HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1990.10.16 BURLINGAME PUBLI.: LIBRARY BOARD OF '.TRUSTEES - AGENDA OCTOBER 16TH, 1990 - 4 : 30PM _ { SUGGESTED ACTION { 1 . CALL TO ORDER { { 2 . ROLL CALL { 3 . BILLS { { APPROVAL City Checks: $70 , 194 .58 { Special Fund: $ 4 ,281 . 75 { Capital Outlay : $6 , 425 .00 { 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL f 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION f A. City Newsletter { f B. CLA Lobbyist Update { { { { { { f { f 6 . REPORTS { INFORMATION a. City Librarian' s Report { { b. System Advisory Board Report { { 7 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { None { { f { f 8 . NEW BUSINESS { { a. Holiday Schedule for 1991 { APPROVAL t { f { { f { 9. FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Employee Achievement Awards { { 11 . ADJOURNMENT { f PMB/jg { 10/11/90 { nr.Fur�nn f Burlineame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes September 18th, 1.990 Cag ®v°k The meeting of September 18th, 1990 was called to order by President Robertson at 4:30pm. Trustees Present: Benson, Blevins, Cannon, Robertson & Taylor Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Mrs. Patricia Bergsing, City Librarian Mrs. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Mr. Alfred Fscoffier, Assistant City Librarian Buffo M/S/C (Cannon/Benson) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of$33,546.22. Minutes of the Meeti?w AW=t 21st, 1990: Trustee Cannon asked that the Minutes of August 21st, 1990 be corrected regarding the policy of piano recitals in the Community Room. She said to eliminate present "policy" and replace policy with "practice." The sentence shall then read: After careful study and deliberation, Trustee Taylor made a motion to discontinue present practice regarding music teachers and eliminate the recitals to be consistent with the policies and procedures. Minutes of the meeting of August 21st, 1990 were approved as corrected and ordered filed. ®Ees2 and Communication.- Librarian Bergsing had an article from the "Peninsula Parent" that had been written by Children's Librarian Joan Riordan Manini that she shared with the Board members. page 2. Librarian's Repo Mr. Escoffier brought the Board members up-to-date regarding the progress of the landscaping, or lack of it, in the front of the Library. He explained that Peter Callendar, landscape architect, had submitted a drawing, at no charge, and plans to proceed with the irrigation portion of the project are underway with hopes that the City will start in October. Mr. Escoffier said he hopes to have the masonry done so the irrigation won't be held up. Mrs. Bergsing said recruitment for the Librarian II position will close on Friday and Mrs. Fortmiller had reported there are approximately 8 eligible candidates for the job. Un&nkfied B wso s _Selection of Board Member for RFP Review Process: Librarian Bergsing briefly explained the process that has taken place thus far in obtaining the proposals. After some discussion Trustees Robertson, Cannon, Blevins & Benson volunteered to sit-in on the RFP review process. Mrs. Bergsing said she only needed three people and Trustee Benson agreed to be available as back-up if needed. The Trustees all agreed that October 3rd would be a good day for all of them to do the interviews. Mrs. Bergsing said she would call the consultants they hoped to interview and see if October 3rd was a good day for them as well. Trustee Blevins made a motion to support whatever decision the Board members made in terms of selecting a consultant and further moved that the Trustees Special Fund would make up any difference in the contract between the money already budgeted by the City and what the selected consultant will charge. Mrs. Bergsing will then request reimbursement to the Trustees from the Duncan Fund. The motion was seconded by Trustee Taylor and carried unanimously. Page 3: Employee Achievement Awards: Trustee Robertson said she is getting quite a few responses to the nominations for the Employee Achievement Awards. Librarian Bergsing said Carol Mink, former Board member, would be happy to assist with the awards and would be willing to write the letters. She only needs to hear from the selection committee letting her know who is getting the letters. Trustee Taylor said she will help President Robertson and they agreed to meet and confer. CLA Conference - November: Librarian Bergsing asked everyone if they had received their pre-conference programs. Everyone said they did. Mrs. Bergsing reminded them that there will be another conference in San Diego in March of 1991 for the 'Public Library Association." Some discussion followed. Mw Businws: None Dom t& F-42 ro s The meeting of September 18th, 1990, was adjourned at 5:30pm with the next meeting scheduled for October 15th, 1990 at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board 9/19/90 minutes - September LIBRARIAN' S REPORT OCTOBER 16TH, 1990 Library Space Planning Ripley Associates is the firm which the Review Committee selected for recommendation to the City Council for the library' s space planning. Council; will be asked to give the final approval on October 15th. The contract with Ripley Associates is for $25, 500. It is very likely that when the study is completed we will want to spend another $7 , 000 to $10 , 000 to complete the engineering studies. This money will be requested from the Duncan Trust Fund. Review Committee members from the Board of Trustees , Kris Cannon, F Loretta Blevins and Shirley Robertson are to be commended for giving up more than an entire day for the process. The committee found the work exciting and challenging, as each of the five consultants brought a little different perspective to the process . The committee was impressed by the creativity and energy of Ripley Associates. r They had obviously done their homework and were excited about doing the Burlingame project. Landscape Plans f Rick Pollestrini Masonry has begun the brickwork for the benches in front of the library. The benches will be much like the plan done by Peter Callander Associates earlier this year, providing approximately 12 feet of seating on each side of the walkway. Rick will also be repairing the major cracks in the brick walk as well. The new irrigation system and timer will be installed next by the Park Department, and the City will install the lawn and plants in the coming M weeks . f t Programs and Services 1 Paintings were on display during the month by members of the Peninsula Outdoor Painters. A special display area featured books on Yosemite in honor of Yosemite ' s 100th birthday. i Minotaur Poetry Readings had an attendance of 18 for Carla Kandinsky and. Jaimes Alsop and 15 for Mark Neville. The guest poet for October will be Kennon Webber on October 19 . Children' s Services The Toddler Story Times continue to be very well attended, with over 30 children at each of the two weekly sessions . PLAN/GEAC Reconfiguration of the Geac communications lines, as well as an upgrade to digital communications will take place later this year. This will require[ rewiring many of our terminals, as well as installing a new modem. Page 1 Reference Division Esther met with the PLS Community Relations Committee on September 5 . Authors are being selected for the Author' s Fair for April 1991. The Self-guided Tour Task Force met three times during the month. On Friday, September 14, Patti and Donna attended another Network Planning Group regional forum in Oakland. Donna chaired the September 25th meeting of the PLS Reference Committee. There were special guests from South Bay and a discussion about ways in whict PLS and South Bay should pool resources to cooperate. Sandy Gleichmann attended the September 5th PLS Multicultural Committee Meeting. The group continues its work on goals and objectives which have been submitted in final draft for the PLS Council to approve. Sandy also delighted in her attendance at the Sept. 22nd and 23rd conference and resource fair held in San Francisco at the Cathedral Hill Hotel. The topic was "Developing Library Collections for California' s Emerging Majority. " Topics discussed included selection of materials for Chinese, Japanese and Korean collections, African-American, Spanish and Chicano, and Southeast Asian collections. Also covered were Academic Cultural Literacy Collections, ethnic A/V material selection and purchasing Children' s books in many languages . The content and structure of this conference were simply excellent and Sandy came away inspired and with two bags full of "goodies" to share with BPL staff. Maribeth Farcich went to a two day workshop on "How to hear what people are saying" on Sept. 24th and 25th in San Mateo. The presentation by David Bashore was excellent and the participants received information that will be useful in their jobs. Interesting Reference Questions A patron called from a telephone booth, as she was on her way to Australia, to find out how many people on skis it would take to form a line to Austria from San Francisco. With information from an atlas on the distance in miles and some quick calculations from Esther Cummings, she was able to come up with a rough estimate. The periodical Climatological Data gave a patron the daily precipitation in this area from August 1988 through January 1989 . she worked for a construction company that wanted to show, for contract reasons, the number o7 days is had not been possible to work because of rain. Page 2 Personnel Selection interviews for the Librarian I and II recruitments are taking place during the month; The Librarian II interviews were held on October 10; the Librarian I , on October 15 . In house interviews will follow after receipt of the eligible list. We are still short several pages and will hold another Page Test Octobei 17. New pages from the last Page Test include: Sharon Badillo, Tim Terry, Agnes Coric, Hank Sorensen. Friends of the Library The Friends of the Library book sale is scheduled for October 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th. I ' ll let you know at your meeting how they do. PMB/J g 10/11/90 Page 3 ® ' CITY OF cORLINGAPE PAGE 44 oUDGET STATUS REPORT ° FOR THE MONTH ENDING A'UiUST 31. 1990 FRjNTE_D-_QSt.24/9Q, - _ -- - `� CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE ` ----_---____-- _ oUDGET Ek_PLN9I_ 4RE E io -------------------------T-4RE £XPNDI---------€---T------- IS.SCSI.M�RZNCE------GALANC.F...------FERCE47 11 101 GENERAL FUND 'a 67500 LIBRARY " r. 010 REGULAR SALARIES 615.833.00 50.792.00 1C1i830.82 514,OC2.18 16.54 035C•U73.CO 29.509.24 59.345.7: - • 012 OVERTIME 5CU.CC 5[0.00 a TOTAL SA,LAR.LE5 ¢ �q�E�__. 904x400.04 90t3�i1.24 1t1r17c.tG EOS.i29.40__-_--_h..6fl___. ---_ TOTAL DIRECT LABOR 966.4C6.CO 80.301.24 161.17o.E0 805.229.40 16.68 030 RETIREMENT ----- 221P591.CC 8x623.09 17.208.44 204.322.56 7.79 ;'J 031 HEALTH INSURANCE 5.078.46 9x662.90 <9i662.50> 033 CITY DENTAL PLAN_ _ 635.90 1,371,14 11.371.7112._._______ n 034 LIFE INSURANCE 236.76 473.51 <473.51> 035 LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 651.57 1.302.40 <1.302.4U> �Q36 MEDICAR€ INSURANCE 342..83 68Z.86 <682.8b2 _. b 037 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE w 038 WORKERS COPPENSATION INSURANCE 345.31 764.33 <754.83> �"� Oy1_.�TY__1L§1.C►i_PIAlS ---- _._ ____._ 144.31 33L,t5 _ _ -..___ _ <Q32.652__-_. TOTAL EMPLOYEE aENEFITS 221,591.CG 161130.23 31.879.35 1691711.65 14.39 TOTAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES 1,187,997.CG 96.431.47 143.055.95 994.941.05 16.25 ° 110 CFFICE EXPENSE 11.756.60 3,333,76 251.20 29.73 �w " 120 SPECIAL DEFARTMENT EXPENSE 2C.490.00 1.971.68 2,o453.21 18.036.79 11.97 ° 122 PERIODICALS 21P31J.00 133.72 751.74 20.558.26 3.53 ° 123 9OOK dINuNfl_ __.__-----_- _--- 12x329600. _- _-. ._ 185,34. 1.483.98 _.-._ _ 10,83.6.-a2_ 12_05 124 CATALOGING EXFENSE 15.655.00 245.72 660.E7 14,594.13 4.22 125 RECORDS AND CASSETTES 90cC0.00 313.81 313.81 8.886.19 3.41 " 129 BOOKS AND MAP 144r1CO.G0 9,459.09 24.4SL.16 152,a 47.fl4____.._._13 28 ° P_5 130 SMALL TOOLS 300.00 300.00 ---;, " 160 COMMUNICATIONS 110215.00 1,332.42 1.332.42 9.882.58 11.88 =- 139-ELECT_RIL_$ GAAA_4TILITIES 34._184.00 3,535.65 7.145.39 ,I 190 MAINTENANCE OF 8UILOIhGS AND GROLND 2o.325.CO 1,2o9.44 1.072.4) 24.652.60 6.35 200 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 3,575.CO 3,575.00 ; 2119 AUDIO-VISUAL- EQUIPMENT PAINTEIVANCE 1,970.00 1[974. 210 PROFESSIONAL AND SPECIALIZED SER�IC 31.372.CC 7.372.OU 7.372.GC 24.000.00 23.50 220 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 45.544.CC 600.00 000.CO 44.944.GO 1.32 240 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 10535.0[ 250 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES B MEETINGS 1.000.[0 8.92 8.92 991.[8 C.89 291 DEPARTMENT HEAD CONFERENCE 8 MEETIN 900.Co 179.99 179.89 720,11 19,99 252_STAFF_CONFEREACE_AND- MEETINy_ -_ -_-. 4?400:G0 2,C9L.OIL_ » 260 0R• . iING AND SAFETY 3.000.GO 185.00 185.CO 2.615.GO 6.17 290 OTHER CHARGES 100.00 1CO.00 � 7�1_1N.S9RAN.CE. 5ZA4I4GAILS°L.--_ 4.128.CO 344.00 688.[0 3<4-40.as___.-__._-_.1��6Z_--,----- --.• e --- �' CITT Of BURIINGAME PNuE 45 oUDGET STATUS REPORT FOR ThE rOkTM ENOIkE AUGUST 31. 1990 PRINTED 0`1/24/90 CURRENT MONTH YEAR—TO—DATE BUDGET EXPENDITURE EXP-EMDITLRE ENCUMBRANCE SALAkCE- PERCENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 441.969.CO 30.472.40 52.792.59 389.176.41 11.94 TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 441.969.00 30.472.40 52.792.59 389176.41 11.94 800 CAPITAL OUTLAY 40iU32.00 40oL32.00 �IIITAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 40x032.00 4i32.G0 - TOTAL_CAPITAL.EXPENDIIUBES 4Li 032.G0 I - -- -- --------- 9.46 14.72 I 67500 LIBRARY TOTAL 1i9i998.00 1c6�903.93 245.848.54 11424.14 66 '� I STATISTICS FOR SEPTEMBER 1990 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 10, 392 Burlingame Children 1 , 835 Hillsborough Adults 1,713 �- Hillsborough Children 696 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 386 TOTAL: 15, 238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main• Branch• Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 18,113 1, 396 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals , pamphlets, paperbacks) 6 ,490 946 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 3 ,202 18 TOTALS: 27,805 2, 360 Main Total 1990 Circ: 27,805 Main Total 1989 Circ: 25,143 = 10 . 59% Inc. Branch Tot 1990 Circ: 2, 360 Branch Tot 1989 Circ: 2 ,508 = 5. 90% Dec. GrandTotal 1990 Circ: 30 , 165 GrandTotal 1989 Circ: 27,651 = 9 . 09% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 7 ,501 I .L.L. Borrowed: 93 -- I .L.L. Lent: 268 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 7,862 I .L.L. Total: 361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 109, 341/108,432 4 , 691/ 4 , 691 114,032/113 , 123 Ch.Non-Fic. 19,689/ 18 ,796 2 ,762/ 2 ,762 22,451/ 21, 558 YA Non-Fic. 1 , 685/ 1, 547 110/ 110 1,795/ 1,657 Ad.Fiction 45 , 218/ 35 , 027 4 ,728/ 4,728 49,946/ 39,755 Ch.Fiction 18, 577/ 16 , 989 4,601/ 4,601 23,178/ 21,590 YA Fiction 2 , 518/ 2, 321 315/ 315 2,833/ 2,636 Reference 5 , 185 5,172 122/ 122 5,307/ 5,294 TOTALS: 202 , 213/188 , 284 17 , 329/17 , 329 219,542/205,613 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 28, 912 N/A 28 , 912 Paperbacks 2,726 It 2,726 Maps 1,719 " 1 ,719 Records 4,760 " 4,760 Cassettes 2,636 " 2,636 Video Tapes 463 " 463 Compact Discs 284 284 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1,347 .11 Branch: $ 151. 60 User Traffic: 34 , 366 - Daily Average: 1,227 Total: $ 1,498.71 Total Meetings Held: 13 People in Attendance: 240 Children' s Programs: 1 Children in Attendance: 75 4904-ern 8904-Green 4204-wny.+ --� CITY OF BURLINGAME .fi r b ra,- Trus fee ccourn- ' -- ZZ53 F ZZ53 � S -71 1 Iff 111111 1111111111 / 1 3J - 8L71 z � I 1 7 Ali i 04 3 A - I / 4 111 7_7 ; 11 11 J3bl 1I i III — I' �. 1 ,! ' g o 1 ;It4 J b431 `1' 1 111 v i1 13 g ! i! 17 3 i I� I 18 � ! 11 1119 1 1120, I� I ) 'I Ji i1 itI I 1 1 1124 1126 I Ij 127 , I ' II 31 � II ii13 33 II1134 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH September 1990 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 32.5 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 9 B. Hours contributed 51 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 18 B. Number of visits made 25 C. Items circulated 120 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 2 28 B. Edelweiss 2 5 C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West E. Marion Convent 1 15 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 18 + 30 B. Visits made 27 C. Items circulated 178 Comments/Activities Fairly quiet month, but our Book Sale is coming up on October 11 , so that will greatly increase volunteer hours for next month. Dale Nelson