HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1988.12.20 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA - DECEMBER 20, 1988 { SUGGESTED ACTION CALL TO ORDER { 2. ROLL CALL 3. BILLS { APPROVAL 1 City Checks: $21 ,222.51 { Special Fund: $ 653.30 { `� { 4. MINUTES { 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { A. Libnahy Spec tactu - Decembers { t'� REF•,,, { 6. REPORTS { A. City Libtahi.an { INFORMATION B.• Cati6omia Libnahy A66ociation Conti. { INFORMATION Tnu6-tee RobeAt6 on { { UNFINISHED BUSINESS { A. Tours o6 Redwood City Libnahy - Commen-t6{ INFORMATION 64om the Tnu.6tee6 { 8. NEW BUSINESS { A. CALTAC W onh6hop - JanuaAy { INFORMATION B. New Yeah'6 Re6ofu-tion6 { INFORMATION >• . 9. FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC ,COMMENTS 10. ADJOURNMENT { { { { { { { { { { PMB/:jg { ,�{ BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES NOVEMBER 22 , 1988 CALL TO ORDER: A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees was held on the above date in the California Room of the Burlingame Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 4 : OOpm by President Cannon. Trustees Present: CANNON, BLEVINS, MINK & BACIGALUPI Trustees Absent: ROBERTSON ( attended the tour only) Staff Present: MRS. PATRICIA BERGSING, CITY LIBRARIAN MR. ALFRED H. ESCOFFIER, ASST. CITY LIBRARIAN MRS. JUDY GLADYSZ , SECRETARY BILLS: M/S/C (Mink/Blevins) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $ 78 , 049 . 96 and Special Fund checks in the amount $3 , 059 . 67 . MINUTES: Minutes of the regular Meeting of October 18th, 1988 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: a. Government in Burlingame for manuals - Mailed in packet b. Memo to City Council on Long-Range Plan - Mailed in packet C. November Library Spectacles - Distributed at meeting REPORTS• City Librarian: Trustee Blevins inquired about new Branch Supervisor to replace Diane Casey. Mrs . Bergsing said today was Diane ' s last day and the staff held a luncheon for her held at the Garden Cafe. She explained that Mr. Escoffier would be recruiting for a replacement, however, current staff will cover the position until at least January. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None FROM THE FLOOR: None ADJOURNMENT• The meeting was adjourned at 4 : 12pm to tour the new facility of the Redwood City Public Library. The next meeting is to be held on December 20th, 1988 at 4 : 30pm. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/ 11/28/88 JAG November Page 1 LIBRARIAN' S REPORT DECEMBER 1988 Tour of Redwood City Library I hope you found the tour of the new Redwood City Library interesting and informative. It' s exciting to see what they've done with an old fire station and a new building. We envy them all their space. There' s time on your Agenda if you want to discuss any of the things you saw or heard on the tour. CALTAC Workshop You should have received the preliminary announcement regarding the Trustee workshops this winter and spring. The one closest to us will be held in Pleasanton on Saturday, January 28th. I believe this will be the final series on planning based on the P.L.A. Planning and Role Setting for Public Libraries. This one will concentrate on evaluating library services. In view of our own planning process, I hope some of you may be able to attend. I think it may be useful. In addition, the Pleasanton Public Library is brand new and we hear it is supposed to be beautiful. It is one of the new libraries in the area that I hoped we might have an opportunity to visit. New Year ' s Resolutions 1989 Attached to this report for your information, are copies of the City Manager ' s Resolutions for 1989 , the City' s 1988 Year in Review, the Manager ' s ,,..,forecast for some items in 1989 , and the Library' s resolutions for this past year. The Library Supervisors are currently working on their resolutions for next year. Do you have any items you wish me to add? CLA Conference in Fresno Included in this packet are several brief written reports from the staff who attended the conference. Trustee Robertson may wish to share her reactions with you at the meeting. In general the consensus of the staff seemed to be that they were not particularly impressed with the quality of the meetings or with Fresno. Attendees at the conference were: Trustee Robertson, Patti Bergsing, Al Escoffier, Donna Smith, Esther Cummings , Shuk- Chun Au-Yeung and Joan Leach. Programs and Services The ninth annual family holiday program, will be held on Saturday, December 17th, featuring the Magical Moonshine Theatre. Poetry readings are continuing two Friday evenings per month. Open reading will be held in December and January. Guest poets will again be featured beginning in February. . Tours during the month included the students of Larry Krusemark' s 7th and 8th grades from True Learning Center. The students got library cards and followed up the tour with a pre-assigned homework assignment on library usage. , Page 1 In addition, 90 students from Our Lady of Angels school came in during the two weeks prior to Thanksgiving. Their teacher had taught a library unit min the classroom, and the students were following up on that experience. The experience was a positive one for all and we hope to gain even greater cooperation from these same students when they reach high school age ! Works of the artists of the Peninsula Art Association were featured during the month, along with displays on Thanksgiving cooking; Jewish Book Month; books on back pain (with a skeleton) and the Senior materials grant. Children' s Services Cathy Somerton has returned to the Begin with Books program. She did seven programs during the month, reaching some 177 children. A new "new parent" letter was prepared to be sent out in January to parents of 2 year olds. In addition, a packet has been prepared to follow up on the Baby Book Bags and the One Year Old gift. A new Parent Collection of paperback books is being prepared and will be available in January. GEAC We are anxiously awaiting the announcement by Geac regarding new terminals, targeted for the end of December. This information will effect our future planning for terminals, as well as general automation planning in individual libraries. Hardware and software are now fully installed and operator training completed. The testing of the functional and operational software on the 9000 has turned up several bugs which are reported, then fixed, then retested. One problem with memory allocation has slowed them down so that they are still at the beginning of the test cycle. But identifying problems is what testing is all about! It is too early yet for them to predict exactly when they can schedule the switch to the 9000 -- at least several weeks. Several tasks are to be completed in the coming weeks to prepare for the switch to the 9000 . One is that all old style terminals ( 8324 ) and all receipt printers must have the data integrity checking prom installed. These proms will be installed as late as possible before the switch, as they will reduce response time. Another task to be accomplished will be the de-duplication of bibliographic records by Library of Congress card number. Susan Yasar, PLAN Data Base Manager, is busily reviewing 21 , 712 bibliographic records with duplicate Library of Congress Card Numbers (LCCN) . More than 4 , 000 are duplicates that will be merged automatically by software. Page 2 Susan reports that some humor can be found if you look for it. After more than one month of looking through the 2-1/2 feet of duplicate record printouts, Susan has taken account not only of bibliographic corrections but also some catchy titles: - Acadamia nuts - How to win a pullet prize - Ventriloquism for the total dummy - Money from Holme - Wills, a dead giveaway - Unscientific Americans - Venus disarmed - Otter nonsense - Here no evil - Remember the a la mode - The inside tract: the complete guide to the digestive. . . . . - Merchants of menace The merge software will shift items from duplicates onto a single master bibliographic record, with the duplicate flagged for deletion. The software to remove deleted bibliographic records from the data base will be run after we are on the 9000 since it is time consuming and can run more quickly on the faster machine. There are several issues still to be resolved concerning the 9000 conversion. Use of the 8000 may be considered for the interim to load new records. Locally, we are continuing to streamline operations in preparation for the 9000 . For example, all "Cliff Notes" have been removed from Geac, and will be charged out "generically" which is easier and more cost effective. Weeding is continuing in non-fiction and fiction sections to decrease the numbers of unwanted materials which must be converted. Reference Division Esther Cummings attended the PenLit ( literacy) meeting on November 1 where fund-raising and future meetings were planned. Shuk-Chun Au-Yeung and Brenda Chavez attended a PLS Film Committee meeting where a new film booking system called the "Media Minder" was demonstrated. This system is being studied, along with a similar system from Geac, to determine the most flexible and useful system for booking films. In addition, close to 60 films were purchased in the areas of classic, children' s , popular, and special interest. Donna Smith attended a demonstration of FAX machines sponsored by the PLS reference committee. PLS will be giving nine libraries money toward the purchase of FAX machines. Individual libraries will need to provide approximately $ 1,000 . 00 in matching funds. Donna is contacting the library schools at UC Berkeley and San Jose State University about the possibility of getting a reference intern for spring 1989 . The intern would work at the reference desk. A thorough weeding of the college catalogs has been completed by Ms . Chavez . In addition, the art print collection, which has seen little use in recent years, is being dismantled in favor of more popular materials. Esther Cummings is planning a silent auction to dispose of the prints in the community. Page 3 San Mateo Public Library presented a "Business Basics" class which was attended by Esther Cummings and Shuk-Chun Au-Yeung. Esther Cummings also attended the Advanced MS-DOS series at San Mateo Union High School District. Instruction was given in managing the hard disk environment and setting up commands that make the system easier to use. Easton Branch Diane Casey' s last day was November 22nd. During the interim period until we fill the Branch Librarian position, Patti Flynn is supervising the Branch with assistance from the supervisors at the Main library. Trustees Trustee Carol Mink is making an excellent recovery from her recent surgery. In fact, she is expecting to be released from the hospital on Thursday, Dec. 15 . We are all wishing her well, and hoping she may be able to attend the January meeting. a: librept12 pmb/jg Page 4 STATISTICS FOR NOVEMBER 1988 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 15 , 248 Burlingame Children 2 , 403 Hillsborough Adults 2 , 620 Hillsborough Children 899 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 394 TOTAL: 21 , 564 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main• Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 19 , 795 1 , 445 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 6 , 475 1 ,133 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 2 , 192 6 TOTALS: 28 , 462 2 , 584 Main Total 1988 Circ: 28,462 Main Total 1987 Circ: 26 , 236 = 8 . 48% Inc. Branch Tot 1988 Circ: 2, 584 Branch Tot 1987 Circ: 2 , 271 = 13 . 78% Inc. GrandTotal 1988 Circ: 31 , 046 GrandTotal 1987 Circ: 28 , 507 = 8 . 91% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: �- Total Reference Questions: 6 ,782 I .L.L. Borrowed: 71 I .L.L. Lent : 188 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 7 , 041 I .L.L. Total: 259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: added withdrawn total VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 138, 596/103 , 819 347 / 237 774 / 875 138 , 169/103 , 181 Ch.Non-Fic. 18, 281/ 14 , 909 44 / 33 -0- / 4 18 , 325/ 14 , 938 YA Non-Fic. 3 , 312/ 3 , 265 4 / 4 -0- / -0- 3 , 316/ 3 , 269 Ad.Fiction 47,027/ 43 ,142 184 / 108 1,758 /1, 583 45 , 453/ 41 , 667 Ch.Fiction 15 , 431/ 10, 428 73 / 38 -0- / -0- 15 , 504/ 10 , 466 YA Fiction 3 , 211/ 2 , 848 8 / 3 -0- / -0- 3 , 219/ 2 , 851 TOTALS: 225, 588/178, 424 660 / 423 2, 532 /2 , 462 223 ,716/176 , 385 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 27 , 575 182 334 27 , 423 Paperbacks 2 ,726 -0- -0- 2,726 Maps 1 ,599 5 32 1 , 572 Records 5 , 563 -0- -0- 5 , 563 Cassettes 2 , 348 -0- -0- 2 , 348 Video Tapes 274 -0- -0- 274 Films 6 -0- -0- 6 Art Prints 74 -0- -0- 74 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1 , 522 . 85 � Branch: $ 23.5. 10 User Traffic: 31, 670 = 1 , 131 daily average Total: $ 1 ,757. 95- Total Meetings Held: 7 People in Attendance: 176 Children' s Programs: 1 Children in Attendance: 35 e s MONTHLY REPORT MONTH November 1988 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 38 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 30 B. Hours contributed 138 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 9 B. Number of visits made 22 C. Items circulated 105 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 3 66 B. Edelweiss 2 10 C. Easter Seal 1 50 D. CareWest 1 40 E. Marian Convent 1 12 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 158 B. Visits made 30 C. Items circulated 283 Comments/Activities Outreach has a new patron and a new volunteer couple, Mr. and Mrs. Bojack. � 2 [TY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET STATUS REPORT 12 MONTH Y-T-D Y-T-O CUR .40 UNEXPENDED ICCT DESCRIPTION APPROP. ESTIMATE AC-fUAL WC-t_UX-LV t-ktj-XNCE -BALANCE-E-WM,4E [BRARY i0010 LIBRARY SALARIES 5269992 175, 664 1799201 45, 107 31537- 3479791 50011 LIBRARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 194, 765 64, 920 58,386 14,597 6 , 534 136, 379 50012 L I BRARY OVERT IME 1, 500 500 500-- 50013 LIBRARY PARTTIME 307, 929 102, 644 97.929 22,940 4, 715 210#000 50110 LIBRARY OFFICE EXPENSE 10,760 3, 588 41291 464 703- 6,469 10120 LIBRARY SPECIAL DEPTL EXPENSE 18, 760 6,252 bs54a 50� 288= I�,220 50121 LIBRARY BOOKS E MAPS 168 ,670 56,224 43#885 15,314 12, 339 124,785 50122 LIBRARY PERIODICALS 209295 61764 14,439 721 7,675- 51856 50123 LIBRARY BINDINGS 11, 150 3, 716 5x487 X041 L,TTL= 5,bb3 50124 LIBRARY CA TALOGING 159655 59220 629 143 4, 59 1 15,026 50125 LIBRARY RECORDS 6 CASSETTES 8, 200 21732 1 ,060 716 1 ,672 7, 140 - 56l-l-0 L IBRARY---SMALL 700LS E EQUIP-- --- - ---- 30u 100--- 50160 00-50160 LIBRARY COMMUNICATIONS 9#250 3,084 2,033 108 1 ,051 7,217 50170 LIBRARY UTILITIES 31,000 10, 332 81467 21738 11865 229533 501-9-VL f 3f:FARl-,4 -B_L0-G--E-GROUNDS- LT,-00-0---- -5. 66�----- 2-s 72 I-----------2�3-----�947----- I"4.2T9- --- 50200 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1 ,075 360 19 0 282 997 50201 LIBRARY EQUIP MAINT-AUDIO VIS 1, 120 372 0 0 372 19120 50202 L IBRARY-EQUI P MAINT-SEC.SYSTE�Y --0 - - - --0 - - 0 0 --- -- ----0- --- --- 0--- - - 50210 LIBRARY PROF S SPECIAL SERVICE 5,246 11748 5,246 0 3 #498- 0 50220 LIBRARY OTHER CONTRUCTUAL SERV 37,747 12, 584 2#826 0 9, 758 34,921 56232 INSURANCE COST ALLOCATION- 3r 337 1, 112 0 0 19 112 3, 33T 50240 LIBRARY DUES E SUBSCRIPTIONS 730 244 50 0 194 680 50250 LIBRARY TRAVEL 950 316 66 20 250 884 50251 LIB CONF 6 MTGS-LIBRARIAN 800 268 396 _ 0 ---- 128 - 404- - 50252 LIB CONF E MTGS-STAFF 19600 532 0 0 532 1 , 600 50260 LIBRARY TRAINING E SAFETY 5, 000 1, 668 168 39 1 , 500 4, 832 '502 90 L I BRARY OTHER CHARGES - 100 32 0 -- - 0 -- -- 32 - 100- - 50800 CAPITAL OUTLAY 26, 651 26,651 0 0 269651 26,651 *#*** TOTAL LIBRARY 1426,582 493,295 433 ,942 105,673 59, 353 992 , 640