HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1990.05.15 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA MAY 15TH, 1990 - 4 : 30PM { SUGGESTED ACTION 1 . CALL TO ORDER { 2. ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks: $23 ,479 .95 { Special Fund: $ 723.00 { 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL { 3. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { a. Letter from Gladys Church complimenting { staff member Hilde Rooth { { b. Library Events , May { { { { { { { { e.. o . REPORTS { INFORMATION { a. City Librarian' s Report { { b. System Advisory Board - Trustee Robertson{ { r. Legislative Day - Author ' s Fair: { Trustees attending { { 7 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { a. Budget 1990-1991 { { S . NEW BUSINESS { 1 a. Recommendation to Council to re-appoint { ACTION Shirley Robertson to the PLS Advisory { Board { b. Request for funds to Friends of the Lib. { ACTION 9 . FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 10. ADJOURNMENT t { { ji10/90 { �... AGENDAM { { { t t { { Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes April 17th, 1990 clu To Order., The meeting of April 17th, 1990 was called to order by President Bacigalupi at 4:30pm. Trustees Present: All Trustees were present Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Mrs. Patricia Bergsing, City Librarian Mrs. Judy Glaaysz, Library Secretary Ms. Linda Santo,A/V Librarian MUS: M/S/C (Robertson/Cannon) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $31,065.94, and payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $119.00. Minutes of the Meefing March 20th, 1990: Minutes of the meeting of March 20th, 1990 were approved as written and ordered filed. CorresRondence and Conmmunicadon: City Newsletter: Mailed in packets Legislative Day Materials: Mailed in packets Legislative Issues - Mike Dillon: Mailed in packets P.L.S. Author's Fair Flyer: Mailed in packets Library Events for April: Distributed at meeting Hnttroducttion of Linda Santo e A/V Ubrarnan: Librarian Bergsing introduced the new Audio-Visual Librarian, Linda Santo, to the Library Board members and vice-versa. Linda then told a little of her background. The Board welcomed her. page 2. Librarian's Report: Mrs. Bergsing gave an update on the Duncan Property. There was some discussion that followed. U shed BusLness: None New business: Library Budd Trustee Cannon asked if there was a request for any new employees. Mrs. Bergsing said no. Trustee Cannon recalled the fact that there had been a large backlog in Technical Services last year and inquired whether or not the problem-had been remedied. Librarian Bergsing told her that it had been corrected for the moment. Trustee's Membership in the California Library Association: Librarian Bergsing asked the Trustees if they wanted to join CLA this year since Mrs. Bergsing is Chairing the Membership Conunittee. The Trustees said they would and Trustee Cannon made a motion to pay the dues from the Trustees fund for 5 Trustees. The motion was seconded by Trustee Blevins and carried unanimously. From the No= Mrs. Bergsing said the Volunteer Tea would be held in late May, and that she would let them know the date at their next meeting. Trustee Blevins wished good luck to Jeanne Goodrich and John Sullivan in their new endeavors. Trustee Robertson asked if the employee awards would be given in the spring or fall. The Trustees concurred that they would be given on an annual basis in October. Trustee Robertson said that she is tentatively planning to attend the American Library Association Conference in Chicago in June. Librarian Bergsing mentioned that there are a couple of programs listed in the preliminary conference brochure that are very pertinent to activities currently underway in Burlingame. Trustee Robertson indicated she might be willing to attend. page 3. Adoumm entt: The meeting of April 17th, 1990, was adjourned at 5:15pm with the next meeting scheduled for May 15th, 1990 at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing City Librarian 4/18/90 minutes/april LIBRARIAN' S REPORT MAY 15TH, 1990 BUDGET 1990-1991 The preliminary report from the City Manager is that he approved the Library' s Budget as submitted with the exception of a reclassification request for the Library Secretary position. He did not think the position was that different from the other department secretaries to justify an upgrade. The Budget will be sent to Council on May 17th, and Councilwoman Barton will be reviewing the Library Budget again this year. The City Manager reported that expenditures for 1990-1991 are up 5 . 6% overall but projected revenues are up only . 16%. If this trend continues, capital projects will be "on hold" or in jeopardy, or department operating budgets will begin to feel the pinch. We have just begun work on requests to the Friends and the Duncan Trust for additional funds to supplement the City budget. We may have these ready for your May meeting but it is more likely to be June. SPACE PLANNING We have just received the first rough draft of the needs assessment portion of the space study from the consultant. Since it is lacking some important parts of the study, and I have not had time to communicate with Mr. Waters , we will have to delay forwarding the draft to you until your next Board meeting. Fox and Carskadon received approval from the Planning Commission to build new offices on Chapin. However, the City Council called the decision up for review at its May 21st meeting. I have talked with Bill Somerville at the Peninsula Foundation to determine the future status of their lease agreement. Specifically, who will have the authority to lease the Duncan Property when Fox and Carskadon move in 18 months to 2 years? The Fox office manager claims that they do, and it appears that he is correct. PLS NEWS The Redwood City City Council has directed their Library Director to consider raising its fees and overdue fines to increase income. About 10 years ago, all the P.L.S. libraries agreed to standardize their fines and fees , so any unilateral action that Redwood City takes will impact on all the libraries. The P.L.S. Council therefore appointed a small committee of the Council to review the following: all fines and fees ; the problem of imbalance of services ; charges for or limitations on services to non- residents; non-resident use of I .L.L. and reference resources; methods of reimbursing or compensating libraries for heavy non-resident use. I ' ll keep you posted on the Committee ' s deliberations and recommendations. A final report is due to Council by September. The outcome may require your approval and support. I 'd be very interested in any thoughts or reactions you may have on this issue. Page 1 Finally, at the request of the P.L.S. Nominating Committee, I have agreed to Chair the P.L.S. Council for the fiscal year 1990-1991 . VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Volunteers will be honored at a luncheon on Wednesday, May 23 , on the Duncan Patio, beginning at noon. Plans include a box lunch and a small gift of appreciation for each volunteer. Invitations were mailed to volunteers who have worked during the past year, as well as to Board members . Staff are invited to attend on a no-host basis. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES- The Peninsula Library System Author Series was a great success ! Over 100 people attended the Fair to hear three Asian authors: Ruthanne Lum McCunn, Jeanne Wakatusuki Houston, and Sylvia Sun Minnick. The Poetry series continues I-lay 18th with poets Juanita Bourns and Richard Yurman. LIBRARY LEGISLATIVE DAY The annual Library Legislative Day, May 1st, was very successful. The San Mateo County delegation met with Jacquie Speier, Quentin Kopp and Byron Sher. We also met with aides from Ted Lempert and Becky Morgan' s offices . The entire day was better structured this year than last with legislators meeting us in a conference room in the Old Capital. The Burlingame contingent included Board members: Kristine Cannon, Shirley Robertson, Jane Taylor and Loretta Blevins, and Carlus Blevins ; and staff : Donna Ridley Smith, Kathy Naftaly, Karen Kott, Roz Mincher, Joan Giampaoli , Esther Cummings and Al Escoffier. YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT DAY The City' s annual Youth in Government Day event included two students from local high schools, Dorothea Yee, Mills High, as Assistant Librarian, and Jessica Casey, Mercy High, as City Librarian. Joan Manini and Al Escoffier were the staff counterparts. The visit included a slide presentation on the City by City Manager, Dennis Argyres , and an address by City Planner, Meg Monroe. The students received a packet of materials on the library, as well as a one-on-one tour of each library division. A visit to the Fire Department and lunch rounded out the morning. The students then held a mock City Council meeting after lunch. CHILDREN' S SERVICES Joan Manini reports class visits this month included: Our Lady of Angels , 3rd grade ( 30 students ) visited the Branch Library, as did the United Methodist Co-Op Nursery School. ( 17 ) Page 2 Joan also talked to a Baby Sitting Class at the Recreation Center ( 12) , about books to read to their charges and book for them to read. She also met with a Mothers Helper class ( 13 ) and put together a bibliography of books of �- activities to do with children. Five teacher collections were assembled and charged out. The 1990 Summer Program is entitled "Where in the World is. . .your favorite food, sport, monster, song, hero-heroine, animal. The creature pictured on the cover is a "BEEPLE. " In addition to putting together the BEEPLE, the child can. name where they came from, and their favorite food. This program is for children through the 5th grade. A second program is designed for the 6th through eighth grader. The program is entitled "Take a Reading Break! " It looks like it is going to be a busy summer ! ! BEGIN WITH BOOKS Cathy Somerton reports 35 programs in April reaching some 580 local children. The Parent Collection and Teacher Collection lists were put on computer disk so that they can be easily updated. Cathy has also begun work on some special subject lists for parents on topics we are frequently asked for ( first visit to the dentist , toilet training, etc. ) . PLAN/GEAC PLAN has fixed the fine problem reported last month. We are currently in a holding pattern on terminal installation until the software Release 21 is installed centrally in the summer. Depot maintenance of 8324 terminals will begin July 1st. This means that the system' s oldest remaining terminals will be maintained by staff at the PLAN site. Of the 77 such models currently in use, 32 will be replaced this year by member libraries. The older terminals will be used to maintain those same models still on line. PLAN gave a series of mini-workshops on troubleshooting problems with terminals. Joan Giampaoli and Deanna Tomei attended and are planning to give training locally. REFERENCE DIVISION Tibi McCann and Sandy Gleichmann are planning a workshop for other PLS libraries on literature collections at Burlingame Library in June. Michael Hubbell attended a U.S. Census workshop in Oakland on April 9 . Speakers covered topics such as the importance of the census , differences from the 1980 census , multi-media materials such as maps, microforms and databases, etc. Page 3 BOOK SELECTION Our Spring selectors meeting was held at the Branch early in May. One �- of the topics discussed was the popularity of the foreign language paperback collection. More than half of the circulation of the materials has been in the Chinese and Japanese languages. Plans are underway to supplement this collection in these areas . AUDIO VISUAL SERVICES Linda Santo, is •planning for audio visual materials at the Easton Branch. We hope to have media available at the Branch during the summer. EASTON BRANCH LIBRARY The new sandwich-board sign which says "Library Open" has met with mixed reactions! ! we have had several people ask if the building is for sale! But the sign does seem to have the desired effect of attracting attention! BOOK SALE The Friends of the Library Book Sale was a great success . They raised $4 , 500 which is more than they have ever earned before. Congratulations to all the Friends who worked so long and hard to make this the best sale ever ! COUNTY 2000 The final meeting of the County 2000 series will be on Saturday, June `-' 9th, from 9 : OOam to 1 : OOpm, at the College of San Mateo. You should be receiving your notices in the next week or two. LIBREPT5 PIY1B/7g Page 4 STATISTICS FOR APRIL 1990 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 11 , 610 Burlingame Children 2 , 189 �- Hillsborough Adults 1 , 870 Hillsborough Children 776 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 408 TOTAL: 16, 853 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main• Branch: Adult Print Materials , (books , periodicals, pamphlets , paperbacks) 21 ,000 1 ,606 Children' s Print Materials (books , periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 6 , 353 940 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints , slides, equipment, talking books ) 3 , 400 -0- TOTALS: 30 ,753 2 , 551 Main Total 1990 Circ: 30 ,753 Main Total 1989 Circ: 28 , 202 = 9 . 05% Inc. Branch Tot 1990 Circ: 2 , 551 Branch Tot 1989 Circ: 2 , 528 = 1 . 27% Inc. GrandTotal 1990 Circ: 33 , 304 GrandTotal 1989 Circ: 30 ,730 = 8 . 38% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 8 , 001 I .L.L. Borrowed: 114 I .L.L. Lent: 291 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 8 , 406 I .L.L. Total: 405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES,/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 103 , 539/102 , 069 4 , 551/ 4 , 551 108 ,090/106 , 620 Ch.Non-Fic. 16 , 596/ 15 , 824 2,701/ 2 , 701 19, 297/ 18 , 525 YA Non-Fic. 1, 534/ 1 , 402 107/ 107 1 , 641/ 1 , 509 Ad.Fiction 39 , 877/ 29 , 942 4 , 473/ 4 , 473 44 , 350/ 34, 415 Ch.Fiction 13 ,366/ 12 , 080 4 , 473/ 4 , 473 17 ,839/ 16, 553 YA Fiction 2 , 178/ 1 , 987 292/ 292 2 , 470/ 2 , 279 Reference 4, 980 4 , 913 116/ 116 5 , 096/ 5 ,029 TOTALS: 182 , 070/158 , 217 16 ,713%16 , 713 198 ,783/174 , 930 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 28,736 N/A 28 ,736 Paperbacks 2 ,726 2 ,726 Maps 1, 675 " 1, 675 Records 4 ,756 4 , 756 Cassettes 2 , 251 2 , 251 Video Tapes 393 " 393 Compact Discs 209 209 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1 , 955 . 59 Branch: $ 214 . 65 User Traffic: 37 , 003 - Daily Average: 1 , 276 Total: $ 2 , 170 . 24 Total Meetings Held: 17 People in Attendance: 403 Children' s Programs : 1 Children in Attendance: 65 CITY OF BURLINGAME PAGE 36 + ' oUDGET STATUS REPORT a� FOR THE MONTH ENDING APRIL 30, 1990 PRINTED 05/09/90 CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE PERCENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 GENERAL FUND 47500 LIBRARY 010 REGULAR SALARIES 613,115.00 47,068.00 483.195.91 129,929.U9 7 8.61 i� 011 PART-TIME SALARIES 346,321.00 27,208.99 283,519.88 62,601.12 81.67 -,_01Z OyERTIM4 500.00 79.86 420.34 15.97 I" TOTAL SALARIES d MAGES 959,936.00 74,356.99 760,785.65 193.150.35 79.88 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR 959,936.00 74,356.99 760,785.65 1930150.35 79.88 j 030 RETIREMENT 421r166.00 7,538.61 75.-420.97 145,7411.U3 34.10 031 GROUP INSURANCE 6,273.19 62,o33.29 <62,633.29> 036 MEDICARE INSURANCE 300.92 2,943.79 <2,943.79> 037 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 37.00 37.00 <37.UO> .yj 038 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 490.Od 5,052.66 <5,02.o6> II TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 221.168.00 14.539.80 140,093.71 75,074.29 66.06 TOTAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES 101810104.00 88,996.79 912,879.36 268,224.64 77.29 110 OFFICE EXPENSE 110300.00 6,772.75 4',527.25 59.94 120 SPECIAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 19,700.00 2,248.24 12.385.99 7.314.01 62.87 ✓ � 122 PERIODICALS 200195.00 16.-o80.70 3.-o0b.30 82.22 j 123 BOOK BINDINGS 11,o2U.00 201.81 8,566.32 3,053.6,8 73.72 124 CATALOGING EXPENSE 15,655.00 98.74 2,433.23 13,221.77 15.54 125 RECORDS AND CASSETTES d,700.00 1,046.33 3,700.00 100.00 129 BOOKS AND MAPS 177,t0O.UO 21,621.08 130,325.46 46,774.54 73.59 130 SMALL TOOLS 30U.UO 62.73 115.09 184.91 38.36 160 COMMUNICATIONS 9,715.00 205.99 7,246.34 2.-466.06 74.o1 170 ELECTRIC 8 GAS UTILITIES 32,550.00 2,400.63 27,870.34 4,673.06 85.04 190 MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUND 17,850.00 465.34 16,290.95 1,559.65 91.27 2UO EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 3,575.UO 1,604.93 2.-958.34 616.66 82.75 209 AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,970.00 324.00 1,o4o.UO 16.45 W 210 PROFESSIONAL AND SPECIALIZED SERVIC 27,021.00 70021.00 20,000.00 25.98 220 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3b,959.00 38,959.40 <0.40> 100.00 240 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 795.00 5.OU 615.00 <20.00> 102.52 250 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES B MEETINGS 1,000.U0 26.01 427.96 572.04 42.80 251 DEPARTMENT HEAD CONFERENCE 4 MEETIN 000.00 518.19 81.61 86.37 252 STAFF CONFERENCE AND MEETINGS 1,600.00 425.OU 090.00 71U.00 55.63 260 TRAINING AND SAFETY 3,000.00 774.58 1,735.58 1,264.42 57.65 290 OTHER CHARGES 100.00 16.09 16.09 33.91 16.09 701 INSURANCE COST ALLOCATION 3,424.00 856.00 3,424.00 11 10U.U0 TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 406,b29.00 32,000.50 194,490.73 112,336.27 72.39 TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 406,429.00 32,000.5U 294.-490.73 112,338.27 72.39 CITY Of BURLINGAME PAGt 39 bUDGET STATUS REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING APRIL 30o 1990 PkINTED 0S/U9/9U CURRENT MONTH YEAR—TO—DATE iiUDGtT EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE ENCUMdRANCE BALANCE PERCENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800 CAPITAL OUTLAY 30.225.00 2Uo767.71 9.457.29 66.71 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 30.225.00 20.767.71 9.457.29 66.71 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 30.225.00 20.767.71 9457.0 60.71 i -------- -------------- -------------- --------------- 47500 LIBRARY TOTAL 1io1Si156.00 1"[11057.29 1i22Sr137.S0 390i020.G0 75.90 azszzss sass ass zszzzzsazszzsz xszsszsszza zsa :zss zs ss sazass ssz szzs ssszzs ss ii .i � I + 1 � Bu ti Green CITY OF 13URLINGAME krbrapy 7 -asfee occur -- - --- - 1 - - 2 -- 3 4 ZZ53 E zZs 31 1 74L (/ �/ ��f}/lIC� 1 2 ' / j - 1 ! 2 31 17 (�� 7 3 3 411 jl 4 6 � -z-.1 3 Ill j it — ii I C 7 III Z 8 8 I loll, SII I I 51� I10 121112 13 I I I 113 14 16' 17I II I I I �I 17 18 I I� i jl I 18 19' I I i 119 20 1I 21 II I 21 2 I 22 1224 I I I I I 124 25 ' I 26 1 t' I j ! 126 I� 27I!27 I' it i I II it i 30 l 0 32 I132 i - 33 I I ' 33 i ' I !4 I I I 4 I i I i i 35 j MONTHLY REPORT MONTHAnri 1 199(1 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 32.5 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 17 B. Hours contributed 74 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 12 B. Number of visits made 22 C. Items circulated 118 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 2 28 B. Edelweiss 2 5 C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West. E. Marion Convent 1 15 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 10 + 30 B. Visits made C. Items circulated 168 ' Comments/Activities All systems go, for the volunteer tea on WednesdAy, May 23. Dale Nelson