HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1991.02.19 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA FEBRUARY 19TH, 1991 - 4 : 30PM { SUGGESTED ACTION 1 . CALL TO ORDER { { 2. ROLL CALL { 3 . BILLS { City Checks: $29,800.02 f APPROVAL { Special Fund: $ 598.08 { { 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL { 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { a. Budget Instructions 1991-1992 { f b. Letter from Peninsula Foundation { c. City of San Mateo Newsletter f { d. San Francisco Examiner Article { { 6. REPORTS { f a. City Librarian' s Report { INFORMATION f b. PLS System Advisory Board Report - { INFORMATION Trustee Robertson { { c. On-Line Public Catalog Demo - Assistant { INFORMATION City Librarian Al Escoffier { f 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { a. Update on Duncan Property and Space { INFORMATION Planning { { b. Building Consultant Report { INFORMATION f 8. NEW BUSINESS { { a. Change of Meeting Time - March 19th { ACTION { f 9. FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { f 10. ADJOURNMENT { Brief Tour of the Downstairs Duncan Property { { f �- -PMBJJg { 02/14/91 { AGENDAF { { { f Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes Tanuary 15th, 1991 The meeting of January 15th, 1991 was called to order by President Robertson at 4:30pm. Trustees Present: Benson, Blevins, Cannon, Robertson & Taylor Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Mrs. Patricia Bergsing, City Librarian Mrs.Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Daniel Alvarez, Reference Librarian M/S/C (Benson/Taylor) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $36,770.50, and Special Fund checks in the amount of$705.03. Minutes oLthe Mmtt ag Dezember 18�6ua Minutes of the meeting of December 18th, 1990 were approved as written and ordered filed. Introduction off mcew �F�al�ll tigne Relf ence Librarian Daniel a Afyarez City Librarian, Patti Bergsing, introduced the new full-time reference Librarian II, Daniel Alvarez. She then introduced the Board members and told Daniel what their occupations are. Daniel then told a little of his background prior to BPL. Daniel said that he is delighted to have the opportunity to work at the Burlingame Public Library and the Board members welcomed him. Coffes2ondence andCommunication: kation¢: Correspondence A & B & C were mailed in the Trustees Packets for their information. Trustee Robertson however had a couple of comments regarding capital improvement expenditures. f e 2e Rte° e Librarian's Repo Mrs. Bergsing brought the Board members up-to-date regarding the Duncan property. She said the upstairs rental will remain as agreed, however if the tenants decide they want to leave earlier that January 1992, they can leave and are not obligated to fulfill their lease if they give 30 days notice. There was some discussion regarding moving administration to the downstairs Duncan property; the meeting with the structural engineer to do some seismic reinforcement/upgrading in the library, and the status of the Long-Range Plan. There was further discussion regarding finance regarding all of the moves, upgrades, reinforcing, and time frames to accomplish everything. Trustee Cannon asked if Esther Cummings had given a tour of the Reference Department when she gave her orientation. Mrs. Bergsing said she would find out. The City Librarian voiced some concern regarding Branch statistics. This month (December) was the largest drop in circulation (35%) however circulation has been declining slowly since September. Trustee Taylor extended her congratulation to the Library staff for collecting so much food for the hungry during the holidays. SAB Report: Trustee Robertson: Trustee Robertson Iwd gave an update to the Board members on a recently attended PLS System Advisory meeting that was held at the Burlingame Library on January 11th. s Update on Duncan Property and Space Planning: The Duncan property was discussed under City Librarian's report however Mrs. Bergsing did add that since the City had purchased the Duncan property from the Foundation in the amount of $500,00, the interest payments from the Foundation will go into the Trustees Special Fund however the rent payment from the tenants upstairs , in the amount of$1,500 per month, will go into the general fund. Expenses from the property such as heating, communications, repairs, etc. will come out of the operating budget for the Library and the City Manager will then reimburse the library at the end of this fiscal year. Page 3: Mrs. Bergsing then distributed the Detailed Space Requirement Report that had been prepared by Jane Light. PLA Registration Deadline Is February 20th: Mrs. Bergsing reminded the Board members that the final date for early PLA registration is due by February 20th. 9Tew B so Approval of Staff Recognition Account: Mrs. Bergsing explained, for the benefit of the new Board members, that the Trustees generally provide a small amount of money available to the staff for certain staff recognition items during the year. She explained that the fund was getting low and asked if it could be replenished. M/S/C (Blevins/Taylor) that the staff recognition account be brought current and funds be replenished from the Trustees Special Fund. From the There was no public present. Adiour mente a The meeting of January 15th, 1991, was adjourned at 5:25pm. The next meeting is scheduled for February 19th, 1991 at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board 01/22/91 - Minutes January LIBRARIAN' S REPORT FEBRUARY 19TH, 1991 `--SPACE PLANNING Meetings are continuing with architect Cynthia Ripley and building consultant Jane Light. We have received an interim report and the final report and engineering report are due on March 15th. The library is beginning to plan the move to the Duncan building. Costs are being compiled on the cost of the actual move and arrangements are being studied on the logical staff to utilize the space. A final decision will probably not be made until receipt of the architect' s and engineer' s report. Tentatively we are scheduling the move for this summer. We are planning a brief tour of the downstairs portion of the building after your meeting on Tuesday. BUILDING MAINTENANCE Several items of building maintenance have occurred during the month. Heating in the Duncan building has been checked-out and put into good working order. During the rain of February 4th, several substantial leaks were discovered in the 1959 stack area, as well as the Children' s Room. We are obtaining estimates on the repair of the stack roof. In addition, it was discovered that one of the seismic braces on the roof over the 1959 stacks was broken, probably during the recent freezing weather. The City responded quickly to look at the broken tie rods. After `— assessing the matter, Frank Erbacher, City Engineer, had Bob Malamo from the Corporation Yard come over and cut, splice and repair the broken rod which was done by the end of the week. He is currently working up costs for replacing the rest of the tie-rods both inside and outside of the building. BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS 1991-1992 Included in your packet are the City Manager' s Budget Instructions for 1991-1992. As you can see, the outlook is not good. We have also included the newsletter from San Mateo describing their financial problems, and a news article from the Examiner on the general hard times facing libraries. We may have to begin again to think about service cutbacks. PLAN/GEAC The PLS Administrative Council met on February 5th to discuss an approach toward planning for automation in PLS. Each library had been interviewed before the meeting, and the facilitator reviewed the results at the meeting. Individual libraries then outlined their future plans for us e of the automated system. All agreed that the most important aspect of the project is the development of the shared database. Access to the data is another concern. Allocation of terminals and other equipment is still a further concern. Council will be dealing with these issues in further meetings during the year. Several staff members attended a demonstration of the Geac On Line Public Catalog on February 14th and 15th. Al will give you a brief update at your meeting. CHILDREN'S SERVICES As of February 1st, the circulation of children' s materials is being done at the main circulation desk. This change has been planned in an effort to eventually centralize all circulation functions in the building. Some problems have occurred, particularly in traffic patterns. We are currently considering moving the circulation desk back to allow more room for our users in front of the desk. Cathy Somerton completed 23 programs which reached a total of 418 children during the month of January. Cathy has prepared a letter to go out to all preschools and kindergartens on the subject of "Peaceful Stories. " REFERENCE DIVISION On January 22nd, Donna Smith chaired the PLS Reference Committee meeting. Directors and/or representatives from three of the five "Project Read" programs spoke about their operations. The committee' s 1991 calendar of activities and sub-committee structures were reviewed. Esther Cummings attended the PLS Public Relations Committee meeting on January 29th, to finalize the plans for the National Library Week celebration Author' s Fair Lecture to be held at Burlingame City Hall, Sunday, April 21st at 2pm. Sandy Gleichmann attended the PLS Multicultural Service Committee meeting, the focus of which was demographic data collections from each jurisdiction. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES The art of Terry Johnson was featured during the month. The Minotaur Poetry Reading reached 32 people in January with poetry read by Jim Gove and Tom Powers. Sandy put up a book display for each one. STAFF DEVELOPMENT The main topic for the Frontline Leadership Training session that Donna and Joan Manini attended on January 15th was "Dealing With Emotional Behavior. " As the recipient of emotional behavior in the work situation, the recommended key actions are: 1) calmly acknowledge the emotional behavior; 2 ) describe the impact the emotional behavior is having on you and the discussion; 3 ) determine if it' s possible to continue the discussion constructively; 4 ) propose and approach for jointly refocusing on the work issue; and 5 ) express support and reassurance. Instruction on the BAIRS database was offered by Patricia Hatlen of CIP to Sandy, Tracy and Dan. PERSONNEL Joan Giampaoli, Branch Supervisor, has not yet returned from leave. We hope to see her by the end of February. CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOPS Upcoming dates to remember: '1--larch 1 - COMMISSIONERS DINNER - Hyatt Hotel - All Trustees and Guests to attend. March 2 - CALTAC WORKSHOP - Redwood City - Trustees Benson, Blevins and Robertson to attend March 20-23 - PLA CONFERENCE - San Diego - Trustee Taylor to attend April 6 - LEGISLATIVE BREAKFAST- Stanford Park - Which Trustees will attend? CHANGE OF MEETING TIME - MARCH 19TH I 'd like to request that you move your meeting time up to either 3 : 30 or 4:00 on March 19th, so that architect Cynthia Ripley can make a presentation of her report and answer any questions. I 'd also like the library supervisors to attend your meeting to hear her presentation. LIBREPT2 PMB/jg 02/13/91 STATISTICS FOR JANUARY 1991 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered nurlingame Adults 12 , 197 A :urlingame Children 2 , 324 Hillsborough Adults 1 , 931 Hillsborough Children 794 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 445 TOTAL: 17 , 691 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main• Branch• Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals , pamphlets , paperbacks) 21 , 396 1 , 674 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks ) 6 , 818 1 , 104 Audio Visual Materials ( records , cassettes , films , videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 3 , 958 64 TOTALS: 32 , 172 2 , 842 Main Total 1991 Circ: 32 , 172 Main Total 1990 Circ: 31 , 156 = 3 . 3 % Inc. Branch Tot 1991 Circ: 2, 842 Branch Tot 1990 Circ: 2 ,701 = 5 . 2 % Inc. GrandTotal 1991 Circ: 35 , 014 GrandTotal 1990 Circ: 38 , 857 = 3 . 4 % Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- '�EFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions : 7 , 994 I .L.L. Borrowed: 87 I .L.L. Lent: 301 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 8 , 382 I .L.L. Total: 388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 109 , 273/104 , 484 4 , 412/ 4 , 412 113 , 685/108 , 896 Ch.Non-Fic. 19 , 001/ 17 , 311 3 , 079/ 3 ,079 22 , 080/ 20 , 390 YA Non-Fic. 1 , 594/ 1 , 584 94/ 94 1 , 688/ 1 , 678 Ad.Fiction 41 , 205/ 40 ,773 4 ,765/ 4 ,765 45 , 970/ 45 , 538 Ch.Fiction 17 , 294/ 13 , 443 4 , 406/ 4 , 406 21 ,700/ 17 , 849 YA Fiction 2 , 361/ 1 , 959 293/ 293 2 , 654/ 2 , 252 Reference 5 , 297 5 , 266 118/ 118 5 , 415/ 5 , 384 TOTALS: 196 , 025/179 , 420 17 , 167/17 , 167 213 , 192/196 , 587 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 28 , 544 N/A 28 , 544 Paperbacks 2 ,726 2 ,726 Maps 1 ,756 " 1 ,756 Records 4 ,730 4 ,730 Cassettes 2 , 274 2 , 274 Video Tapes 465 465 Compact Discs 282 282 Deposited with the City Treasurer : Main: $ 4 , 098 . 24 Branch: $ 253 . 3.9_ User Traffic: 28 , 642 - Daily Average: 954 Total: $ 4 , 351 . 63 Total Meetings Held: 17 People in Attendance: 299 Children' s Programs: 2 Children in Attendance : 150 t ' -- ------- - ..- -._..-- - CITY Of BUR-LINGAME BUDGET STATUS REPORT ' FOR THE MONTH ENDING JANUARY 31, 1991 FRINTED C2/08/91 le n CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE o ' BUDGET EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE PERCENT 101 GENERAL FUND 67500 LIBRARY 11 'i 010 REGULAR SALARIES 671x719.CO 51.477.45 380x349.98 291x369.02 56.62 14 011 PART-TIME SALARIES 37Cx668.00 30.171.41 226x496.07 144x171.93 61.10 1s -0.12- OVEILTIRE --- -- - __ 500.00 120.61 379.36 24.13 - 17 TOTAL SALARIES 8 WAGES 1x042x887.G0 81.648.86 6061966.69 435x920.31 58.20 ' u i " TOTAL DIRECT LABOR 1x042.887.00 81x648.86 606x966.69 435x920.31 58.20 0 030 RETIREMENT _ -- - _-_ 221x5-91-.00 8x575.55_. 63x891.10 _ - 157x699.90 28.83----- ___-- " 031 HEALTH INSURANCE 5.887.82 40x783.03 <40,783.03> 033 CITY DENTAL PLAN 715.04 5/195.70 <5,195.70> " _0.14_ LIFE_-INSURANCE 242.97 1.783.71 - <ir*83.71> 035 LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 648.15 4.825.56 <4,825.56> 036 MEDICARE INSURANCE 383.20 2.690.10 <2,690.10> "-037 LYERPLIIYMEri.I_1ASURANCE " 038 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 351.06 2r698.C2 <2,698.02> s " 041 CITY VISION PLAN "xu 170.94 1x253.35 <1,253.35> TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 221x591.00 16x974.73 123.120.57 98x470.43 55.56 w g `-TOTAL-EMPLOYEE-SERVICES 1#264x478.00 98x623.54 730x087.76 53.4x3.90.7-4 57.74 as 110 OFFICE EXPENSE 11x750.00 207.95 5,564.72 6.185.28 47.363.- 120 SPECIAL " 123 IlIENI l0o390.67 49-29 v 122 lt022.94 18466.38 3,243.62 84.78 BINDINGS 12,320.00 488.84 10.720.82 PERIOD1,599.18 87.02 -.12C CATALDGIN6 LXPENS_E_- _ _ -__- - _._ -------_ 15s655.00 36.38 _ __ __ .2,109.-2-7_- _.- _.- 43.S45.73 _ ._ IS.47 125 RECORDS AND CASSETTES 9,200.00 120.81 4,144.86 5,055.14 45.05 >. 128 VEHICLE ALLOWANCE 92.32 692.40 <692.40> " 124.. EOOKS.-AND MAPS 184'iC0.00 16.421.72 103,552.20 80x547.80 56.25 130 SMALL TOOLS 300.CC 33.35 266.65 11.12 " 160 COMMUNICATIONS 11r215.CC 524.73 4,659.18 6,555.62 41.54 •'! _1__74 9LUTRIG i-AAS__4TILITIES_ . -_--- 34'180.00 3x479.53 23x181.12- __ _ 1-0x998.88 - ._ __6.7..82 190 MAINTENANCE OF dUILOINGS AND GROUND 2tx325.CO 2e744.94 12,533.12 13,791.88 47.61 200 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 3x575.00 48.OG 835.45 2,739.55 23.37 _209 AUDIO-VI$UAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1'970.00 190.00 1x780.00 9.64 -I 210 PROFESSIONAL AND SPECIALIZED SERVIC 31P372.CO 10x500.00 17,872.CC 13P500.00 56.97 220 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 45x544.00 45,369.48 174.52 99.62 240 D E - - !r 250 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES 8 MEETINGS 1,000.CO 166.95 833.05 16.70 U_ 34lfl SRIP_TIONS 1x535.00 30D.00 1,325.00 210.00 86.32 -, v 251 DEPARTMENT HEAD CONFERENCE 8 MEETIN 900.00 135.00 897.93 2.07 99.77 "_252 STAFF CONFERENCE AND MEETIN63 2xC00.00 248.00 1x503.94 496.06 - 75.20 260 TRAININ6 AND SAFETY 3,000.00 568.14 2.431.86 18.94 290 OTHER CHARGES 100.00 100.00 741._INSUBAALCE_>iIlSI_ALLOLAIIIlAL- - - _ __.. 4.'128.00 _ _ 344.00____ _ _2x408.00 _ __- __- 1.720.00 - ---- 58.33 __------- -CITY OF BURLINGAPE ' BUDGET STATUS REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING JANUARY 31P 1991 PRINTED C2/08/91 ' 0 2 CURRENT MONTH YEAR—TO—DATE BUDGET EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE PERCENT S..:TTlT_.SS.11R.RfR.f1,..STT..flf1T.14T.el.Sfl.f-fif 10 TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 441.969.00 37.301.69 266.493.64 175.475.36 60.30 u _ _ TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 4411969.00 37.301.69 266.493.64 175.475.36 60.30 s D 800 CAPITAL OUTLAY 40.032_.00 <849.25> 11.805.97 28.226.03 29.49 ~ "—..--TOTAL_CAPITAL-OUT-LAY., 400-02.0Q <849.25> 11 805.-97 _28.226.03- __ .29.49 19 2 A i] a` _ILIAL.CAPIIAL_EXPENDITURES-.------.-_ _ 40p 32.00 <849.25> - - 11.805.47--- - - _._ 28id26.03 ___._ _29.49 --- r n " 100..LIflEABY---TOTAL __ _ _ _. __1.7-4bs474.00 135.076.03 1.008.386.87 738A92.13 -----5 .74--- 25 zszzasxxxzzsss ssaaazsxaxxxxx xxaazsxaa s:sss sxsssaxszxzaas xsaaasazaxsasas ss ]a ] 3 2N 3 3D 1 u � 3s "1 b :! 01 55 42 i] N u D D of W N, e] sl ,. 53 /y i• >L sr ] r 4904-SO 8904-Green 4204-Wn�—iy CITY OF BURLINGAME )-rbraPy Trus e- a -7' 2 3 4 - ZZ53 E 2253 i ii LP�S SBFddy ���c 2 11, 7 I E, 2 4 i� c - ,1 l 4 s 11 1 ! 2 $ 9 ! a 10 1 1 111 ! .SZ 10 12 13 13 14 T&qER 5 i ! !� 7k k L z!! 104 111 �� - I' L' �, 3 z�� i LrL CO 16 171 18 !!! 1 D13 I ! - ' f11 18 19 �I :,I ' L7s i 11 1017 19 20 !011 21 !I I 21 22 !I l22 231, 24 I i i 24 25 ! it 2g I 2 t 27 ii II II 2 28 ! I, 3 I I it i 31 ! I. 31 32"' � I l l I 32 i 33 ! ! I 33 34 35 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH January, 1991 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 40.5 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 10 B. Hours contributed 57.5 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 15 B. Number of visits made 33 C. Items circulated 164 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 6 42 B. Edelweiss 4 6 C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West E. Marion Convent 1 15 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 15 + 30 B. Visits made 35 C. Items circulated ' 229 Comments/Activities January being a long month, th'd numbers are up a bit, but all our volunteers were here the whole month so everything ran smoothly. Dale Nelson, volunteer co-ordinator