HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1976.09.09TRAFFIC, SATETY & PARKING COF1MISSION CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting held on Septedber 9. at 8 :0O p.m. Traffic, Safety called to order Commission was Chairman Subbotin of the L97 6; & Parking by Acting ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Absent: Commissioners con s tant ino Subbotin Aliamus, Exc. Andersen craham Sulger Podesta, Exc. (vacation) Gunder sen Commissioner craham reported It was requested the topic be Others Present: Traffic Engineer Moore PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAI{CE Commissioner Constantino lead the pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. llinutes of the meeting of August 12, L976 were accepted. CO RRESPOND ENCE chairman subbotin referred to a letter of resignation from Arnold H. Rodman, who had served the City since February, L974. fhe Chairentertai.ned a motion, initiated by Commissioner craham, seconded bycommissioner constantino, and unanimously approved, that corTmissioner Rodman be commended for his devoted contributions to our city. rt r,rasrequested that a letter be mailed to him, expressj.ng the entirecommission's appreciation and sincere wishes for continued success- CURR,ENT BUS INESS area north and south of Broadway. Parking space dimensions. In anshrer to an inqui4,, (trairrnan Subbotlnstated he had asked, at an earrier meeting, about parking space dimensionsto see if there is any appropriate application or study that should berequested whereby additionar stalls might be obtained, due to the ratioof compact cars. Mr. Moore me'ntioned there has been a change i,n regardto buying habits and it will take a while to detemine the result of carpurchases. rt was decided to drop this item from the agenda until suchtime that an opportunity night arise to further explore it in the future. September 9, .L976 IvlI NUTES Pa rk ing there has been no additional informati-on. kept on the agenda. Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--2 September 9, L976 Signal at Bayshqre Highway and Stanton Road. Mr, Moore explained that past history indicates there are no ind j.vidual intersections that justify a traffic signaf by warrant, but there is a rotrte problem that is very serious. For a two-Iane. undivided road j.t is running higher than the state average. There are no vehicle gaps in that long road- wayt not only for intersections but for driveways. He has presented an estimate of the cost for ccnducting a study, which would be about 9400. He thinks it advisabl-e to have data on what is expected for the next fiVe years. with the expansion of the airport, the street will eventually carry more traffic, and the need for additional signals is anticipated. Commissioner Subbotin inquired if the City has a five-year plan of capital improvement projects. and Mr. Moore replied that it does not. This. however, is number one priority with I'1r. Kirkup for traffic problems. There are other projects for \daste water and water to be considered but they are thinking about the capital improvement prog!.rm. Parking stlucll4re. Commissioner craham reported that the City Council Study ueeting included an item authorizing an architectural study for a parking structure on Lot E and the Post office Iot. Park inq Que:<llqrrqqr-re . Mr .Moore reported they have not had with the statistics, but will as ttre time soon asnor opportunity possible. to proceed Bicycle route.Mr. I'loore stated he had calleo CALTRANS and the project is about status quo, The route regommended is along the San Francisco Muni Railway right-of-way. He is optimistic about its approval . The first section, from Oak Grove Avenue to San Bruno Avenue, will possibly be funded by Federal Aid Urban as a demonstration project. The State then is seeking funding to continue the route into the BART Station in Daly City, and extend it south to San Mateo. They are fairJ.y positive about the section south to S.rn Mateo and north to ltarket Street irr Co1ma, and are aiming for the portion .to the BART Station. Southern Pacific Stations. No report at this time. Keep on agenda. OLD BUSINESS Bavswater Avenug Stop sign. It was reported that City Council requested an emergency ordinance to establish the speed limit of 30 m.p.h., and use radar enforcement. A Stop sign at Bloomfield Road was authorized. It was asked if installation of a Stop sign and the use of radar was appropriate? Mr. Moore replied that the 30 m.p.h., was required to justify the use of radar, and questioned whether there would be increased speed mid-block in the area. He will check with radar equipment after Traffic, Safety & Parking Comrn.--3 the Stop sign has been installed. Blocmfield Road !"rill be a four-way stop intersection. Commissioner craham asked l,rtr. Moore to inform the Commission if there should be any rear-end collisions at the intersection of BLoomfield Road and Bay sbrater Avenue. Green Zone at Putman Buj-ck on Bayswater Avenue. inquired about the green zone spaces are provided. He hras next meeting in this regard. and interest was requested by the Commiss j.oner Sulger expressed as to how many Chair to report at the Parking contribution formula. Chairman Subbotin inquired status of this topic and Comrnissioner Graham replied that Council action. about it is the await ing NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Graham mentioned that Commissioner Andersen has not been at a meeting for quite some time and talked about enforcing the Resolution concerning members who do not attend. The Chairman requested that aletter be written to Mrs. Andersen expressing appreciation for her contribution and asking whether she wishes to continue, or would she contact the City. This was unanimously approved by a motion introduced by Commissioner Graham. seconded by Commissioner Constantino. ADJOURNITIENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Victor T. Subbotin, S3cretary September 9, 1975