HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1988.08.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA AUGUST 17, 1988 { SUGGESTED ACTION { 1 . CALL TO ORDER { { 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks: $28,754.95 { Special Fund: $ 1,092.70 { { 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL { 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { a. Spectacles { { { { { { { f { { 6 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { { { 8 . REPORTS { INFORMATION f a. City Librarian { { 9. NEW BUSINESS { { { { 10 . FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 11 . ADJOURNMENT { { { f { { { f f PMB/Jg f 3/10/88 { —,AGENDAA { a BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JULY 19TH, 1988 CALL TO ORDER: A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees was held on the above date in the California Room of the Burlingame Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 4 : 30pm by President Mink. Trustees Present: MINK, BLEVINS, BACIGALUPI Trustees Absent: CANNON, ROBERTSON Staff Present: MRS. PATRICIA BERGSING, CITY LIBRARIAN MR. ALFRED ESCOFFIER, ASST. CITY LIBRARIAN MRS. JUDY GLADYSZ, LIBRARY SECRETARY BILLS: M/S/C (Blevins/Bacigalupi ) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $13 , 178 . 93 plus $24 , 235 . 89 from the new fiscal year budget and payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $619 . 41 . MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 21st, 1988 were approved as written and ordered filed. . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: Acknowledgements : a. City Newsletter - Mailed in packets b. State Reimbursements for Serving Non-Resisdents - Mailed in packets c. Letter to Hillsborough Regarding Library Services - Mailed in packets d. Survey Results on Distribution of Tax Forms - Mailed in packets e. Letter to New Parents From the "Begin With Books Program Coordinator - Mailed in Packets f. Trustee Attendance Record January to June 88 - Mailed in packets UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None REPORTS: City Librarian: Board Interviews : President Mink said City Council gave her a brief interview and reappointed her to the Board for another term. NEW BUSINESS• Election of Officers: Trustee Blevins nominated Trustee Cannon for the office of President and she nominated Trustee Bacigalupi for the office of Secretary. The nomination was seconded by President Mink and carried unanimously. President Mink and Trustee Blevins congratulated the new officers. Page 1 ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of July 19th, 1988 was adjourned at 4 : 55pm with the next meeting scheduled for August 16th in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 072288 JUNE Page 2 LIBRARIAN' S REPORT August 1988 ,,.ograms and Services The Library featured several poetry readings during the month, attracting about 20 persons each. Guest poets appearing in June and July include Fritz Hamilton, Steve Abbott, Richard Silberg and Jim Gove . Readings in August and September will feature Joyce Jenkins, David Highsmith, and Michael Kulross . An open reading period follows each guest poet ' s reading when the members of the audience are welcome to read from their own works . Esther Cummings visited the Our Lady of Angels Senior Social Club luncheon and talked about the Burlingame Library' s collection and services . The group would like to see the branch open on weekday mornings ! They meet one block from the Branch. There were 40 seniors in attendance . Publicity has gone out to all the PLS Reference divisions and the local newspapers featuring our foreign language collection. Notice will be sent out to other interested agencies, ESL teachers, etc. in the days ahead. A complete list of all titles arranged by language was sent along with the publicity notice and is on file at our Reference Desk as well. In August, members of the staff will participate in the Peninsula Library System booth at the San Mateo County Fair. Children' s Services The summer reading programs were our primary focus during July. 255 r ' ldren (Main/Branch) have taken part in the club. 75 pre-schoolers are in -L,_ Read-to-Me. The pre-school story hour and the bedtime programs are averaging 20 children per program. The Summer Reading Club party will be held on Monday, August 22 at 2 P.M. in the Community Room. The Magical Moonshine Theater will present a puppet show. The theme is animal tales . The Read-to-Me Party will be on Friday, August 26 at 1 p.m. in the Community Room. Pam Wade is going to present a shadow puppet program. Fifteen children from Creative Learning Pre-School visited the library. They were entertained with a program on mice and received a bookmark with titles about mice on it. An informal group of teachers , school librarians , a bookseller and Joan- Leach have been meeting in the California Room on Tuesday nights . The purpose of the group is to heighten our awareness of children' s books and for us to be aware of what is going on in the schools with regard to the core literature program. We are planning on showing the Jim Trelease film "Read Aloud" at some of the schools and here at the library. Joan Leach attended the San Francisco Public Library' s birthday party for M.F.K. Fisher. Page 1 GEAC The Geac 9000 implementation schedule remains on track, with the c-mputer hardware expected to arrive at PLAN in October. A number of task ce groups are meeting to make decisions concerning bibliographic formats; subject access to the on-line catalog; item descriptors which will allow us to pull statistical information out of the on-line system; and the reference use of the system. A telecommunications consultant has been hired by PLAN to assist with the very complex issues of communications planning. In addition, special software is being run which will analyze the system transactions in our current file to develop a scenario for conversion to MARC records . A new type of terminal will soon be available for the Geac system, as they are no longer manufacturing their own terminals. Any new terminals ordered for libraries will be of the new type (Wyse) . IBM PC' s may also be used, but with some limitations. Al Escoffier has been elected Vice-Chair of the Automated Planning Group for 1988/89 . Reference Division Members of the division are currently evaluating microform reader/printers. They are considering the Minolta and the Canon machines, and have visited the San Mateo Library and appropriate vendors . Esther attended a PLS Literacy meeting on July 5th and the PLS Community Relations Committee on July 12 . Donna attended a PLS Reference meeting on J­1y 26. Brenda and Shuk-Chun attended a Bay Area Video Librarians meeting Friday, July 29. Representatives from Oakland, San Francisco, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, etc. attended. Patti Bergsing conducted a tour of the Library for a group of 10 Japanese exchange students . It was an interesting experience since the group spoke only very limited English. Collection Management Our annual collection management meeting of materials selectors was held this month. The materials budget was outlined and discussed. Patti presented the components of the revised mission statement and outlined one of the primary goals of the library as collection management. A review of sections weeded was distributed. Collection analysis data was also distributed. Geac now allows us to extract data to analyze the circulation of each section of the collection. We may then compare it with the amount of money spent on each section and determine where our dollars should best be spent. We will shortly have an analysis of the circulation for the fiscal year 1987/88, by section, available for review. - x Page 2 Exhibits and Displays July exhibits featured a Talking Books Program display, and the new foll' , gn language paperback collection. Pat Wipf ' s dramatic pastels were on display in the Reference and Browsing Rooms. Easton Branch We had 12 older chairs from storage refinished for the Branch Library. These smaller chairs make it easier to rearrange the Branch space for storyhours and other special activities. Branch Librarian Diane Casey has taken over the preschool storyhours in Cathy Somerton' s absence. The six sessions of Bedtime storyhours totalled 123 children in attendance (plus 97 adults) . The three Preschool storyhour sessions totalled 63 children. Personnel We have six summer help students, in the Peninsula Community Foundation grant program. The eight week program ends on August 19th. kugust 3/10 /88 Page 3 STATISTICS FOR JULY 1988 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 14 , 665 Burlingame Children 2, 287 Hillsborough Adults 2 , 561 Hillsborough Children 872 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 377 TOTAL: 20 ,762 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks ) 19,018 1 , 612 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 5 , 800 1 , 496 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films, videos , art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 2 , 449 6 TOTALS: 27 , 267 3 , 114 Main Total 1988 Circ: 27 , 267 Main Total 1987 Circ: 27 , 349 = . 30% Dec. Branch Tot 1988 Circ: 3 ,114 Branch Tot 1987 Circ: 3 , 579 = 12 . 99% Dec. GrandTotal 1988 Circ: 30 , 381 GrandTotal 1987 Circ: 30 , 928 = 1 . 77% Dec. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: _ Total Reference Questions: 5,771 I .L.L. Borrowed: 101 I .L.L. Lent: 180 Grand Total Ref . Activity: 6,052 I .L.L. Total: 281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: added withdrawn total VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 139, 258/104,327 596 / 447 829 / 702 139 , 025/104 , 072 Ch.Non-Fic. 18 , 879/ 15, 166 79 / 41 1 / 1 18 , 957/ 15 , 206 YA Non-Fic. 3 , 408/ 3 , 336 10 / 8 -0- / -0- 3 , 418/ 3 , 344 Ad.Fiction 49, 270/ 45 , 314 132 / 72 286 / 230 49, 116/ 45 , 156 Ch.Fiction 16, 407/ 10 , 848 124 / 47 1 / -0- 16 ,530/ 10 , 895 YA Fiction 3 , 353/ 2 , 952 11 / 3 -0- / -0- 3 ,364/ 2 , 955 TOTALS: 230, 575/182 , 943 952 / 618 1 , 117 / 933 230 , 410/181 , 628 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 27 , 161 135 6 27 , 290 Paperbacks 2 ,726 -0- -0- 2 ,726 Maps 1 , 577 -0- -0- 1 , 577 Records 5 , 527 34 -0- 5 , 561 Cassettes 2 , 244 34 -0- 2, 278 Video Tapes 213 23 -0- 236 Films 6 -0- -0- 6 Art Prints 78 -0- 2 76 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1 , 161 . 97 Branch: $ 126.10 -� User Traffic: 32 ,722 = 1 , 128 daily average Total: _$- 1,2$0 Total Meetings Held: 10 People in Attendance: 236 Children' s Programs : -0- Children in Attendance: -0- r w • CITY nF ,iW9LIPIG%ME 91)0tiET STATUS REPORT 6-30-88 25 • 12 MONTH Y-T-n Y-T-n Clfo N9 UN°X?ENOEO UNFfir: i • VrC.T IAF. SC4IPTION APP4()P, ESTIMATE= ACTUAL_ ACTUAL. VARIANCE RALANCF EACtJMBEPFO Bi I.a"10E BTL • LIBRARY • 75)11,) L I RR AkY 511,AR I FS 5259241 525,241 4v4,830 40,796 37,411 30,4l l 0 301411 6 750-)1I LI13r A7 MPLOY;:F 13ENEFITS 190,405 15 0 0,405 176, 02 189141 14,403 14,403 0 14,403 8 • 75))12 LI RFAPY 0VE'TIMF 500 500 152 0 348 348 0 349 70 • 750)13 LIRRARY PbR.TTI'1r 292,746 292,746 301,488 339914 8,742- 89742- 0 8,742- 79.711L) 1.1R�AFY ')FFTC-- FXPFNSE 109245 10,245 10,22.4 49492 21 21 ) 21 0 • 75)12 ) LIBrA;Y SPECIAL DEPTL EXPENSE 17,860 17,860 17,576 912 284 284 0 284 2 • 750121 LIRRARY B1-KS 6 YAPS 165,670 165,670 169,923 33,867 3,253- 3,253- 0 3,253- 750122 LIBPAOY PERTIIOTCALS 19,445 19,445 19069 638 76 76 0 76 0 • 75)12.3 LIRQA:Y RIND IPIGS 10,725 10,72.5 9,860 7,550 865 865 0 865 8 . 750174 f_IAz ,RY T'AT"L')GING 15,655 15,655 151561 11,733 94 94 0 94 1 Ici)125 LIfi=.ArY ^`C'JPUS G CASSETTES 7,605 7,605 796)5 2916+) 0 0 0 ) 0 s 75-)13-) LI Ilk AQY SMALL TCCLS E EQUIP 300 300 V)n 2C6 0 0 O 0 0 • 750160 !TRRAkY C1M'11)"II CAT IONS 9,250 9,250 9,27+9 2003 q81 991 0 981 I1 750111 LIRrA7Y UT TLITIFS 31000 31,000 30,751 5,521 249 249 ) 249 1 I�)1 ;l LIR^'•ov '1AINT RLCG E GP9UNOS 16,207 16,207 17,04 8 4,581 841- 841- 0 841- * • l 19i AkY ':Ql)IP'trPlT MAINTFND'ICr- 11025 1 02 1,t125 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 )I1)l LIVARY F')11IP MAMT-AIMIO VIS 19050 1,(150 1,135 0 85- 85- ) 85- 75,)202 LIUPARY EQUIP MAINT-SEC.SYSTEM 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 • 750211 LIRRARY PR'1r 6 SP7CI0kL S=RVICF 4,510 4010 4,510 0 0 0 0 0 0 75027,,) LIBQAVY OTHFP CONTR.UCTUAL Sr-QV 19,639 39,638 39,638 0 0 0 15021) I'ISt)PANCC- CAST ALLOCATION 3,696 3,696 3,696 616 0 0 0 0 0 • 75-)24,) LIBRARY r)H7S F. SURSCRIPTIn')S 725 725 710 5 15 LS 0 15 2 75025) 1.111=.%PY T..^AV"L 910 900 947 154 53 53 53 6 75.)2_5I LTB rllNF 6 :1TGS-L IBQARI AN F11) 80'0 383 0 417 417 0 417 52 S 750252 LIR COIF F "TCS-STAFF 19600 19600 452 0 748 748 0 749 47 7402!+0 LIBrAoY T�)ATNING 6 SAFETY 2,000 2,000 2,017 1,043 17- 17- ) 17- 7512 v3 LTBR,')Y 'THE-' CHAFGES 1111) Lltl 66 56 34 34 0 34 34 • 750800 C 1P I TAL 11)TLAY 189862 19,862 18,P62. 0 0 0 0 1 0 • ****=* TOTAL LIBRARY 1387,760 13879760 13F1,699 1651686 369061 35,061 0 36,061 3 • s � s i • ;I � i i . ; ; IINII�11(1�t�3�11[l•, ,:1'�l�Nlr IN11�111ese®11l1J �JNI�I�lSS�lS 11111 low 'r®1IIIrnIIME �'���� ;- INI I�II1111mm1 !IIlL',NEI 1� kLu 111111 i 1 111111 -. 11l111��111e�!!�� -_. . INII� er��lluee�le��ee . 1 Mile •: 11110 INII�111101mlem HER 1111MINM0 1IN11ma,111 IN . 11111�11�lel�l 1�1�lllel NII NII11 11011��ee� IINII1111111101. .. 11 meR911411M� Inll11111101M-, 111! MR1111- INIIW111111 111MR111111 1111 11 111�ilNlli loll Nil 11111111111 11i 111111 111111IIN11Ni111111M111III IINII�IINII�1 NII�111111 . INII�IINII®1 111111/111 IIIIII�IINII�111111�111111 t In11m11111®In11m111111 Iul �1 11 111111111111 INI �1 11 INII�111111 IINII�IINII®111111®111111 11110 INII�IINII®IINII®111111 11111®111111�111111�111111 _ 1 X11 1 1 111 11111 MONTHLY REPORT �-- MONTH July 1988 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 38 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 17 B. Hours contributed 120 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 31 B. Number of visits made 53 C. Items circulated 258 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 2 42 B. Edelweiss 2 12 C. D. E. i 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 31 53; B. Visits made — C. Items circulated 258 Comments/Activities 1i Jana Pratt, SMCO Outreach Librarian, has resigned to take I a position at the Library in Anaheim. We will not only miss her but her services to Easter Seal and Care West have had to be suspended, temporarily we hope.