the Lottery theme from previous years will be used. CHILDREN' S SERVICES The Summer Reading Club begins this month with two programs : Travel in Book Country for readers; and the Read Aloud Program for those too young to read. Both programs commence June 27th. BEGIN WITH BOOKS PROGRAM During May, Cathy Somerton did a total of 34 programs: 25 visits to schools, 4 pre-school storyhours, 4 class visits to Easton, 1 class visit to the Main Library. A total of 607 children attended these programs. Cathy' s Fathers Day Program on June 11th, at the Branch, was attended by only 2 children and their fathers. The Monday night , June 13th program, at the Main, was attended by 18 children and fathers. COLLECTIONS De-selection is continuing in the fiction and non-fiction sections at an intensive pace. A Geac-produced list indicates to selectors which books have not circulated since we came on-line. Additionally, we are reviewing items which were either never converted or would be potentially difficult or expensive to convert to the Geac 9000 . Page 2 PLAN/GEAC At their June 7th Board meeting, the PLS Administrative Council discussed options for the computer room at San Mateo County Central. The room needs to be expanded to accommodate the Geac 9000. The Council will also consider other alternatives such as moving the computer to other facilities in the next year or two. An update on the Geac 9000 was held for all staff on May 26th. Vera and Al presented a one hour history and update on the system and its implications for Burlingame and the entire system. Also outlined are the many questions and decisions which will need to be made before the computer is actually operational. Although the date is uncertain, we seem to be looking at the computer being installed and operational for circulation by early 1989 . EASTON BRANCH After meeting with Cathy Somerton, Diane Casey revised the latest draft for the Latchkey Policy. Currently there exist two drafts: 1 ) Guidelines for Staff, and 2 ) a behavior policy. There are circulating for staff reactions and suggestions . Eventually they will come to you for your approval. PERSONNEL AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT We are pleased to welcome Michelle MacFarlane to our Children' s Division. Michelle comes to us with experience in pre-school education and public libraries. Diane Casey attended the Association of Children' s Librarians ' "Folktale Institute. " Donna attended a workshop on Chinese traditional medicine sponsored by the Chinese American Library Association. PMB/jg June Page 3 STATISTICS FOR MAY 1988 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 9, 851 Burlingame Children 1,652 �. Hillsborough Adults 1,662 Hillsborough Children 615 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 310 TOTAL: 14 , 090 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main• Branch• Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 21 ,004 1 , 525 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 5 , 471 985 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 1 ,998 3 TOTALS: 28 , 473 2 , 513 Main Total 1988 Circ: 28, 473 Main Total 1987 Circ: 27 , 887 = 2. 10% Inc. Branch Tot 1988 Circ: 2, 513 Branch Tot 1987 Circ: 2, 539 = 1. 02% Dec. GrandTotal 1988 Circ: 30,986 GrandTotal 1987 Circ: 30, 426 = 1 . 84% Inc. ----------------------------A---------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 7 , 231 I .L.L. Borrowed: 88 I .L.L. Lent: 192 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 7, 511 I .L.L. Total: 280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: added withdrawn total VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 139, 585/104 , 673 676 / 542 687 / 584 139 , 574/104,631 Ch.Non-Fic. 18,796/ 15,117 41 / 17 -0- / -0- 18 , 837/ 15 , 134 YA Non-Fic. 3 , 367/ 3 , 308 17 / 14 -0- / -0- 3 , 384/ 3 , 322 Ad.Fiction 49, 224/ 45, 355 198 / 96 106 / 49 49, 316/ 45 , 402 Ch.Fiction 16,248/ 10 ,794 63 / 16 3 / -0- 16, 308/ 10 , 810 YA Fiction 3 , 315/ 2 , 920 13 / 12 2 / -0- 3 , 326/ 2 , 932 TOTALS: 230, 535/182,167 1,008 / 697 798 / 633 230,745/182 , 231 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 26 , 899 95 5 26 , 989 Paperbacks 2 ,726 -0- -0- 2 ,726 Maps 1 , 577 -0- -0- 1 , 577 Records 5, 500 63 43 5 , 520 Cassettes 2 ,045 99 29 2 , 115 Video Tapes 201 12 -0- 213 Films 6 -0- -0- 6 Art Prints 78 -0- -0- 78 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1 ,627. 22 Branch: $ 223 . 80 �- User Traffic: 36 ,764 = 1,225 daily average Total: $ 1, 851 .02- Total , 851 .02Total Meetings Held: 12 People in Attendance: 270 Children' s Programs: 1 Children in Attendance: 65 ull IIONO Illlll�llllt�:'• 111 9 I�l���an INII�IIE� a IN 1itlss�RS 11111 1 ,.►��11�1���M1�' 0l� 11111 11=111111m illi ll,1lE • M 11111 , • 11 .11 . r 111111 -. 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Volunteer Coordinator i38 A. Hours worked 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 28 i B. Hours contributed 77 ' 3. Shut-in Patrons--Indivuadual Visits A. Number of patrons 34 B. Number of visits made 57 C. Items circulated 333 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. visits Attendance Materials circ. A. LaVrar 2 o C. Hacienda 3 0 D. IARC W AS1rE. Marian Convent 2 F. S. Totals (3&4) A. Shut-in patrons 157 B. Visits made bb C. Items circulated 463 . Comments/ activities: The 'Frierrds of -the Burlingame Library volunteers had a marvelous and very profitable book sale this month for the benefit of the Library. Many thanks are due these dedicated Friends.