HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1976.07.08TRAFTTC, SAFElrr & PARKTI{G COMMTSSION JULY 8, 1976 CALL TO.ORDER The regular meeting of the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission was held on JuIy 8, 1976; cal}ed to order by d:airman Podesta at B:00 p.m. ROI,L CALL Present : Commissioners Andersen Podesta SuLger Aliamus, Exc. Constantino Rodman Graham Subbotin a Absent: Commissioners Gundersen, Exc. Others Present: Traffic Engineer Moore City Planner Svran Traffic Director O'Brien Planning Commission Chairman Tay}or Ruth Jacobs, Planning Commissioner PLtrDGii OF ALLEGTANCE Commissioner Sulger lead the Pledge of Ai-Iegiance to the F1ag. l,lllIIITES Minutes of the meeting of June 10, 1976 were aecepted. CURREbTT Bi]SINESS Chairrnan Podesta welcomed those in attendance and declared the item for discussion to be: A parking contribution formula for future dovrntown Parking District development. Itr. Joseph Karp, owner of Burlingame Hotel, corner Lorton and Burlingame.' Avenues, v+ished to address the Cornmission concerning an article he had read in the Boutique a Villager. Chairman PoCesta referred to a letter Mr. Taylor had written to the Commission with a working paper prepared by'City Planner Swan to assist in the discussion. Ivlr" Taylor spoke of his letter and the Planning Commission's feeling that a combined effort of their Commission with the Traffic, Safety a ParkS-ng Conunission wculd result in the preparation of a formula to presei:t to qity Council Commissioner craham asked if, right now, in the Parking District, the assessment is placed on the building? Qn the Lot when the District was formeei? Are they assessed by the square footage or on what basis are assessments made? iI , Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--2 "TuI B 1976 Is it at the formulate it time of the formation of the District? How did they initially? Mr. Sruan replied that the total assessment is based on ment of the land only at a point in time in the past. been no change in the assessment although the land has doubled or tripled in value. There is no relationship buildings or parking needs. the assess- There has probably to the present could be height or by It Coes Mr. Graham asked if the basis for considering a formula changed to charge for a building more than one story in over seventy-five percent of the lot coverage? Mr. $,.ran explained that the present District was established attorneys. Bonds were sold so the expenses'would be repaid. not accomrnodate any change in real Property improvements. Since that time City Council has constituted itself as a Parking Authority, and as such they can take actions to create and develop parking facilities. The Zoning Ordinance regulates new development. When the planning Commission receives a request for Special Permit, there is nothing that says you must provide parkinC in another location. The developer is placed in a position of cornpeting with the Parking Authority if required to buy property and provide off-site parking. Mr. Karp mentioned a letter he had written to City Council. He is aware that parking is a problem and is in favor of correcting the problem. However, he referrecl to the new ordinance and felt it plaees a burden on the property owner due to the fact that in case the property is destroyed more than sixty percent, it requires a Special Permit to rep}ace it. His insurance agent has said his insurance may be invalid. Mr. Karp spoke of the five-hour meters on Howard Avenue, questioning whether this was desirable. He recognized the problem of employees, employers and commuters. Mr. Taylor answered a questioir with regard to zoningl that in the District, the majority is c-l, with a little C-2, perhaps. He thinks the use of the building, its square footage and lot coverage applies to parking. Non-conforming uses should be considered. A remodeling or change in use or addition of floor area could change the amount of parking required. 1,1r. Swan explained that any change in the Parking District facilities would necessarily have to be financed. The present District was established by a whole group of property owners and they are paying a fixed assessment annually. a Traffic, Safety &Parking Comm.--3 {uly B, _1976 Mrs. .Tacobs explaj.ned that the purpose of the discussion is not to change the assessment district already established. The intent is concerning future development. It is to work out a formula to apply to future needs and to meet changes in use, changes in density, changes in height, lot coverage, ete. It is to satisfy situations similar to I"1r. Geller's proposed construetion at the corner of Howard and Lorton Avenues. It was explained that it was impossible for him to'provide parking, and that in an established parking district, provision of spaces is not required. Mr. Swan's guidelines tr/ere in the agenda material and will be usedin the deliberations. Commissioner Constantino suggested that after the guide rules have been prepared, the property owners be given ample opportunity to discuss them at a series of meetings. It was suggested that three or four members of this Commission be selected to meet with three or four Planning Commissioners, including members of Staff : Cit-y Attorney Coleman, City Planner Swan, Traffic Director Moore, and a nrember of City Council. Commissioners Graham, Rodrnan, and Subbotin agreed to serve. Mr. Swan agreed he would be available. The meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, JuIy 20, L976, dt 4zOQ p.m., City Ha1I Conference Room B. Commissioner Subbotin asked for a copy of the resolution creating the District. Pqqk$g__area north aqd sout[ of Broadway.A letter from City t"lanager Schwalm was referred to in which he explained that the Southern Pacific Company had been contacted. There is a possibility they rvould release their commuter parking lots for .the same amount of money they are now receiving for their use. The matter is to be discussed by the Broadway Merchants at their meeting July L4, 1976. Commissioner Constantino stated he will attend that meeting and will convey their views on the subj ect. Parking space dimensions. Traffic Director Moore mentioned the trend in buying habits as related to compact cars. Quite a few dealers have an excess of these models. Cornmi.ssioner Subbotin inquired if there is a parking facility where this size stall could be provided? Mr. Moore replied that in any structure proposed, it should be considered. Commissioner Graham asked if the east end degree angle parking, might be redesigned !,1r. Moore will look at it. of Lot E, which to include some has ninety center parking? Sergeant O'Brien mentioned a parking lot in the industrial area which has about four smaller spaces and these spaces are quite frequently used by larger vehicles. Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--4 Jul B I976 Commissioner Subbotin stated this is just looking to the future development for parking, and I"1r. Moore spoke of the many ramifications invclved in planning for parkS,ng and parking requirements. A change in occupancy at the corner of Adrian Court and Adrian Road, for example. Originally, the developer provided elghty-nine spaces, and with change of occupancy, they anticipate over two hundred employees. In response to an inquiry a.bout motorcycles, t"Ir. Moore stated there are not too many using the parking facilities presently, maybe three. Siqnal at Bayshore Hi ghway and Stanton Road. l"lr. Moore asked that this topic be continued on the agenda. larking Structure. Kee p on the agenda. Commissioner Graham has a plarr to present to City Council in August. P4rking Queslignnaire.Mr. I*loore has a young lady working on thisproject. Statistics are being gathered fcr tabulation, Larqe sign on EI Camino Real.The sign has been removed. Skyline Boulevard. Mr. Moore expJ-ained that it has been determined the City owns six hundred feet of the property from Rivera Drive. northerly towards trousdale Drive. This portion can be posted, there- fore, ES the City deems appropriate. The County will wait and see the results of the changes the City makes before they proceed with their changes in speed limit, starting at, Kip Lane. Additional improvements can'proceed in the'near future with the exception of the widening, which may be done next Spring. BqcycLe_Routes. Mr. Moore explained this route i.s planr:ed from the City of San }lateo to the BART Station in Daly City. He referred to SB 282, Section 11, and remarked that it looks like the State is going to take the project over. Commissioner Rodman expressed concern over the bicycle path the City is construeting on the Bayfront and the apparent crossing of the path into the line of vehicLe traffic. Mr. ltoore reassured him that any crossings will be clearly marked for safety. I\,,ro-hour parking on Magnolia Drive. Mr. I"loore explained the problem involves heavy parking at the south end of Hagnolia Drive and lighter demand at the north end. As the result of his investigation, he is recommending that from P1aza Lane to Trousdale Drive, the parking limit be converted to two hour maxirnum parking on the west side of the street. Commissioner Graham moved that the recoilrmendation be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Andersen, the raotion carried unanimously. Ju1v I L97 6 Southern Paeific Stations.Commissioner Subbotin inquired if the Southern Pacific Company is receptive to the suggestion of consoli- dating the stations in. the Ci.ty of Burlingame? Commissioner Constantino recalled that at one time they did express a desire to close the two stations and combine the activities; however, the Burlingame Avenue comrnuters bitterly opposed that. Commissicner Andersen mentioned that the Station is a State Monument now. Commissioner Subbotin stat-ed that all mass transit on the Peninsula in other cities has provided only one station. Commissioner Graham asked if it would be proper to recommend that the City t{anager investigate with the Southern Pacific Company? Commissioner Constantino exPressed his views of the area east and west of the railroad tracks and believes it should be used for parking and beautification exclusively. Any thought of commercial development on CaLifornia Drive is not in character with good planning and safety. If the Broadway Overpass were to be improved, additional area would be needed. It could be difficult to acquire it if the property were leased to commercial activities. Commissioner Graham thinks the stations could be used for some good purpose, -including parking. A letter was dictated to Mr. Schwalm. Commissioner Sulger recalled that when the plan was suggested years d9o, P.G. & 8., inve.stigated providing services. Electricity presented no problem, but gas service to a location between Oak Grove Avenue and Palm Avenue proved'to be exorbitant and they dropped the idea. Mr. Moore stated the City has been approached by M.T.C., on minor up- grading of the Southern Pacific services. He stated consideration is being given to improving parking, better access into the stations for vehicle left turns and bicyclists. M.T.C., is thinking about the S.P., right-of-way and the fact that it is not being used. Mr. Moore believes Commissioner Subbotin's suggestion is very viable to relieve commuter traffic from the corrunercial areas, which could be advantageous. Commissj.oner Subbotin asked who is the most appropriate group to place the topic with for discussion? Commissioner Graham expressed his opinion that it would be this Commission. Commissioner Andersen mentioned that all the Conrmission is doing is inquiring. Mr. Moore mentiohed that the City's application to P.tr.C., for Broadway overcrossing is thirteenth on the list, with the possibility of second year funding. This is just on railroad crossings. In answer to an inquiry from Commissioner Rodman, Mr. City has completed a new ordinance governing hedges, requirements are very uniform norr. Moore stated fences, etc., the and Tq3fgic,- Safety & Parkjlnl Corym. --! OLD BUSINESS: Traffic Safety & Pa rki Comm. --6 ,.Tulv B. .1976 NEW tsUSINESS: Petition for stop signs, Bayswater Avenue and Arundel Road and/orBayswater Avenue and Bl.oomfield Road, making a four-way stop inter-section, was reviewed. Mr. Moore wirl gather statistics. He didgo to the area this date and discovered they do have a speedingproblem. He has talked to Mrs. Grubbs and she stated there is anincrease of truck traffic, which would be a justitiable complaint.He will check on it. commissioner sulger inquired about school patrol, and it was repliedtbet washington school does not have a school patrol. There is aSchool Crossing Guard at Arundel Road. AD.fOURNMENT The meeting a.djourned at 1O:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Victor T. Subbotin, Secretary t