HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1977.08.11TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKTNG COMIITSSrON Ausust ]-L, L977 The regular meeting of the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission was held on August l-L, 1977; called to order by Vice-Chairman constantino at 8:00 p.m. ROLI, CALL Present: Commissi.oners Aliamus, Constantino, Fo1ey, Graham, sulger . Absent: Commissioner: Subbotin, excused. ' others Presentr Thomas E. l,loore, Traffic/civil Engineer James D. O'Brien, Traffic Director Gundersen, Chairman constantino welcomeb Leonard S. Mosias, new resident, 1515 f'loribunda Avenue; his son, Kenneth Constantino; Ken Costa, Boutique Reporterr Iulark Geyer, Millbrae Sun Reporter. PLEDGE OF ALI,EGIA}ICE Commissio:rer Sulger 1ed the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. Item 4 of the Minutes of July J-4, 1977 should include that retail stores or offices with adjacent parking would be provided on the three or four floors of the building. The minutes were thereafter accepted. Chairman constantino welcomed Richard P. Foley who was appointed by City Council at their meeting of August l, 1977. as a member of this Commission. I'1r. Foley spoke of having lived in Burlingame all his life; that he is a sixth grade teacher in Belmont; and is interested in civic affairs with a special desire to serve the city of Burlingame. REVI E}.I Chairman Constantino referred to City Council minutes of ,Jul-y 5, 1977. Items of interest included (1) Notification that Commissioner ALiamus' term will expire in August; and (2) Consultants have been requested to submit proposals for a land use study and.a traffic study of the Bayfront area. CALL TO ORDER MTNUTES CURRENT BUSINESS Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--2 City Council minutes of iluly 18, 197? include Commissioner Aliamus' acceptance to serve another term on the iommission. A1so, City Manager Schwalm reported that the EIR of the Convention Center was to be prepared and in the hands of the Planning CommJ.ssion within the week. Mr. Moore was asked to folLow through on this. The same minutes included the announcement that effective August 1, 1977, Richard P. Foley was selected to fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Robert N. Podesta. Council also requested that the act j-on by thls Commission at the meeting of July 14, 1977, recommending Stop signs at Majilla and Chula Vista Avenues, be con- firmed at the August meeting if there is a quorum present. Stop Sj.gns at Mai111a and Chula Vista Avenues. In accordance with the request of City Council, Commissioner Al-iamus moved that a Stop sign be installed to replace the Yield sign on Majilla Avenue at Chula Vista Avenue. Seconded by Commissioner Graham, the motion carried unanimously. Burl inq ame Avenue Parking Survey. Mr. Moore ex plained that a presentation has been made by Mr. Kirkup and himself before the Burlingame chamber of cornmerce, and another on Augusi 10, 19zz fot the Burlingame Business and Professional Associatj-on. It seems that if a general meeting coufd be arranged soon to invite a1I of the people involved. including the general public, that all interested in the proposed parking changes will have been informed. Secretary Joseph Aliamus read a letter from the Board of Directors of the Burlingame chadber of Commerce dated July 25, L977, signed by 'Joan Chase, President, and John Hughes, Chairman of the Parking Committee. At their meeting, July 26th, the recon'unendations made in the report by Ralph Kirkup and Tom Moore were unanimously approved for adoption. Secretary Aliamus then read a letter from Patti Bergsing, City Librarian, dated iluly 15, 1977. At the request of Chairman constantino, Mr. I,loore explained that the next phase would be to inform the residents in the area of the idea. Ttre Burlingame chadber of Commerce letter indicates their acceptance. and the request of t}re City Librarian is incLuded in the project. One side of the street will remain as it is, which will meet the need of the Library patrons . ur. Uoore stated he had talked to I"1r. Kirkup who suggested the Cornmis- sion might sponsor the final meeting with the publi"c tg get input from the people affected. This would provide information upon which a recommendation could be given to City Council . . Augu st Il , 197'7 Traffic, Safety & Parkipg Comm.--3 August ll . 1977 commissioner Graham referred to long-term parking proposed for one side of Bayswater, Iloward and Primrose Road and conveyed the sugges- tion that instead of having the same side of each street long-term parking that it be alternated so that motorists could serpentine around the blocks and always be exposed to the long-term parking on their side of the street. He also asked that changing Donnelly Avenue to. one-way be postponed until after the Holidays; Otherwise, there is no objection to any of the suggestions. Another suggestion was to reduce the size of long-term parking stal]s, and Mr. Moore stated it might increase the number of stalls by thirty or forty spaces. Commissioner Graham continued that ancther conment was that possibly the tvro-hour shopper lots could be checked to see if some could be changed to 'one hour with some three-hour spaces for beauty shop appointments. 'Mr. Moore told of a problem on Lot K every Tuesday.' It was mentioned at a Realtors' meeting and the problem has disappeared. The Police Department is parking in unused stalls in the Post Office parking 1ot resulting in available parking spaces in Lot N. Commissioner Graham mentioned that there is a block on Howard Avenue between Lorton Avenue and Park Road where there are no retail stores. Coul<i it be checked for long-term Parking? It was also agreed that the yellow zone in front of the Auction Studio, now oPerated by Edwards of London, could be changed to meters, and. when parking is required for trucks, the Police Department would give them a bag to cover the meter for the time required. There are ten-hour meters from Primrose Road to EI Camino Real . Chairman constantino asked that a letter be written to the City Librarian acknowledging her letter and stating that the contemplated changes will include conformance to her wishes. Commissioner Aliamus asked if there are more big trucks making deliveries in Burlingame, and Mr. Moore responded that it is a problem. However, he does not see an end to it due to the high costs for drivers which results in pressures to use J.arge rigs. Commissioner cundersen inquired about the Methodist church parking 1ot, which is never fully used, and asked if the City might pxoPose using part of it. chairman Constantino agreed to inquire about the Church Lot. Chairman Constantino mentioned the change of Highland Avenue to one way Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--4 and Mr. Moore stated change and tvrelve or the traffic hazard vrould be reduced thirteen additional stafls would be August 11, 1977 by this provided. be be Chairman Constantino stated that the contemplated changes are experimental for ninety days, and if satisfactory, they will be permanent. The only thing remaining is the voice of the general public. He then reco{unended that the early part of this commission's meeting September 8, ]-977 be devoted to this subject, and invite the general public. It utas agreed to start the meeting at 7:30 p.m., an<l the Reporters from the Boutique & Villager and the Millbrae Sun were asked to publicize the meeting. I.1r. J. A. Simpson,request for ye1low zone. Mr. l4oore explained this will take care of itself as the project develops. E1 camino Real Route Study. litt.Le change in the status. Mr. Moore stated there has been very It will probably be several months that it could the funds will before a report is received. commissioner Aliamus mentioned that he had talked to one of the engineers who was studying the traffic problems with school chiLdren on El Camino Real at Baysv,ater and Cypress Avenues. city -county Highway Program. Mr . Moore explained several months before it is known whether or not available. The corunission wifl be kept informed. Southern Pacific Up grad inq at Broadway. The Final EIR had been deLivered to the Commissioners previously, and Mr. Moore exp l ained that an addendum is included which answers the questions from the public meetings. It is now being forwarded to city council for their Lonsideration and action. Funding is available: 10% by the nailroad, LO% by the city and the state Puc 80%. commissioner Graham questioned whether the answer might be to build an overpass to carmelita Avenue, diverting traffic from Broadway. chairman constantino asked Mr. Moore to keep the Commission informed. parkinq Structure. Commissioner Graham stated there was nothing new to report. Hedge at 15I6 Adetine Drive .Mr- Moore explained that the city Attorney is pursuing the problem. NEW BUSINESS King office center. chairman constantino requested secretary Aliamus OI,D BUSINESS -- NONE. Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--S August Ll-, L977 to read a letter from Chairman Subbotin, addressed to the City Council , regarding the variances allowed for this project and suggest- ing re-evaluation may be appropriate. Secretary Aliarnus then read the reply from Wayne M. Swan, City Planner, stating the City Council would hold a hearing on the EIR, the Variance, the Special Permit, and the coments in the letter at their meeting of August ).5, 7977 . Chairman Constantino explained that it is a very important subject to be discussed. It is a contemplated structure of ten stories with 144,000 sq. ft. Aecording to the City ordinance, there should be provided a totaL of 473 parking spaces. A full-size parking space is 9 x 20 ft., and for a compact car the space is 8 x 17 ft. Ur. Moore has made a detailed investigation and report of the area with statistics concerning vehicle counts anticipated, including information from the airport, estimating an additional two hundred vehicles at peak hours. Irlith the increased volume of traffic, it will be ,ury'difficult io exit the King Building. He spoke of the agreements with Drachman & Associates for a Bayfront Traffic Study and with John Blayney for Bayfront Land Use study. It i.s their task to provide the City with data involving transportation and economic impacts, and a specific plan for the Bayfront Study Area projecting statistics to 1995, which is really "not too far avray. " Commissioner Graham asked Airport Boulevard and [1r. if there is provision for one more lane on Moore replied that there is not. Chairman Constantino asked if there might be 4 possibility of an easement between the King Building and the Airport i{arina to be used for an exit. l1r. Moore replied that it is. By putting the two drive- ways together, with a signalized intersection, it might be quite satisfactory. With reference to compact cars, Mr. Moore mentioned that the space cannot be reduced in width because the doors of the cars are rvide, but the length can be reduced somevrhat. Visitor parking should be always full size. Compact stal-ls should be in a preference location and allotted to employees. In ans$/er to an inquiry from Commi.ssioner Graham, Mr. I'loore stated the number of spaces required for the area is based on ordinance standards. so many feet of office space generate so many cars. It varies with the type of office. Federal office buildings tend to crowd. Others might be more spacious. The only way is to try to find the trends and hopefully fo1Low them. Chairman constantino asked the members of the Commissibn to attend Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--6 August ll , 1977 the meeting of city Council on August 15, 1977, when the hearing is scheduled for the EIR. D eve lopmen t assumed by 1980. l4r sioners be alert to the manY Pro , Moore requested that the Commis- ' jects contemplated which are of major proportions with huge impacts involved. chairman constantino then referred to a l"etter to City Council from city Planner Swan with the subject "Development assumed by 1980." He exPressed interest in the projects contemplated for that area and the necessity of being aware of the changes involved. Park in Revision on Lo rton Avenue at Burlingame Avenue; and warrants for Four-vrav stop siqn Instatlation. I\.Jo memos were distributed to Commissioners for possibJ.e discussion at the meet ing in septembe r, AD.TOURN],IENT The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.m. Respectfully submitted, Joseph A. Aliamus, Secretary