HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1977.02.10CAI,L TO OFJ)ER The regular meeting held on February 1O, 8:00 p.m. TRAFFIC, SAFBTY & PARKING COI,II{ISSION February lO, 7977 Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission was called to order by Chairman Podesta at of the 1977; ROI,L CALL Present: Commissioners Aliamus, Constantino, podesta, Sulger.Absent: Commissioners Graharrr, Gundersen, Subbotin, excused. Others Present: Traff j.c Engineer Thomas E. Moore PLEDGE OF AI,LEGIANCE commissioner constantino led the pledge of Arlegiance to the Frag. MI NUTES Minutes of the meeting of January 13, lg77 were accepted. CURRENT BUSINESS Southern Pacific Upqradinq.Traffic Engineer Thomas Moorethis item be and is being kept on the prepared. agenda. More information has been Parkinq Structure. Continue on agenda for future reference. Traffic control devices on Old Ba hore Highway .A request for a Ily requested by thetraffic si gnal on O1d Bayshore Hi.ghway was origina Postmaster to a1l-eviate a traffic problem concerni.ng left turns atstanton Road. Mr. Moore explained that computer data has been requestedand received which will enable them to pick out progressive movements. He explained that consideration must be given to providing gaps intraffic to accommodate those exiting from driveways. He described thepresent situation on the street, the signals that are now in operation,including the new si.gnal at l{ilLbrae Avenue. He anticipates that therewill have to be a signal in front of the sheraton rnn, and just as soonas projects receiving immediate attention are completed, a thorough studyof the entire system in that area wiII be made. Safeway Parkinq Lot.Mr. Moore explained thcre has been no answer fromthe s af ev'ray Engineering Department as to their decision regarding changesin the use of the westerly driveway on their parking Lot. A comparisonof the intersections of Er cami-no Real and Howard Avenue and Er caminoReal and chapin Avenue was discussed. Howard Avcnue is not as wide aschapin Avenue, resulting in congestion at the i.ntersection. ?here is no asked that requested Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.-2 ['ebruary 10, L977 history of accidents on either street. He will keep the Commission advised. Burtrinqame Avenue parking survey. Ci ty Council has asked the Engineering Department to evaluate the Burlingame Avenue and Mr. attention now. data gathered with regard to parking on Moore explained this is receiving their OLD BUSINESS "4-Way Stop tt Sic{rls. A memo from Irtr. Kirkup explained their plan to these signs throughout the City, which hasschedule the installation of been approved by Mr. Schwa1m. !1r. Moore reported the program has already started. Oal< Grove Avenue ano California Drive.Conimissioner Aliamus referred watching recently. He suggestedto this intersection, which he has been that the curb s6uth of Oak Grove Avenue on the west sioe of California Drive be painted red. Ivlr. I"toore explained that the City Attorney has developed a nev/ traffic ordinance for consideration. The entire inter- section has been studied, and a request for federal funds to subsidize a bus turnout on the northeast corner has been submitted.' Sacrarnento is reviewing the request and, hopefully, a reply will be received soon. Another source would be San Mateo Transit District. Mr. Moore thinks the suggestion is a good improvement, and that there are many things that should be done at this intersection. The City has a new =6fia state controller to be installed. It, will be used similarly to the present one until its fult capabilities can be utilized. He drew a diagram of the plan for the intersection which includes the widening of Oak Grove Avenue across the railroad tracks; provides a bus .turn-out on the northeast corner of California Drive; provides a right turn on Carolan Avenue at Oak Grove Avenue with a small island for pedestrians; and there will be six phases of the new signal at the intersection for traffic movements. All of the signal displays will be larger, including the mast arms. NEW BUSINESS Easton Drive and EI Camino Real. A letter from the Transportation exPlained accidents have occurred Ieft turn movements and situation. that their records indicate at this intersection. TheY they suggest "No left turn" State Department of a large number of are attributed to signs to remedy the Commissioner Aliamus asked if there is be approved? I1r. Moore said that there any reason why this should not is and he has talked it over Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--3 with Sergeant O'Brien. Easton Drive is a fairly heavily travefled street. It takes considerable traffic from Hillsborough. "No left turn" signs in and out of Easton Drive for: northbound traffic would necessitate motorists finding alternative routes. Streets west of E1 Camino Real are all- quite narrow. Broadway and EI Camino Real has the highest accident rate in the entire City. What the State is saying is true. If left turns could be prohibited accidents could be reduced appreciably. Mr. Moore is averse to their suggestion; however, because it may take the problem off the State Highway but will it be put somewhere else? Commissioner Constantino asked if a comprehensive study should be made of the whole Ef Camino Real? He suggested there shoul"d be no left turns at Sherman Avenue and also at Arc Way. Both are very narrow streets. Perhaps Arc Way should be a one way street. Left turns could be focused at the arterials of Adeline Drive, Broadway .and . Hillside Drive . Commissioner Sulger recalled that some time ago there had beenof making one v/ay streets by Our Lady of Angels Church. which carry traffic through to Hillside Drive. Mr. Moore agreed it fossibility and that some real thought should be given to this proj ect . discussion would is a entire Commissioner Aliamus then stated that because of the potential problems of a "No Left Turn" sign on Easton Drive and EI Camino Rea1, causing undue traffic problems on the narrow streets of this area, he moved that the state consider the installation of stop signals at Easton Drive and E1 Camino Real , and the installation of "No Left Turns" at Sherman Avenue and EI Camj-no Real-. Seconded by Commissioner Constantino, the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Constantino then recommended that Arc Way and El Camino Real be studied by the Traffic Engineer and that all the persons of this group make a physical inspection of that general area before the next meeting to see if some permanent, helpful solutions can be provi.ded. February 10, 197 7 Mr. Moore stated that HiIl-side Drive is a r^ride street, good visj.bili-ty, good control, but the streets paralleling El Camino Real, west, cannot really handle additional traffic. He suggested possibly a signal at Easton Drive and E1 Camino Real . He is obtaj-ning computer information regarding EI Camino Real as a progressive system. He repeated his concern about this being a quick, easy solution and does not want to move the accidents to some other location within the City. Traffic, Safety & Parking Corun.--4 February 10, L977 San Mateo Transit District. Mr. Moore s poke of the good cooperation given by The San Mateo Transit District and recommencied that perhaps the Commission could write an official letter thanking them for their continued cooperation, specifically that of Mr. Earl l,Ioore as having been really outstanding. Approval was given for I1r. Ivloore to dictate the letter. Prirnrose Road at Howard Avenue. Commissioner Aliamus spoke of the Stop sign on Walg::een's parking lot at the exit to Primrose Road. He referred to West Coast Federal Savings and Loan and that trucks are exiting their parking lot and turning left over the barricade in the center of the street. He asked what could be done to prevent this? Comrnissioner Sulger suggested the manager of the bank be approached and,request that a "No Left, Turn" sign exiting their lot be installed. Mr. Moore will speak to him informally'and report back next month. Appreciatj-on for Commissioners' Dinner. Acknowledgment and appreciation was expressed by Commissioner Aliarnus and all of the Comrnissioners for the very nice evening at Kee Joon's, wirich included their families. ADJOURNI4EI{T The meeting adjourned at 9z2O p.m. Respectfully submitted, Victor T. Subbotin, Secretary