HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1977.03.10TRAFFIC, SAFEnf & PARKING COMI*{ISSION !,tardr 10, 1977 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission was held on Marcb 1O, 1977; called to order by Chairman Podesta at SsOO p.m. Present: Conmissioners Aliamus, constantino, Graham, Gundersen, Podesta,' Subbotin, Sulger. Others Present: Traffic Engineer Thomas E. Moore Traffic Director, Sgt. James D. O'Brien PLEDGE OF ALLEGIA}ICE Conmissioner Subbotin led the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. UINUTES !{inutes of the meeting of February 10, 1977 were accepted. 1. Pedestrian safety. Mr . Samuel Weinstat, 1O2l E1 Camino Real, was present to discuss his concern for pedestrian safety in the City of Burlingame. His attention has been focused on EI Camino Real as the result of a friend of his having been hit by a car about six weeks ago. llhe driver turned right from Chapi.n Avenue and did not see the pedestrian. His wife, also, was crossing at Burlingame Avenue and noticed a car intending to turn 1eft. She realized the driver had not seen her and had to shrerve to avoid hitting her. Today he spent a half hour at the intersection of Chapin Avenue, a half hour at Burlingame Avenue, and a half hour at Howard Avenue, on EI Camino Real. He recorded the number of pedestrians crossing at each intersection and the nudber of cars turning right on the red light. He mentioned that they look to the left for cars coming, but not to the right for pedestrians. HAlf of the cars cross the white line and stop within the pedestrian cross-walk. He suggested a red line with a slmbo1 alerting motorists not to stop in crosswalk. Mr. wei.nstat thinks there is a need for correction and suggested that any main street where there are pedestrians, should have a sign "watch out for pedestrians." Also, "No right turns on red signa).." He spoke of Tucson, Arizona, with their school signs placed in the center of the street, one-half a block before and one-half a block beyond the school ,cautioning motorists to slow to 15 m.p.h., for school children. ROLL CALL CURRENT BUSINESS traffic. safety & Parking comm. --2 l,larch 10, 1977 He suggested that the speed limit on El Camino Real in the city of Burlingame be reduced to 25 m.p.h. He offered to help in any way possible. Comnissioner Graham asked Traffic Director Moore about statistics available. Mr. Moore replied that there are twenty-nine intersections on EI Camino Real . Over a three-year period there were sixteen accidents involving pedestrians, eight of which were attributable to the pedestrian. Commissioner subbotin expressed appreciation for the concern of Mr. weinstat and the statistics he presented regarding the behaviour at some of the intersections. He explained that State laws and State vehicle code govern El Camino Real, and that there is adequate signing maintained. with the State jurisdiction, the City cannot do everything we might want to. Both the car driver and the pedestrian must use common sense, as !.{rs . weinstat did . Commissioner Aliamus mentioned "VIa1k" and "Don't walk" signals, and asked if they could be utilized? He emphasized the importance of driver and pedestrian education, naking them responsible for their actions. Ur. lIoore spoke of the red stripe used in Arizona. He doubts if it is still in effect and knows it cannot be used in california. Be and sergeant O'Brien attended a meeting of CARES. statistics for Iast year indicate an accident ratio of three per cent. Burlingame's was two per cent. Again this year, Burlingamer s is two per cent. He does not see this to be a huge problem, however, effort r,tilI be exerted to attain zero accidents. Sergeant O'Brien called attention to the circumstances when it is not right to cross a street. 1. When there is a red signal 1i9ht. 2. A sign prohibits pedestrians, or a "Don't Walk" signal . 3. It is againat the lau to step off the curb when the signal light is yellow. Also, California state legislature has ruled that the driver shal1 use due caution. Houever, this does not relieve the pedestrian from using due caution. !1r. lloore mentioned that we have flashing yellow signs (beacons) that say "School Zcnc." I{e read an art-i.cle ccnceuning th;.:ir lnei-f ect-i\/rlncss and found, upon investigation, that if Lhe driver does not see a chil<l , he does not change his speed at a1l. Commissioner Graham inguired about the selective enforcement program. Traffic, safety & Parking Comm.--3 l,larch IO, 1977 !1r. lloore said that in 1973 there were 873 accidents in the City. ln L974, with selective enforcement, they dropped to 687. Ttre program was dropped at the end of 1974, and in 1975 they went up twenty-threeper cent, from 687 to 895. Itrere were 870 in 1976. fhe cost to thepublic in 1973, for Burling.lme, was about three and one-half million dollars . Commissioner Subbotin again expressed appreciation to Mr. hleinstat, and the Comrnission's ar^rareness of the qoal of zero accidents and zero expenditures. Comnissioner cundersen rnent ioned that the city has been studyingEl Canino ReaI extensively and will continue to do so. 1.1r. Weinstat asked if the State could be requested to reduce the speedlitnit to twenty-five miles per hour, and Mr. Moore replied that theCity is trying to do exactly that. ?he City has engaged computer services to enable staff to evaluate traffic movements and plan how to move it smoothly and progressively. This effort should cut accidents tremendously. Mr. Weinstat vras engouraged to return whenever he wished. 2. Southern Pacific up qrading at Broadway. Commissioner Constantino inquired if there was information on a future meeting. Mr. Moorereplied that it is not knor.rn at this time. Hor^rever, there is to be apublic hearing on the EIR. 4. Fafe!'rav parkinq lot. Itlr. Moore has called them. No response asyet. He feels confident they wiJ.l respond favorably. 5. Burl ingame Avenue Area parkinq studv. Mr.Moore stated the study made by Deleuw, Cather & Co., is being upgraded. 6. El Camino Real and Arc Wa Commissioner Sulger personally surveyedArc way. It is a very narrow street with parking only on one side. It rtas the concensus of the Commission that this be included erith future discussion regarding the study being made of EI Camino Real . 7. Primrose Road at Howard Avenue. llr . Itloore reported that bothWalgreen's and West Coast Federal Savings have ,No Left Turn,, signsposted for driver's exiting their parking lots on primrose Road. 3. Parkinq structure. Commissioner Graham mentioned that a parking Conunittee will be appointed to work on parking in the Burlingame Avenue area and present a specific p1an. Ttrere was discussion with regard to how a structure would be financed and supported, and the necessity of merchants taking the Lead in initiating sudr a project. Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--4 March I0, L977 OI,D BUSINESS 1. Commissioner Subbotin reported that the hedge has been trimmed but still overlaps the sidewalk. Mr. Moore stated that he believes !1r. Hoffman has written a subsequent Letter requesting additional correction, and reminding the o$rner of the ordinance reguirements. 2. Commissioner Su1ger center of the street on Center. M!. Moore said Federal grants. One to streets. Ttle work wiLl inquired about plaeing yelIow markers in the Burlingame Avenue in front of the Recreation it would be possibLe, Ttre City has two be used on minor streets and one for major be started as soon as possible. NEW BUSINESS 1. Commissioner Graham reported that the S.P.C.A. has been patrolling both Broadway and Burlingame Avenues,. and with the assistance of the Police Department, the problem seems to have been alleviated. i. Commissioner Constantino spoke about ttre Retirement Inn on Myrtle Road and Burlingame Avenue. He stated the developers are most enthus- iastic about the response from persons interested in possible occupancy. He suggested that the necessary traffic regulations be provided for the area. The success and interest expressed in the project would indicate that the residents will be active. The location is good, close to Burlingame Avenue area; the Recreation Center, and the S.P. Depot. Mr. Moore agreed and stated it would be watched and appropriate signing and regulations installed. 3. NationaL Safety Council Report. Mf,. Moore explained that he and Sergeant O I Brien attended a meeting of ACTRST/CARES Users. A report uras provided which includes the County accident record and work being done in England toward accident reduct,ion. It is well done. England has Siood traffic engineering. The report is available for reference. ADJOURNMENT Tlre meeting adjourned at 9245 p.rt. Respectfully submitted, Victor T. Subbot.in