HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1976.06.10TRAFFIC, SAFETIr & PARKING COMI"IISSION ,June I0 , L97 6 the Traffic, Safety A Parking Commission was callt'-l to order by Ckrairman Podesta at B:00 p.rn. I CALL TO OFTD.I,R The regular meeting of held on .7une 10, L976; .IOLL C.I,LL Present:Commissione:s Aliamus Podesta Commissioners Andersen,Absent: Others Present: Tra.f f ie Direetor PLEDGE OT ALTEGIANCE com:nissioner Rodrnan led the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. MTNUTES Minut.es of the meeting of May 13, \976 were accepted. CURR,ENT BUSTNESS Parking area norlh and south of Broadwav.Commissioner Graham reported Graham Gundersen Rodman Subbotin Constantino, Ex, Sulger, Ex. Additional information Engineer loloore. Keep on Ex. O'Brien 1 that he was irrfor:Ie., by City Manager Schwalm that this item was talked about at the City Council study meeting on June 9, 1976, and they havegiven permission to corrtact the Southern Pacific Company. Mr. Schwalmwill proceed r.rith the investigation, including. contacting the Broadway [lerchants Association in this regard. Parking space dimensions. Leave on the agenda for consideration next month. Siqnal at Bayshore H way and Stanton Road. is needed, the agenda. which is being compiled by Traffic Parkin<:structure. Commissioner Subbotin stated he Staff that investigations are being made with regard' cations, anri they are engaged in preparing a report Ccmmission. had to for heard from City financing impli- the Planning BI:king euestioglUrire. Continue on the agenda. expected to assist in gathering information. Summer employees are Large sign on EI Camino Real. The sign is still there. Sergeant O'Brien Trqf_fic, Safety & Parking Ce.nm.--2 stated it is the property of the State of California and the Engineerj-ng Department is handling the problem. Skyline Boulevard. Se rgeant O'Brien explained that the State of California has changed their statement and now have said the property involved does belong to the city of Burli.ngame. Thrs has been accep''d by tire city and we will go ah'ead with the improvements, including: Left-turn lane; widening where appropriate; put in bus cut-outs, and Lchoo} ancl Pedes+*rian signs Bike Rout:JS.Sergeant the list ')'Brien stated that he of pilot projects with understands the State. this to be Maintain onnumber one on agenda. Pavment in lieu of parkinq spaces in Parkinq Oistrj.ct. read Mr. Schwalm's letter of June J-0, 1976, in which he topic has been referred to the Planning Commission for tfon. After they report, it will be considered by City action o Chairman Podesta states this their recommenda- Council for Cars arkin on sidewalk.Commissioner Aliamus presented t-hree phol:os of cars parking on the circumvent the vehicl-e sidewalk. This causes pedestrians to have to and it is against the City crdinance. In answer to .: ques'ion, Sergeant O'Brien explained that the problem of issuing citations which are not upheld by the Courts has caused them to be quite certain there is a violation. They are alert to the situa- tion and will continue to make every effort to. correctit. Commissioner ALiamus suggested that there could be support from the newspapers. NEI{ BUSINESS Pedestrian siqnal on Primrose Road.A letter from Sister Rosann Fraher, S.M.,Principal of St. Catherine School, explaining her concern regarding the signal located in the middle of the block on Primrose Road between Bayswater and Howard Avenues, was referred to. Sergeant O'Brien stated that Tom Moore and staff have made their investigation and recomnrend removal of the signal. Commissioner Subbotin then moved that the Commission concur with the recommendation for removal of the signal. Seconded by Commissioner Graham, the motion carried unanimously. Parking limits cn Lang Road and the 1100 block of Sanchez Avenue. A memo from City l{anager Schwalm, transmitting a recomr.enoation from Tom Irtoore, Traffic Engineer, that the parking limitations be removed at theseIocations, was reviewed. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Aliamus seconded by commissioner Graham, and carried unanirnously. ilune 10, 1976 OtD BUSINESS Ilro-hour ark in on I'la nolia Drive Schbralm asks for the Commrssrons r hour parkj-ng lini.t on llaEnolia Dri Lane. Sergeant O'Brien explained continued until next month to give study. This was agreud upon by aI Parkin Lot F. the twenty-five will take care Standpipe near ltralgreen's. June 10 i976 . Correspondence from City Manager ecommendation on establishing a two- ve betlveen Trc:sdale Drive fnd Plaza that I'1r. Moore had requested this be staff an opportunity for further I the Comni.ssiuners. Comrnissioner Aliamus reported thaL a sign indicating eent parl-.ing fee is about to faIl down. Sergeant o'Brien of ths work order necessary. the yellow zone jagged, broken capped. P rimr:ose section. on top in a or Commissioner Aliamus noted a standpipe Road in front of walgreenrs which has It wai suggested it might be removed Southwest corner Primrose Road at Howard Avenue. commissioner Aliamus referred to the Church pariing 1ot which is gravered. and as cars cross the sidewalk the gravel is scattered on the walkway. This is a hazarJ to pedestrians and it is feLt it should be i'.raintained properly. Southern Pacific Stat ions. conrnissioner subbotin asked what reception would be to further study with rega::d to combining s.P. stations within the City of Burlingame. He believes the Pacific company would be very receptive. Commissioner Rodman r,rhether it would be a disadvantage to parking by doubling the cars at one station. Commissioner Graham offered to suggest tr{r. schvTalm the the t!,.ro Southe rn que s t iorred nr:nbe r of t.ris to Prop osed benches in Broadway area. A memo from Park Director Hoffman expJ.ains the proposat of the Broadway Merchants Association to install- ten benches, and Commissioner Subbotin expressed his appreciation for this added convenience to the area and its ben:f it to the community. commissioner Aliamus also wished to go on record as supporting this effort. ADJOURNI.IENT The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Victor T. Subbotin, Secreta. y graffic, safetv & Parkin .--: