HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1988.11.22 Bruning-on'ie, Public Libr%ar .r Bo;a.rd of Trustees- Agenda Nbvet,llber 22nd, 1. -088 supqqvqi o%_ctlon 1. CALL TO ORDER pnLL CALL 5!LLS A p p P,01 y44L �itu, Checks: $78,049.96 Spec!41 Fund: $ 3,059.67 4 MINUTES A p OR 0 ViA S. C"ORREGPONDENCE AND COrl.M U N 1 C "71,0 G N FOR IMIAT 1.ON n. r-lovernmW in Burliq garne (for rno-nuals') b. Memo to Cou n ci I an Lc n g-Ra n q e P1 on Libre Epeciecl pr. 01a y c b pr R E P OIPT G I N,FOR 111W_I rIN j o Dr. - Ci t g L i;� nri cn 7' PIN r I ftl I�Wr-M K Hit! I N r 3. NEW BIJIGIIINEGG 9. F R 0 M THE IF L 0 0 R =L DL 1 L-_ C[j-I I H E N 71 3 0 UR N ME NT 0. AlL c; Tout- the new Red-veDod rl_41tg Public Library I I", 15/35 agendan BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY '# BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES OCTOBER 181 1988 CALL TO ORDER• A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees was held on the above date in the California Room of the Burlingame Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 4 : 30pm by President Cannon. Trustees Present: CANNON, ROBERTSON, BLEVINS, MINK Trustees Absent: BACIGALUPI Staff Present: MRS. PATRICIA BERGSING, CITY LIBRARIAN MR. ALFRED H. ESCOFFIER, ASST. CITY LIBRARIAN BILLS• M/S/C (Blevins/Mink) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $ 23 , 028 . 88 . MINUTES: Minutes of the regular Meeting of September 20, 1988 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: a. City Newsletter - Mailed in packet b. Library Spectacles - Mailed in packet C. Letter from Mrs. Svanevick' s class at Washington School thanking Mrs. Leach for a recent school visit. REPORTS• The City Librarian reviewed her report. She also noted the bookmarks which are now available supporting the passage of the library proposition ( #85 ) on the upcoming ballot. The fundraiser for this ballot proposition, held at the home of San Mateo Library Trustee Jane Tepperman, raised some $ 2, 000. 00 for the fund. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The recently completed Library Long Range Plan, 1988-1993 was reviewed by the Chair. Trustee Cannon acknowledged the leadership which the City Librarian exhibited in keeping the planning process going. She further complimented the members of the planning team: Donna Ridley Smith, Vera Warrick, Joan Riordan Leach, Al Escoffier. y The Board members were impressed with the document. Trustee Mink suggested that the Mission Statement be posted prominently in the Library. Several corrections were suggested and will be made. Trustee Mink emphasized the importance of understanding that children' s services are covered by all of the objectives, not simply the "Pre- schooler' s Door to Learning. " All ages of users in the community are considered to be included in the goals for popular materials, reference, and life long learning. Page 1 Trustee Cannon invited further comments from the Board in the coming months . Librarian Bergsing noted that the planning process will be reviewed once again in January by the Planning Team. The January session will focus on future planning activities and getting those activities into the city budget cycle as needed. Trustee Mink noted that some items such as space planning would have significant budget impact. Librarian Bergsing noted that the planning for any expansion should coincide with the availability of the Duncan property in 1995. It was suggested that a space planner be hired next budget year to assist staff in planning. M/S/C (Blevins/Robertson) to enthusiastically and unanimously endorse the library Long Range Plan, 1988-93 . The consensus of the Board was to have the entire planning document forwarded to the City Council and urge their adoption of it. N. NEW BUSINESS: a. Tour of the Redwood City Library. The next Board meeting will be Tuesday, November 22, 1988 , 3 : 45 PM. (Note change in regular meeting date. ) After a brief business meeting the Board will adjourn to tour the new Redwood City Public Library. Library Director Jane Light will offer a tour of the facility. b. Request for Funds for Volunteer and Staff Recognition. M/S/C (Mink/Blevins) to approved funds for the Volunteer and Staff Recognition programs from the Trustees Fund. FROM THE FLOOR: None ADJOURNMENT• The meeting was adjourned at 5 : 41 PM. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, November 22 , 3 :45 PM in the Library California Room. The local newspapers will be notified of the change in date and time. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/ 10/19/88 October AHE S Page 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT November 1988 Library Long Range Plan The Library Long Range Plan was presented to the City Council at its November 7th meeting and it was unanimously approved. The City Manager and the City Planner had a number of helpful suggestions that we will incorporate into the revision and update of the plan that the Planning Committee will begin working on in January. California Library Association Conference Trustee Robertson and a number of staff attended all or part of the C.L.A. Conference in Fresno from November 12th through the 16th. Because of the brief amount of time for your November meeting, we will have reports on the conference at your December meeting. Tour of the Redwood City Library Your November Board meeting is scheduled to begin here at 4 : OOpm on Tuesday, November 22nd. I hope after you approve the bills, we can rather quickly motor down to Redwood City Library. The Library Director, Jan Light is expecting us at 4 : 30pm for about a 45 minute tour. Staff Christmas Party Very tentatively the Library Christmas party has been scheduled at the Recreation Center on Sunday evening, December 11th, from 6: 30 to 9: 30. You and your spouses are all invited. I should have more definite information by the date of your meeting. Programs and Services The ninth annual family holiday program will be held Saturday, December 17th, at 11: OOam, and will feature the "Magical Moonshine Theatre. " Sandy Gleichmann continues to feature Poetry Readings on Friday evenings. The readings of October 14th and 21st showed slightly fewer attendees at 14 and 10 respectively. A special holiday Open Reading will be held December 16th and the public will be invited for refreshments, music, and of course, poetry! The featured poets in November were James Patrick Donohoe, on November 4th and an Irish poet on November 18th. Local resident and Library Friend, Jane Dunbar, is writing a history of the Burlingame Library. She has been researching our library history collection to trace the 75-plus years of library service in Burlingame. Works of the artists of the Peninsula Art Association were featured during the month, along with displays on stenciling, stamp collecting and National Apple Month. Page 1 Children' s Services The October Children' s program featured the puppets of Pam Wade. The young audience numbered approximately 30. Cathy Somerton returned to her Children' s Services duties on November 7th. She will continue with the Begin with Books program and assist with other aspects of children' s work. Jackie Speier, local California Assemblywoman and a "new mom, " received a Baby Bag from our program shortly after the birth of her son Jackson. She was so thrilled, she contacted the children' s librarians in the county to encourage them to deliver such bags to all new parents in the district! And it all started in Burlingame! Joan Leach is in the process of weeding the young adult collection. Fifteen students from St. Paul' s Nursery School walked to the library for a story hour. GEAC The set up of hardware for the Geac 9000 is progressing at PLAN headquarters. The simultaneous use of both the 8000 and the 9000 is currently in test. The multi-step implementation plan is underway. We have experienced short periods of downtime as the implementation progresses. We can expect some further downtime during the holidays, as the 9000 software is tested. In the meantime, our "PC Back-up" which stores transactions on floppy disk for later transmission via the system, is working well, and an excellent alternative to writing out each transaction! Reference Division On October 19th, Joan Leach gave Reference staff a training session in young adult literature, in an effort to better serve that segment of our patrons in a reader' s advisory capacity. Esther Cummings attended a PLS Community Relations meeting at the Redwood City Library on October 11th. Plans were firmed up for the Author' s Fair to celebrate National Library Week in April. Letters were sent in October inviting authors to participate. Donna Ridley Smith attended a meeting of the San Mateo Union High School District group ( teachers, school and public librarians ) at Capuchino on October 27th. Donna reports that it was a productive meeting at which "assignment alerts, " reference interview strategies, and what students can expect from the public library reference desk were discussed. Michael Hubbell gave a couple of Datatimes database training sessions to assist in better awareness of the capabilities of the database. Page 2 Easton Branch Diane Casey has submitted her resignation as Branch Librarian effective November 22nd. She will be a children' s librarian at the South San Francisco Library. In the interim, we will be filling in the schedule with staff from the Main Library. Diane' s children' s programs reached a total of 214 children during the month. The Pre-School storyhours on October 4th and 24th totalled 40. The Montessori Pre-School on October 4th and 25th totalled 48 . Over 100 children were reached with school visits to Our Lady of Angels School. Staff Development Joan Leach attended two authors functions. One sponsored by the Northern California Booksellers featuring Rosemary Wells, Susan Jefferies and Gary Paulsen. Joan also heard Rita Mae Brown speak at the Clift Hotel' s Literary Luncheon. Personnel We gave a page test on Thursday, November 10 . We have at least three openings for student or senior assistants. We are currently studying how we will staff the Branch now that Diane is leaving us. We will be recruiting for new staff shortly. LIBREPT11 PMB/Jg 11/10/88 Page 3 STATISTICS FOR OCTOBER 1988 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 15 , 114 Burlingame Children 2 , 382 Hillsborough Adults 2 , 608 Hillsborough Children 892 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 390 TOTAL: 21 , 386 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 19 , 213 1 , 550 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 6 , 198 1 ,476 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films , videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 1,969 4 TOTALS: 27 , 380 3 , 030 Main Total 1988 Circ: 27, 380 Main Total 1987 Circ: 26 , 190 = 4. 54% Inc. Branch Tot 1988 Circ: 3 ,030 Branch Tot 1987 Circ: 2 , 808 = 7 . 91% Inc. GrandTotal 1988 Circ: 30,410 GrandTotal 1987 Circ: 28 , 998 = 4 . 87% Inc. --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 6,811 I .L.L. Borrowed: 63 I .L.L. Lent: 179 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 7 , 053 I.L.L. Total: 242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: added withdrawn total VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic.138,871/104, 094 308 / 240 583 / 515 138, 596/103 ,819 Ch.Non-Fic. 18,176/ 14,814 105 / 95 -0- / -0- 18 ,281/ 14 , 909 YA Non-Fic. 3 ,308/ 3 , 262 4 / 3 -0- / -0- 3 , 312/ 3 ,265 Ad.Fiction 47,737/ 43 ,794 189 / 135 899 / 787 47 , 027/ 43 ,142 Ch.Fiction 15,292/ 10,335 139 / 93 -0- / -0- 15, 431/ 10 ,428 YA Fiction 3, 196/ 2, 838 15 / 10 -0- / -0- 3 , 211/ 2 , 848 TOTALS: 226, 310/179,150 760 / 576 1,482, /1, 302 225 , 588/i78 , 424 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 27,579 64 68 27 , 575 Paperbacks 2,726 -0- -0- 2 ,726 Maps 1 ,595 4 -0- 1 , 599 Records 5 , 562 1 -0- 5 ,563 Cassettes 2 ,343 8 3 2 , 348 Video Tapes 256 18 -0- 274 Films 6 -0- -0- 6 Art Prints 74 -0- -0- 74 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1,648. 94 Branch: $ 118 . 00 User Traffic: 30,210 = 1 ,007 daily average Total: $ 1,766 . 94 Total Meetings Held: 7 People in Attendance: 121 Children' s Programs: 1 Children in Attendance: 30 3904-Bu" 8904-Green 1`04-WA1e CITY OF 13URLINGAME -- -- - -- ---- -- 3/-3j3- 3/-7713io 2 SIR T- l " i �; _ I 4 F i 8� 5 0 I t-4 6 L _ I !1 -3 I I al o 33 ol AIS 1 5�s'' t L a' I 1 b/ 9 o 1 12 13 a ! 3D' ! ! / 1. D$ ' o la _6 1. -3 I �� .�,y� (, �c, , '16 8 31 -71 36, if I. o , ryl 4 a 21 — '2i�Ln- '3 ---— ----- —---- i OUB f 'S --- 25 !6 I ( 26 ?7 ! I 27 ?8 1 28 29 i l I 31 32 32 13 I i I i 33 34 A � ——-- -- — - i ' I 35 33 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH October 1988 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 36 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 30 B. Hours contributed 175 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 8 B. Number of visits made 21 C. Items circulated 102 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 3 66 B. Edelweiss 3 15 C. Easter Seal 1 50 D. Marian Convent 1 12 E. Carewest 1 40 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 158 B. Visits made 2F— C. Items circulated 280 Comments/Activities Burlingame Library has resiopi delivery to Faetor Seai and CareWest. The Friends of the Burlingame Library held their very successful Book Sale this month and we have two new Outreach patrons.