HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1977.06.09The regular meeting of the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission was held on June 9, 1977; ca1led to order by Chairman Subbotin at 8:00 p.m. NOLL CALL Presents Commissioners Aliamus, Constantino, Gundersen, Podesta, Subbotin, Sulger. Absent: Commissioner Graham, excused. Others Present: Traffic Engineer Thomas E. lrloore Traffic Director, sgt. ifame s D. o'Brien PLEDGE OF AILEGIANCE 'Commissioner Podesta led the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. UINUTES Minutes of the meeting of May L2, L977 were accepted. Chairman subbot j.n expressed his appreciation for having been elected Chairman and mentioned Commissioner constantinors election to Vice Chairman and Commissioner Aliamus as Secretary. He lauded out-going Chairman Podesta for his excellent contribution to the city and the Commission for the preceding year. He recognized others in attendance: Linda Boscono, Reporter for the Mill.brae Leader, and xen costa, Reporter, Boutique & vi1lager. 1. EI Camino ReaL Route study. Chairman Subbotin referred to Traffic Engineer Moore for his report, and ur. Moore replied that a tele- phone conversation with the state has revealed that they are seriously considering two different timings. The present controllers are capable of this and they lrilI try the options to 6ee which works best. !1r. lloore believes the computer services are well worth the pa)rynent for them. one of the results is that it was proved a new signal install- ation at El camino ReaI and Lincoln Avenue is quite practical . In response to an inquiry from the Chairman, !1r. Moore stated there is Iittle funding participation required from the City for this project. Most is federal money being used for complete upgrading of the system, including installation of larger mast arms. TRA8FIC, sAfErY & PARKING COMI,{ISSION . rrune 9, L977 CALL TO ORDER CURRENT BUSINESS Traffic, Safety & Parking Corun.--2 rfune 9 L977 El Camino Real in Burlingame is rather unusual . It j.s a State High-way with only two lanes, no parking, no shoulders and no pockets.It will take consideration of what works best. Itre changes willinvolve a]-l of El Camino Real and, essentially, Trousdale Drive.rt is a route and is being considered as a route. Mr. Moore explainedthat they are trying to increase traffic flow and provide vehiclegaps so people can get out of unsignalized intersections. During peakhours, the speed is probably twenty-five miles per hour, and off-peakhours somewhere around thirty-five miles per hour. Commissioner Podesta asked if left turns wj-I1 be permitted. Mr. Moore replied,yes, with the vehicle gaps and the best possible speed, it shouldreduce accidents. commissione! constantino asked if any changes are expected on MelineDrive, and Mr. Moore replied that suggestions have been made for improvements in that area. The Nolte Report had made a recommendationfor the modification of lining up a new connection bet$reen oxford Roadand Aderine Drive using the frontage road. He has modified it srightlyand it has been sent to CATTRANS for their review and comment. Inan$rer to an inquiry, he stated the plan does not require removing anyof the big trees. chairman Subbotin stated that the commissioners had expressed theircontinued concern and support regarding in Burlingame, and asked Mr. lloore to continue to monitor the state's activities andleport any progress. The topic is to rernain on the agenda. 2. Southern Pacific Upqradinq at Broadway. lfhe EIR was presented by DeLeurr, cather & company at a public meeting on May ZS, L977.chairman subbotin attended the meeting. He asked for any comments and commissioner constantino stated he had read the ErR and also attendedvarious meeting in the Broadway area. He expressed their points ofview with regard to the necessity for maintaining the economic stabilityof the areai that there be direct access from one section of the conmunity to the other. They are thinking about a bicycle path to therecreational area and a walkway for persons who visit the Broadway shopping area. He thinks the study shouLd be augmented to determinethe economic impact on the entire Broadway area. I.igures on theincreased traffic are mentioned in the report and if this is the case,it could choke Broadway. lfhe the are are and thought has been expressed that Broadway be changed to a ma]l andtraffic diverted. He explained the merchants and property ownersdeeply concerned and are watching the developments c1ose1y. Theyof the opinion that a major improvement must occur in that areathe longer it is delayed, the more it will cost. Traffic, safety & Parking cornm.--3 ilune 9 L977 Chairman Subbotin refered to the EIR and elaborated on it by draw- ing a chart, indicating the five alternatives and their impact on the City financially as well as its relation to traffic, safety and parking. He suggested that the aesthetics would be considered by the Beautification Commission. Information from this Commission to City Council should address the three aspects of traffic, safety and parking. Mr. uoore spoke of the developments anticipated in the area east of Bayshore Freeway which incJ.udes two office buildings and the King Building, and two ne$, restaurants. Ihere is a great deal of activity in progress and Mr. lloore is soliciting proposals for a Subregional Transportation Study betqreen San Srancisco Bay, California Drive and Rollins Road, and between and including the l,li1lbrae Avenue, Peni-nsula Avenue and Poplar Avenue interchanges with Bayshore Freeway. He is asking for a thirty-day study, a preliminary report to staff at sjxty days; a draft ieport at ninety days; with final report at one hundred tvrenty days, to start ifuly 25, L977. !1r. lloore spoke of increased freight train traffic. llhere has been a prob].em with long f,reight trains. Ttle longest $ras 8,000 feet. He mentioned having beeri on Broadway and waited irver twenty minutes vrhile a freight train stopped and started twice, b].ocking the intersection. Vehicles were stopped in all directions causing a huge backup. He will i"nvestigate and try to find out what is 9oin9 on. It qras requested this be kept on the agenda and thought be given to offering City Council our Commission's support and input with regard to pursuing this project and assisting them in selecting the viable alternatives, with special emphasis on traffic, safety and parking. In reply to an inquiry, !1r. Moore confirmed that there would be another meeting for adoption of .the EXR. 3. P4rktng Structure. There was no discussion.To be kept on agenda. 4. Burl ingame Avenue parking survey. Mr.Moore stated a complete report has been given to Mr. Kirkup, Director of Public Works. It was requested that individual copies for each Commissioner be provided after review and release by ltf . Kirkup. The present requirement for parking is one space for every three hundred square feet. Ihere is approxjrnately 500,0O0 square feet planned, requiring 1,667 new parking spaces or vehicles being proposed. Questions about traffic movements during peak hours and the problems that may arise in the future were discussed. Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--4 It nas stated that both of the !1r. Moorers memo dated MaY 23, 6.stoDsiqnonLexinqtonwayatBloomfieldRoad.Mr.Moorestated E[l s ftaa feen recomnended in the Nolte RePort and because of recentaccidents,ithasbecomenecessarytoinstallthestopsigns. COrunissioner Gundersen moved that the recommendation be imPlemented, seconded by Commissioner Sulger, the motion carried unanimously' llhe second item in the ].etter referred to stop sign installation on North Lane at Carolan Avenue , t^'estbound ' Mr ' l'loore drew a diagram explaining the exact location of the sign. chairman sublootin then eniertained a motion supporting Mr. Moore's recommendation and corunissioner Aliamus so moved. seconded by commissioner Podesta, the motion carried unanimouslY. ilune 9 L97? 5. 900 B1o ck of California Drive. A letter expressing no objec- tions to removing the Park ing restr ictions on California Drive between Sanchez and Majilla Avenues \^tas referred to. Commissioner Aliamus had visited the area and in consideration of the fact that there hte re no obiections from people in the area, he moved that the proposal .be consummated, which was seconded by Commissioner Conitantino. Following Mr. Moore,s remark that there was a comPany. on the corner who wished to maintain just a little short-term park- ing and that it would be modified to the agreement of all concerned, the motion carried unanimouslY. above motions are in accordance with L9?7 . OI,D BUSINESS 1. Commissioner Aliamus asked about the hedge at Adeline Drive and Bafboa Avenue--whether or not it had been trimmed? In reP1y, it rras stated it is still a visual hazard. It does not meet the city code requirement. The situatj-on has prevailed for many years and the owners have been contacted . Chairman Subbotin asked about the lega1 responsibility. If they are unwilling to meet the code reguirement, that they take entire liability ofanyaccidents.Howdoesthelawdefineliabilityifyoubreakthe larr? If somebody is not willing to meet the City ordinances and the city :." not wiI11ng to enforce the ordinances? Is there a time element involved? It was agreed that a letter of inquiry be addressed to the City uanager. NEW BUSINESS 1. A Letter from Mr. J. A. sinpson, General Manager, Company, 330 Primrose Road, was distributed' l{r' Edw. A. Keith & Simpson requests ( Traffic, Safety & Parking Corunr --5 ilune 9 L977 a yellow zone in front of the building. .l'1r. Moore contacted Mr. Simpson and told him about the Deleuw, Cather & Company Report and the necessity of studying the situation as it relates to the Report, and it qrould be very difficult for the comnission to reach a decision until they had the opportunity to investigate it. several months ago Mr. Si.mpson called and l{r. }loore and Sergeant OrBrien did not reconunend providing the yellow zone. Ir{r. Moore felt he was satisfied that it was being presented to the Director of Traffic and he will tell Mr. Simpson that he is welcome to attend the next meeting of this Commission. 2. Commissioner Aliamus asked if the signal at Burlingame Avenue and Primrose Road could be checked so that it is not activated on Sundays. Mr. Moore will investigate. ADJOURNMENT Ttre meeting adj ourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully .submitted, afoseph A. Aliamus, Secretary ADVAI\ICE AU'! OMOTIVE, Ih!C. 921 Colifornio Dr. Phone 344-5128 . 'Burlingome, Colif. 94010 e.> j-r l"'O{o,rro-.Qrt. 3*2:: _ )2%' ,'/. il*rns f ,ilrrrea'./'orf tc {,/t U'neenU,2 f Bur/,g,q7orq ,f /fu-oa ,x*d,a-Gmouin" t. J€tJe CI.a / (odg '-*s *n/./t),qs 0n fr" ?ao Eto"/.. f- do/7'rr/1ra-, No, fl"* wders$trrr/,4o u€fro oLj*fin, 7i /DeeA S*rrc/t an//4t,2/,_ U -\t {)riru bel 4i *i,/.t 'z ;it /.,,u-, . r?/12"0 ;..) ! -l ,iL ':-) li Ir.;t , 'i-; {-^c<(< {.,, ,;5;t/ €-xr,*r*f ,LLu^-Q' li to7 ,., tl^ ff, D_4a 'i/ 1i ,', ' ,,,/ . it 1'1,.:...,. ,-, ,. ) . (,, l,ItP. p,..,zj"iir*,r,6 E.r"l i,rg.i,,.*,',V-r,.i.'.!.)-i o,lo 34 S-!;9oi s| J{g-;i)et11 i IIGl;rr\vil NiAY t 0 13Tl tl ct'IrY fn) riitiiiril'ft t;'rrttt; i ) ,a a I i I D TO I NTER.OFFI CE MEI4O May 23, 1977 Ralph E. Kirkup, Director of Publ ic l'lorks 'Re: Nevr StoP Si gn Instal l ati ons Two loca They are l. 2. tions.have come to our attention that need additional traffic control' as fol 1 ows: parki ng sta'll I i nes ' te !t / ri.r ,'.l..si; .i 0mas E. ' l"loore Traff i c/Ci vi 1 Etrg i neer TEM: ntg i 0 edw. a. keith & co. 330 primrose road #2OA burlingame, california 9401 0 415-348-7001 May 13, L977 ': Attn: CitY l'lanager City of Burlingame Cicy Ha11 -501 Prinrrose Road Burlingame, C,A 94010 Dear Sir: I thought perhaps, since we have had no response to my inquiry severaL months ago in regard to a yeL1ow zone in front of the building that our Company owns at 330 Primrose Road (the Crocker Center Building), that I might ask for a response from your office. Since purchasing the building almosE a year ago, lle.have noticed--and stilI notice--the need'fot a loading and unloading zofie, i.€. yellorv zone, in fronE of our buiLding. Lf. you would nofe the companies in our building and the occu- pancy of our builciing, you r,rill note that r.re do receive nany deliveries, and all companies ma.king deLiveries to our building do find it exLremely difficult to park, and many tinnes must park some distance from the building in order Eo make deliveries. A yellow zone in front of the building lrould simplify many existing probLems r{ith deliveries. As I am sure you are also aware, there is a definite parlcing probl.em in the area for employees r+orking in our building as welL as other buildings surrounding ours. It rvould be very helpful, if possible, if thc City could look into securing additlonal all-day parking oreters, and perhaps this may entail adding meEers Eo the parking lot aLready behind our builciing. Along with the above tr{o matters, I have also had questions asked our Company by persons thinking that rre may have the aflswer as to rr'iry the City rvould allor.r the construct.ion of a new office complex at the corner of Prj.mrose aud Chapin and not require parking spaces to be provided under the building rvhen rre are already having serious parking problems. And now the City rvill be faced rvith additional enploy- ment in the area and more people trying to secure all-day parlcing ryhich is already inaclequate. I'lould it be possible to have an ansr{er as to the reasoning behind rhe City noE requiring parking to be provided by the ner,r building. Ihank you for your time and cooperation. Ar.raitiirg a reply at your earliest convenience, I am Very trull' yo urs e , e. \-..^r-1 $auagerJAS: FC J Sirnpson, Gcnera0IUITII & CO}II'ANY rCaltor.pl.0perty1Tlt.lllagelIe]rt.inVeStn.]entSooWnurW vineyards o,