HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1993.03.16 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA MARCH 16th, 1993 - 4 : 30PM - DUNCAN ANNEX { SUGGESTED ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER { { 2. ROLL CALL { { 3 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks: $ 24,777.66 { Special Fund: $ 358.42 { Duncan Funds: $ 375.79 { { 4. MINUTES { APPROVAL { S. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { a. Funding Brochures ( 2 ) - Mailed { b. Building Question Handout - Mailed { C. Fundraising Seminar Proposal - Mailed { d. Community Foundation Quarterly Report - Mailed { { { { { { REPORTS { { a. City Librarian' s Report { INFORMATION b. System Advisory Board Report-Trustee { INFORMATION Cannon { { 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { a. Fundraising Seminar Proposal { ACTION { { 8. NEW BUSINESS { { a. Funding Brochures { APPROVAL b. Building Renovation Funding { DISCUSSION { { { 9. FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 10 . ADJOURNMENT { { { AHE/jg { 3/09/93 { 3ENDAM { BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES FEBRUARY 16TH, 1993 CALL TO ORDER: _ The meeting of February 16th, 1993 was called to order by President Cannon at 4 : 30pm. Trustees Present: Benson, Cannon, Robertson & Taylor Trustees Absent: Blevins, due to a death in her family Staff Present: Mr. Alfred Escoffier, City Librarian Mrs. Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS: M/S/C (Benson/Taylor) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $30, 447 . 95 , payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $350 . 56 , Duncan Funds in the amount of $341 . 46 , and Duncan Move Funds in the amount of $95 . 26 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 19TH, 1993 : The minutes of the January 19th, 1993 Board meeting were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: All correspondence and communications were mailed in the Board packets . w.EPORTS• Librarian' s Report: Trustee Taylor mentioned that a "video-taping of a Children' s Story Hour" to be shown on the local cable television channel would be good public relations. System Advisory Board - Trustee Cannon: Trustee Cannon said she could not attend the most recent SAB meeting due to the time of day that it was held. She did however review the minutes, giving a brief synopsis of the meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. Employee Achievement Award Plaque: Librarian Escoffier shared the new Employee Achievement Award Perpetual Plaque that was purchased from the Trustees Fund. The Trustees thought the plaque was very handsome. Mr. Escoffier said he would like the plaque prFsented to staff at the general staff meeting on Wednesday, February 24th. b. Funding Planning: Mr. Escoffier explained the articles in the "Funding Planning Packet" that was mailed in the Trustee ' s packets . The articles explain how other libraries are funding capital projects . He said he will keep the Trustees up to date on library funding. PAGE 1 Trustee Robertson asked about educational opportunities that the Trustees could attend in order to learn more about library funding. The Board concurred that they would like to learn more and that they all would like to attend as a group. The CALTAC Workshop on Saturday, March 6th, should be a useful session on library funding which will be attended by all Trustees. Librarian Escoffier said he would look into future educational opportunities available. He said at least one library staff member has funding development experience and could be helpful in the Board' s planning. NEW BUSINESS• a. Council Study Session, March 17th: Librarian Escoffier said the Council Study Session that is scheduled for March 17th to discuss the Library seismic renovation funding might be taken off the Agenda due to other items scheduled for discussion. He told the Trustees he would advise them at their next Board meeting. (Library funding will be discussed at Council' s March 15th regular meeting as of this writing. ) b. 5% and 10% Reduction List: Librarian Escoffier explained the reduction lists to the Trustees. Trustee Cannon appreciated him categorizing everything and thanked him for his hard work. FROM THE FLOOR• one MISCELLANEOUS: Librarian Escoffier said that the Trustees Employee Achievement Award program had been written-up in the latest edition of Western City and he was very pleased that this worthy program was receiving such broad exposure. Trustee Cannon thanked Al for taking the time to share the program with Western City Magazine. ADJOURNMENT• The meeting of February 16th, 1993 was adjourned at 5 : 20pm with the next meeting scheduled for March 16th, 1993 in the Duncan Annex. Respectfully submitted, Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian AHE/jg 02/26/93 FEBRUARY PAGE 2 Librarian's Report March 16, 1993 Building Renovation Project The City Council is scheduled to discuss funding of the library renovation at their regular meeting March 15th. The City Manager has provided Council with information on funding options. Board members may wish to attend the Council meeting to hear the discussion of this important item. An exhibit on the library building is currently on display in the New Book Room. The exhibit outlines some of the seismic and maintenance problems in the building, along with some of the proposed designs from the Ripley reports. The reports are available for public review at the Reference Desk. 1993/94 Budget Preparation The 5% Budget Reduction List has been forwarded to the City Manager. Work is now proceeding on the budget itself, which will be complete by the end of the month. The division supervisors have submitted their budget requests and I am now developing the figures and supporting data for the final budget. Staff Recognition The winter all-staff meeting and staff recognition was held February 24th. I reviewed the status of the building renovation, as well as the budget. Staff with anniversary dates in October, November, December, and January received library logo pins. In addition, I presented the Library Trustees' Employee Achievement Award plaque. Staff were very pleased to be honored in this way! Paul Lechich, Library Assistant 11, was honored for his 25 years of service to the City. Unfortunately he was unable to attend the Commissioner's dinner in person. He will be honored at a later date. Gift and Fund Brochures Staff put the finishing touches on two brochures to encourage donations to the library. One brochure is designed to encourage community members to remember the library in their estate planning and to include the library in their will. The second brochure outlines other ways in which citizens might contribute to the library: cash, books, memorial donations, etc. The brochures have been designed to include forms for this purpose. Copies of the camera-ready brochures will be in the agenda packet. Public Relations _ The library PR Committee met in February for a brainstorming session on ideas for PR. We came up with 65!! We will be reviewing these ideas and formulating a revised PR master plan in the coming weeks. Tracy Hammond developed a list of newspaper "fillers" about the library and its services which will be sent to local newspapers. National Library Week We are planning an exciting celebration of libraries for National Library Week this year! Burlingame will join the national program "Libraries Change Lives." The write-in campaign will encourage patrons to share their stories on how their lives were changed by libraries. Entry forms will be printed in local newspapers and available at all PLS libraries. We will also officially introduce our new Macintosh tour of the library. The interactive computer tour of our library was developed by Paul Dimitre and Tracy Hammond as an experiment to answer the many user requests on how to find materials in the library. The computer was a gift of the Duncan Trust Fund. Automation Update We have received the budget figures from PLAN for the new wiring scheme which must be implemented for the system upgrade. This figure will be factored into our 1993/94 budget. The new scheme will cable each circulation terminal directly to a modem, rather than the current daisy-chain method. This will have advantages for flexibility and maintenance. The work will take place next Spring. A much easier networking project was to network our Macintosh computers via the telephone lines within the building. We used existing lines and jacks for the most part. This will allow staff to access data and software on different computers. It will also streamline our use of the computers, by allowing staff to work from one location, rather than several. Children's Services Joan Manini has implemented her staffing plan for the children's room. The networked Macintosh is in place, which will allow the children's staff to do computer work in the children's room and be available to assist users in the room. Cathy Somerton reports 39 programs in the Begin with Books Program for February, reaching 899 children. Attendance at Toddler Story Time continues to be _ very high. One Wednesday in February we had a total of 81 children at the two morning programs! Circulation Division Deanna Tomei has promoted two pages to Aides to assist with breaks and busy times at the Circulation Desk. Vicki Machado is covering the morning and Diane Cowan has the afternoon shift. Geac went down several times during the month, but recovery was relatively smooth using Micro Back Up. Steve White from PLAN offered a training program on the Micro Back Up system and the terminals on March 9th. We lost power last month which affected our traffic count on the security gate. We will be estimating traffic this month. Reference Division Dan Alvarez attended the PLS Multicultural Committee meeting to discuss multicultural needs and review videos on the multiculturalism. Esther Cummings attended a Datatimes workshop in February to assist in the development of Datatimes online searches. The Minotaur Poetry Reading series featured Joyce Jenkins, editor and publisher of Poetry Flash, and two young new poets, Amy Kashiwabara and Tony Vaughn, who used guitar music as background. Upcoming Events: o City Council Meeting discussion of library funding,March 15th o Library Board Meeting, March 16th, 4:30 pm, Duncan House o PLS South Bay Legislative Breakfast, Stanford Park Hotel, March 27th o Easter Sunday Closure, April 11th o National Library Week, April 19th-23rd o Friends of the Library Book Sale, April 23rd, 24th, 25th CLRept3 3/9/93 STATISTICS FOR FEBRUARY 1993 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered lirlingame Adults 11 , 673 _ arlingame Children 2 , 662 Hillsborough Adults 1, 678 Hillsborough Children 734 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 568 TOTAL: 17 , 315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books , periodicals , pamphlets, paperbacks) 20 , 441 1 , 352 Children' s Print Materials (books , periodicals, pamphlets , paperbacks) 7 , 615 885 Audio Visual Materials (records , cassettes, films , videos, slides , equipment, talking books) 3 , 896 93 TOTALS: 31, 955 ; 2 ,330 Main Total 1993 Circ: 31-';955 Main Total 1992 Circ: 32, 272 = . 98% Dec. Branch Tot. 1993 Circ: 2 , 33E Branch Tot. 1992 Circ: 2 , 628 = 11 . 34% Dec. Grand Total 1993 Circ: 34, 28 GrandTotal1992 Circ: 34, 900 = 1 . 76% Dec. ----------------------------- ----------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Questions Directions Reference 4, 976 1,299 Children' s 499 107 I .L.L. Borrowed: 222 1idio-Visual 410 686 I .L.L. Lent: 494 - ranch 173 12 I .L.L. Total: - 716 Total: 6 ,058 2,104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 108, 850/103 ,530 4 ,495/ NA 113 , 345/108 ,025 Ch.Non-Fic. 18 , 315/ 16 ,870 3 ,175/ NA 21 , 490/ 20 ,045 YA Non-Fic. 1 , 695/ 1, 640 95/ NA 1 , 790/ 1 ,735 Ad.Fiction 43 , 490/ 42 , 225 5 ,015/ NA 48 , 505/ 47 , 240 Ch.Fiction 14, 670/ 10 , 890 5 , 175/ NA 19 ,845/ 16 , 065 YA Fiction 2 ,750/ 2, 470 325/ NA 3 , 075/ 2 ,795 Reference 5 , 360/ 5 , 275 125/ NA 5 ,485/ 5 , 400 TOTALS: 195 , 130/182 , 900 18 , 405/ NA 213 , 535/201 , 305 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 31 , 450 Paperbacks 4 ,200 Maps 1, 510 Records 4, 575 Cassettes 2 , 360 Video Tapes 755 Compact Discs 605 3 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1, 979 . 10 Branch: $ 261 . 20 Xerox: $ 1, 135 . 00 Rent: $ 1 , 699 . 00 Est. User Traffic: 36 , 516 Daily Average: 1 , 353 RLIN: $ . 00 Total Meetings Held-.- --272 Attendance: 306 CLSA: $ 1 , 141 . 42 'zildren' s Programs: 1 Attendance: 90 Total: $ 6 , 215 . 72 MONTHLY REPORT i MONTH February 1993 OUTREACH K-TIVITIES 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 41 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 3 + 7 Friends B. Hours contributed 9 + 63.5 3. Shut-in Patrons---Individual Visits A. NJmber of patrons 13 B. Number of visits rradE 22 C. Items circulated 126 d. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits # visits Materials circulated A. Hacienda 4 36 �- B. C. Easter Seals 1 50 D. Care West E. Marion Convent 1 15 5, Totals A. Shut-in patrons 13 + 30 B. Visits made 27 C. Items circulated 222 Comments/Activities We lost one of our long-tefm patrons, Mrs. Beckenhauer, who passed away very suddenly. Dale Nelson The Library Building Question... The Problem: o During a routine space planning study in 1991, Ripley and Associates Architects, and Rutherford and Chekene Engineering, of San Francisco identified seismic concerns in the main library building. o A supplemental study in 1992 determined that the central core of the book stacks is seismically unsound, and that it should be removed and replaced with a new stack core structure. Why Replace the Book Stacks? o Similarly-constructed stack cores have failed in recent quakes, most notably the San Francisco Public Library stacks during the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989. o Although other options were studied, it was determined that demolition and replacement of the central core of the building would be cheaper and result in more usable space than trying to strengthen the existing stacks. Other Building Problems: o The Library does not meet current codes for the disabled. o Fire suppression in the current stacks is inadequate. o The reading rooms need to be seismically reinforced. o Roof leaks have caused thousands of dollars of damage to books o Electrical panels have failed, shutting down computers and lights. o Carpeting is worn and needs to be replaced after 23 years of use. Copies of the Burlingame Library Study, August 1992, and the earlier Space Utilization and Expansion Study, April 1991 are available for review at the Reference Desk at the Main Library. The City Council will discuss options for funding this project at their regular Council meeting on Monday, March 15, 1993, 7:30 pm. Seminar Proposal Basic Fund Raising: the Giving and the Getting In response to Board interest, Michael Donnellan of the library staff has developed a basic fund raising seminar outline on the principles of fund raising for the library. He is anxious to work with the Board, staff, and Friends to help us in future fund raising efforts. Who? Michael Donnellan has experience giving seminars in fund raising both in his previous positions and at the College of San Mateo. At the University of Vermont, Michael served on the planning team to build a new library building. He has also served as a Dean at the College of Notre Dame, Belmont. In addition, he has done fund development for St. Jude's Hospital for Children. What? Outline fQr F n in min r Cycle: This series of workshops explores the basic principles of fund raising, as well as the skills that are essential to launch a successful fund raising program. 1 . Introduction: How philanthropy works: a blueprint for a caring society. 2. Phase One- The Annual Fund: "The Great Five" I. Ten Commandments of "Special Events" Fund Raising. II. Donor Cultivation- The big challenge with the big payoff III. Direct Mail and Strategies for growth of a donor base IV. Proposal Writing- The long and short of grant work V. Corporate Support and Social Responsibility 3. The Board's Role 4. Strategic Planning- The Fund Raising Cycle 5. Phase Two: Capital Fund Raisina: Mobilizing for the real campaign. HOW? I am recommending that we begin with one seminar to include: an overview of funding and philanthropy, the Annual Fund, special events, and donor cultivation. This would include Phase One, items I and II of the above outline only. Where? I would suggest we meet off-site, perhaps in a private home. We would plan some time for a meal as part of the seminar. When? I would recommend we schedule the initial seminar on a Saturday morning from 9 am to 1 pm. This would give us time to cover the topics, allow for breaks and close with action items and lunch. Some Saturday mornings which are possibilities include: April 17th, April 24th, May 1 st, May 8th or May 15th. Who? Since the ultimate fund raising efforts will need to include many Burlingame citizens to be effective, I would suggest that the Board invite some additional people to join them. The two members of the Funding Task Force, set up with the Long Range Plan, along with the City Librarian might be the best staff to include. In addition, the Board might consider two Friends of the Library members. Suggested list: Esther Cummings, Reference Supervisor; Deanna Tomei, Circulation Supervisor; Jackie Gray, President, Friends; Woody Knudsen, Vice-President, Friends; Al Escoffier, City Librarian. Fund.Sem PENINSULA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION VDUN 02/03/93 Fund Name: Roger & Jean Duncan Fund F U N D B A L A N C E For the period 10/01/92 through 12/31/92 (Fiscal-Year months 10 through 12 inclusive) . BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (as of 10/01/92) : $ 585, 300. 22 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITY: REVENUES Interest & Dividends 13 , 701. 22 Gains (Losses) , Realized 0. 00 Gains (Losses) , Unrealized 0. 00 Contributions 0 . 00 Other 0. 00 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 2 , 929 . 30- FUND TRANSFERS 0. 00 GRANTS AWARDED 0 . 00 -------------- -------------- Total Activity: 10, 771.92 --------------- --------------- ENDING FUND BALANCE (as of 12/31/92) : $ 596, 072 . 14