HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda FS - TSP - 1987.07.09AGENDA. TRAFF I C SAFETY AND PARKING COMMISSION _ (JUNE 11, 1987 MEETING I,JAS RESCHEDULED F0p. JULY 9,t987 AT 7:30 P.M., 2ND FLR., CITY HALL) - JUNE 11, 1987 rL00R 0F CITY HALL AT 7:30 P. M.B" 1 2 3 4 CALL TO ORDER. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4. 1 Act'ion Items 4. 1. 1 Si sters of l',1ercy Schro j Student Park'in Install Trrro-Hour Parking Signs on sout houses east of Poppy Drive. o h - 2509 Adeline Drive. side of Adeline, three 4.1.2 4.1.3 Park'ing Probiem - 200 Block Myrtie Avenue - Commuter Parking. (Residents to report to Comm. regarding 4-hour parking limit rvhether or not 'it would be favorable to inajority. ) Request for Crosswalk - Barroilhet Avenue/Cypress Avenue. 4.1.4 Request for Short-ferm Meters - Highland Avenue/California Drive.(Traffic Engr. to bring plan and proposal for angle parking.) 4.1..5 Request for Red Curb - 4 t,jinchester Place. 4.2 D'iscussion Items. 4.2.1 Intersections Broadway/Cabrillo/Cortez - Hazardous Visibility with Cars Parked at Corners (t_tr. att. rvlsignatures of res'idents.) 4.2.? Request for Short-Term Parking Meters - Downtown Burlingame Parking (Ltr. att.) INACTIVE ITEMS. 5. 1 . 1 Hand'icap Zones r'n Ci ty of Burl i ngame. NEh, BUSINESS. 6.1.1 Less 1O'Hour Meters - More Short-Terms Meters - Parking Lot "Kl' 6.1.2 Traffic Problems - Burlingame Avenue at Intersections Anita Road and Arundel - No Stop Signs/SamTrans Buses on Streets (petition ltr.att. ) 6.1.3 Request to Paint Curb Blue - 1325 Balboa Avenue (Ltr. att.) INFORMATION iTEMS. FROM THE FLOOR. ADJOURNMENT. 6. 7 B 9 AGENDA. June 11, '87 meeting was cancelled due to absent Commissioners; re- scheduled July 9, 1987. TRAIFIC, SAFETY AND PARKING COMI'IISSION . JUNE 11 , T987 FL00R 0F CITY HALL AT 7:30 P. M. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG. 3. ROLL CALL. 4. CURRENT BUSINESS. 4.1 Act'ion Items. 4.1.1 Sisters of l4erc-v Schcol Student Parking - 25C9 Adel ine Drive.Insta'll Trvo-Hour Parking signs on south side of Adeline, $br€€ L, houses east of Poppy Drive. 4.L.2 Bq.t !ng Problem - 200 Block Myrtle Avenue - Commuter Parking.(Residents to report to Comm. regarding 4-hour parking limii whether or not it would be favorable to majority.) 4.1.3 Request for Crosswalk - Barroilhet Avenue/Cypress Avenue. 1 4.1.4 Request for Short-Term Meters - Highland Avenue/Cal'ifornia Drive.(Traffic Engr. to bring plan and pioposal for angle parking.) 4.1.5 Request for Red Curb - 4 l^l.inchester place. 4.2 Discussion Items. 4.2.L Intersections Broadway/Cabrillo/Cortez - Hazardous Visibility withcars Parked at corneri (Ltr. att. w/signatures oi resiaenti.j 4.2.2 Request for Short-Term parking Meters - Downtown Burlingame parking (ttr. att.) 5. INACTIVE ITEMS. 5. 1 . 1 Handi cap Zones i n Ci ty of Burl i ngame . 6. NEhI BUSINESS. 6'1.1 Less 10-Hour Meters - More Short-Terrns Meters - park.ing Lot,,K,l, 6'1.2 Traffic Problems - Burlingame Avenue at Intersections Anita Roadand Arundel - No Stop Signs/SamTrans Buses on Street, (p.iition ft".att. ) 6.1.3 Request to Paint Curb Blue - 1325 Balboa Avenue (Ltr. att.)7. INFORMATION ITEMS. 8. FROM THE FLOOR. 9. ADJOURNMENT.