HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1991.04.16 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA APRIL 16TH, 1991 - 4 : 30PM { SUGGESTED ACTION { 1 . CALL TO ORDER { { 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks : $25,375.66 { Special Fund: DUNCAN: $3,589.94 { TRUSTEES: 376.55 { 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL { 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { { a. City Newsletter { { { { f { { { 6 . REPORTS { { a. Ripley Report: "Library Space Utilization{ INFORMATION and Expansion Study" { f t b. City Librarian' s Report { INFORMATION { C . PLA Conference - Trustee Taylor { INFORMATION { d. Legislative Breakfast - All Trustees { INFORMATION f 7 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { a. Budget 1991-1992 { INFORMATION 1 { 8 . NEW BUSINESS { { a . Legislative Day { INFORMATION { b. "Cataloging Freeze" - Al Escoffier { INFORMATION { C. Video Presentation on Burlingame Library { by Donna Ridley Smith { INFORMATION { 9 . FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { { 0 . ADJOURNMENT { { { PMB/jg { 04/11/91 { AGENDAA { { Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees _ Minutes March 19th 1991 C&H T® �>AVQI The meeting of March 19th, 1991 was called to order by President Robertson at 3:35pm. Trustees Present: Benson, Blevins, Cannon, Robertson & Taylor Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Mrs. Patricia Bergsing, City Librarian Mrs.Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Alfred H. Escoffier,Asst. City Librarian Others Present: Councilman Bud Harrison; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mink; most of the Library Division heads and some staff. imoo M/S/C (Benson/Blevins) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $36,552.18; Special Fund checks in the amount of $1,221.31 and Duncan Funds in the amount of $15,090.28. ,G $IM TVG ®JT thT KptILMa 8 cyLr I Vffi, 199 X10 The Minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. There was no correspondence. Laze 2 At this time, Librarian Bergsing introduced Architect Cynthia Ripley to those present. Ms. Ripley, in turn, outlined her presentation. She said her final report would be available by early April. Briefly her report presented one possible plan to expand the Main Library and retrofit the existing building to meet current codes. She outlined the costs and methods of how this can be achieved in two different scenarios: one alternative hypothesized that planning could begin within the next year with construction complete in four years at a cost of $7.1 million; the other alternative assumed construction and expansion taking place over a nine year time frame at a cost of over$8 million. In both plans the existing library building would be substantially rebuilt to meet seismic safety codes, handicapped and fire codes; also both alternatives call for demolishing the Duncan house and building an addition to the library on the existing property. In both plans, the expansion and retrofit would accommodate the library's space requirements for the next twenty years. During the presentation Councilman Harrison asked if the costs were inflated or were they 1991 costs? Cynthia explained that the prices were inflated for work to begin in 1992 at 5% per annum. After her slide presentation she answered questions from the Library Board and staff. Ms. Ripley said that she feels that staff needs to spend a lot of time on determining where the service desks should go and be sure to take security into consideration. A summary of the Cynthia's presentation was distributed to the Board and staff. There was a 5 minute break at 5:15pm. Librarian's Report: Trustee Blevins remarked that she was amazed at the lengthy size of the request to the Foundation. Trustee Cannon said she thinks the request was very good and very thorough and makes the new Director feel more comfortable by knowing exactly what the request is for. MIS/C unanimously (Blevins/Benson) to approve the letter to the foundation requesting funds. SAB Report: Trustee Robertson: Trustee Robertson gave an update to the Board members on a recently attended PLS System Advisory meethig. Trustee Robertson said she had also attended an on-line catalog demonstration and was impressed. fa 3e M/S/C, unanimously (Cannon/Taylor) to acknowledge the presentation given by Ripley and Associates and receiving the summary of her report. Trustee Cannon asked that when the full report was finished that it be forwarded to City Council. There was some discussion regarding a bond issue for seismic retrofitting of the Library. 'IN-" � ��c� v a. Letter to the Peninsula Community Foundation had been discussed under Librarians Report. b. The Board members were reminded about the Legislative Breakfast and Legislative Day. S�Twx the &IVW0 There were no further comments at this time. The meeting of March 19th, 1991, was adjourned at 5:50pm. The next meeting is scheduled for April 16th, 1991 at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board 03/26/91 - Minutes - March 91 LA"°s P55Wr�7 SPIACE IJTILIZ8TlON ANN ExvAnslON vLAN The Library Space Study was completed during the month of March. Cynthia Ripley made a presentation to the Library Board of Trustees and interested members of the library staff on March 19th. The final written study was delivered on April 9th. The written report will be distributed to the City Manager, Council, Trustees and key staff during the next few weeks. The study includes not only the Ripley report and recommendations for building reorganization and expansion, but also the Structural Engineers Report from Rutherford and Chekene on the existing structure as well. The library program report from Jane Light is also a part of the final report. BUDGET 1991-1992 The Library Budget was completed and forwarded to the City Manager on April 11 th. It did not quite meet the Manager's guideline of no more than a 5% increase in operating expense, but it came fairly close. Some of the contributing factors to the slightly higher increase are the need for some maintenance projects, the move to the Duncan building, the need to pay Social Security benefits for all part-time employees who are not covered by the City's retirement plan, and higher P G & E and phone rates. 17LMLIC LIBI 6XY nSSOC16TIOn S succi=ssl Board member Jane Taylor, City Librarian Patti Bergsing and staff members Al Escoffier and Donna Ridley Smith attended the PLS Conference in San Diego March 20-23. All agreed the program content was excellent and very relevant to those of us concerned about public libraries. bdNC6N FOLMOTI�ftff0UESTS_nP17KOVED Requests to the Duncan Trust for $ 60,000 were approved by the Peninsula Community Foundation Board. Money from the trust is earmarked for library space use. LE61SLnTIVE BRffPKFAST All Library Board members, as well as the City Librarian and other staff attended the PLS Legislative Breakfast on April 6th. Speakers included State Senator Becky Morgan and State Librarian Gary Strong. Concern for the state of public funding of libraries was the main focus. YOUTH IN 6OVff"MI=NT bnY The Library participated in Youth in Government Day on April 9th. Our counterparts included Cindy Fu as City Librarian and Adrienne Cannon as Assistant City Librarian. The day began with the City Manager offering an overview of city services with a talk and slide show. The City Planner then gave a talk on the state of the city, indicating various demographic and economic trends. The counterparts then visited the departments. Adrienne and Cindy were already quite familiar with the library, but discovered there were many things they did not know! Following lunch, the students participated in a mock council meeting. REFERENCE DIVISION Three ESL classes were given brief tours of the library by Esther, Sandy and Donna, before getting their library cards. Sandy chaired the March Multicultural Committee meeting where goals and objectives were discussed. The committee discussed the impact of the coming of the on-line public access catalog on multicultural service. The March Minotaur Poetry Readings drew over 40 people to hear poets Jules Mann and Klipshcutz and his mystery guest Eric Houts. Book displays were offered at each of the readings. On March 16th, Esther attended the annual Spring Garden Seminar sponsored by the Burlingame Parks Department. She offered a books display and other materials related to gardening. Our Spring program for the public was a two part oil portrait demonstration co-sponsored with the Burlingame Art Association. Jim Smyth gave a marvelous demonstration with commentary which was attended by 50+ on March 6 and 13th. BE6IN WITH BOOKS _ Cathy Somerton reports that she did a total of 21 programs during the month reaching 504 children. Cathy is planning four weekly programs (Preschool Story Hour, Toddler Story Times (2), and the Story Hour for Older Preschoolers) in addition to the monthly Saturday Story time and programs for the Preschools. ff6STOn BWCH Joan Giampaoli returned from disability leave. We are very very glad she is back with us! Joan appreciates all the the assistance from Patti Flynn, Mary Lew Waller, Michael Head, Steve Stamates and Joyce Griffin for keeping the Branch patrons happy during her absence. STnFF DEVEL0I7MEriT In addition to the PLS Conference, several staff attended the Computers in Libraries Conference in Oakland early in March. Donna attended a number of workshops on reference uses of computers. Esther attended sessions on training to be a trainer. Al attended a session featuring Dick Waters on building expansion. Linda Santo and Michael Donnellan also attended sessions. bnTES TO REMEMBER May 7th, 1991 : Legislative Day in Sacramento P M B/jg LIBREPT4 04/11/91 _ 3 " • � ' CITY OF 2URLINGAME PAGE 43 " " BUDGET STATUS REPORT ° FOR THE MONTH ENDING MARCH 31, 1991 -__-__. PRINTED 04/08/91 7 1 9 " CURRENT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET_--..EXPENDITVR-E-_-EXPEND.ITUR-E-_-_-E-NCUMBRANCE___._8-BLAN,C_E P�jtC_ENT_ ,r _ -------_ -------------------------------------------------------------- i 101 GENERAL FUND = 67500 LIBRARY 010 REGULAR SALARIES 671x719.00 52x854,99 486,164.97 185x554.03 72.38 IS 011 PART TIME SALARIES 3701668.00 30.293.34 297x467.35 83x200.65 77.55 „ 012 OVERTIME - _ 500.00 611.24 <111.24> 122.25 is TOTAL SALARIES & MAGES _ 1,042,887.00 83x148.33 774x243.56 268x643.44 74.24 >o TOTAL. DIRECT LABOR 1.042x887.00 83x148.`33 714,243.56 268x643.44 74.24 n 030 RETIREMENT 221x591.00 8x866.34 81x576.09 140,014.91 36.81 2. m 031 HEALTH INSURANCE 6x068.84 52#920.72 <52,920.72> _° 033 CITY DENTAL PLAN_ _ 734.86 6x665.42 <6.665.42> 71 034 LIFE INSURANCE 249.21 2x282.12 <2,282.12> ----- ' n 035 LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 671.29 6r 168.16 <6,168.16> " r 036 MEDICARE INSURANCE 379.79 3x450.64 <3,450.64> 6ST UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Y7 $ 29 038 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 359.33 3x418.41 <3x418.41> i 041 CITY VISION PLAN 175.59 1x604.49 <1x604.49> � n TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 221,S91.00 17x505.25 158x086.05 63x504.95 71.34 „ L TOTAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES 1x264x478.00 l--100#653.58 932x329.61 - - -332x148.39 73.73 �s 110 OFFICE EXPENSE _ 110750.00 476.08 6x388.28 Sr361.72 54.37 37 120 SPECIAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 20,490.00 945.44 lIP556.59 8x933.41 56.40 r 122 PERIODICALS 21#310.00 3,012.96 21.140.34 169.66 99.20 123 BOOK BINDINGS12x320.00 63.00 11.323.24 996.76 91.91 � CATALOGING EXPENSE_ 15.655.00410.83 - 2,912.71 __. ..._. _ .---..--- _12r742.2q __-,.8_..61 11 125 RECORDS AND CASSETTES 9r2CO.00 2x452.23 7r102.55 2,097.45 77.20 a 128 VEHICLE ALLOWANCE 92.32 877.04 <877.04> •" TP-N-0-OW-ANYMA S - 4x 13PO50.02 9x3 0.90 54x729.10 70.27 so 130 SMALL TOOLS 300.00 4 121.16 178.84 40.39 + 160 COMMUNICATIONS _ 11,215.00 1,081.18 6x803.07 4x411.93 60.66 170 ELECTRIC & GAS U�ILIIIES 34.180.00-- ----- 5.086.58 241504.06-_.__._ __. -----�--- 4,673.94 - 36.32 "1 0 190 MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUND 26,325.00 2x926.47 18,769.52 7r 555.43 71.37 ." 200 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 3,575.00 130.00 965.45 .° 209 AUD -VIS- UbL ECUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - 1,9 7 0.00 Tv.-u 1 249.01 1.720.99 - 12.64 210 PROFESSIONAL AND SPECIALIZED SERVIC 31x372.00 9,000.00 31,372.00 100.00 s. 220 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 45,544.00__ _ _ ___ 45,369.48 174.52 99.62 _. ----- --. _ .- -----. --.-. a DUES AND $U9SCRIPTIONS _ 1x535.00 � 1x485.00 50.00 96.74 250 TRAVEL, CONFERENCES & MEETINGS 1,000.00 204.65 795.35 20.47 251 DEPARTMENT HEAD CONFERENCE & MEETIN_ _ 900.00 990.93 <90.93> 110.10 1 -CONFERENCE AND TfEETINGS __ x 1,503.94 496.06 75.20 260 TRAINING AND SAFETY 3,000.00 105.00 1,228.14 1x771.86 40.94 ; 290 OTHER CHARGES 100.00 100.00 7 so 01 INSURANCE COST ALLOCATION 4.128.00 .o CITY OF BURLINGAME PAGE 44 s BUDGET STATUS REPORT FOR THE_MONTH ENCING--MARCH 31r 1991 PRINTF-D C4/08/9 e CURRENT MONTH YEAR—TO—DATE BUDGET _ . _ EXPENDITURE,----EXPENDITUPE ENCUMBRANCE _—__BALANCE..___. PERCENT__ ------------------------------- to I, TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 441x969.00 37x235.12 332r334._C6109x6 4 A TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES _. 441x969.00 37.235.12 332x334.06. 109x634.94 7.5119.—_ „I 800 CAPITAL OUTLAY 40P032.CO 14.598.59 25.433.01 36.47 .i TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY --- 40x032.00 — 14r59P.99 25x433.01 36.47 TOTAL CAPITAL El(PENDITURES 251433.01 36.47 711 00 LIBRARY TOTAL" 1.-746.479.00 137x888.70 1x279.-262.66 467x216.34 73.25 i n i ,r ul 1)r So S 64 A I , ex s) vl 1, N ) )S STATISTICS FOR MARCH 1991 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 12, 549 �3urlingame Children 2 , 423 Hillsborough Adults 1, 959 Hillsborough Children 810 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 451 TOTAL: 18 , 192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals , pamphlets, paperbacks ) 23 , 447 1 ,664 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals , pamphlets, paperbacks) 6 , 982 1 , 296 Audio Visual Materials ( records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints , slides, equipment, talking books) 4 , 095 67 TOTALS: 34 , 524 3 , 027 Main Total 1991 Circ: 34, 524 Main Total 1990 Circ: 31 , 690 = 8 . 94% Inc. Branch Tot 1991 Circ: 3 ,027 Branch Tot 1990 Circ: 2 , 979 = 1 . 61% Inc. GrandTotal 1991 Circ: 37 , 551 GrandTotal 1990 Circ: 34 , 699 = 8 . 22% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 00000 I .L.L. Borrowed: 00 I .L.L. Lent: 000 Grand Total Ref . Activity: 00000 I .L.L. Total: 000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 109, 658/105 , 091 4, 449/ 4 , 449 114 , 107/109, 540 Ch.Non-Fic. 19 , 222/ 17 , 484 3 , 111/ 3 , 111 22, 333/ 20 , 595 YA Non-Fic. 1 , 608/ 1 , 595 95/ 95 1 , 703/ 1 , 690 Ad.Fiction 41 , 616/ 41 ,021 4 , 897/ 4 , 897 46 , 513/ 45, 918 Ch. Fiction 17 , 592/ 13 , 645 4 , 482/ 4 , 482 22 , 074/ 18 , 127 YA Fiction 2 , 386/ 1 , 980 294/ 294 2, 680/ 2 , 274 Reference 5 , 330/ 5 , 299 137/ 137 5 , 467/ 5, 436 TOTALS: 197 , 412/186 , 115 17 , 465/17 , 465 214 ,877/203 , 580 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 28 , 661 N/A 28 , 661 Paperbacks 2 ,726 2 , 726 Maps 1 , 760 1 ,760 Records 4 ,730 4 , 730 Cassettes 2 , 373 2 , 373 Video Tapes 479 " 479 Compact Discs 308 308 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1 , 615 . 91 / 12 Branch: $ 311 . 95. / User Traffic: 44, 286 Daily Average: 1, 476 Rent: $ 1 , 500 .00 Total: $ 3 , 427 . 86 Total Meetings Held: 19 People in Attendance: 450 Children' s Programs: 2 Children in Attendance: 200 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH March, 1991 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 38 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 12 B. Hours contributed 43 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 18 B. Number of visits made 37 C. Items circulated 154 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 2 28 B. Edelweiss 3 7 C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West E. Marion Convent 1 15 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 18 + 30 B. Visits made 39 C. Items circulated 219 Comments/Activities March marked the return of a former volunteer deliverer, Mr. Wendell Mason. He has resumed making the every-other- Wed- nesday delivery run, and is highly appreciated! Dale Nelson