HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1990.04.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA APRIL 17TH, 1990 - 4 : 30PM { SUGGESTED ACTION 1 . CALL TO ORDER { { 2 . ROLL CALL f { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks : $31 . 065 . 94 { Special Fund: $ 119 . 00 { f 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL { 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { a. City Newsletter { { b. Legislative Day Materials { { C. Legislative Issues - Mike Dillon { { d. P.L.S. Author ' s Fair Flyer f { e. Library Events - April { f 6 . INTRODUCTION OF LINDA SANTO - A/V LIBRARIAN { { —7 . REPORTS { INFORMATION { a. City Librarian' s Report { { { { { { 8 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { { f 9 . NEW BUSINESS { { a. Library Budget 1990-1991 { INFORMATION { b. Trustee ' s Membership in C.L.A. { ACTION f 10 . FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 11 . ADJOURNMENT f { { 4/12/90 { AGENDAA { { { { { { { Page 2: Unfinkshed Business: None New Business: None From the Moor: None A&uumment: The meeting of March 20th, 1990, was adjourned at 5:00pm with the next meeting scheduled for April 16th, 1990 at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing City Librarian �-- 3/26/90 minutes/march LIBRARIAN' S REPORT APRIL 17TH, 1990 �-- BUDGET 1990-1991 The Library Budget for next fiscal year has been submitted to the City Manager. Since his vacation and mine are overlapping, it is unlikely that we will know anymore until early May. I ' ll have a report for your May meeting, but let me know if you have any questions. SPACE PLANNING AND EXPANSION Library Space Planner Consultant, Dick Waters, should have Phase I , the needs assessment portion of the Library Space Study to us by early May. If that is satisfactory, we will request Phase II from the City Council in either May or June. We did ask to carry-over the funds from this year ' s fiscal operating budget to next year ' s budget which begins on July 1 , 1990 , so we are not as pressed to complete the study as we were before. Fox and Carskadon is moving along with its plans to build a new building on Chapin Avenue. There is a hearing scheduled before the Planning Commission on April 23rd. PLAN/GEAC At this writing, we are still in a transitional period for the conversion program to new material and class codes for all items in the database. The conversion was not entirely successful. Due to a software problem, we experienced two days of down-time. The bug in the program has resulted in inappropriate fines being attached to some items . Staff is dealing with this in two ways: we are intercepting fines notices before they are mailed to check for accuracy, and we are carefully watching all books as they are discharged to remove inappropriate fines at the point of discharge. So far this is working well, and comments from the public have been minimal. It is our understanding that the revised software fixed the problem on April 11th. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES The flyer advertising the P.L.S. Author' s Series is in your packet. Tickets are available at the Circulation Desk, and if any of you are planning on attending, I suggest you pick them up after the Board Meeting. LEGISLATIVE DAY We have registered four of you for Legislative Day in Sacramento and also have sent in bus reservations for three Trustees . The bus will leave at 6 : 30am, May lst, from San Mateo County Library headquarters. If you are planning on attending the orientation on April 19th, will you RSVP yourselves, preferably before the deadline on Tuesday. Page 1 CHILDREN' S SERVICES The 1990 Summer Reading Club will again be sponsored by the Burlingame Lions Club. The theme is "Where in the World is. . . " A number of special programs are planned for the summer. Details will be available in the Children' s Room shortly. The following schools visited the Library in the last month: United Methodist Nursery School; McKinley 1st and 2nd grades; and Our Lady of Angels 3rd grade visited the Branch Library. Children' s Supervisor Joan Manini provided a program for Lincoln School teachers and gave them a preview of the books in the Library' s collection that are listed in the State adopted social sciences bibliography. The teachers were selecting books for purchase for their classroom needs and other books they would buy in multiple copies for the children. Cathy Somerton did 32 programs in March including: 4 Preschool Story Hours, 8 Toddler Story Times, 3 class visits to Easton, 1 visit to the Main, 1 Saturday Story Hour, 14 programs in the schools and 1 Preschool parent meeting. The programs were attended by a total of 588 people. Total attendance at the Toddler Story Time (parents and children) was 299, averaging 37 per program. We have scheduled three sessions for the summer to try to get smaller groups without having to turn anyone away. Cathy is planning a Teacher Idea Exchange to be held in the California Room on Saturday, May 5th. Fliers have been sent to all of the schools . The United Methodist Nursery School ' s art is on display in the California Room. It is delightful and definitely colorful. You should stop and see it. Joan Manini attended the P.L.S. Children' s Services Committee Meeting and she is on a planning committee for a workshop they' re holding in November that deals with physiology and psychology of a child' s growth. Michelle Barrese and Cathy Somerton attended a symposium on "Multicultural Literature for Children" and Joan and Michelle attended a workshop in Sacramento entitled "Hurrah for Books ; Ideas for Bringing Books and Children Together. " REFERENCE SERVICES Esther Cummings prepared a book display and represented the Library at the Annual Spring Garden Seminar sponsored by the Burlingame Beautification Commission on Saturday, March 10th. The topic was "Trees in an Urban Landscape. " Page 2 �— Tibi McCann and Sandy Gleichmann attended a workshop at San Mateo Public Library given by Tom Fowler and Marge Johansen ( San Mateo' s new Business Librarian, formerly with Burlingame. ) The topic was investors ' materials available at San Mateo. Burlingame has a good sampling of recommended and useful sources including: Valueline, Standard and Poor ' s Stock Reports, etc. Esther Cummings attended the PLS Community Relations Committee to finalize plans for the Author' s Fair celebration, and Donna Smith attended the P.L.S. Reference Committee Meeting. Plans for the Reference Office rearrangement have been finalized and will move forward in April. On March 27 and 28 , Michael Hubbell sat on a Civil Service Board for San Francisco Public Library. Michael and two other examiners directed questions to 22 candidates over the two days for several Librarian I position openings ' in children' s and reference. Michael found the experience of sitting on the Civil Service Board to be a rewarding. Susan Buresh, of Alameda County Library, called recently to praise the work of longtime staff member, Hilde Rooth, for her work on Interlibrary Loan! Congratulations Hilde ! ! Tibi McCann completed a weeding project of the 390 ' s circulating collection. More than 60 books were removed from BPL holdings . Many of these titles were duplicates or they were outdated. The 395 ' s ( the etiquette section) was the most heavily weeded. New titles have been purchased to modernize this section and provide more timely and appropriate information. The costume, custom, folktales and fashion sections do not date as much and few titles needed to be weeded. AUDIO VISUAL SERVICES Linda Santo, our new Audio Visual Librarian, is busy learning all of the various aspects of her job. She has toured the various divisions , and moved into her new office area in Technical Services. She has taken her place on the PLS Film Committee and will be settling into her supervisory responsibilities as well. EASTON BRANCH A new sandwich-board sign which says "Library Open" has been constructed by Maintenance man Jim Kaufman and lettered by Nancy Montague , and will be installed shortly at the Branch to indicate when the Branch Library is open. Page 3 STATISTICS FOR MARCH 1990 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 11 , 466 Burlingame Children 2 , 169 Hillsborough Adults 1 , 858 Hillsborough Children 764 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 401 TOTAL: 16 , 658 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main• Branch: Adult Print Materials (books , periodicals , pamphlets, paperbacks ) 21 , 581 1 ,764 Children' s Print Materials (books , periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 6 ,753 1, 214 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes , films , videos, art prints , slides, equipment, talking books ) 3 , 356 1 TOTALS: 31 , 690 2 ,979 Main Total 1990 Circ: 31 , 690Main Total 1989 Circ: 31 ,850 = 0 . 50% dEC. Branch Tot 1990 Circ: 2 , 979 Branch Tot 1989 Circ: 2 ,711 = 9 . 88% Inc. GrandTotal 1990 Circ: 34 , 699 GrandTotal 1989 Circ: 34 , 561 = 0 . 31% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions : 8 , 274 I .L.L. Borrowed: 79 �. I .L.L. Lent: 326 Grand Total Ref . Activity: 8 , 679 I .L.L. Total: 405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 103 , 111/101 ,744 4 , 494/ 4 , 494 107 , 605/106, 238 Ch.Non-Fic. 16 , 429/ 15 , 706 2 , 680/ 2 , 680 19 , 109/ 18 , 386 YA Non-Fic. 1, 524/ 1 , 392 107/ 107 1 , 631/ 1 , 499 Ad.Fiction 39 , 693/ 29, 818 4,407/ 4 , 407 44 , 100/ 34, 223 Ch.Fiction 13 , 201/ 12 , 246 4 , 433/ 4, 433 17 ,634/ 16 , 679 YA Fiction 2 , 149/ 1 , 963 290/ 290 2 , 439/ 2 , 253 Reference 4 , 963 4 , 912 116/ 116 5 ,079/ 5, 028 TOTALS: 181, 119/167 , 779 16 , 527/16 , 527 197 , 646/184, 408 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 28 , 564 N/A 28 , 564 Paperbacks 2 ,726 If 2 ,726 Maps 1 , 680 1 , 680 . Records 4 , 762 4,762 Cassettes 2 , 100 " 2 , 100 Video Tapes 356 " 356 Compact Discs 191 191 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 2, 117 . 06 Branch: $ 160 . 55 User Traffic: N/A - Daily Average: N/A Total: $ 2 , 277 . 61 Total Meetings Held: 24 People in Attendance: 527 Children' s Programs : 1 Children in Attendance: 75 CITY OF BURLINGAME PAGE 37 aUDGET STATUS REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING MARCH 31, 1990 PRINTED 04/10/90 CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE ENCUMBRANCE 3ALANCE PERCENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND 61500 LIBRARY 010 REGULAR SALARIES 013,115.00 44,285.13 436,117.91 176.997.69 71.13 011 PART-TIME SALARIES 34o,321.00 28,765.44 256,230.89 9u,090.11 73.99 012 OVERTIME 50U.UO 79.86 4?0.14 15.97 TOTAL SALARIES i GAGES 955,936.00 73,070.57 692,428.66 267,507.34 72.13 TOTAL DIRECT LAbOR 959,93o.00 73.070.57 692,428.66 267,50734 72.13 030 RETIREMENT 221,168.00 7,181.20 67,888.36 153,279.o4 30.70 031 GROUP INSURANCE 6,174.12 56,360.10 <56,360.10> 036 MEDICARE INSUkANCE 278.60 2,642.87 <2,042.07> 037 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 038 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 480.64 4,562.58 <4,562.58> TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 221,168.00 14,114.56 131.453.91 89,714.09 59.44 TOTAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES 1,181,104.00 87,105.13 823,882.57 357,221.43 69.76 110 OFFICE EXPENSE 110300.00 438.19 6,772.75 4,527.25 59.94 120 SPECIAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 19,700.00 919.04 1U,137.75 9,562.25 51.46 122 PERIODICALS 2L,295.00 2,697.70 16,686.70 3,60b.30 82.22 123 BOOK bINDINGS 11,020.00 362.76 8,364.51 3,255.49 71.99 124 CATALOGING EXPENSE 15,o55.UO 112.55 2,334.49 13,320.51 14.91 125 RECORDS AND CASSETTES 4,700.00 502.51 7,651.67 1,04b.33 87.95 129 BOOKS AND MAPS 177,100.00 13,278.27 10b,704.38 68,345.62 61.38 130 SMALL TOOLS 300.00 52.36 e47.64 17.45 160 COMMUNICATIONS 9,715.00 1,417.84 7,042.35 2,672.65 72.49 170 ELECTRIC 8 GAS UTILITIES 32,550.00 2,805.71 25,475.71 7,074.29 76.i7 190 MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUND 170850.00 1o4.92 15,d25.61 2,024.39 86.o6 2UO EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE S,575.UO 63.41 1,353.41 2,421.59 37.b6 209 AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,970.00 324.00 1,646.00 10.45 210 PROFESSIONAL AND SPECIALIZED SERVIC 27,021.UO 7,021.00 20,000.00 25.98 220 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 34,959.00 1,455.00 38,959.40 <G.40> 100.00 240 DUES AND SUaSCRIPTIONS 795.00 10.00 810.00 <15.00> 101.09 250 TRAVEL, CChFERENCES 8 MEETINGS 1,000.60 185.86 401.95 598.05 40.20 251 DEPARTMENT MEAD CONFERENCE h MEETIN 600.00 518.19 81.81 96.37 252 STAFF CONFERENCE AND MEETINGS 1,600.00 10.00 465.00 1,135.00 29.06 260 TRAINING AND SAFETY 3,OOJ.00 3o8.00 961.00 i,G39.UO 3[.03 290 OTHER CHARGES 10O.G0 106.00 701 INSURANCE COST ALLOCATION 3,424.00 2,568.00 b5o.00 75.60 TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 400,629.00 24,791.70 262,430.23 144,39b.17 64.51 TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 406,929.00 24,791.76 262,43J.23 144,398.77 64.51 4904-Buff 8904-Green 4204-WhLt"- CrrY OF BUIRUNGAME b rzq I'V--ir-usie ,4c-r-Qt f ti 3 V�d 2 O� 37 0— /427 /Vjj 1 J3D 6 12 1 7 3 2--. 10-L--sj- 19 a 10 11 12 3:1 13 14 6 1 it 16 7 17 19 20 21 3_1 I it 4 1 II 24 25 6 126 127 Al------- 0 �i 131 1 2 32 3 31 4 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH March 1990 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 34 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 11 B. Hours contributed 64 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number.,of patrons 12 B. Number of visits made 27 C. Items circulated 116 �.. 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits ` # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 3 42 B. Edelweiss 3 6 C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West. 0 0 E. Marion Convent 1 15 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 12 + 30 B. Visits made C. Items circulated 183 ' Comments/Activities The date for the Volunteers' Tea has been tentatively set as May 23 Plans and prep tions will begin this mnnth_ Dale Nelson