HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1992.07.21 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA JULY 21st, 1992 - 4 : 30PM - DUNCAN ANNEX { SUGGESTED ACTION { 1 . CALL TO ORDER { { 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL 91 -92 :City Checks: $ 29 ,535 . 98 Duncan : $ 157 .84 { Special Fund: $ 604 .08 92-93 GF : $ 1298.04{ { 4 . MINUTES { APPROVAL { 5 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { a. ALA Reports - From Staff - Mailed { b. League of California Cities and CLA - { Legislative News - Mailed { C. Board Attendance Report - Mailed { d. Musical Benefit Announcement - Mailed { e. Article from USA Today - Mailed { f. Library Events - July - Mailed { { { 6 . REPORTS { { a. City Librarian's Report { INFORMATION b. Board Reports on ALA { INFORMATION { { 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { a. Budget Update { INFORMATION b. Library Retrofit Update { INFORMATION { 8 . NEW BUSINESS { { a. Election of Officers { ACTION { { 9. FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 10 . ADJOURNMENT { { { { PMB/jg { .� 07/16/92 { AGENDAJ { BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JUNE 16TH, 1992 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of June 16th, 1992 was called to order by President Blevins at 4 : 30pm. Trustees Present: Blevins , Cannon, Robertson, Benson, Taylor Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Mrs. Patti Bergsing, City Librarian Mr. Al Escoffier, Asst. City Librarian Mrs. Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS• M/S/C (Benson/Taylor) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $38 ,191 . 36 , and payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $665.48. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MAY 19TH, 1992 : The minutes of the May 19th, 1992 Board meeting were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: a. Letter and Reply Regarding Janice Robison's Bequest was read to the Board by Secretary Cannon. There was some discussion about her generous donation. b. CLA Legislation Update - Mailed in packet c. League of California Cities - Legislation bulletin - Mailed in packet - There was some discussion regarding the "gloom and doom" in reference to the State's Budget. Librarian Bergsing brought the Board members up to date regarding the City Council meeting on Monday night, June 15th, where Council tentatively approved the 1992-1993 Budget. There was some discussion regarding cutbacks, if necessary, of 5% or 10% . REPORTS• Librarian's Report: Librarian Bergsing reported that Cynthia Ripley is still working on the plans for remodeling the Library. One option is to tear down the back portion of the Duncan Building, go down one story, and add a third for a total of three stories. Then the library could be connected and it would add much needed space. Mrs. Bergsing said the study is taking more time than anticipated because Ms. Ripley is trying to keep the costs down and still meet all the seismic and ADA requirements and maintain the aesthetic appeal of the Library. PAGE 1 System Advisory Board Report - Trustee Robertson: Trustee Robertson gave a brief report on the SAB meeting she had recently attended. President Blevins thanked Shirley for all the dedication and effort she has put forth over the past two terms that she served. President Blevins also wished good luck to Secretary Cannon who will be replacing Trustee Robertson as Burlingame's representative to the System Advisory Board. President Blevins congratulated Trustees Cannon and Robertson for their re-appointments to the Library Board. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS• a. Request to the Duncan Fund: M/S/C (Cannon/Taylor) unanimously to approve the Request for Funds to the Duncan Trust Fund and increasing the amount an additional $10 , 000 for an additional new book drop, 2 Circulation Terminals and $2 ,000 to supplement the audio-visual portion of the operating budget if it should be cut. FROM THE FLOOR: ADJOURNMENT• The meeting of June 16th, 1992 was adjourned at 5:15pm with the next meeting scheduled for July 21st in the Duncan Annex. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 06/17/92 JUNE PAGE 2 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT July 21ST, 1992 BUDGET STATUS The budget situation at the state level is not resolved as of this writing. When it finally is resolved, it appears likely that Burlingame will see cuts in local city services as a result. Potential reductions in the library budget at the 5% level have been identified and staff are currently looking at an implementation strategy, should it be necessary to implement cuts . I'll update you at your meeting if there is anything new to report. LIBRARY RETROFIT The Assistant City Librarian and I met with the architect Cynthia Ripley on July 14th to review the latest plan for the library retrofit project. Cynthia hopes to have a draft report to us by the end of the month. Cynthia will make a presentation of the plan to the Board and staff sometime in the early fall . Whether or not we can proceed into schematic design will depend on the City Council and the financial status of the City Budget. DUNCAN TRUST 1� We received the check from the Peninsula Community Foundation on July 16th for the full amount we requested. GEAC Vera Warrick, as well as other staff members, reviewed the automation vendors at the recent American Library Association Conference in San Francisco. Vera is part of a PLS task force to review the options for a potential upgrade to the Geac system. PERSONNEL Several new pages were hired in May to replace pages who are leaving to attend college. At the moment we are freezing hiring at all levels, until we can review positions. We will try to move staff around rather than hire new staff for this interim period. REFERENCE DIVISION Sandy Gleichmann, Lora Shank, Linda Santo, Hilde Rooth and Maribeth Farcich finished the Effective Reference Performance training on June 17 . The three full time reference staff will attend the training in July and August. Esther Cummings attended the .training for ERP supervisors on June 23rd. PAGE 1 Many of the reference staff members attended the American Library Xssociation Convention in San Francisco, June 25-30 . Esther and Deanna s. -attended a workshop on Implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act. Patti and Al attended a two day workshop on Building Renovation. Attached are reports on the convention. Dan attended the Multi-cultural Committee meeting June 10 at Daly City Public Library. Some items discussed were use of the "Library Events" brochure to meet multi-cultural needs, the needs assessment survey, and the committees goals and objectives for 1992-1994 . PROGRAMS AND EXHIBITS Forty ESL students from the evening Adult Education Program at the San Mateo High School and four of their teachers came to the library Wednesday evening June 24th. Esther gave a short orientation and welcome to the library in the Community Room and then the students applied for library cards and were given tours of the library. Many of the students expressed delight in the materials that they found were available at the library. CHILDREN'S SERVICES The children's summer programs will continue through July with preschool , school age and toddler. In addition, Cathy Somerton did a total of 19 programs during the month -eaching 462 children. However, during the past two weeks, Cathy has not `—been working since she and her children have all come down with Chicken Pox. UPCOMING EVENTS o Labor Day Holiday, Closed September 6 and 7 o Goals Planning Session, September 23 , Holbrook Palmer House, Atherton PMB/7g a: librpt7 07/15/92 PAGE 2 STATISTICS FOR JUNE 1992 REGISTERED BORROWERS : Total Registered Burlingame Adults 11 , 672 Burlingame Children 2 , 829 `- Hillsborough Adults 1 , 680 Hillsborough Children 739 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 502 TOTAL: 17 , 422 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books , periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 19 , 487 1 , 344 Children' s Print Materials (books , periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 7 ,092 1 , 162 Audio Visual Materials ( records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 3 , 639 98 TOTALS: 30, 218 2 , 604 Main Total 1992 Circ: 30 , 218 Main Total 1991 Circ: 30,212 = . 01% Inc. Branch Tot 1992 Circ: 2, 604 Branch Tot 1991 Circ: 2, 104 = 23 . 76% Inc. GrandTotal 1992 Circ: 32 , 822 GrandTotal 1991 Circ: 32, 316 = 1. 57% Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Questions Directions Reference 4 , 141 1 , 083 Children' s 370 151 I .L.L. Borrowed: 215 Audio-Visual 679 287 I .L.L. Lent: 518 Branch 183 10 I .L.L. Total: 730 Total: 5 , 373 1 , 533 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 107 , 386/102 , 237 4 , 373/ 4 , 373 111 ,759/106 , 610 Ch.Non-Fic. 18 , 040/ 16 , 431 3 , 075/ 3 , 075 21 ,115/ 19, 506 YA Non-Fic. 1 , 671/ 1 , 671 91/ 91 1,762/ 1,762 Ad.Fiction 42,536/ 41, 488 4, 156/ 4,156 46 ,692/ 45 , 644 Ch.Fiction 14, 215/ 10 , 558 4 , 454/ 4, 454 18 , 669/ 15 , 012 YA Fiction 2 ,701/ 2 , 424 295/ 295 2 , 996/ 2 ,719 Reference 5 , 265/ 5 ,203 121/ 121 5 , 386/ 5 , 324 TOTALS: 191 , 814/180 , 012 16 , 565/16 , 565 208 , 379/196 , 577 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 30, 286 N/A 30 , 286 Paperbacks 2,728 it 2 ,728 Maps 1,763 it 1 , 763 Records 4 , 609 " 4 , 609 Cassettes 2 , 363 if 2 ,363 Video Tapes 633 633 Compact Discs 485 485 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1 , 696 . 11 Branch: $ 249 . 35 Est. User Traffic: 27 ,720 Daily Average: 924 Rent: $ 1 , 649 . Total Meetings Held. -,I-5 Attendance: 278 CLSA: $ 3 , 610 . 64 Trustees: $ 2 , 715 . 98 Children' s Programs : 1 Attendance: 90 Total: $ 9 , 921 . 08 MJh"n,_Y RIPORT MONTH June. 1992 t OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 45.5 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 3 + 6 Friends B. Hours contributed 4 + 41 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. Number or patrons 14 B. Number of visits Trade 29 C. Items circulated 134 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 6 37 B.Peninsula Hosp. 1 12 C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West E. Marion Convent 1 2S 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 14 + 40 B. Visits made C. Items circulated ' 236 Comments/Activities _ _ One of our deliverers, Wendell , took all of June and the first half of July off, for some* travelling. We're hoping that he will return but that is not a certainy. �' Dale Nelson