HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda FS - TSP - 1993.11.17City of Burlingame TRATTTC, SAtr'ETY AND PARKING COMMTSSION SPECIAL STI]DY SESSION ISSUE: POLICY ON ROLLINS ROAD/ADRIAN ROAD AREA STUDY NOVEMBER 17, 1993 - 7:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM 'B' - 2ND FLOOR CITY HALL STUDY SESSION - NOVEITIBER 17 , 19 9 3 FOLLOWTNG ARE COUMENTS EXPRESSED IN PAST TSPC MEETINGS REI,ATING TO THE ROLLINS ROAD/ADRTAN ROAD AREA STUDY: II ...SET GUIDELINES FOR PARKING REQUESTS IN THE ROLLINS ROAD AND ADRIAN ROAD AREA KEEPING TN MIND POLICE ENFORCEMENT WILL BE AFFECTED.II II ..FOR ROLLINS ROAD RED ZONE REQUESTS, A POLICY TS NEEDED ADOPTING A 4O-FOOT CURB LENGTH FOR ISIi{ALL CAR ONLYI SIGNS PARKING ON LEFT SIDE OF DRIVEWAYS AND A 2O-FOOT RED ZONE ON RIGHT SIDE; AND FOR ADRIAN ROAD, A POLICY CHANGING THE PARKTNG FROM THE WEST SIDE TO THE EAST SIDE OF THE ROAD. COWAN AND GII.,BRETII SHOULD BE HANDLED INDIVIDUALLY AS REQUESTS ARE RECEIVED.I' INACTIVE ITEMS PENDING POLICY STATEI{ENT: 1 REQUEST FOR GREEN ZONE AT 1570 GII.,BRETH ROAD 2 REQUEST FOR RED ZONE ON CREEK SIDE OF 1510 ROLLINS ROAD 3 REQUEST FOR GREEN ZONE AT 824 COWAN ROAD 4 REQUEST FOR RED ZONE AT 1832 ROLLINS ROAD 5 REQUEST FOR POSTING OF HEIGHT LIMITATION SIGNS AT 1549 ADRIAN ROAD 6 PARKING PRoBLEI'{ AT 1864 RoLLINS RoAD TO: FROM: DATE: COMMIS S IONTRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING SERGEANT JERRY MC DONNELL SPECIAL STUDY SESSION 11-1,7-9 3 I am unable to attend the SPECIAL STUDY SESSION regarding thePolicy on Rollins Road/Adrian Road on Wed, 11-17-93. I would liketo share ny views with you,' I support the idea for a rrvision safety zonerr on theleft si.de of the driveways. This woul"d al1ow drivers attenptingto enter traffic a better vi.ew. I do not agree that a red zone shoul-d be painted onthe right side of the driveway. Once the driver enters thetraffic lanes to their left, aided by the "safety vision zonetr,they now have an unobstructed view of any traffic approaching from the right and are lawfulLy in a position to either completethe turn or yield to that traffic. Al-L along Ro11i.ns Road there are nunerous smalL red zones in the niddle of many blocks that are adjacent to vater main shut offs in the street. Is it necessary to retain these? I can only assume the red zones !/ere painted so that the city crews would have access to the valve j.n case of emergency. Has this ever happened? I don/t knor"r of any incident $/here it was. Theseare not enforced as i-t could only be done by an officer walking along the sidewalk as you can not see them from the street, Ibelieve that if these were elj,ninated, nany more parking spaces woul-d be gai-ned . As discussed previously, any addition of parkingrestrictions will reguire extra enforcement. this vil-I not becomea major problero, we will find a way to deal with j.t on a random basis. SUBJECT: I hope these fe!, opinions are of help to you. I will be at theregualar nonthly meeting tomorrow night and can explain furtherif need be.