HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1989.03.21 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES MARCH 21st, 1989 CALL TO ORDER: A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees was held on the above date in the California Room of the Burlingame Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 4 : 30pm by President Cannon. Trustees Present: CANNON, BLEVINS, MINK, ROBERTSON & BACIGALUPI Trustees Absent: NONE Staff Present: MRS. PATRICIA BERGSING, CITY LIBRARIAN MRS. JUDY GLADYSZ, SECRETARY MR. ALFRED ESCOFFIER, ASST. CITY LIBRARIAN Others Present: MR. DAVID SHERNICK, SPACE PLANNING CONSULTANT BILLS• M/S/C (Robertson/Mink) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $ 27, 403 . 02 and Special Fund checks in the amount of $156 . 00. MINUTES• Minutes of the regular Meeting of February 21st, 1989 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: a. Library Events: Mailed in packets. President Cannon changed the order of the Agenda to allow Mr. Shernick to give his presentation of the preliminary space plan concept. NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Bergsing introduced Mr. Shernick to the Board members. He then proceeded to share some polaroid pictures he had taken of the Library, the way it exists today, and then he showed the Board a visual concept of the first and second floors of the Main Library with changes, and then more drawings of the first and second floors of the Duncan property. The Board asked a few questions that Mr. Shernick answered and some discussion followed. After further discussion, the Board thanked Mr. Shernick for coming to their meeting and keeping them informed. REPORTS: a. CITY LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Mrs. Bergsing asked which Board members will be going to Legislative Day in Sacramento on April 24th. If anyone is planning on going, she requested that they notify Al so he can handle the registration. Trustee Blevins asked that she and her husband be registered. Trustee Mink had some questions regarding the new budget. This led back to further discussion about space planning and the parking structure. Page 1 Trustee Mink asked about CD-ROM. . . Is it as pre-programmed as Info-trac? Mr. Escoffier explained this is a way to use the catalog without accessing Geac all the time in an on-line environment which would eliminate on-line expenses. Mrs. Bergsing said she needs someone from the Board to introduce the volunteers on Volunteer Day. Trustee Blevins said she would be here and Trustee Mink said she would try as well. The Board commented that the feedback they had been hearing regarding the gardening program was very good. Trustee Mink said she is pleased to see libraries are getting involved in planning issues. She was referring to the "County 2000" program scheduled for Fall 1989. Trustee Mink asked what the income to the Friends was for the silent auction. Mrs. Bergsing told her $876. 57 . Trustee Cannon said she thinks the suggestion box is a great idea. b. SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD: Trustee Robertson gave a report to the Board about the System Advisory Board meeting she recently attended. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: ... NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mrs. Bergsing told the Board members about an incident that occurred recently at the Library. Three girls were caught writing on the basement walls (grafitti) , and three boys turned them in because of a sign that has been posted in the Library for years. The sign refers to a reward for anyone caught doing damage to Library property. After some discussion the Board members voted to charge each parent $25. 00 for the damage, and have the girls do some community service hours at the Library to include trying to get the grafitti off the walls. Mrs. Bergsing said she would contact their parents. FROM THE FLOOR: ADJOURNMENT• The meeting was adjourned at 6 : 15pm with the next meeting set for April 18th, 1989 in the California Room at 4: 30pm. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/ 03/24/89 JAG March Page 2