HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1991.11.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA NOVEMBER 17 , 1987 CONFERENCE ROOM - DUNCAN ANNEX { SUGGESTED ACTION t 1 . CALL TO ORDER { { 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks: $33,661 .40 Duncan Move: $7 ,597.54 { Special Fund: $ 645.33 Duncan Funds : $ 216.00 { i 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL { 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION a) Letter from Debra Bassett and City Attorney' s response b) Memo from City Manager regarding Dec. 4 study session. { 6 . REPORTS { INFORMATION { a. City Librarian' s Report { b. PLS System Advisory Report - Trustee Robertson N.- C . Reports on CLA Conference - Trustees { 7 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { 8 . NEW BUSINESS { a. Review of Library Study and discussion of INFORMATION possible options for action { 9 . FROM THE FLOOR { f t 10 . ADJOURNMENT { f { { { { { { { { t { { { RURLINGAi,TE PUBLIC LIERAR:s 20ARD 07 TRUSTEES MINUTES OCTOBER 15TH, 1951 CALL TO OP-DER: A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees was held on the above date in the California Room of the Burlingame Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 4 : 30pm by President Blevins. Trustees Present: BLEVINS, CANNON, BENSON, ROBERTSON AND TAYLOR Trustees Absent: Staff Present: MRS. PATRICIA BERGSING, CITY LIBRARIAN MRS. JUDY GLADYSZ, LIBRARY SECRETARY MRS. MARTI KNIGHT, CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATE BILLS: M/S/C (Cannon/Taylor) unanimously to -,pprove the payment of City and Duncan Fund and Duncan Moving Fund Checks . tiINUTES OF THE MEETING SEPTEMBER 17TH , 1991 : Minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. N%—JRRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS : a. City Newsletter - Mailed in packets b. Tn lieu of a thank you card, Judy Gladysz thanked the Board for the beautiful flower arrangement they sent to her after her surgery. C. Secretary Cannon read a thank you letter from ESL students at Burlingame High School, Mrs . Brigg' s class. REPORTS: a. City Librarian' s Report: Trustee Taylor asked why three Pages were being replaced. Mrs . Bergsing explained that it is mostly because their school work loads are too high. Another Page has moved to Italy. President Blevins asked that the "Ripley Report" be on the Agenda for discussion at the next Board meeting. They further said that they will attend Council ' s Study Session on November 20th. b. Trustee Robertson gave a brief report on the recent SAB meeting she had attended. 7INISHED BUSINESS : a . All of the Trustees said they would be attending the General Staff meeting on October 31st . Page 1 t. Trustees Benson, Blevins , Taylor and Cannon wili be aztending the CLA Conference in November . '--m�W BUSINESS : a. Holiday Schedule for 1992 : Trustee Cannon expressed concern about being closed for three days over the 4th of July weekend in 1992 . Librarian Bergsing explained the costs involved to stay open on a city holiday. There was discussion about opening on Sunday, July 5th, and the implications for staffing, and the availability of the circulation system. . After further discussion it was M/S/C (Taylor/Robertson) unanimously to approve the Holiday Schedule for 1992 . FROM THE FLOOR: Marti Knight said she enjoys coming to the Library Board meetings . President Blevins thanked her for coming. President Blevins noticed an increase in Branch circulation. ADJG u r.NMENT: The meeting of October 15th, 1991 was adjourned at 5 : 10pm to meet in Executive Session to discuss the Employee Achievement Awards . The next meeting is scheduled for November 19th, 1991 at 4 : 30pm in the Duncan Annex. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board FMB/jg 10/16/91 October i i i I I I Librarian' s Report November 1991 Duncan Move The Administrative Offices and the Reference Offices are now located in the Duncan building. We had a very smooth move on October 23rd. We are still working on some minor telephone issues , but for the most part we are moved in and settled. New patterns of working together are evolving. we held our first division head meeting in the Duncan conference room and discussed various items which needed to be finalized to help keep staff communications on a strong level . Audio Visual Floor Space Expanded The move to Duncan allowed us to increase our public service floor space in the main building by over 350 square feet. The shelving for the records , books on tape and videos has expanded. We have been able to re-install study carrels , which were removed several years ago due to lack of space. This increases public seating by several seats . The Audio Visual Librarian and the Periodical Supervisor now have new office space as well. Part of the old Reference Office was enclosed to create the new offices . The existing shelving/partitions were reused, and some additional ones purchased and installed to create the office area. Ripley Report The Ripley Report review by the City Council has been re-scheduled tentatively to Wednesday, December 4th, 7 : 30 PM. Employee Achievement Awards The Board of Trustees presented three Employee Achievement Awards at the general staff meeting on October 31st . The proud winners were Deanna Tomei , Marilyn Morrison and Vera Warrick. Congratulations to all of them! Children' s Services Cathy Somerton reports 32 programs including: 5 Preschool Story Hours , 10 Toddler Story Times , 1 Saturday Story Time, 1 Halloween Story Hour, 2 class visits to Easton, 2 class visits to Main, 11 programs in classes . The programs were attended by a total of 728 people. At one of the Toddler Story Times , Cathy did an informal survey of the parents for residents and non- residents . Roughly one third of the families were not residents of Burlingame or Hillsborough. The Halloween Story Hour was a great success , attended by approximately 60 children and 40 adults ! 4 Plans are being finalized for cur Children' s Book Week. The owner of the Round Table Pizza in Burlingame has made it possible to celebrate the week with a drawing contest. Children are being asked to draw or write about their favorite character from a children' s book. They then receive a Round Table Achievement Award and a coupon for a free personal pizza. The event takes place the week of November 11-17 . Proarams and Services Ray Phillips presented a program on "Battle of First Bull Run or First Manassas . " The program was a slide/lecture featuring lead model soldiers . Twenty one attended the program on Wednesday, October 23rd. Joe Zona' s colorful pop-art paintings of food were on display during the month. The single Poetry Reading for October 18th, had 22 listeners who were surprised and delighted to find our new lectern with a sound system and microphone ! It was a delight to be able to hear EVERYONE so clearly! The lectern was a gift of the Friends of the Library. Our final special guest poet will appear on November 1 , Michael Hathaway, who is coming all the way from Kansas to delight our mind and ears . Hs is the last of three poets funded by a matching funds grants given to our Reading through the generosity of our Friends group and the Poets and Writers, Inc. Reference Division Dan Alvarez attended a Stress Management Workshop sponsored by the Cities Training Consortium. The focus of the workshop was to help identify stressors and coping with them depending on the situation. Esther attended an all-day workshop at University of California, Berkeley on "Teaching the Online Catalog" on October 16 . It was very helpful in that Esther has been serving as our online public access catalog trainer. At the October 2nd Multicultural meeting, Sandy presented a proposal that the group adopt a project to create multi-cultural bibliographies in the area of fiction. The group felt this was a worthy project and will discuss it at future meetings . Sandy hosted the first Joint Planning Committee meeting for the PLS Multicultural Book Fair planned for March/April 1992 . Representatives of the PLS Children' s Committee, the FLS Multi-cultural committee and the San Mateo Office of Education attended and many exciting suggestions were put 1 forth for a helpful and colorful event. On October 29 , Dan attended a forum at the Sunnyvale Public Library to discuss tax form distribution in libraries . The forums was open to all interested staff from PLS%SBCLS . A task force was formed to implement some areas of agreement: flyers with IRSiFTB contact for public use, standardized form for collecting statistics , list of library staff responsible for tax forms , IRS contacts , and scheduling another meeting following the 1992 tax season. Geac The "Cataloging Freeze" has been re-scheduled until at least December. There is some possibility that the freeze as we envisioned it will not have to take place, or will be much more limited that we had anticipated. We are waiting for more information from Geac . The consultant' s report on the state of the art of library automation in general and PLAN in particular has not vet been received. PLS Council is still pursuing this matter. Two libraries have expressed interest in creating a CD- ROM database for public use this fiscal year . Specifications will be drawn up for such a database, and it will be tailored to our magnetic tapes so that we can use our newly created database as a starting point. This may well serve as a pilot project in the area of CD-ROMs as public access catalogs . Personnel We hope to make an appointment to the position of Reference Division Supervisor by the end of the month. This appointment may well result is additional openings in the division which will need to be filled. We had an overwhelming response to our Library Assistant I , Children' s Assistant recruitment ! We have a number of qualified applicants . We will be interviewing shortly. We hope to make at appointment in December. We held a Page Test on November 6th. We had 9 applicants take the test. We are currently interviewing for the several positions we have open. Future Events : o Family Holiday Program, Saturday, December 14 , 11 AM o Staff Holiday Party, Friday, December 13 , 5 PM, Easton Branch Library o Thanksgiving Hours : Open Wednesday, November 27 , 9-5 PM, Closed Thanksgiving Day, Open Friday, November 29 , 9-5 PM. osr10 STATISTICS FOR OCTOBER 1991 REGISTERED BORROWERS : Total Reaistered -urlingame Adults 10 , 586 Burlingame Children 2 , 566 Hillsborough Adults 1 , 578 Hillsborough Children 665 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 35 TOTAL: 15 , 430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: .Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books , periodicals, pamphlets , paperbacks) 21 , 074 1 , 535 Children' s Print Materials (books , periodicals , pamphlets , paperbacks) 7 , 918 1 ,740 Audio Visual Materials ( records, cassettes , films , videos, art prints , slides, equipment, talking books ) 3 , 170 87 TOTALS: 32 , 162 3 ,,,�l Main Total 1991 Circ: 32 , 162 ain Total 1990 Circ: 29 , 608 = 8 . 63% Inc. Branch Tot 1991 Circ: Branch Tot 1990 Circ : 2 , 700 = 24 . 85% Inc . GrandTotal 1991 Circ: 35-,53.3 GrandTotal 1990 Circ : 32 , 308 = 9 . 98% Inc . ---------------------- !1s.Y---------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Questions Directions 7.eference 4 , 280 1 , 135 ,.. ,,,,hildren' s 380 324 I .L. L. Borrowed: 92 Audio-Visual 457 316 I .L.L. Lent: 527 Branch 222 18 I .L.L. Total: 619 Total: 5 , 339 1 , 793 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 106 , 048/101 , 450 4 , 337/ 4 , 337 110 , 385/105 ,789 Ch.Non-Fic. 17 ,717/ 16 , 136 3 , 019/ 3 , 019 20 , 736/ 19 , 155 YA Non-Fic . 1, 631/ 1 , 623 90/ 90 1 ,721/ 1 , 713 Ad.Fiction 41 ,785/ 40 , 833 4 , 784/ 4 ,784 46 , 569/ 45 , 617 Ch.Fiction 13 , 823/ 10 , 137 4 , 348/ 4 , 348 18 , 171/ 14 , 485 YA Fiction 2 , 624/ 2 , 371 298/ 298 2 , 922/ 2 , 669 Reference 5 , 171/ 5 , 152 119/ 119 5 ,290/ 5 , 271 TOTALS: 206 , 338/177 , 702 18 , 145/18 , 145 224, 483/195 , 847 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 29, 509 N/A 29 , 509 Paperbacks 2 , 728 if 2 , 728 Maps 1 , 754 " 1 , 754 Records 4 , 651 if 4 , 651 Cassettes 2 , 397 2 , 397 Video Tapes 557 557 Compact Discs 431 431 I ,Y ,,. / S, I yc -)eposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ �23 `-- Branch: Est . User Traffic : 33 , 092 Daily Average: 1 , 103 Rent : $ 1 , 450 . 00 Total Meetings Held:`-TS"-Attendance : 574 Children' s Programs : 2 Attendance: 150 Total: $ 4 , 065 . 94 :.uD5ET STATUS kEPORT FuR TnE AJNTH fii:D:Nu OCTO:.cR )YEAR-TO-DATE 1991 PRI,%TED 11107/91 � CURRENT MONTH. � cJDGLT EXPiNDITURE EXPENDITURE. __- tNCUMERAYCE_. ._.._hALAhC_E PERCENT I ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, p, _ ) 101 GENERAL FUND E 675.40 LI_lKARY J 010 REGULAR SALARIES 37 54,732.5b 217. 095.1948:! 4.-620 81 3i;.0 ' 30t544.14 124.-32.-.-_.47 31.00 012 OVERT114E �J�.dO r __ 5Ci,.CG __T4T_&L_S.ALhRIES . hAGES _.._ -.-_.1�] l3.-.525.u0 05,27o.72 342,U15.6o % 1? 761,909..j4__ _ 20.99 ! 1.-103,9c5.UC 05,276.72 342.-U15.69 TUTAL DIRECT LAnoR 7a1.-909.34 30.98 ' --- 030 RETIREVENT 201,2o3.O0 9.-764.0C 3b,907.27 222.-355.73 14.89 031 HEALTH INSURANCE .,122.24 24.488.95 < 033 _.CITY DENTAL PLAN 695.21 L.-700.79 U34 LIFE INSURANCE 239.10 946.97 <946.97> 035 LONG TEkM DISABILITY INSURANCE �dl.b9 "2.-717.02 < A36_ MtplCmkL. IN5llisAhCE_ 2.-717.02> ----__._--- 0 !2L125.5.22 037 UNEAPLOYMENT INSURANCE - i 038 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE 306.70 1,470.54 <1147C.i4> 4§1._C3TY_Vt5L9h__PLAIN ------ -__-.__SQ65.k9>_ TOTAL EMPLOYEE 6ENEFITS 261.-243.00 10.-560.09 74.-102.41 137.-166.59 28.36 TOTAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES 949,069.93 30.48 I 1.-365.-108.C0 103,455.31 410.-118.07 -- -042 COMP.ASSENCES-VACATIOii 045 CGMP.AdSENCeS-COMPTIMc • 046 SOCIAL SECURITY EXPENSE 1,170.50 4.-797.97 <4,7y7.S7> - --- -- TOTAL EMPLOYEE 9ENEFITS11170.50 4,797.97 <4,791.97> Ji _T9TAL EMPLOYEE SERVIC S _ 1e170.50 4.-797._97 _. <y,797.97> 110 OFFICE EXPENSE 1t.-000.U0 491.79 5.-251.40 6.-74 E.o0 43.76 - 12.0_SPECIAL_DEPAATTMiN.T :XPFbS.P21.2.-100,.40.. .. 944.02 oc-716.47 _ 1.4.-283.53 . 31.98 --- 122 PERIODICALS 23.-cG6.UO 15.00 17•,327.44 6.-472.54 72.do 123 0004 BINDINGS 13.-395.00 381.2a 8.-b2L.45 4,572.55 o5.b6 124 CATALOGING EXPENSE 1o.-45U.CC 4JO.,tZ 1.565.49 .14.-884.51 9.5: 125 R2CORDS AND CASSETTES 9,115.06 1,792.32 6.-234.95 3.-4E0.01 64.18 128 VEHICLE ALLCWANCE 1.-2J�.u0 92.32 349.28 430.72 10.77 130 12Q_8.4. LL %O._MAP�__. 1o.7CA.14 _ 47.-919.19 SMALL TJOLS • _ _. _ _ . ]41218 L e b 1 25.34 21.64 274.36 7.21 ll • J oUDGET STATUS REPORT \ FOR Trig AaNT}i ENDINU OCTO iER 31 91 PRINTED 11/U7/91 1 /) CURRENT MONTH )AAR-TO-DATE J -- -- --.--------_-----------_.---- _ZWD3_T_ _. _ EXPiNDITURE. EXPENDITURE__ ENC_UMbRA.10E__ ___._.-BALAhCc- -___ PERCENT ------------------------------- 'I 160 COMMUNICATIONS 1c,Z95.00 315.09 303oU.56 14.934.44 16.37 I..i 170 _cLECT_RIC_ s C),AS 4TILITIES __.._ __ _ _ 4202ou.00 144.62 130461.79_ 2o.79h.G1 31.89 j 190 MAINTENANCE OF 5UILDINGS AND 'GROUND 31.>5U.U0 773.30 70712.79 230637.21 24.45 200 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 30575.GU l9U.OJ 10599.43 10975.57 44.74 210 PROFESSIONAL AND SPECIALIZED SERVIC %0174.uJ 70372.00 100.00 220 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 05077u.uU 510o41.46 20126.54 9o.04 � I 24U _DUES ANO SUnSCRIPTIUNS 105YJ.0U 55.00 10535.00 3.46 250 TRAVEL. CONFERENCES o 'AEETINGS 75u.UO 750.00 251 DEPARTMENT NE,:D CONFERENCE K MiiTIN 10CJU.00 125.00 675.00 12.50 _---252-MEF L_QK EkEhGi_AaD._,i_ETINcs .__ 435.00 1.9-5E5.00. e0.75 260 TkAINING AND SAFETY 30000.00 381.UJ t,t19.00 12.70 290 OTHER CHARGES 10U.C(. i0U.00 7U1._INSURA.NCE -C_4ST.-_ALLOLAIION__.._. 4 12r .UIl_ 344.00 10376.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 45 ..54U.00 Z30654.7L 1c1.756.34 2760571.o6 39.66 TOTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES 45o034U.00 230654.7 1c107ac.34 2760511.66 39.o6 64JU CAPITAL OUTLAY 120229.00 1[0226.00 i TOTAL CAPITAL EX0;riyITURES 140224'.wo _ .120225..0 • i 'I 1� �50-75.6.40 1c.'.0oo2.03 602x6_",35_ __1�2330_Il7].o2 __ _32.83 I