HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1991.07.16 URLINGAME PUBEIC EIBRARY Board of Trustees Agenda July 16th, 1991 - 4:30PM SUGGESTED ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. BILLS: 1990-1991 1991-1992 Approval City Checks: $ 21 ,039.07 $15,194.73 Special Fund: DUNCAN: $ 1 ,875.13 TRUSTEES: $ 699.34 4. MINUTES: MOVE: $ 111 .02 Approval 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: a. Letter from Peninsula Community Foundation b. Letter from Paula Tennant to City Council c. City Newsletter 6. REPORTS: a. City Librarians Report Information 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. None 8. NEW BUSINESS: a. Raising Reserve Fees from 25 cents to 50 cents Action b. Election of Officers Action 9. FROM THE FLOOR: 10. ADTOURNMENT: PMB/jg 07/11/91 AGENDA] Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes ,June 18th, 1991 CAM rl�dm The meeting of June 18th, 1991 was called to order by President Robertson at 4:30pm. Trustees Present: Benson, Cannon, Robertson,Taylor & Blevins Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Mrs. Patricia Bergsing, City Librarian Mrs. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Alfred H. Escoffier, Asst. City Librarian Also Present: None M/S/C (TaylorBlevins) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks and Special Fund checks. The Minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. a. Quarterly Report from the Peninsula Community Foundation: Mailed in packets. Mrs. Bergsing explained the balance in the Duncan Trust Fund. b. Letter to Hillsborough re: Library Services: Mailed in packets. There was some discussion regarding the lack of a formal contract between Hillsborough, San Mateo and Burlingame. v Librarian's Report; Librarian Bergsing said the Budget was approved at the Council meet- ing on Monday night. She said however if the State has any cutbacks that would affect the City that the Council might have to reassess the budget. Mrs. Bergsing said the security system has been installed. There was some discussion regarding the magazine discards. Mrs. Bergsing said that the City Council had agreed to address the Ri- pley Report in November because of a number of circumstances between now and then. Trustee Blevins asked how the move to Duncan was going. Mrs. Bergsing said she is waiting for the Reference Staff to get its sitting desk and seating arrangements worked out. She said she is hoping to have some kind of plan finalized shortly. There was some discussion regarding a change in the fines structure. Librarian Bergsing said she would have a recommendation at the July meeting. PLS System Advisory Board R eport -Trustee Robertson Trustee Robertson gave a brief report on the last SAB meeting she at- tended. Trustee Robertson said she had been elected Chairperson of the System Advisory Board. 3 All the Trustees said they would be attending the volunteer lun- cheon. Trustee Blevins said she wanted to compliment the Park Depart- ment for taking such good care of the new lawn in front of the Library. v The meeting of June 18th, 1991, was adjourned at 5:20pm. The next meeting is scheduled for July 16th, 1991 at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board 06/19/91- Minutes -June 91 STATISTICS FOR JUNE 1991 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 12 , 965 Burlingame Children 2 , 524 Hillsborough Adults 1 , 992 iillsborough Children 824 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 573 TOTAL: 18 , 888 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 19 ,771 1 , 246 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 6 ,799 795 Audio Visual Materials ( records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 3 , 642 63 TOTALS: 30 , 212 2 , 104 Main Total 1991 Circ: 30 , 212 Main Total 1990 Circ: 28 , 346 = 6 . 58% Inc. Branch Tot 1991 Circ: 2 , 104 Branch Tot 1990 Circ: 2 , 942 = 28 . 40° Dec . GrandTotal 1991 Circ: 32 ,316 GrandTotal 1990 Circ: 31 , 288 = 3 . 29% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 7 , 124 I .L.L. Borrowed: 81 T .L.L. Lent: 414 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 7 , 619 I .L.L. Total: 495 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 105 , 348/100,697 4 , 482/ 4, 482 109 , 830/105, 179 Ch.Non-Fic. 17 ,668/ 15, 911 3 , 136/ 3 , 136 20 , 804/ 19 , 047 YA Non-Fic . 1 , 605/ 1 , 592 100/ 100 1 , 705/ 1 , 692 Ad.Fiction 41 , 411/ 40 , 726 4 , 887/ 4, 887 46 , 298/ 45 , 613 Ch.Fiction 13 , 985/ 9 , 925 4 , 601/ 4 , 601 18 , 586/ 14 , 526 YA Fiction 2 , 761/ 2 , 292 298/ 298 3 , 059/ 2 , 590 Reference 5, 369/ 5, 308 122/ 122 5 , 491/ 5 , 430 TOTALS: 188, 147/176 , 451 17 , 626/17 , 626 205,773/194 , 077 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 29, 206 N/A 29, 206 Paperbacks 2,726 " 2 ,726 Maps 1,749 If 1 , 749 Records 4,735 " 4 ,735 Cassettes 2 , 533 2 , 533 i' Video Tapes 518 518 ` Compact Discs 356 " 356 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 2 , 663 . 4 Branch: $ 109 .20 Est. User Traffic: NA Daily Average: NA Rent: $ 1 , 500 .- O Total Meetings Held: 16 Attendance: 275 Children' s Programs: -0- Attendance: -0- Total: $ 4 , 272 . 69 CIRCULATION AREA REMODEL The remodeling of the circulation desk was completed on June 30th! '-'e now have more space in front of the desk for our users. We are also pleased to report that we have upgraded telecommunication lines for the Circulation Terminals. We have installed new PC terminals to replace our 9 year old terminals . And we have installed the necessary new electrical circuits to complete the upgrade. We have also installed a new 3M book theft detection system in the lobby. After some initial shakedown with the computerized detection device, and adjustments to the physical area, we seem to have settled into a comfortable mode of operation with the system. Initially we had some difficulty with too many alarms . Staff now seem to have the problem in hand. Outside the building, we are still waiting for the return of our newly refurbished carriage lamps which are on both sides of the front door. CHILDREN' S DIVISION The Children' s Summer Reading Club, "Mystery Mansion" is underway for children who can read through the fourth grade. To date there are 104 children participating at the Main Library and 46 children at the Branch. Reading Break II is for the 5th through 8th graders. The overall theme for the programs for young children is "A Trunkful of Books ! " _ The Children' s room was visited by 40 children from a Spanish pilot program at Washington School. The children were taken on a tour and received library cards . In co-operation with the Recreation Department, Michelle Barrese and Joan Manini have been doing two programs a week. One program is at Lincoln School, the other is at the Rec Center. There are about 95 at their programs. BEGIN WITH BOOKS During June, Cathy did a total of 16 programs , reaching 277 children. Summer programs will continue through the month with: Preschool Story Hour on Tuesdays , Toddler Story Times on Wednesdays, Bedtime Story Hours on Mondays at the Main and Wednesdays at the Branch (Joan Giampaoli will be doing the Branch) , Saturday Toddler Story Times and Sunday Preschool Story Hours once a month. REFERENCE DIVISION The on-line public catalog (OPC) demonstrations are complete. Esther Cummings has demonstrated the system on the test database to most of the staff. Training will continue when the system becomes available in the fall. Page 2 Esther attended the PLS Community Relations meeting on Tuesday, June 11 . The dates for a booth at the San Mateo County Fair will be August 8 , 9, 10. The theme will be "M0000ve on into Your Library" with cow decorations around the book booth. Volunteers will be needed to work at he booth. Our own Shirley Robertson was welcor.�d as the System Advisory -Board representative on the committee. A public relations task force meeting was chaired by Esther to resolve several unfinished projects in the master plan. Work will continue on banners, signs, a new floor plan, a Branch flyer, periodical bookmarks, and a memorial gift brochure. Sandy attended the monthly PLS Multicultural Committee meeting and played the simulation game BAFA-BAFA. The training and workshops sub- committee will proceed with plans to present this game to all PLS staff later in the year. At the beginning of the month, Donna visited the exhibits at the Medical Library Association Convention in San Francisco. Beginning July 1st, four public service desks , Reference, AV, Branch and Childrens, will keep more detailed statistics on reference questions. This should make question-marking more consistent among desks, and the workload for directional questions will be recorded. PERIODICAL DIVISION The subject selectors culminated their study of new periodicals for the coming year with a meeting on June 12th, lead by Marilyn Morrison. ifteen new titles will be added to the collection, eleven of which are regular subscriptions including: Big Beautiful Woman, Department of State Dispatch, Eating Well, Family Fun, Men' s Health, Ms. , Parenting, Sassy, Technology Review, Teen, This England, Woman' s Day. American Philatelist will be added as a gift from the Stamp Club. We also will be receiving Book Links for reader' s advisory purposes and two new sections of the old car price guide: Gold Book: Contemporary, and Classics. The subscriptions will begin in January 1992 . PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Paintings by members of the Burlingame Art Association were on display during the month. The June 7th Poetry Reading attracted 42 listeners. Twenty eight attended the second poetry reading two weeks later featuring John Hatch and Michael Kelly. Page 3 PERSONNEL Donna will be offering the part-time, 10 hour per week reference librarian position to a candidate sometime this week. Hilde Rooth was honored at a luncheon for 30 years of service to the City of Burlingame, and Al Escoffier received a plaque for 20 years of service. PMB/jg LIBRPTJ 7/11/91 Page 4 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH June, 1991 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 37 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 10 B. Hours contributed 67 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 18 B. Number of visits made 28 C. Items circulated 116 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits N visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 4 36 B. Edelweiss 1 2 C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West E. Marion Convent 1 15 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 18 + 30 B. Visits made 30 C. Items circulated 181 Comments/Activities Lost one patron, Mr. Grey, but--acquired a new one, Mrs. Korbholz, to stay at 18. Volunteer Tea- went very well , although the undersigned was unable to attend. Warren out with an injury, to rejoin us soon, if all goes well . Dale Nelson