HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1976.10.14october L4, 197 6 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting held on October 14, of the Traffic, Safety & 1976; called to order bY Parking Commission was Chairman Podesta at 8:00 p m Present: Commissioners Absents Commiss ioners Constantino, sulger, Exc. Others Present: Traffic Engineer l'loore PLEDGE OF ALIEGIANCE Commissioner Aliamus led the P1edge of Allegiance to the Flag' MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of SePtember 9,1976 were accepted. CURRENT BUSINESS ROLL CALL Aliamus Podesta Park ing area north and south of Broadway. topic should be included with discuss ion in the future. A letter from t'lr. Schwalm consideriug the elimination of the crossi either an over or underground railroad s City Council has authorized the Ilngineeri study started, which should take about th Graham Subbot in It was agreed that this about Southern Pacific Stations, explained that city Council is ng at grade at Broadvray bY tructure . l'1r. Moore stated ng Department to have an E.I-R., ree months. sig nal at BaYsho re Hi hr+ay and Stanton Road. been authorized to do a study on pos sibilitie create artificial gaps in traffic flow, to re information has been turned over to ,.Tames How a traffic engineering group, who will run it By next month he should have some concrete information' Parking Structure. Commissioner Graham reported it is Mr. Moore stated theY have s of progressj.on and to duce accidents. The ir ard KelI and Assoc iates, through their comPuter. of being studied by conrad and Assoc or four months before it is readY. iates. It ',ri11 be They have all the in the proce ss probably three pJ-ans submitted during the Last six months for study purPoses' Parking Oue s t ionna ire .Carry on agenda for future consideration. TRAFTIC, SATETY & PARKTNG COMMISSION Exc. Gundersen, Exc ' Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--2 October L4. 197 6 not be One near availabIe Bicycle Routes. Mr. Moore reported that this project will accomplished at the present time. l:aro have been approved: Sacramento, and another in San Jose. He stated funds are but where or how much is questioned. and Stop a little speed er s from the creen Zone at Putman Dodge 04 Bayswater Avenue. Commissioner Graham and Mr. Moore both looked at the area and reported there is a green zone for two or three spaces. Mr. Moore explained that when Putman Dodge rebuilt their facility, they asked for spaces to accorunodate customers. Rather than make the block re:jtricted or metered, the City provided the green zone. OLD BUSINESS Bayswater Avenue .Mr. Moore reported the thirty m,p,h., speed limit sign at Bloomfield Road have been installed. He said it is early to determine if there has been a change as far as are concerned. It was requested that this item be removed agenda until December. Park:Lng Coqtqiluli!4 I'ermula. Commissioner craharn stated this is awaiting City Council action. Commissioner Subbotin reported he had obtained copies of the city of San Mateois formula. Rather than total cash contribution, there is an annual levy, a sort of amortized cost. He will try to obtain literature and bring it in. He also, recently, had a report copied whj.ch compared their ordinance parking requirbments versus thirteen other cities in the Bay Area. The average of the thj.rteen cities \ras one stall per three hundred. and in San Mateo it is one per two hundred.square feet of office space. Bicycles and Skateboards.Commissioner Aliamus inquired if there were any signs put up in the business district regarding bicycles on the sidewalks? and are they being enforced? Mr. Moore replied that the signs hrere installed with regard to bicycles and skateboards. Both Mr. Moore and Commissioner Graham mentior,ed how impossible it would be to enforce the regulation. Mr. Moore remarked that there rvere eighty or ninety si.gns. They took the position that if the perimeter streets were signed. it rcould a1low enforcement. The entire perimeter of the Broadway and Burlingame Avenue business districts have been posted, and it is a dual- purpose sign. strictly prohibiting bicycles or skateboards on the sidewalks. Generally speaking, sj.gns are posted on the north side of Howard Avenue, the east side of E1 Camino Rea1, the west side of C.rlifornia Drive, and on chapin and Donnelly Avenues. signs are posted on the side streets Traffic, Safety & Parking Corun.--3 October L4, 1976 north and south of Broadway at about l-50 feet. or as close as Possible; also near Burlingame Avenue. The posted sign now gives the authority for enforcernent. This applies al-so in the case of radar. A sign is postecl at every entrance to the city saying radar is being enforced. NEW BUSINESS New Yield siqn, Cro s srvaY Road at Edqehill Dr ive . lhit foIlor'ring investigation by Sergeant o'Brien recommended installation of a Yield sign on the of this "T" intersection to control the traffic Edgehill Drive. Following approval by the City been installed. load ing When he cr iter ia criteria IUr. Moore explained and himself, they had southeasterly corner on Cros svray approach ing lvlanager, the sign has Load ing Zones (Yellow and Green). Commissioner Graham mentioned a problem for persons bringing and picking up TV sets to his store on Burlingarne Avenue. The sets are quite heavy and the cl-osest yeIlow zone is 300 feet away, down around the corner on Lorton Avenue. is in the store he helps them, but he is wondering what there is for loading zones? Mr. l'1oore stated there isn't any at all. commissioner Graham asked how he could proceed to request two loading zones on that especially ]-ong block between Lorton Avenue and Primrose Road? Presently, delivery trucks Park temporarily in front of the planters. Follorving further discussion, it was suggested that a study be requested for both yeJ-1ow and green zones, to establish necessary criteria; and a motion r,ras introduced by commissioner Aliamus to direct a letter to the City Nanager requesting criteria to follow in effecting the need of additional yellow and green zones. If no criteria is in effect, action be started to give this comnission a Pattern to follow. seconded by Commissioner Subbotin, the motion carried unanimously. Funds under Public works 8i11. commissioner subbotin inquired if there are any items that this Commission should be cons idering that have been subrnitted to the city to be funded by the new Public works ail]. or is it too late to suggest items? For example, the bicycle path? could it be made ready in ninety days, to get some of the money? Mr' I"loore replied that the City hasn't been involved in it. commissioner subbotin asked if there are any traffic problems pending and I1r. Moore replied, not now. If they include the parking structure, the City could ask for it. Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--A October L4, L9'16 As an item of interest, it was reported that the Lion's Club is going' to furnish smoke d.etectors, free to all senior citizens A letter, for information only, was referred to this Commission. Mr. Pag1iaro, 1337 Drake Avenue, its author, expressed concern about the searchlight parked on Broadway, rvhich has been part of a disturb- ance in the area. Mr. Moore stated the Po1ice Department has always aLlowed search lights for a limit of four days. fhere have been motor- cycle riders there, and the City's Task forces, also, fot two weeks in a row. ADJOUJTNMENT The meeting a{journed at 9z2O p.m. Respectfully submitted, Victor T. Subbotin, Secretary