HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1991.09.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA SEPTEMBER 17TH, 1991 - 4 : 30PM { SUGGESTED ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER f { 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks: $85,498.02 f Special Fund: $ 54.00 Revolving: $15,400.00 { Duncan Move: $ 3,720.47 f 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL { f 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { f None f { { { { { { { 6 . REPORTS f { a. City Librarian' s Report { TNFORMATION b. Year End Financial Status { INFORMATION { 7 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS f { a. Employee Achievement Awards { INFORMATION { b. CLA Registration { TNFORMATION { 8 . NEW BUSINESS f { a. Cataloging Freeze { INFORMATION { { 9 . FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { { 10 . ADJOURNMENT { { f { f f { { { { f PMB/Jg f 09/12/91 f AGENDAS { BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES AUGUST 20TH, 1991 CALL TO ORDER• A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees was held on the above date in the California Room of the Burlingame Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 4 : 30pm by President Blevins Trustees Present: BLEVINS, CANNON, BENSON, ROBERTSON AND TAYLOR Trustees Absent: Staff Present: MRS. PATRICIA BERGSING, CITY LIBRARIAN MRS. JUDY GLADYSZ, LIBRARY SECRETARY BILLS• M/S/C (Taylor/Benson) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks and Duncan Moving Fund Checks. MINUTES OF THE MEETING JULY 16TH, 1991: Minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: a. Quarterly Report from the Peninsula Community Foundation regarding the Duncan Fund: Mailed in packets. There was some discussion regarding the fee that is charged by the Foundation to manage the account. President Blevins said she feels the 20 is quite high now that they aren' t managing the Duncan Property anymore and merely holding the money. Mrs. Bergsing said she would discuss the matter with the City Manager and report back to the Board. b. Letters from children in Hillcrest Juvenile Hall - The letters were thank yous from the children that are confined in Hillcrest Juvenile Hall for one reason or another. When the gift magazines lost their place in the lobby of the Library, due to reconfiguration, the lady who picks up the magazines for the children at Hillcrest, notified Mrs. Bergsing. Mrs. Bergsing then made arrangements for the lady to continue to come in and pick up magazines for Hillcrest. The letters were all written by the children. They were read individually by Board members. c. Letters from Washington School Summer Program Students - The Board members also looked through the letters from the children at Washington School who participated in the summer program. REPORTS:. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Duncan Move: President Blevins asked Librarian Bergsing what the "excess furniture" was that wa:s being removed. Librarian Bergsing explained that was five of the desks and partitions from the Duncan Building that were -not needed in the new configuration. They will be stored in the Duncan shed. Page 1 ■ Summer Reading Club: President Blevins said the magician that performed at the Summer Reading Club was excellent and it was a great party for the participants of the Summer Reading Club. Trustee Cannon remarked on the decrease in circulation at the Branch Library. Librarian Bergsing said that the reason for the decrease in June and July was due to the Geac Circulation System being down off and on for 6 weeks but she couldn' t explain the reason for the decrease other months. There was some discussion regarding the CLA Conference. All the Trustees said they would be interested in going. They said they would fill-out their forms and get them to the Library Secretary so she can submit them at the next Board meeting for payment. The Library Annual Report was also included in the packets that had been mailed. It was for informational purposes only. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Employee Achievement Awards: After brief discussion, it was decided that President Blevins and Secretary Cannon would take care of the Employee Achievement Awards for 1991 . It was further decided that the Library Secretary would distribute the nomination forms to all of the staff with a -eturn date of September 16th, 1991 . Librarian Bergsing said she would _.ionitor President Blevins mailbox and remove the nomination forms as they are turned in. FROM THE FLOOR• Marti Knight said she had come to return the Ripley Report. She commented that it was an excellent report and very well done. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of August 20th, 1991 was adjourned at 5 : 10pm to go and see a demonstration of the on-line catalog. The next meeting is scheduled for September 17th, 1991 at 4: 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 082291 Page 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT SEPTEMBER 1991 '—Employee Achievement Awards All of the nominations should be in for the Employee Achievement Awards. The General Staff Meeting, where the awards will be presented, has been scheduled for Thursday, October 31st, Halloween, at 8: OOam. Duncan Move August was a month of preparation for the Duncan move. The arrangement of the Harper Systems desks was completed. The telephone system has been connected and with the exception of some programming, is ready to go. Pldnning was completed for the Geac terminal installation. Two terminals will be installed at Duncan eventually, despite the considerable distance from the modem in the main building. Modern Electric has installed the GEAC cable, as well as several dedicated electrical circuits for the terminals. Plans for use of the public space for audio visual materials have been completed by Linda Santo and Marilyn Morrison. Estimates have been received for re-arrangement and additions to the shelving in the Audio Visual area. The initial move to Duncan may come later in September or in October. In preparation for the changes in the telephone system, we are trying "voice mail" for the administrative line. This will activate automatically from the central telephone office whenever the administrative line is not answered. Administrative staff may pick up their messages by dialing in a code. The new system will act as an answering machine, but will also take messages when the administrative line is busy which is often the case because of only one incoming line. Cataloging Freeze In preparation for the conversion to the new automated bibliographic system, the libraries in PLS will be going through a number of procedures which will impact on public service. This process is estimated to take about 3 months beginning in mid-September. I am attaching a couple of internal memos from Burlingame and San Mateo that I hope will help you understand what we are going and why. You may receive complaints from the public so we want you to be able to reply to the concerns you may hear. Basically, we will not be able to add any new titles to the database during this three month period and this will affect our ability to place reserves on new books. Al and I will answer any questions you may have at your meeting. Reference Division � Sandy attended the PLS Multicultural Committee meeting on August 7th. Esther helped set up for the San Mateo County Fair booth for the Peninsula Library System on August 8th. Several Burlingame staff worked in the booth including Sandy and Al. "CD-ROM, the Experience" was the topic of a four-hour workshop Esther attended in Fremont on the 27th. Vendors presented product demonstrations and librarians passed on tips. Esther also attended a special meeting on the future of the PLS Community Relations Committee e on the 28th, with Linda Crowe. It was decided by the PLS Council that the Committee will be disbanded in favor of an ad hoc approach to public relations. Linda Crowe, System Director, will rake charge of the PR function and call on other staff as needed. Collection Management The final collection management budget was developed during the month and selectors chosen for the year. We may review the progress of the budget after the holidays to be certain we are on the right track. Personnel Congratulations to Dan and Vicki Alvarez on the birth of their daughter, Marissa Lucia, born August 4 , 1991 in San Mateo! Karen Thomas, a library science student at San Jose State University was interviewed by Tracy and Donna. She will work at Burlingame for approximately 90 hours on a reference practicum in the Fall semester, under Tracy' s guidance. she will work as the third person at the Reference Desk on Sundays and will do other project work for three hours a week. Donna Smith has submitted her resignation as Reference supervisor effective September 25th. Donna will be moving to the Lake Tahoe area with her husband, who has accepted a new high school teaching position. We wish her well in her new endeavors. We will begin recruitment shortly to fill this vacancy. Mary Lew Waller, Branch Library Aide, has been out since early in August with a broken hip, suffered in a fall at a local retail store. Bernie Hinds and Trish Diaz have been filling in with filing, shelving, etc. Programs and Services Stuart Harwood' s wall sculptures were on display the first half of the month, followed by Ed Hoffman' s photos of Poland. Poetry Readings continued to have good attendance in August with 44 people enjoying our four guest poets. Several regular attendees are planning to support a fund raiser to help Poetry Flash, the calendar and 11N.- review of poetry in the Bay Area, on Sat. , September 7 in San Francisco. Year-End Financial Status Included in this packet, for your information, is the City Finance Director' s summary of the City' s Year-End Financial Status Report. As you see, the picture is not very bright. Changes in Public Service We have made two permanent changes in services we have been offering the public. First, we have decided to discontinue offering the microcomputer for the public to use at the Main Library. (There is still an Apple Computer for the public to use at the Branch. ) This decision was reached because the computer is old, wearing out and constantly in need of repair; it was requiring more and more staff time to help people; also because the use of the computer had degenerated to just a few people using it as their own personal computer. Since we began offering the service, computers have come down in price, and are more readily available for rental or purchase. This follows a trend that appears to be happening in other libraries. Both Redwood City and Palo Alto have discontinued their public micros for the same reasons as we have. The second change is that we have decided to reinstate the give-away magazines. They will be located on the shelves near the front door by the rental collection. With the exception of complaints about noise, we have received more requests to offer this service again than anything else we have done in recent years. We had no idea so many people were taking advantage of these magazines. C.L.S.A. Reimbursements Included is the summary of money we received from the State for the past two fiscal years for serving non-residents either by direct loan or through inter-library loan. This year because of cutbacks to the State Budget they are planning to withhold 150 of these allocations. CLA Conference Have you all decided about attending the CLA Conference? Have you notified us so we can send in your registration forms? Children' s Summer Programs August was a quiet month for children' s services with the summer programs completed by the end of July. Cathy did one Saturday Story Time and three programs at a local pre-school for a total attendance of 50. Cathy is working on three new storytelling kits on the following subjects: Thanksgiving, Groundhog Day, and Food. STATISTICS FOR AUGUST 1991 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 10,239 ^lirlingame Children 2,484 �.Lllsborough Adults 1, 544 Hillsborough Children 654 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers NA TOTAL: 14,921 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 21,631 1 , 651 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals , pamphlets, paperbacks) 6 , 218 678 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 4 ,254 65 TOTALS: 32 , 103 2 , 394 Main Total 1991 Circ: 32,103 Main Total 1990 Circ: 30, 384 = 6. 13% Inc. Branch Tot 1991 Circ: 2, 394 Branch Tot 1990 Circ: 3 ,150 = 3 . 35% Dec. GrandTotal 1991 Circ: 34,497 GrandTotal 1990 Circ: 33 , 534 = 5. 41% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Questions Directions Reference 3 ,536 1, 182 `-lildren' s 414 170 T .L.L. Borrowed: 115 ,-.�dio-Visual 609 285 T .L.L. Lent: 558 Branch 150 4 I .L.L. Total: 673 Total: 4,709 1, 641 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 105 ,712/101 , 096 4,494/ 4 , 494 110, 206/105,590 Ch.Non-Fic. 17 ,727/ 15, 976 3 ,151/ 3 ,151 20, 878/ 19, 127 YA Non-Fic. 1 , 633/ 1 ,613 96/ 96 1,729/ 1,709 Ad.Fiction 41,663/ 40, 853 4 ,732/ 4,732 46 , 395/ 45, 585 Ch.Fiction 13 , 947/ 9,993 4 ,403/ 4, 403 18, 350/ 14 ,396 YA Fiction 2 ,609/ 2 , 301 298/ 298 2, 907/ 2 ,599 Reference 5,322/ 5,309 120/ 120 5,442/ 5 ,429 TOTALS: 188 ,613/177,141 17,294/17,294 205,907/194,435 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 29, 295 N/A 29, 295 Paperbacks 2 ,726 " 2 ,726 Maps 1 ,754 '' 1,754 Records 4, 696 " 4, 696 Cassettes 2, 448 " 2 , 44.8 Video Tapes 545 " 545 Compact Discs 377 377 3,Sad. gl Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 3 , 388. 81 Branch: $ 134 . 00 ''Est. User Traffic: 25, 222 Daily Average: NA Rent: $ 1 , 500. 0 Total Meetings Held: 13 Attendance: 274 Children' s Programs: 1 Attendance: 75 Total: $ 5, 022 . 81 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH August 1991 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 40 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 10 B. Hours contributed 56 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 17 B. Number of visits made 31 C. Items circulated 128 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits ii visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 3 39 B. Edelweiss 2 2 C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West E. Marion Convent 1 15 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 17 + 30 B. Visits made 35 C. Items circulated 202 Comments/Activities Two of our volunteer deliverers, Jean D. and Warren, are still out: Jean dueback soon, Warten remains hopefull". "Friends" will be very busy in September, preparing for the book sale in early October. Dale Nelson