HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1976.11.11TRAFTTC, SArEly & PARKTNG COMTIISSION November 11, L976 CALL TO ORDER llhe regular meeti-ng of the Traffic, Safety & parking Commission washeld on November 11, L976; called to order by Chairman podesta at8:00 p.m. ROLL CAIL Present : Commissioners Gundersen Sulger Absent: Commissioner Others Present: Traffic Engineer Floore PLEDGE OF ALTEGIANCE Commissioner Constantino led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MINUTES A correction to the minutes of the meeting of october 14, 1976 wasrequested: Page 4--the Lion's Club is investigating the possibilityof, furnishing smoke detectors. . . . . CURRENT BUSINESS Southern Pacific Up gradinq. Corrstantino Podesta Aliamus, Exc. Graham Subbotin Council has two proposals fortunity to look at them. Commissioner Graham remarked that Citythe crossing but has not had an oppor- Commissioner Subbotin mentioned that the minimum height of a structurefor vehicular traffic on freeways is 15' 6". Adding the depth of thestructure and railings, it would be up about 2sr. For a railroad, theminimum clearance is 22' plus 6' for a man standj-ng on top of the car,pJ.us additional 3' deck and railings, it wourd be higher over therailroad than the railroad over the road. Various aspects of underground or overhead structures were discussed.Ihe slope of the roadbed being one per cent grade, it would be neces-sary to start approximately 2,O0Or in advance of the intersection.In addition, the most promising aesthetics would need to be considered. Mr. Moore stated he betieved funding would be under p.u.c., andallocated 5% from the Railroad , 5% from the City, and 90% from Federal Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--2 November Il, L976 funds. It is understood the funds are vehicular gas ta>c money. lfhe new Ivlillbrae Overpass was referred to and it has been noted that the cloverleaf has very tight turning radiuses, necessitating slower movements, and merging traffic at peak hours could be difficult. [he weather and standard time affects speeds and extends the time of the commuters. Cornmissioner Subbotin suggested it might be appropriate for this Commission to see plot plans for study. Mr. Moore stated a camera could be mounted strategically to focus on the Broadwayr/california Drive intersection, to obtain turning move- ments. IIe will bring a film of parking Iot C as a demonstration of its application. The City of Burlingame is listed as No. 13, which is a very good position and almost assures that the project will be done. He mentioned that as it is delineated now, it would cost about $4,500,000. for elevation. fire initial cost to depress the railroad would be about $9,500,000., and yearly maintenance cost would be extremely expensive and place the project much lower on the list. Signal at gayshore Highway,and Stanton Road. Mr. Moore stated the final report from J.H.K., Associates was received last week, &s well as a computer printout. They have not had an opportunity to rea1ly study them. There are many possibilities to look at and think about, incl"uding six or eight signals. Parking Structure. Commissioner Graham stated that , hopefully, reports from Conrad & Associates should be received in December. Loadinq Zones Criteria. Mr. Moore remarked that there is ve ry little information available on this topic. Commissioner Graham asked if the Commission might work to develop some criteria, and it was agreed that during the next month, data could be gathered for discussion. Parking contribution formula. Continue for future discussion. OLD BUSINESS: Chairman Podesta mentioned Mrs. Elizabeth Andersen who served on the Commission for three years. Appreciation was expressed for her contri- bution to the City; horvever, since there has been no communication from her, it is to be considered that her resignation is accepted. of the area. There are three unlimited spacesblock, then three spaces marked in a green zonespaces at the east end of the b1ock. Tota1 spacara. Traffic. Safety & parking Comm.--3 Green Zone at Putnam D odge.925 Bayswater Ave. expressed interest i n the parking regulations a Mr. Moore explained that he hadthe request wa6 made by putnam custoners, it was considered by seemed to be the best solution. and it does not look too bad. Commissioner Sulger nd had made a surveyat the west end of the , and two unlimited ces provide for eight talked to Sergeant O,Brien, and when Dodge for parking and access for theirthe City and the present arrangement He has checked two or three times Mr. SuJ.ger asled if it vras patrolled,lady who was parking at 2:00 p.m., andher husband to pick up at 5:OO p.m. and mentioned he spoke intended to leave the toa car for this intersection. 1,1r. lloore. repiied thlaw arid it had not been decided is yet. NEW BUSINESS (2) Broadway and vancouver Avenue. Mr. Moore exprained there have beensome compraints regarding this intersecti-on. vai.rcouver Avenue atBroadway is a two-r.ray stop. Mr. Moore investigated and discovered thereare several trees, a school 0n one corner, Broadway ends t,no hundred orthree hundred feet beyond the intersection. and i-s nct heaviry traveled.He thinks it is very deserving of the four_way stop.commi.ssioner constantino concurred with the riaffic Engineer and movedthat the request to make Broadway and vancouver Avenue a four-way stopintersecti-on be approved- seconded by commissioner craham, the motioncarried unan j,mousIy. Baysvra ter Avenue and Bloomfield Road.if "4-Way Stop" signs are to be installe ommissioner suLger inquiredd on the Stop sign poles atat they are not required by l,lr. lloore reported that one-ha1f and one-ha1f in t"til lbrae . Forl/ (3) I'rontera Way and of this interse-ction Sebastl-an Drive. is in Burlingame Novedber 11, 1976 9!gp siqns: (1) Balboa Avenue and Davis Drive. Mr. Moore explainedthis vras omitted in the study a year and a half ago. rt is a classicplace to put a stop sign. Drivers, especially at niglrt, do not realizeBalboa Avenue does not cross Davis orive. rt is a ,,T', intersection.?he Stop sign will require them to stop, and alert them to turn.commissioner Graham moved that the instarlation of the stop sign beapproved. seconded by commissioner subbotin, the motion cirried unani-mously . Traffic, safety & Parking Comm.--4 November 11, 197 6 .B lre Hvdrants in residential areas. Commissioner Sulger inquired about fire hydrants and spoke of a house \'rith this reason the city has not received all of the accident rePorts. Presently Frontera Way is controlled by Stop signs. It is a very steep grade. visibility at the intersection is poor. Mr. LyIe Kennedy of .the city of Mi11brae, approached lrlr. lloore with the request f or stop signs on sebastian Drive. Mr. Moore believes h irn to be very conserva- tive and would recommend the installation. city council gave special approval at their study session last night to Present the request to this commission. commissioner Graham moved that sebastian Drive be signed in conjunction r+ith the city of Millbrae, in vier+ of the Poor visiuirity. seconded by commissioner subbotin, the motion carried unanimous Iy . glgg--Adel ine Drive and Balboa Avenue. commissioner sulger called lTffiftion to this hedge, that it obstructs the view at the intersection. Mr.Mooreagreedandremarkedthatj.tisnotsomuchtheheight,but the width of the hedge, whieh grows out over the sidewalk' Commissioner Subbotin stated people coming south on Balboa Avenue have no sight distance. l{r. Moore wi1} send a form .letter requesting the owner to cut it back. Another intersection, Hillside Drive and Balboa Avenue, where visibility is obstructed, but it was decided that it was not so much the shrubs but rather the mailbox. painting the curb red bY approximately thirty-f ive hydrant. There is no rqd front of the hydrant. feet of curb in front and in the center curb marking and he noticed a car parked IS a J.n Mr. Moore recognized that the owner cannot park in front of his house' He stated that the City does not generally paint curbs red in residen- tial areas and he does not believe the Police Department enforces the law there. A Hoseman would be able to gain access to the hydrant without too much difficultY. P arking violation. Commissioner constantino inquired if the Director, James O'Brien, was aware of a Parking v iolation in on the corner of Rhinette afrd California Drives' Mr' Moore Traf f ic the lot stated they had been alerted to the situation and steps have been taken to correct it. Conventio n center, proposed. Commissioner subbotin asked if it is appropriate for this Conuni s sion to be aware of the possi ble development of a Convention Center in the city? He believes it involves the pur- chase of some of the dump site. commissioner Gundersen mentioned that the ne$rs was published in the paper this evening. November 11, 197 6 Mr. Irloore believes they are considering a hall for seating about a thousand persons, which can be divided into smaller areas as needed.It would be adjacent to the hotel. He acknowledged that there might be. some impact of interest to this Commission. Commissioner Sulger inquired about the type of bonds and the City, sIiability in case of default. These are non-voting bonds. Mr. [oorestated that City Council has asked the bond attorneys to make surethe City is protected. Commissioner Subbotin suggested that a plot pLan be provided this Commission for review of traffic circulation. AD.IOURNMENT Ihe meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. RespectfulLy submitted, Victor T. Subbotin, Secretary Traffic, safety & Parking comm.--5