HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1976.05.13CALL TO ORNER The regular meeting of the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission was held on May 13, 1975; called to order by Chai-rman ?odesta at 8:00 p.. ROLL CAIL if P.,'esent: Absent: Others Conmissioners Ccnstantino Pode sta conrnissioners Aliamus, Ex. Present: Traffic Engineer Moore Graha I Subbotin Ande rsen PLEDGE OF A],LEGIAIiCE lomrnissioner Subbotin Led the Pledge of Atlegiancr to the Flag. IUINUTES Minutes of the meeting of ApriJ. 8, 1976 were accepted. Occidental Avenue. Traffic Engineer Moore reported that the crosswalk and St:p sion for northbound traffic cn Occidental Avenue at Hc\card Avenue have been i.nstalled; however, there is still discussion about the hedge that is too high. I"1r. Yeager, owner of the hedge, has mis- conceptions in this regard. The hedge is actually on City property. Mr. Moore believes there should be some methods of control because there are problems ali over the City. He is hopeful they will find a better way of taking care of them. Parking areas noltb and soqth of Broadway.Commissioner craham requested Mr. Schwalxn is checking on it.this item be continued for another month. Parklr1 space dimensions. Chairman podesta requested this item be data . kept on the agenda for discussion when Mr. Moore has additional Commissioner Subbotin brought a survey taken by the City of paLo Alto which measured percentages of compact cars parking in community lots. The lowest percentage was 20.7. These were all-day lots in the downtown area. TRAFFIC, S;-rEnr & PARKING COIVIIIISSION . May 13, I97o Gunde rs.:n sulqe r Rodman, Ex. CURRENT BUSINESS Chairnan Podesta requested this topic be dropped frcm the agenda, butwith follow-up after the s ix-month period rf the crdinance which changed the speed limit. ?raffic, Safety &Parking C nm.--2 uay 13, 1976 Signal at Bayshore Hig hway and Stanton Road. !1r. Moore ex pre s sed the importance of considering this as a route. It has a very poor or high acci.Cent rate. Not specifically at Stanton Road, but some- where on the old Bayshore Highway, a signal night be warranted. It will be advantageous to provide progressive movement and vehicle gaps. ?his will accommodat.: people who are trying to get out of drizeways and others naking turns. Mr. I{oole will work up the necessary diagrams. Parrking Structure. Con,:itissioner Graham recaiLed that parking is number. t',vo on city cou:lcil's priority 1ist. IIe, therefore, asked if the Comn,ission should recommend further investigation of Lot E. Commissioner Sulger referred to the proposed new three-story building at tle corner. of Howard and Lorton Av:.nues, and is concerned with the problem rf additional vehicles requiring lotrg-term parking. He asked why this commission vras not consulted prior to the granting of the sgecial permit :eleasing the developer from the parking requirement. and Commissioner Graham stated it is because it is located in the Parking District. Commissioner constantino expressed his views that there should be provision rnade for the cars which will be added to the volume of parkers. VIhen it is a physical impossibility, it is understandable that there is a doll-ar substitute; but where there is space under- ground, parking. should be required. A notion was introduced by Commissioner Subbotin that this Commission requests that the City council solicit input in the future before granting of variances or special permits in support of modifications or development in the Parking oistrict. seconded by commissioner: Graham, the motion passed unanimously. ParEing Questlonnqire. Mr. Moore explained that consideration is to assist with this project.being given to using summer help "Keep Clear" SjfrT0,o1 . Oak crove Avenue. this h.rs been taken care of. Large sign on El Camino ReaI . additional information was needed with regard to the location of the sign, and Commissioner Gundersen explained that the one referred to is about three feet square and indica+,es "Schoo1 Zone. " It is on the west side of El Camino Real bet$reen Peninsula Avenue and Bayswatet Avenue. !1r. Moore will checkit out. Traffic. Safety & Parking Comm.--3 May 13, 1976 1. Commis.ioner craham recomrnended (1) that the Commission request City Council start the planning process of a parking strueture on Lot E, and (2) investigate stating the dollar arnount requiring special. permits and variances within the earking Dri-strict. During discussion, Commissioner Subbotin stated there should be apetition signed by the lang owners within the Lristri.ct who wouLdpdrticipate in constructing the structure. :jorunissioner vraham believes that revenue bonds would be fully paid by parking arld reta-il_stores. Hc feels money fro.n parking which has been put in the general fund should be transferred to parking to go into any parkingfacilities. He stated a parking structure, planned properily, doesn't have to cost the City any money. He '-s just suggesting the j.nvesti- gating process or planning be commenced. commissi-oners Sirbbotin and Constantino mentioned :hat funds are required to do the planning. Commissioner craham stated there is approximatet:' $15,000 availahle r^rh i ch might be used, and thereaftgr moved that the Commission reguest City Council start the fiscal andphysical planning process of a parking strucr.ure on Lot E. Secondedby Corimissioner cundersen., the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner craham then moved that the Commission request Ci.ty Councilto investigate setting a dollar amount per-space-formula for newconstr.:ctior requi-ing speciaL permits and variances within the parking District. Seconded by Commissioner cundersen, the motion carried unani- mously . 2. Commissioner Sulger inquiried about Stop signs to be installed atvarious locations on Burlingame Avenue from Carolan Avenue down to Bancroft Road and Victoria Road. Mr. Moore stated the Work Order has been issued and installations will begin just as soon as possibte. He spoke of the many places in the entire City where new signs will beinstalled and explained it is quite an ext.)nsive project. NE$I BUSINESS I. Skyline Boulevard speed. limit. t'lr. Moore stated he and Sergeant O'Brien drove the route between thirty and sixty miles per hour to tryto dec:de which speed was comfortable. They actually made measurements of the speed limit as related to sight distance. Tihe texture of the area has changed considerably wj.th the bus route and school_ buses. llheir concl.usion is that the speed J-imit is too high and recommends it be reduced from fifty to thirty-five miles per hour. He has sent information to the State and in reply the State has informed him OLD BUSINESS Traffic. SafetY & Parkinq Cornm. --4 !1aY 13, 1976 that relinquishment of Skyline BouLevard to the City was never finalized. They are willing to go ahead lvith their forces and install recommended features suggested by Mr. lloore. verification of this will be investigated. Conmissioner Subbotin then rnitiated a resolution that on conditior. that the City has the power, that this Commission suPport the recom- mendations in the inter-offrce memo regarding dkyline Boulevard speed linit, dated April 28, 1976. Seconder-. by Commissic ler Grahan, the motion carried unanimouslY. A second rnemo from the DirecEor of Public works was discussed regarding installation of stop signs on the thro remaining approaches to .ihe intersection of Trousdale Drir-e and skyline Boulevard, for east- and west-bourrd traffic on Trousdale D:,,ive. The county Engineer has been alerted to the proposcd changes and hc j.s enthusiasr:ic ':,bout them. A motion v/as then introduced by coNoissioner subbotin supportj.ng the recomnendations indicated on the Diagram c-2223, dated April 27, 19?6, .titled Channelization and Traffic control Device Modifications, Trousdale Drive and skyline BouLevard Intersection. seconded by Corunissioner Gr:han, .tlre motion carried unanimously 2. Bike Routes. Mr. I4oore explained he has been responding to fqur guesti.:nna j.-es State funding and an inguiry and upgrading I ist. reoarding bike routes: A rederal Projectt one abandoned rail our Bikeways road s ; proj ectsfor Bike Paths; State Funding of from M.T.c., regarding status of the type of bikeways. They vrant to establish a priorities A proposal was submitted to City Council by our City Staff for all four of th! programs. The project is initially bet!,een Broadway in Burlingame to San Bruno Avenue, san Bruno. Included in the program are staff in san Bruno and Mi1lbrae, our ;ity council anc the count:, staff, who own a portion of the o1d san Francj.sco rr4'r Line' The plan includes tying in all the railroad stations. Initially it would be four and a half miles long. but the final project could be about eleven miles of eight-foot wide bike path from the northerly boundary of the city of san Mateo to Market street in Daly city. Approximately eighti percent of the funding is from the state or Federal Government with local entities supplying the balance. Burlingame wouId, perhaps, pay $10,000. Commission endor the concePt of commissioner Gundersen seccnded, andCommissioner Graham moved that the the E1 Camino Corridor Bike Path. the rnotion carried unanimouslY. 1C Saf Park Comm. --5 May 13, L976 3. Airport Boulevard Improvement. Mr. Moore explained they had been requested to prepare a plan for improving Airport Boulevard. This is in conjunction with the bike path installation on the Bay front. l1r. Moore feels City Council will send the topic to this Commission fc.: consideration" ADJOUR}lMEMT The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Victor T. Subl:otin, Secretary