HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - TSP - 2007.03.08a' TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION AGENDA March 8,2007 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES - February 8,2007 CONSENT Those items included under Consent are items not expected to require discussion before action. All items will be enacted in one motion. lf discussion is desired by any Commissioner on any item, the item should be identified and removed from the Consent agenda for separate action. PUBLIC COMMENTS Persons in the audience may speak on any item on the agenda or any other matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State-Local Agency Open Meeting Law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are requested to fill out a 'Request To Speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff. The Commission Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. 8. CURRENT BUSINESS 8.1 Request by Pat Giorni to consider marked crosswalks at the intersection of Hillside Drive and Balboa Avenue. 4 5 o 7 I 10 11. STAFF REPORTS 9.1 Traffic Engineer's Report 9.2 Traffic Sergeant's Report ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT PENDING ITEMS COMMUNICATIONS Report by Staff or Commissioners of citizen concems or complaints regarding traffic, safety and parking issues that are within the Commission's jurisdiction. 12.1 Letter from Forte Press Corporation regarding height limitation signs on Broderick Road. 12 Traflic, Satety & Parking Commission Agenda tor March 8, 2007 Page 2 13 14. COMMISSION & COMMITTEE REPORTS 13.1 Bi-annual Commission Report to Council (June 30 and December 31) 13.2 Quad Maps ADJOURNMENT The City of Burlingame California 94010-3997 www.burlingame.org TRAFFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING GOMMISSION Meeting Minutes - Approved Thursday, January 11, 2007 Com m issioners Present:Victor James, Chair Michael Bohnert J. Mark Noworolski Stephen Warden Commissioners Absent:Dan Conway, Vice Chair Staff Present: Visitors: Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer, Public Works Traffic Sergeant Dean Williams, Police Department Joanne Louie, Administrative Secretary, Public Works Pat Giorni, 1445 Balboa Kirsten Wallerstedt, Office of State Senator Leland Yee Farris Horak , 1332 Edgehill 1 1. CALLTOORDER 7:00 p.m. 2. PLEDGEOFALLEGIANCETOTHE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL 4 of 5 Commissioners present. 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Chair James mentioned that a formal proclamation was being prepared for former Commissioner Gene Condon to acknowledge his service to the Commission. Chair James also acknowledged Kirsten Wallerstedt. Ms. Wallerstedt made a brief introduction and explained that she was from the office of State Senator Leland Yee; and, she expressed her availability to the cities along the peninsula as a resource from senator Yee's office. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - January 11,2007 Motion: To accept the minutes of January 11,2007 as submitted. M/S/C Warden, Noworolski; 4/0/1 6. CONSENT Motion: To move ltem 8.1 1361 N. Carolan Avenue/City Corp Yard - Designation of three, 2- hr parking to the consent and approve. M/S/C Warden, Bohnert; 4/0/1 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Pat Giorni suggested that the B/PAC determine when the next meeting would occur and to put a notice in the Burlingame newsletter seeking public Participation. Another suggestion Ms. Giorni made was that a meeting should occur every 3 months or so to look at the bicycle pedestrian bridge over Broadway and also at Carolan Avenue. Ms. Giorni suggested that if the TDA grant got approved for the lighted crosswalk at Broadway/Paloma Avenue intersection, that perhaps Council could borrow funds from the general fund to get the project underway immediately. Ms. Giorni also requested that comPlete staff packets be made available to the public for future meetings. Ms. Horak asked Mr. Chou what the timeline would be for the TDA grant process. Mr. Chou replied that the City was awaiting a March decision. He said that funding would be available in June, and each City would have three years to complete the pro,lects. Mr. Chou said that provided that all the City's projects are selected, two projects could start in July or August with a completion date in September or October, with the third project not starting until spring of 2008. 2 8. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 1361 N. Carolan Avenue/City Corp Yard - Designation of three, 2 hr parking spaces Moved to Consent. 9. CURRENT BUSINESS. 9.1. Traffic and Parking lssues None. 9.2 Staff Reports 9.2.1 Traffic Engineer's Report None. 9.2.2 Traffic Sergeant's Report None. 10. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT None. 11. ACTTON None. 12. OLD BUSINESS None. 13. COMMUNICATIONS 13.1 Letter from Pat Giorni stopsignsat Hillside Drive and Balboa Avenue. Mr. Chou reported that this request would be addressed in a staff report to the Commission for discussion at the next meeting. 13.2 Communication from Dr. Sonny DeMarto, Burlingame School District, on crosswalks at Trousdale Drive and ogden Avenue. Mr. Chou provided a map of the location and said that staff would take a look at relocating and realigning some of the crosswalks and bring the findings to this commission at a later date. Mr. Chou stated that this request could be handled directly by Public Works staff. 14. COMMISSION AND COMMITTEE REPORTS 14.1 Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (B/PAC) Commissioner Bohnert reported that Craig Horak would like to join this committee. He added that currently this committee consisted of two TSPC Commissioners, one Planner Commissioner, one engineer, and one planner. He said that they would like to J bring in additional community members- Commissioner Bohnert reported that the B/PAC had plans to meet at 6:00 pm prior to the next TSPC meeting. Mr. Chou said that the next meeting would be used to lay down some groundwork for projects for this year, while past meetings were focused on determining projects for the last round of TDA grants. Commissioner Warden reported that the sub-commiltee met about a week prior to finalize some of their plans for this area. He said that in the past, the committee had established a set of procedural parameters to delermine such requests, but that these procedures were ove ooked regarding this issue. He said the sub-committee wanted to go back and follow those established procedures by making the following recommendations. Motion: To accept the recommendation from the sub-committee as follows. . Leave the crosswalk laddering at the two existing crosswalks locations. r Continue with selective enforcement by the Police Department on an on-going basis.o Follow the TDA Grant process and act expeditiously with the bidding process once fund authorization is approved.. Staff to review signage and eliminate redundancy while maintaining aesthetics on Broadway M/S/C Warden, Bohnert; 4/0/1 14.3 Bi-Annual Commission Report to Council Chair James reported that he would like to provide the Council with a bi-annual report of TSPC activities. He said the initial target dates for these reports would be around July 1"t and December 1d of each year. 14.4 Quad Map Chair James introduced the concept of managing the activities of the Commission by dividing the city in quadrants. He said each Commissioner had been assigned to a quad and would take the lead on any activities or issues within their quad. He added that the assigned quads were negotiable and their boundaries could be realigned accordingly. 15. ADJOURNMENT 8:23 p.m. 4 14.2 BtoadwaylPaloma - Traffic Safety Measures RLI Meeting Date: March 8. 2007STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 8.1 Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission March 2,2007 Augustine Chou, Traffic Engineer Hillside DrivelBalboa Avenue - Marked Crosswalks SUBMITTED TO: DATE: FROM: SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION: Staff does not recommend the installation of marked crosswalks at the intersection on Hillside Drive and Balboa Avenue. BACKGROUND: ln November 2005, Pat Giorni made a request to the Commission to examine installing marked crosswalks at the intersection of Hillside Drive and Balboa Avenue. The request was based on concerns that pedestrians and bicyclists have difficulty in crossing Hillside Drive due to the speeds and volume of traffic coming to and from El Camino Real. lt was felt that a marked crosswalk would alert drivers to the possible presence of pedestrians. Commission evaluated the request at the November 10, 2005 meeting and determined that marked crosswalks should not be installed. As a way to address speeding concerns, the Commission concurred with staff that selective enforcement be used. DTSCUSSION: Staff re-evaluated the roadway and traffic conditions for this latest request. Pedestrian traffic has not changed and there is no high use of the crosswalk at this intersection. Marked crosswalks still exist west of the intersection at Cabrillo and Cortez Avenues. An examination revealed that of the 14 intersections on Hillside Drive (from El Camino Real to Alvarado Avenue), there are only five with marked crosswalks. Of these five intersections, three are controlled by signals or stop signs (Hillside/ECR, Hillside/Cabrillo, and HillsideA/ancouver). Only Hillside/Alvarado and Hillside/Cortez are not controlled along the Hillside approaches. As stated in the November 10, 2005 staff report (Exhibit 8-A), the installation of marked crosswalks is not recommended since there is no evidence of increased pedestrian usage at this intersection. Marked crosswalks should be utilized in situation where one or both of the following conditions are present: The City deems a particular intersection or location to be the best and safest point, when compared to surrounding locations, for pedestrians to cross a street; or The City deems a particular intersection or location to be a point at which a pre-existing large number of pedestrians already use the street to cross - and, additional pedestrian warnings such as signs and/or marked crosswalks are evidently prudent. Staff does not see indications that either of these conditions is present at this time. Also as stated in the report in Exhibit 8-A, this particular intersection is bounded by a marked, signalized crosswalks immediately east at El Camino Real; and, at the intersection of both Cortez Avenue and Cabillo Avenue to the west. Pedestrians are encouraged to use these crosswalks if concern is high over crossing at the unmarked intersection of Balboa and Hillside. Page 1 ot 2 S:\A Public Works Direclory\TsP Commission\Staff Reports\2007\03-0&07 HillsidE-Balboa Xwalks.doc ' Spot speed surveys are scheduled for March 6 through March 8 and preliminary results will be available by the March I meeting if weather conditions stay dry enough for the study to be conducted in the first place. Staff did observed one problem which might contribute to the concerns over crossing at this intersection. This concern was also highlighted in the original request by Ms. Giorni. At certain times of the day, both pedestrians and drivers have difficulty seeing each other at the intersection, especially for southbound Balboa and westbound Hillside traffic. This is due to large/tall vehicles parking at the intersection comer, which effectively block sight visibility and create a potential safety concern for pedestrians. For this particular concern, staff recommends red curbing at the approaches along Hillside Drive, at Balboa Avenue as a possible mitigation to address the visibility issue. Page 2 ot 2 S:\A Public Works Direciory\TsP Commission\Stafi Roportst2007\03-08-07 Hillside-Balboa Xwalks.doc TRAFFIC SIGNAL T STEP SIGN dElS T T IS H]LLSIDE DR A STOP 4 STI]P C)> W 2rrE Trl C)En_J rrlN |-l-t ID>r EDE rrl rrlr C) Z.E ooo o oo ooo The Gity of Burlingame Public Works Department ITEM 8.{ }IILLSIDE DRIVE GABRILLO / BALBOA AVE.Scale: NTS Dale: 312107 Drawn byi Jon Roldan E E 'PWENG-Chou,Augustine From: Sent: To: Subject: pat giorni [hogorni@yahoo.com] Friday, February 09,2007 8:54 AM PW/ENG-Chou, Augustine Fwd: Traffic and Safety F.,7L-J Traffic and Safety Note: forwarded message attached. Augustine, forwarding this letter from Nov. 8, 2005, if you want it in your staff packet so that you don't have to hunt it down. Pat Giorni Iam It r s here I Your new message ! Get new email alerts with the free Yahoo! Tool-bar. http: / /toots. search. yahoo. com/toolbar/features /mail/ 1 Zrex 6- 1 'PWENG-Chou,Augustine From: Sent: To: Subject: pat giorni [hogorni@yahoo.com] Tuesday, November 08, 2005 3:49 PM PWENG-Chou, Augustine Traffic and Safety Dear Commissioners, I am writing to thank you for considering the intersection of Hillside and Bafboa on the November 10, 2005 agenda. As I am unabl-e to attend I woul-d like to remind you that all I am requesting is painted white lines across Hill-side to designate that it is a a stop sign is warranted; nor do I especially want to The 2004 Cal-ifornia Drivers' Handbook states on page 36 that: Every intersection where streets with sidewalks meet "at about right angJ-es" has a crosswafk for pedestrians even though there may be no painted lines. Page 20 states that: pedestrians have the right of way at corners, whether or not painted l-ines mark the crosswalk. A great number of parked suv's trucks and two over-sized trucks obscure sight lines at this intersection forcing pedestrians and cyclists to step into the roadway in order to determine whether it is safe to attempt a crossing. It is my opinion that a couple of gallons of white paint might serve to remind drivers that foot-traffic does occur at this intersecti-on. Thank you for your consideration Sincerely Patricia Giorni 1445 Balboa Burl ingame 347-8418 Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editorsr Choice 2005 http: / /mail.. yahoo. com pedestrian crossing. f do not think see "Ped X-Ing" signaqe. 1 Xren 8.1 ' PWENG-Chou,Augustine From: Sent: To: Subject: pat giorni Ihogorni@yahoo.com] Friday, February 09, 2007 8:57 AM PWENG-Chou, Augustine Fwd: 1400 Block, Balboa Avenue, One-way Traffic Study M 1400 Block, Balboa Avenue, One...' Note: forwarded message attached.Augustine, wants a 1-way street; but again for the staff packet if you think its applicable. Pat Giorni Nobody Looklng for earth-friendly autos? Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos'Green Cenler. http: / / autos. yahoo. com/green-center/ 1 IT,zr.-l I .l ' PWENG-Chou,Augustine From: Sent: To: Subject: pat giorni [hogorni@yahoo.com] Friday, March 10,2006 12:03 PM PWENG-Chou, Augustine 1400 Block, Balboa Avenue, One-way Traffic Study March 10, 2006 Dear Commissioners, I am writing to request that a traffic study be made on the 1400 block of Balboa Ave. in order to determine if it might be converted to a one-way street, with traffic travel-ing from Hil-lside Drive to Adal-ine Avenue for the following reasons: Balboa Avenue suffers a surfeit of parked cars due in large part to the apartment buil-dings on the Ef Camino where the tenants have one parking space but two or more cars. Because of the number of cars parked day and night, the street has become virtuafly a one fane thoroughfare whereby cars must constantl-y yield to oncoming traffic. Bal-boa Avenue is a designated fire and rescue route. When the street is over-parked, it is impossible for a fire truck or rescue vehicl-e to proceed down the street unhindered. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Patrlcia Giorni 1445 Balboa Burlingame 341 -8 418 Do You Yahoo ! ? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http: / /mai).. yahoo. com 1 rrrra 8. / STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: November 10,2005 SUBMITTED BY TO: DATE: FROM: SUBJECT Traffic, Safety and Parking Commission November 3, 2005 Augustine Chou, Trafflc Engineer Agenda ltem 4.2.4 Hillside Drive/Balboa Avenue - Pedestrian Crosswalks RECOMMENDATION: Staff does not recommend installation of m Balboa Avenue. BACKGROUND: At its October 13 meeting, the speeding vehicles on Hillside Drive, and her difficulties in Giornifelt that due to the high speeds and the DISCUSSION:Staff conducted a field investigation of there are no marked crosswalks at any of th approaches are controlled by stop signs wh controls at all. Traffic signals are another traffic signal is located two on Hillside Drive, at heard from Pat Giorni about the street at Hillside and Balboa. Ms. Hillside, crosswalks are needed. Hillside and Balboa. Currently, the intersection. The Balboa Avenue Hillside approaches have no traffic , intersection, at El Camino Real; and, , at Cabrillo Avenue. and the perception that drivers are not crosswalks are prudent at this location for two is hStaff is aware that the Primary yielding to pedestrians. Staff n primary reasons First, the amount of Traffic volume counts have been noticeable since can be of marked choose to . Or, off Camino Real onto Hillside Drive is relatively significant. in1 ed 7,000 vehicles in an average 24-hour count. No new srnce , however, staff speculates that the volume has increased ume count and the proximity to El Camino Real, driver attention still be on completing left and right turns off of El Camino Real. Placement at n would imply that pedestrians are encouraged by the City to actively , conversely, that the amount of pedestrian traffic at this location is of such a volume measures are needed to alert drivers. Second, staff does feel that marked crosswalks are necessary because the intersection is not highly used by pedestrian S For the current amount of pedestrian use, staff would recommend people consider using the signal controlled intersections at El Camino Real.Staff acknowledges that this intersection is located one block east of Our Lady of Angels Church and School ; however, attendees of both are more likely to use the intersections directly at the facility, such as Cortez Avenue and Cabrillo Avenue. Staff also recog nizes that the vast majority of children attending OLA school and the majority of OLA parishioners attending church are driven, or drive themselves to the site. Staff must reiterate again that there are two locations currently controlled fully by traffic signals (El Camino Real/Hillside Drive and Hillside Drive/Cabrillo Avenue). These locations offer the best and safest points to cross Hillside Drive, given the actual amount of pedestrian traffic in the area. rre*,,t a.l ' To directly address the concern of speeding, staff recommends using selective speed enforcement and concentrated pedestrian rig ht-of-way enforcement. s:A Public works DirBctory\TsP Commission\staff Reportsuoos\11-10-05 Hillside-Balboa x-walk.doc @ Ire*< 8. t MEMORANDUM To: All Patrol Personnel From: Sgt. Williams Date: 0211612007 Subject: Selective Enforcement As time permits, please advise your teams to attempt selective enforcement in the listed areas: Location Violation R/R Crossingsl2245lYC R./R Tracks 602.8 PC Broadway Av 2l950YC Adeline Dr. 223501450 Bayswater(all) 22350 YC Blgm Ave/Primrose 21954 VC Trousdale/ECR 21453YC Carmelita(all) 22350YC Easton/Columbus 22450 YC Douglas Ave. 22350YC Barriolhett 22350YC 1350Bayshore 13.32.030 Description Veh/Ped viol./ Trespassing Time of offense All hours yield to ped A1l hours Speed/Stop sign commute hrs Speeding commute hrs jaywalking All hours Red light viol. commute hrs Speeding commute hrs Stop sign viol morning hrs. Speeding commute hrs Speeding(I500 blk) All hours All hours Am hours Continuous 217107 21U07 t/26t07 yt9l07 Ll23l07 yru07 Ut2l07 12120107 121t8106 tzlt4l06 rU17/06 Date Reported Continuous Bus zone viol by tari's Carolan/lVlorrell 21950 VC Fail to yield to Ped in crosswalk Carmelita Ave 22350YC Speeding Tarrr9arr 4pm-6pm Trousdale Dr 21460VC (btvm Ogden/ Magnolia) Drive left of dbl yellow line Morning hours ltll7106 ITeYt 4 - z* AdelinelBalboa 22350VC 224s0VC Park Ave(900 blk) 22350VC CaliflBellevue 21950 VC Speeding/Stop Am school hours 11113106 signs Speeding AmlPm school hrs. 11109106 Fail to yield to peds A1l hours 11109106 Treu q.Z City of Burlingome Attn: Choirperson Troffic, Sof"ty ond Porking Commission 50] Primrose Rood Burlingome, CA 940,10 Fort eo2.15.2OO7 RE: Request for Broderick Rood porking height restriction on I st block west from Rollins Rood Deor Sofety onci Plonning Members, We ore experiencing o significont increose in the porking of_lorge tr.ucks, vons ond contoiner- ized loods'being poiked on the fiirst block west on Broderick from Rollins. This. porking of lorge trucks on both sides of Broderick mokes it dongerous for vehicles entering ond leoving our reor porking lot, becouse they connot see oround these trucks. l'm sure the some problem is true for the building ocross from us owned by Richord Modeno whose porking lot is ocross from ours. Moreover, trucks moking delivery to us report it is difficult negotioting the first block of Broderick with lorge trucks porked on both sides of the street. We believe thot the sofety of our Burlingome employees would be improv.ed if the City would instoll o height restriction sign to cover-both sides of this first block of Rollins extending from Rollins to the first porking lots. Mony of these vehicles ore from out of the oreo ond ore porking for extended times. Without the height restriction signs being instolled ond enforced we ore ignoring o serious troffic issue which could result in o heod on collision. Ancj odded benefit would be beiter visibility for police puirollirig the Rollins business oi-ecs ot night. Attoched ore some photos token lost week of the oreo. We hope thot you will review ond consider our request for height restriction porking signs on both sides of thir short block to the first drivewoys. Pleose let us know your thoughts on this motter. Sincerely, PRESS CORPORATION 1835 Rollins Road B,linsame, CA 9401 O-22o4 650 692 3233 tax 650 692 9161 transler@[ortepress. com (% Roger C. Weiner Iren 12- l Above is view as seen exiting Forte Press parking lot on first block of Broderick. Left and below are views seen from Rollins Road looking west down first block of Rollins Road. fran4 12.l : . .i ::iE:.. rrJ 1...!: -t -ir, f .i;rr:. 'll . .qF"" "{ no r UFH.*@tuly Ftr l.Uu=Y* =\J>m %u =72.{oO() I I g a I e z uH Bg t/n( A\ Zz*fSa4 va oto =oz Yt IrE I E