HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1977.04.14TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COMI,IISSION April 14, 1977 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Traffic, Safetyheld on April 14. 19?7; calIed to order by & Parking Commission was Chairman Podesta at 8:OO p.m. ROLL CALL P re sent s Absent : Othe rs Commissioners Constantino, craham, Gundersen, podesta, Subbotin, Sulger. Commissioner Aliamus, excused.Present: Traffic Engineer Thomas E. MooreTraffic Director, Sgt. James D. O,Brien PI,EDGE OF ALLEd IANC E Commissioner Gundersen led the pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. MINUTES Traffic Engineer Thomas Moore requested clarification of a statementregarding El camino Rear- He did not intend to say he was advocatinga 25 m.p.h., speed lirnit on Er camino Real. There are certain timesof the day when traffic moves at 25 m.p.h. rt is impossible to driveany faster. The computer study being made has recommendations forcertain periods of the day for setting the signars at 25 m.p.h. rn theo-ff-geak hours they will try to approxinate 35 m.p.h. The signalsshould accommodate what the actual speeds are, foi maximum capacity.The minutes were thereafter approved-. CURRENT BUSINESS: r. Er gqmino Rea+ Route study. Mr. Moore explained that the Divisionof Highways is preased with some of the computer printouts and areproceeding with the design. They are incorporaling L-incoln Avenue andit looks god. FaFton Drive. A letter has been received to the effect that they aretaking Easton Drive under advisement and considering whether it willfit the progressive movement plan or if vehicle gap" ""r, be created tolet traffic egress from Easton Drive. *ffi;"'}:;"T"3I;':::'i}H""n:,iliJ':Ij.:-:i::;:3..i"|.'"" the streets are very narrowi that both intersections witrr -sr camino Realhave very impaired sight distancei and on a one-way street, the driverhas no option but must proceed as indicated. commissioner constantino inguired if the corners at each intersection could be widened? Sergeant O'Brien replied that there did not seem to be any obviousgain by doing so. Traffic, Safety & Parkin g Comm. --2 2. Southern Pacific Upgradinq at Broadl.ra v.Mr. Moore stated that itis planned, tentatively, to present the EIR by May 23, L977, and, have the various Commissions look at it.. This would be the opportun-ity to ask questions and evaluate the report. 3. Parkin Structure. Commi.ssioner Graham informed the Commissionof the actions of the Burlingame Business and professional Associa-tion. in regard to the parking problems in the Burlingame Avenue area. He reviehred the report given by Mr. Millican, Finance Director, atthe recent City Council meeting. 4. Safeway Parking Lot. A letter and diagram sent to Commissioners' uras discussed. Commissj.oner Constantino asked if there qrere any recommendations or modifications necessary? Mr. Moore replied thatthere were not. Commissioner Constantino then moved that the Safeway Store driveway revisj-on on Howard Avenue, as presented by their engineers and approved by the City's Director of public Works, RalphKirkup, be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Subbotin, the motioncarried unanimously. 5. Deleuw, Cather & C ompan Report.Updating of this report hadalready been discussed, as it concerns the Burlingame Avenue area. 6. Hedqe at 1516 Adeline Drive (Mr. & Mrs.Escobosa). The City Attorney is working on the problem.has written a Letter and the City Staff April 14. 1977 Commissioner Constantino asked about eliminating left turns on E1 Camino Real mid-block, into driveways or apartment buildings, and requested the further study of this suggestion. ttr. Moore agreedthat the study might be helpful , but asked that it be deferred untilafter the timing changes in traffic flow have been completed. Theywill study it, run it, and see how it works. and will keep the sugges-tion in mind . .The Commission is aware that the Del,eurr, Cather & Co., report is being updated by Mr. Moore. and is due to be ready July 1, 1972.Mr. Moore explained that an in-depth study has been made. It goesinto the origin and destination of persons who work in Burlingame. The questionnaire asked how far they $rould be wilting to walk and ifthey are willing to pay for parking and how much? The information may refine the report but Mr. Moore does not think it will make a big change. I Traffic, Safety & Parkinq Comln.--3 April 14, 1977 OLD BUSINESS: 1. Parking on Chapin Avenue near EI Camino Real . Commissioner Graham inquired about free long-term parking on Chapin Avenue near the Lucky Store and Barik of America, and suggested it should be increased tofifty-eent meters. Mr. Moore responded, saying that the area has beenstudied. lfhere has been a drift from parking in Lot H on El Camino ReaI at Ralston Avenue to this area because it is free. Fifty cents a day will send them back to Lot H. Commissioner Graham then askedif a ticket dispenser, appropriately placed, would be acceptable. Mr. Moore and Sergeant O'Brien think a douh.le quarter meter would bebest. There have been problems with ticket dispensers. The cost toinstall meters would be about $3,O00. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Parkinq on California Drive north of Burlj.n game Avenue. A letter from Mr. Gera1d Greenbach, ceneral Manager of the PaIm Grill Restaurant, asked about parking on the east side of Calj.fornia Drivejust north of Burlingame Avenue. Mr. Moore explained that the City has been planning to create some left turn lanes and to do so the space on the east side of the street is needed. :Iherefore, no parking on the easterly side has to be maintained. To alleviate the problem, approximately fifteen parking sta1ls in theexisting parking lot, starting at North Lane and going northerly, could be converted to short-term parking. Commi.ssioner craham moved that the suggestion to convert fifteen parking stalls in the existing parking Iot, starting at North Lane and going northerly be convertedto short-term parking. Commissioner Gundersen seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. 2. Broadway area parkinq.I'1r. Moore explained that the cross streetsjust north of Broadway now have areas of unlimited parking on oneside of the street. It is suggested that unlimited parking be extend- ed to the other side of eaeh street. This involves the one-haLf blocksections immediately south of Lincoln Avenue. Commissioner Constantino moved that the Commission concur with Mr. Moore's suggeltion regarding unlimited parking north of Broadway, one-half block south of LincoLn Avenue on each cross street. Seconded by Commissioner Graham. the motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Victor .T. Subbotin, Secretary ADJOURNMENT \ Mr. Moore added, for general information, that there should be some long-term spaces in Lot K fuunediately adjacent to E1 Camino ReaI . and perhaps one-half of Lot L could be converted to long-term parking. ' Additional information will be supplied in the future.