HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1992.02.18 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA FEBRUARY 18TH, 1992 - 4 : 30PM - DUNCAN ANNEX { SUGGESTED ACTION f 1. CALL TO ORDER { { 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS -- r { APPROVAL City Checks: $20 ,278.29 Duncan Funds : $ 138.00 { Special Fund: $ 438.66 Duncan Move: $4,6050.00f f 4. MINUTES { APPROVAL f 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { a. Evaluation of Branch Long Range Plan { b. Quarterly Report on Duncan fund { c. Thank you letter from the food bank { d. Status of SB367 - Sales tax on magazines { e. Memo on Library Bond & Sales Tax Exemp- tion from CLA Lobbyist { f. CALTAC Workshop & Membership application { g. Article from the Peninsula Community { Foundation Newsletter regarding Mr. & { Mrs. Charles Mink { { 3. REPORTS { f a. City Librarian' s Report { INFORMATION b. System Advisory Board Report - Trustee { Robertson { f 7 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { a. Proposed Cutbacks { APPROVAL b. Update on Proposal for Phased Upgrade of { Main Library { INFORMATION C. CALTAC Workshop { ACTION f 8 . NEW BUSINESS { { a. Evaluation of Branch Long Range Plan { INFORMATION b. CALTAC Membership { ACTION { 9. FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 10 . ADJOURNMENT { { { f { { PMB/jg { 02/13/92 { AGENDAF { { f t BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JANUARY 21ST, 1992 CALL TO ORDER• -The meeting of January 21st, 1992 was called to order by President Blevins at 4 : 30pm. President Blevins welcomed Councilwoman Marti Knight to the meeting. Trustees Present: Blevins, Robertson, Benson, Taylor Trustees Absent: Cannon Staff Present: Mrs. Patti Bergsing, City Librarian Mr. Al Escoffier, Asst. City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Others Present: Councilwoman Marti Knight BILLS• M/S/C (Taylor/Benson) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the- amount of $27 , 251 . 86 . M/S/C (Taylor/Benson) unanimously to approve the payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $1 ,970. 30 and Duncan Move funds in the amount of $4, 849 . 98 . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 17TH, 1991: Minutes of the meeting of December 17th, 1991 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: All correspondence had been mailed in the Trustees packets. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Mrs. Bergsing gave an update on the Ripley report. She said that architect Cynthia Ripley, structural engineer Hal Davis, City Manager Dennis Argyres, the City Librarian and the Assistant City Librarian would be meeting on Thursday to discuss the proposal for the building retrofit project. Librarian Bergsing said that the Geac cataloging freeze is• going very .well . The plan is to come up on the new system in early February. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS• Possible Reductions in Library' s Budget: Mrs. Bergsing gave approximate figures for possible cutbacks in the event that the Library' s operating budget needs to be reduced for the next fiscal year. She gave the Board members a number of suggestions for reductions that had been developed by the Library supervisors. These ranged from reducing hours at the Main and Branch libraries, and reducing some operating costs, to closure of the Branch Library. After discussion there appeared to be a clear consensus to consider reducing hours as well as some other costs but not to PAGE 1 recommend closing the Branch. Mrs. Bergsing said she would give them a :-evised list of options for discussion at their next Board meeting. Trustee Robertson asked for a copy of library hours in other PLS libraries. Review of Meeting Room Policies: Mrs. Bergsing said that because of what had happened at the San Francisco Public Library, she thought perhaps the Board might like to review the policies for using the meeting rooms at the Library. President Blevins asked Library Secretary Judy Gladysz if there had been any scheduling problems with particular groups. Secretary Gladysz said there had not been any and that the prospective applicants were thoroughly screened. The Board agreed that the current policies were adequate. FROM THE FLOOR• Mrs. Bergsing showed the Board some of the water damaged books due to an undetected roof leak. Trustee Robertson announced that the Legislative Breakfast will be held on March 28th with guest speaker Tom Lantos. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of January 21st, 1992 was adjourned at 5 : 35pm with the next meeting scheduled for February 18th in the Duncan Annex. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 01/24/92 JANUARY PAGE 2 Librarian' s Report February 1992 Ripley Proposal Ripley Associates submitted their proposal for a phased approach to the building retrofit project. It was reviewed by the City Manager and submitted to Council on February 3rd. Council wished further clarification of the phasing plan from the architect and structural engineer. We have requested clarification in the form of a letter from the structural engineer on the project, as well as some diagrams of the phasing from the architect. The letter and the proposal are included in your packet. It will be on the Council' s February 19th meeting Agenda. Budgeting Staff is working on the budget in preparation for the upcoming deadlines. The potential cut-back list is due to the City Manager by March 2nd. The library division heads discussed the cutbacks at several meetings. Costs have been developed for the cutbacks and they are included with this report. Also included is the City Manager' s Budget Instructions. Many of the costs are in the area of personnel, as there are a number of fixed, and rapidly rising costs ( such as Utilities) in the operating budget which make it difficult to find any real savings in the operating budget. Geac The "Cataloging Freeze" has been completed, and the transfer of records to the Bibliographic system has been successful. We have experienced relatively little down-time. Technical Services staff are working hard to input the records of the past month into the new database. There is much to learn, as the screens and the codes on the records are new to most of the staff. The circulation part of the system remains much the same in format. The final phase of the rewiring and cabling for Geac is nearly complete. This means that we are now fully on the 9600 baud modem (Data Service Unit or DSU) connecting us to the PLAN computer at County central. Response time is considerably faster than the 2400 baud line, so much so that at times it seems almost "instant! " This transfer has moved us into the more efficient and less expensive digital technology which is the standard in the industry. It will also allow us to reduce some telecommunications costs, as the outmoded analog technology maintenance doubled last year and was up 17% this year. Personnel We have more court referrals working as volunteers than ever before. .Stack Supervisor, Michael Donnellan is in charge of interviewing, "hiring" and training these individuals for various short term projects. We are able to take about half of those interviewed. We currently have a court referral assisting in the children' s division, and another painting parts of the stacks and the staff room. PAGE 1 Reference Division We are pleased to welcome Jennie Nicolayev, a library student from the University of California, Berkeley, as a temporary volunteer member of our staff. Jennie will be working 4 hours per week for 15 weeks. Esther, Tracy, Al, Vera and Marilyn make up the newly formed task force on studying the business reference materials. The purpose of the study is to analyze the best services for our users. The 1992 tax distribution program is underway and going smoothly. Most of the forms and books have been received. Programs and Exhibits Forty-six people listened to the guest poets at the January Minotaur Poetry Reading series. At the January 17th reading, Sandy began her "talk library" presentation during the Open Reading and it went very well. She presented moderator and published poet Jim Gove with his own copy of our card catalog' s main entry card for our recent acquisition of his poetry book, Not the Buddah. She -also presented several poetry and literature anthologies that were newly acquired. She finished with "Put a Poem in Your Pocket" the special program in our Children' s Room for the month of January. Sandy' s presentation about the library will be a regular feature of the readings. Jay Dexter' s paintings continued to be on display in the reference room. An informational display from the Mosquito Abatement District included a giveaway consumer education pamphlets on Lyme Disease, canine heartworm, and malaria. Children' s Services Cathy Somerton did a total of 23 programs during the month including: 3 Preschool Story Hours, 6 Toddler Story Times, 13 programs at schools and . 1 Saturday Story Time. The programs were attended by a total of 419 children. This begins the fifth year of the Baby Book Bag program. Cathy prepared and sent out the first "Five Year-Old Gift, " a book-list appropriate for the 5 year old. As with previous years, the packet includes a coupon redeemable at the library for a free paperback book. Family book sharing is scheduled for February. Upcoming Events: o Closed Washington' s Birthday, February 17 o All Staff Meeting, February 26 , 8 AM o Children' s Book Collecting, Mr. Jaynes Friedman, February 27 , 7 PM librpt2 PAGE 2 STATISTICS FOR JANUARY 1992 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 11 , 002 Burlingame Children 2 ,664 Hillsborough Adults 1, 624 �- Hillsborough Children 703 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 439 TOTAL: 16 , 432 ------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Adult Print Materials Main: Branch: (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 22, 929 1,548 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 8 , 411 1 ,173 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 4,257 93 TOTALS: 35,597 / 2 , 814 Main Total 1992 Circ: 35,597 Main Total 1991 Circ: 32,172 = 10. 65% Inc. Branch Tot 1992 Circ: 2, 814 Branch Tot 1991 Circ: 2,842 = . 99% Dec. GrandTotal 1992 Circ: 38 , 411 GrandTotal 1991 Circ: 35,014 = 9 . 70% Inc. ------------------------------------------------ REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Questions Directions Reference 4,656 1,185 Children' s 320 240 I.L.L. Borrowed: 79 Audio-Visual 656 446 I .L.L. Lent: 465 `- Branch 154 33 I .L.L. Total: 544 Total: 5,786 1, 904 ------------------------------ ------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 106 ,748/102,046 4, 352/ 4 , 352 111, 100/106,398 Ch.Non-Fic. 17,824/ 16, 255 3 ,028/ 3 ,028 20, 852/ 19,283 YA Non-Fic. 1,640/ 1, 640 90/ 90 1,730/ 1,730 Ad.Fiction 42, 010/ 41,043 4, 888/ 4, 888 46, 898/ 45, 931 Ch.Fiction 13 , 962/ 10 ,280 4,437/ 4,437 18, 399./ 14,717 .YA Fiction 2, 650/ 2,387 298/ 298 2,948/ 2, 685 Reference 5, 202/ 5,170 120/ 120 5,322/ 5,290 TOTALS: 206 , 554/178,821 18,381/18 , 381 224, 935/197,202 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 29, 910 N/A 29, 910 Paperbacks 2,728 it 2,728 Maps 1,757 it 1,757 Records 4, 636 it 4,636 Cassettes 2,388 it 2, 388 Video Tapes 552 of 552 Compact Discs 474 of 474 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 2,703 . 441? Branch: $ 05-11 �... Est. User Traffic: . 4718 , Daily Average: 1 , 139 Rent: $ 1,500. 00 Total Meetings Held• 1 Attendance: 280 CLSA: $22 ,948 . 40 Trustees: $ 715 . 00 Children' s Programs: 1 Attendance: 90 Total: $28 ,068 . 89 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH January, 1992 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 42 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 4 + 7 Friends B. Hours contributed 9 + 37 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 14 B. Number of visits made 27 C. Items circulated 1,24 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 5 47 B.Peninsula Hosp. 1 12 C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West E. Marion Convent 1 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons --t4_+40 B. Visits made — 30 C. Items circulated 219 Comments/Activities nala NPlcnn