HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1990.03.20 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA MARCH 20TH, 1990 - 4 : 30PM { SUGGESTED ACTION 1 . CALL TO ORDER { { 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks : $29,251. 17 { Special Fund: $ 1,555.52 { { 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL f 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { a. Memo on Legislative Issues from Mike { Dillon { { b. Library Events - March { { { { { { f { { f { f b . REPORTS { INFORMATION f a. City Librarian' s Report { f b. System Advisory Board - Trustee Robertson{ { { { 7 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { { { 8 . NEW BUSINESS { { { { { { 9 . FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 10 . ADJOURNMENT { { { 3/15/90 { AGENDAM 4 { f { { Trustee Robertson asked about the personnel situation and Mr. Escoffier explained. Some discussion followed. SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD _ TRUSTEE ROBERTSON: Trustee Robertson gave a report on the most recent SAB meeting that was held last week. There some discussion regarding Legislative Day in Sacramento. COUNTY 2000 - TRUSTEE ROBERTSON: Trustee Robertson gave her report on the County 2000 meetings. She said that as a result of the meetings people are enthusiastic to make changes within the County. She said there will be a follow-up meeting in May. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Bergsing distributed evaluation forms for the Trustee Tool Kit. FROM THE FLOOR• ADJOURNMENT• The meeting of February 20th, 1990 was adjourned at 5 : 15pm with the next meeting scheduled for March 20th in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 02/22/90 February 90 LIBRARIAN' S REPORT MARCH ;990 COUNCIL STUDY SESSION The City Council met on February 24th to discuss budget issues and priorities for the fiscal year 1990-1991. The minutes of the meeting are included. PARKING STRUCTURE The parking garage opened with a brief ceremony and ribbon cutting on Friday March 9th at 9 : OOam. My apologies to all of you for not notifying you of the event. I felt it had been postponed so many times that I just didn' t really believe it would happen. There are still a number of things that the City must do to complete the building. As far as the Library is concerned, we are still trying to find a better place for the garbage dumpster, and we aren' t very pleased with the book return box location. BUDGET Al and I have begun working on the budget almost daily since the divisions submitted their requests on March 2nd. It is still too early to have much to report to you but it appears we may need to carry-over and re- budget for the new security system and the space planning consultant. `- SPACE-PLANNING Al and I met with Dick Waters for about three hours on February 22nd. Mr. Waters felt the project was an exciting one and he would enjoy working on it. We have completed an agreement for Phase One of the space study. Phase two is in this year' s budget and that is what we may need to re- budget. It seems more and more unlikely that he can do the report justice in such a short time period. We will ask for funds in next year ' s budget for at least Phase Three of the study. Phase Two will need to be approved by Council before we can proceed. Included in your packet, is Mr. Waters ' letter, my two follow-up letters, and a copy of the information I sent him to do Phase One of the study. Let me know if you have any questions . DUNCAN PROPERTY I ' ll give you an oral report at your meeting on current discussions regarding the City, the Peninsula Foundation and Fox and Carskadon. CALTAC WORKSHOP Trustees Blevins, Cannon, Robertson and Taylor , along with staff , attended the CALTAC Workshop at Fremont Main Library on Saturday, March 3rd. The speakers included June Fleming, Assistant City Manager of Palo Alto, and the State Librarian, Gary Strong. The recent Monterey Park Library Board powers decision was also highlighted by the attorney who won the case for the Library Board. Page 1 PLS LEGISLATIVE BREAKFAST �— PLS sponsored their annual Legislative Breakfast in Burlingame at the Marriott Hotel, on Saturday, March 10th. The keynote speaker was be Assembly woman Jackie Speier, with additional remarks by Yolanda Cuesta of the State Library staff on serving California' s multi-cultural, multi- lingual population. There were about 85 people in attendance. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES The ALA Poster Show at the County Government Center was well attended. This show featured the series of celebrity posters published by the American Library Association. PLS has the posters framed. They are now available for local library display. Paintings by the students of Monica de la Fuente were installed on the 13th. The children range in age from 7 - 16 years old. CHILDREN' S SERVICES Joan Manini reports that the second Saturday program read aloud had 14 in attendance. in addition, Joan did book talking at Burlingame High School to sophomore honors classes ( 42 students ) . Twenty four teachers attended the Teacher' s Preview. Cathy Somerton did 33 programs during the month for the Begin With Books Program, reaching a total of 632 children. The Toddler Story Time continues to be very popular. Even with two sessions, the crowds are sometimes too large. Options being considered include: offering a third session or limiting attendance. A smaller group makes for a better experience at this very young age. Cathy wrote an article for San Francisco Peninsula Parent which appears in the March issue entitled "Books About Bedtime Fears . " PLAN/GEAC Work is progressing in preparing the "loaders" for the on-line catalog. We are probably 18 months away from a fully loaded and available catalog. Redwood City, San Bruno and Menlo Park libraries will be experimenting this year with patron access to the circulation system. We will watch their progress carefully, as we hope to move into this area during fiscal 1990/91 . "Depot" maintenance at PLAN is being considered in an effort to repair Geac terminals which will no longer be serviced by Geac. We hope to have back-up terminals available to put in place of those which are having difficulties, and then to send the faulty terminal to PLAN for repair. This process will being January 1991 . REFERENCE DIVISION Michael Hubbell attended a "Defending the First Amendment" workshop held at the Hayward Public Library on February 7th. s Page 2 Sandy Gleichmann and Maribeth Farcich attended the alternative session of the PLS Time Management Workshop on February 7th. On March 23 , Donna attended a tour of the Sunnyvale Patent Library with a group from PLS. AUDIO-VISUAL SERVICES Linda Santo has been hired as our Audio Visual Librarian. Linda comes to us with experience at San Mateo Public Library, University of California at Berkeley and, most recently the law firm of Thelen, Marrin, Johnson and Bridges in Oakland. Linda will begin her work here on March 26th. We are very pleased to have her. EASTON BRANCH LIBRARY Joan Giampaoli did a story hour for the Little Friends of Jesus Nursery School. Steve Stamates will be leaving the Branch to become a Library Assistant I at the Main Desk. Congratulations Steve! PERSONNEL We have hired two new pages as a result of the Page test we gave last month. They are Eric Marquis and Jenalyn Gomes. Eric ' s position is being funded by the Peninsula Community Foundation as part of its Youth Employment Program. Jenalyn is going to replace Steve Stamates at the Branch Library. We are still recruiting for other vacancies . The winter general staff meeting was held at 8 : OOam on February 28th. Awards were given for excellent attendance records and various years of service to the City. Joan Giampaoli received a pin for 10 years of service. Jan Laurie, Library Assistant II , the Library Book Mender, is due to have her first baby on April 10th. She will be "on leave" for several weeks thereafter. We will try to cover some of her duties with current staff . The rest will wait until her return. UPCOMING EVENTS 1 . Legislative Day Orientation - to be held at the San Mateo County Library Central, on Tower Road - April 19th from 7 : 00 - 8 : 30pm 2 . National Library Week Author ' s Programs : April 22nd - Redwood City Library April 29th - Burlingame City Hall Council Chambers 3 . Legislative Day in Sacramento - May 1st - All day 4 . Friends of the Library Book Sale - May 3rd - 6th 5 . County 2000 - College of San Mateo - May 12th - 9 : OOam to 1 : OOpm PMB/3g LIBRPT3 Page 3 STATISTICS FOR FEBRUARY 1990 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 11 , 329 Burlingame Children 2 , 155 `- Hillsborough Adults 1 , 835 Hillsborough Children 748 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 391 TOTAL: 16 , 458 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch• Adult Print Materials (books , periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 18 , 200 1 , 633 Children' s Print Materials (books , periodicals, pamphlets , paperbacks) 5 ,746 1 , 118 Audio Visual Materials ( records , cassettes , films , videos , art prints, slides , equipment, talking books) 3 , 183 -0- TOTALS: 27 , 129 2 ,751 Main Total 1990 Circ: 27 ,129 Main Total 1989 Circ: 26 , 875 = 0 . 09% Inc. Branch Tot 1990 Circ: 2 ,751 Branch Tot 1988 Circ: 2 , 649 = 3 . 85% Inc. GrandTotal 1990 Circ: 29 , 880 GrandTotal 1988 Circ: 29 , 524 = 1 . 21% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: �.- Total Reference Questions : 7 , 309 I .L.L. Borrowed: 88 I .L.L. Lent: 259 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 7 , 656 I .L.L. Total: 347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 102 ,719/101, 551 4 , 468/ 4 , 468 107, 187/106 , 019 Ch.Non-Fic. 16 , 374/ 15 ,651 2 , 640/ 2 , 640 19 , 014/ 18 , 291 YA Non-Fic. 1 , 519/ 1 , 388 107/ 107 1 , 626/ 1 , 495 Ad.Fiction 39 , 564/ 29 ,719 4 , 351/ 4, 351 43 , 915/ 34 , 070 Ch.Fiction 13 , 083/ 12 , 158 4 ,400/ 4 , 400 17 , 483/ 16 , 558 YA Fiction 2, 137/ 1 , 953 288/ 288 2 , 425/ 2 , 241 Reference 4 , 953 4 , 912 116/ 116 5, 069/ 5 , 028 TOTALS: 180 , 349/167 , 332 16 , 370/ 16 , 370 196 ,719/183 ,702 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 28 , 376 N/A 28 , 376 Paperbacks 2,726 2 ,726 Maps 1 , 674 1 , 674 Records 4 ,761 " 4 ,761 Cassettes 2 , 077 2 ,077 Video Tapes 341 341 Compact Discs 171 " 171 i Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 2 , 282 . 94 Branch: $ 240 . 80 User Traffic: 33 , 329 - Daily Average: 1, 281 Total: $ 2 , 523 . 74 TotaD Meetings Held: 24 People in Attendance: 636 Children' s Programs : 1 Children in Attendance: 75 �y CITY OF BURLINGAME PAGE 36 BUDGET STATUS REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING FEBRUARY 28. 1990 PRINTED 03/12/90 CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE --- - - - BUDGcT EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE PERCENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND --67500 LIBRARY 010 REGULAR SALARIES 613.115.00 44.656.00 391.d32.78 221.282.22 63.91 --Oil PART-TIME SALARIES 346.321.60 261971.15 227x445.45 11d.d75.55 65.67 012 OVERTIME 500.00 7y.86 420.14 15.97 - -TOTAL-SALARIES i-MAGES 959.936.00 711627.15 619.358.09 3401577.91 64.52 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR 959.93o.CO 71.627.15 619.358.09 340.577.91 64.52 030 RETIREMENT 221.16o.CO 7.104.59 60.707.16 160.460.84 27.45 031 GROUP INSLRANCE 6.316.38 50.185.98 <50.185.98> --036 MEDICARE INSURANCE 200.11 2.364.17 <2.364.27> 037 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 038 MORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 472.76 4.081.94 <4.081.94> TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 221.16d.CO 14.159.84 117.339.35 103j,82o.05 53.U5 - TOTAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES 1.181.1C4.G0 b5.7d6.99 736.o97.44 444.406.56 61.37 110 OFFICE EXPENSE 11.300.00 142.97 6.334.56 4.965.44 56.06 120 SPECIAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 19.700.00 1.088.89 9.218.71 10.481.29 4o.80 122 PERIODICALS 26.295.00 1.510.92 13.989.00 o.306.00 68.93 123 BOOK BINDINGS 11.620.00 198.79 9.001.75 3.olo.25 68.66 124 CATALOGING EXPENSE 15.655.00 379.73 2.221.94 13.433.06 14.19 125 RECORDS AND CASSETTES 8.700.00 865.05 7.149.16 1.550.b4 82.17 129 BOOKS AND MAPS 177.100.00 8.718.98 95.420.11 81.673.89 53.48 -----130 SMALL TOOLS - 300.00 52.36 247.o4 17.45 160 COMMUNICATIONS 9.715.CO 500.84 5.624.51 4.090.49 57.90 170 ELECTRIC d GAS UTILITIES 32.550.00 5.895.75 22.o70.00 9.880.00 69.65 - 190 MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUND 17.a50.00 2.009.02 15.060.69 2.189.31 87.73 200 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 3.575.CO 189.00 1.290.00 2.285.00 36.08 209 AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1.970.00 324.CO 1.640.00 16.45 --- --210 PROFESSIONAL AND SPECIALIZED SERVIC 27.021.00 7.021.00 20.000.00 25.98 220 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3d.959.CO 37.504.40 1.454.60 90.27 240 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 795.GO 25.00 800.00 <5.00> 100.03 - 250 TRAVEL• CCNFEAENCES t MEETINGS 1.000.GO 216.09 783.91 21.01 251 DEPARTMENT HEAD CONFERENCE K MEETIN 600.00 518.19 91.81 80.37 252 STAFF CONFERENCE AND MEETINGS 1.600.00 455.00 1.145.00 28.44 ----260 TRAINING AND SAFETY 3.000.CO 80.00 593.00 2.407.00 19.77 290 OTHER CHARGES 100.00 100.00 701 INSURANCE COST ALLOCATION 3.424.00 2.568.00 65o.00 75.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 406.d29.G0 21.604.94 237.638.47 169.190.53 58.41 TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 406.b29.CO 21.604.94 237.638.47 169.190.53 58.41 4904-8u,f 8904-G•een 4204-wn�.�--•- .f CITY OF 13URLINGAME kibrapy TrLafee ur�f — --- ------- IF— -- ZZ.53( z.7-53 1 A il l I - 1 14 s 1 til �� - I � i ? 08 iZQ 2 3 n' l I �Ll 7 -til I ^ , 37 ? 3 3 4 li C I 5 I i i 4 I 0 III �i c.'' — ,I � - t - 6 7 Z Ili — S, I '471,310 7 Z � � to 12 I 1 i' ! 12 13 I I 13 ' I 14 115.6 II �i 16 7 17 :8 ' �� it lI i 18 i9 'I 1 I 19 _0 '' I I� 2 21 ,2 22 23 .3 II 1 i 4 i l l 24 5 it II 61 26 7 it I it I 27 i 28 3 '� it li U II 'i li 1i i it I 0- . I 11 0_ 1 i it Il Ii I 31 2�� i 132 3 33 34 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH February, 1990 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 32 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 11 B. Hours contributed 57 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 11 B. Number of visits made 25 C. Items circulated 108 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 2 27 B. Edelweiss 2 5 C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West. 0 0 E. Marion Convent 1 16 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 11 + 30 B. Visits made2--8---- C. Items circulated 171 Comments/Activities No new patrons, nor any dropouts this month. However, for the future, Joan G. , Esther and myself are starting talks concerning April 's Volunteer Appreciation Tea. Details r to follow. & Dale Nelson