HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1990.12.18 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA DECEMBER 18TH, 1990 - 4 : 30PM { SUGGESTED ACTION { 1 . CALL TO ORDER { { 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks: $31 ,030.34 { Special Fund: $ 513.95 { { 4. MINUTES { APPROVAL { 5 . INTRODUCTION OF NEW PART-TIME REFERENCE LIBRARIAN { TRACY HAMMOND { { 6 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION f A. Status of Duncan Property Fund - 9/30/90 { { B. Reference Desk Survey of Non-Residents { { { 7 . REPORTS { INFORMATION f a. City Librarian' s Report { { b. PLS System Advisory Board Report - { Trustee Robertson { { 8 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { None { f { { f 9 . NEW BUSINESS { { a. 1991 Update of Library Long-Range Plan { INFORMATION { { 10. FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { f 11 . ADJOURNMENT { { PMB/j g { 12/12/90 { AGENDAD { { { { f { { { f Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes November 20th, 1990 The meeting of November 20th, 1990 was called to order by President Robertson at 4:30pm. Trustees Present: Benson, Blevins, Cannon, Robertson & Taylor Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Mrs. Patricia Bergsing, City Librarian Mrs.Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Mr. Alfred Escoffier,Assistant City Librarian Bio M/S/C (Cannon/Benson) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $45,243.14, Special Fund checks in the amount of $568.07 and a Duncan Fund check in the amount of $321.74. Minutes off the meeting ®ctober i 6th, igg®o Minutes of the meeting of October 16th, 1990 were approved as written and ordered filed. Com em andCommunication: gond Correspondence A ,B,C & D were mailed in the Trustees Packets for their information. 0 Librarian's Report: Librarian Bergsing said that there had been a great deal of positive feedback regarding the Employee Achievement Awards. Mrs. Bergsing brought the Board members up-to-date regarding the downstairs Duncan property in regards to Fox and Carskadons' vacating the premises. There was discussion regarding City finances, current space needs, and possible uses of the downstairs offices. Page 2: Mr. Escoffier answered to Trustee Taylor's question regarding a workshop Donna Smith had attended on constructive feedback. The Board asked if the Geac problem had been solved. Mr. Escoffier reported on the progress and stated that to date the problem had not been solved. Trustee Cannon made a motion to pay for the wine and sparkling punch for the Staff Holiday Party. The motion was seconded by Trustee Taylor and it was unanimously approved. CLA Conference Report: Trustee Robertson: Trustee Robertson gave a report on the meetings she attended at the recent CLA Conference. Un iinas&d B wse None mew� a �o None Fv°� the Adiourvi mentto The meeting of November 20th, 1990, was adjourned at 5:30pm. The next meeting is scheduled for December 18th, 1990 at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board 11/28/90 minutes - November LIBRARIANS REPORT December 1990 Duncan Property The good news of the month is that the City Council voted unanimously at its December meeting to purchase the Duncan property for $500, 000 . This was the price agreed upon by the City and the Foundation approximately four years ago. The bad news is that the upstairs is currently leased and that lease is due to expire in January 1991 (next month. ) However, now that the City has received a copy of the lease, it appears that the lease has been renewed automatically for another year since the Foundation took no action regarding their request to renew. The implications of this for the library is that the Fire Department will move into the downstairs of the Duncan property until the upstairs becomes vacant. This could be as late as January 1992 . Luckily, as you know, we are already working with an architect and library space planner, and they have agreed to help us plan for the use of the Duncan house for the short term. Library Space Planning Al and I spent one entire day meeting with Jane Light, the library building consultant, and Cynthia Ripley, the architect. The morning was spent verifying the figures and program elements that Jane had developed for �. the library' s space requirements . These were a product of her interviews with supervisors. In the afternoon we discussed some possible options for long and short term solutions. Both Jane and Cynthia are in the process of refining and polishing their reports, and I 'm sure they won' t have anything for your review until January at the earliest. Geac Problem Update After weeks of testing and checking of lines, our Geac line problem has been solved! During the period of the problems, we had cabling and couplings replaced, we moved terminals to different locations and we had electrical lines checked for spikes. County communications checked lines both here and at PLAN. Finally, with a new telecommunication device, the county telecommunications technician was able to determine that the problem was with the Pacific Bell telephone lines and not with our system. Pacific Bell did some work on the pole at County Central (PLAN) on a defective transformer and the problem was solved. Looking toward the future, we will be rewiring and recabling most of the Geac terminals in the building in anticipation of the installation of the upgrade to the telecommunications system. This new system will use the more current digital technology. Most libraries iO PLS have already made this Page 1 transition successfully and have seen an improvement in response time. The upgrade will also allow us to install some additional terminals. Reference Division Donna is pleased the report that the Reference Division is now up to full staff . Tracy Hammond and Daniel Alvarez are now on board and have worked through the initial phases of the training process. On November 27 , Donna chaired a meeting of the PLS Reference Committee. As always, the agenda was full and the meeting long. For a week, November 26 - December 2nd, four public service desks participated in a PLS survey of resident/non-resident use of reference. Geac captures this sort of statistic for the circulation of books, but there is no such statistic available for in-person reference. (results are enclosed) Statistics gathered about reference for the meeting with Jane Light, show about two-thirds of reference questions are in person and one-third are telephone. A pattern of peaks and plateaus shows up in the reference statistics of the past sixteen years . The number of questions almost tripled in that time. Currently there seems to be a plateau which might be followed in several year by another increase. The Reference staff recently reviewed the Standing Order List with an eye to dropping titles not longer needed and adding others which would be useful. Children' s Services The annual family holiday program will feature "The Three Wishes" with Jan M. Van Schuyver, puppeteer and Storyteller on Saturday, December 15 , 11 AM. John Bendick of the Burlingame Lions Club, will be our Santa Claus that day. Joan Manini met with other members of the PLS Children' s Committee to decide the Summer Reading Club theme for 1991 . Next year it will be "Mystery Mansion. " She attended a workshop called "The Whole Child" that was sponsored by the PLS Children' s Services Committee. The workshop covered storytelling for children when English is a second language, psychological and physiological development of a child, and the needs of the young child who participates in pre-school and toddler storytimes. Joan also spoke with Jane Light about the space needs in the Children' s Room. Page 2 There were four class visits during the month at the Main and one class visit at the Branch. One hundred and seventeen children participated. Attendance at other children' s programs was as follows: First Saturday Program - 24 children Read Aloud ( school age) - 8 children Fourth Saturday Program - Magic Mike - 150 children Toddler Story Hour - 146 children Pre-School Story Hour - 95 children Programs and Services Uta Compton' s photographs of children make up the current exhibit in the Reference Room. Minotaur Poetry Readings featured Fritz Hamilton and Phoebe Grigg and Tony D'Arpino during the month. Sandy Gleichmann' s mother made her debut at the poetry readings during the month as well. Personnel Cheryl Young has returned to the library as a Library Assistant II at the Circulation Desk. Cheryl has decided to pursue a professional library career. Welcome back Cheryl! Staff Development Donna Smith and Joan Manini went to the third Frontline Leadership Training module. The theme was "Getting good information from people. " The six steps for doing this follow: 1 ) Focus the discussion on the information needed; 2 ) Use open-ended questions to expand the discussion; 3 ) Use closed- ended questions to prompt for specifics; 4 ) Encourage dialogue through eye contact and expression; 5) State your understanding of what you are hearing; 6 ) Summarize and close the discussion. Although the focus of the session was on supervisors using these steps, they are applicable to the reference interview. PMB/jg LibReptl2 Page 3 Reference Desk Survey 11/26-12/2/9U r I 8,0®R..:.RF:iF?:si.. sr`,u.�z '!iiji'r._:3.F.v`•-''i:!:�q:1� -,'."^ti.'. ' vl?es=u:-'•ia•P44B-C.'e'�s�tiu!!�irt''"`=_...—_-�'..'-re_W .Eli :•i!s. it s„= a r+ 4 T nom' 162 41 C''{_, -'e=idsrr� . .::'::iii{'i:?i::iiiiCi AV Desk Survey 11/26-12/2/90 _. Bull _9 ly 11-H .ri.;'+-lia:rar:��tF'r .{:a::,_•om i ?r!§ �r�iti�=.. =a:1:::: . yai:la `ii.',�',�.! LiE:= n.,•'�r:,.',u.:'ia3.•]•F:336F' {n::iwial.:-.. .azar --'a' t=o9ilE�•a":= '4 f-'a,,i-53!P.iti�7IER.s:+r.:•� +•:y lS�:`''jI"'i�?1 .,z -Tr'-'u_ 94 62% ' c6'•kr..'Sai-:]!___.-.�a•.�:_ l :i37i'..dr,n' '�,'i ''.7""•• i.. - mam PiV: r!.vi.I::�C??f..:'.'::::::.'.'::::.'.'::::: •.;':::� rr.rrr C-:, : ..::. VolNon - - -rt ................................... ti�n-a:rai::a �,!b�.::•ir:':':i:'rr:•:•ri:i•:ii•r:•ri'r.:'rr: :'ii•� I Children's Desk Survey 11/26/90 (only) r ! ,;3•-•yam. pill , ai ?� n=Aill -._is J,-gin _t fir.. . . ::. 7 !_r t ..._:':;7_I e n i r::::::::::::::::. :::. Branch Desk Survey 11/26-12/2/90 r z5 'ova• 7 Fg.��-� r � � � 4� i ' .:^ rti3'7 ArR°P4�1�'a�d 1 :, °.?ra.,."v -s`r!iS'! -Y _:s:-5'jiSi'irv: i:�.. ? '- :;�w': X' ..: STATISTICS FOR NOVEMBER 1990 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 11 ,968 'urlingame Children 2 , 266 Hillsborough Adults 1 , 904 Hillsborough Children 791 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 425 TOTAL: 17 , 354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 19 , 977 1 , 463 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 6 , 487 1 , 145 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films , videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 3 , 191 49 TOTALS: 29 , 655 2 , 657 Main Total 1990 Circ: 29,655 Main Total 1989 Circ: 27 , 800 = 6 . 67% Inc. Branch Tot 1990 Circ: 2 , 657 Branch Tot 1989 Circ: 2 , 671 = . 52% Dec. GrandTotal 1990 Circ: 32 , 312 GrandTotal 1989 Circ: 30 , 371 = 6 . 39% Inc. ------------------------�_--------------- ------------------------------ REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 7 , 024 I .L.L. Borrowed: 101 I .L.L. Lent: 286 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 7 , 411 I .L.L. Total: 387 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 109 , 966/108 ,937 4 ,761/ 4 ,761 114,727/113 , 698 Ch.Non-Fic. 19 , 803/ 18 , 863 2 ,782/ 2,782 22 , 595/ 21 , 655 YA Non-Fic. 1 , 695/ 1, 553 110/ 110 1 , 805/ 1,663 Ad.Fiction 45 , 499/ 35 ,238 4 , 809/ 4 ,809 50 , 308/ 40 , 047 Ch.Fiction 18 ,723/ 17,090 4 ,664/ 4, 664 23 , 387/ 21,754 YA Fiction 2 , 536/ 2 , 325 315/ 315 2, 851/ 2 ,640 Reference 5 , 204 5 , 173 122/ 122 5, 326/ 5 , 295 TOTALS: 203 , 426/189 ,189 17 , 573/17 , 573 220 , 999/206 ,752 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 28 ,195 N/A 28 , 195 Paperbacks 2,726 2,726 Maps 1 ,748 " 1 ,748 Records 4 ,745 4 ,745 Cassettes 2 ,254 " 2 , 254 Video Tapes 447 447 Compact Discs 282 282 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1 , 317 . 92 Branch: $ 135. 20 User Traffic: 33 ,078 - Daily Average: 1, 141 Total: $ 1 , 453 . 12 Total Meetings Held: 15 People in Attendance: 485 Children' s Programs: 1 Children in Attendance: 75 6 / r 7 CITY OF- BURLINGAME PACE 44 s oUDGET STATUS KEPORT ° FOR THE MONTH ENDING NOVEMBER 30.- 1990 PRINTED 12/12/90 e b CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE 6UDGET EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE PERCENT - - --------- ----- -- _. _ __- --- -- -- --- ------- - .-_.. 101 GENERAL FUND 14 j 67500 LIBRARY 010 REGULAR SALARIES 615.-633.00 45.-773.u3 252.451.03 363.-380.97 40.99 011 PART-TIME SALARIES 350.-073.00 30.394.70 150.-451.20 199.-621.80 42.98 N _ --OVERTIME_ ----- --------__ ----------- ----__ "-500.00---_ - - _ -- ---- --- -500.00 , 1, TOTAL SALARIES d WAGES 966.406.00 79.-167.73 402.903.23 563.-502.77 41.69 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR 966.406.00 79.-167.73 402.-903.23 563.502.77 41.69 ---_030 RETIREMENT -- ---- --- - -------Z2-fi391.OD- ---8.-355.76 - 42.-515.20 --_. -------1791075.80-- 19.19 E 031 HEALTH INSURANCE 5.-497.92 26.-335.12 <26.-335.12> r 033 CITY DENTAL PLAN 685.90 3.-434.73 <3.434.73> > 2,-_-___0_34__C E_INSURANCE--_-._---_-___ .-____ 236.74.. 1.185.58....- __--.-----_._---___-- <1.-185.58> ,. 2,, 035 LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 637.15 3.-239.87 <3.-239.87> 036 MEDICARE INSURANCE 339.08 1.-732.43 <1.-732.43> b --037--UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE------ 038 NTUAANCE-038 YORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 339.56 1.-820.71 <1.-820.71> $ 041 CITY VISION PLAN 166.30 832.90 <832.90> TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 221.-591.00 16.-258.41 81.-096.54 140.-494.46 36.60 - .. , L--EMPLOYEE-SERYICE� --- - - ---"-----�;187,997C0_ ----95.426.14-_ _ 483.999.77 - - --- ----703- .-997_ --..-23 40_._74 w k 110 OFFICE EXPENSE 11.-750.00 - 20--SPECIAL'3EPARTMENT-EXPENSE---------`- -" 2Di490 DO _.. 31.-.-29112.33 4.-720.41 ---- -- 7.---029.59 40.17 9.61 7.404.16 84_----_ -- 36.14 122 PERIODICALS 21.310.00 15.-791.83 16.-699.95 4.610.05 78.37 123 BOOK BINDINGS 12.320.00 955.53 10.-104.17 2.-215.83 82.01 --174-CATALOGI - NGEXPENSE. - ------`�$� 5�OQ---_.._ ��7.3 ._T.687.33--- - l3i967.67 10.78 ~ 125 RECORDS AND CASSETTES 9.-200.00 733.90 3.-709.00 5.-491.00 40.32 , 129 BOOKS AND MAPS 184.-100.00 15.-062.dO 75.-112.71 108.-987.29 40.80 s _ .. _SMALL TOOLS"_-_ _. ___._--_-__-- - _ ou- __. ----- ------- - ----300.00- ----- - 160 COMMUNICATIONS 11.215.00 1.105.10 3.-337.29 7.-877.71 29.76 170 ELECTRIC S GAS UTILITIES 34.180.00 2.-909.01 17.-023.43 17.-156.57 49.81 a I;i- __ttO-MAINTENANCE-"OF BUILDINGS--IND--GROUNII------26i375:-D0---------653.51 - _`8 001:G9 ___._. _----.__--`------_--�8i3�3.92-----30.3 - 0 200 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 3.-575.00 528.95 787.45 2.787.55 22.03 209 AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1.-970.GO 145.00 190.00 1.-780.00 9.64 _.__.. 0_PROFESSIDNAC AND_SPECIACIZED SERYIC _ _311372_..IID __ _ _---_. __--_---- _ _ 7.-372.00 _ _____... _-______.--- . 24.-000.00 -- --- 23.50 220 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 45.-544.00 41.-617.00 3.-927.00 91.38 240 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 1.-535.00 370.OQ 425.00 1.-110.00 27.69 250 TRAVEL.-tONFEREIYCES__g_lfEETTNGS -_ - - ---1.-000.00-_.____...---.__ ____- 81.52 „ 251 DEPARTMENT HEAD CONFERENCE d MEETIN 900.00 553.04 751.93 147.07 83.66 252 STAFF CONFERENCE AND MEETINGS 2.-000.00 927.94 1.-255.94 744.06 62.80 260_TRAINING AND -SAFETY- ___ _ 3.-000.00 -- --226.14_ 503.14_-_ _._. .--- ---.------ ----2.-496.86 290 OTHER CHARGES 100.00 1CG.00 ;5 701 INSURANCE COST ALLOCATION 4.-128.00 344.00 1.-720.CO 2.408.00 41.67 a A )I - ,9 ® J 3 CITY OF BURLINGAME PAGE 45 BUDGET STATUS REPORT ° ° FOR THE MONTH ENDING NOVEMBER 30. 1990 --'-PRINTED--_i- /12/9 —_ — -------_..----._. --- -- ---- _--- ---- - --- 2---Q - -'-- ' CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE ' BUDGET EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE PERCENT----------------------------------- u TOTAL SJPPLIES AND SERVICES 441.969.00 45.773.42 202.504.51 239.464.49 45.82 TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 4411969.00 451773.42 2021504.51 239x464.49 45.82 -40.032.00 6.425.00_._ 33.o07.00 16.05 " .e TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 401032.00 6.425_.00607.u0 10.05 �. 35 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES _— _._-------------- 40.032.00---------------- n r. 67500-1I8RARY TOTAL 1..6691998.00 141..199.56 692..929.289771068.72 41.49 -13 e n sssssssszsaszz sassssssssaszs xaszzxxsasxzza sccc=ccc=cc=== =osaszaszsaszss n 37 w a u r. .� 33 43 --- IS 41 J: b �+ w n 5 � e5 45 e� �' e1 y e e v i i IN 51 n MONTHLY REPORT MONTH November 1990 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 38.5 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 9 B. Hours contributed 29 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 16 B. Number of visits made 31 C. Items circulated 149 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits - # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 2 28 B. Edelweiss 2 5 C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West E. Marion Convent 1 17 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 16 + 3-Q- B. QB. Visits made 30 C. Items circulated 201 Comments/Activities With Warren out of action and Jean without her czar fnr all November, it was a hectic month. Hopefully, we' ll be able to attract two new volunteer deliverers, as we' re scheduled to enlist two, possibly three, new patrons next month. r '