HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1977.01.13TRAFFTC, SAIETY & PARKING COMMISSION January 13, L97? CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting held on January 13, 8:00 p.m. of the Traffic, 1977 i called to Parking Commission was Chairman Podesta at Safety & order by ROLL CALL /$csent: Others Present: Commissioners craham, podesta, Subbotin, Sulger. Commissioners Aliamus, Constantino, Gundersen, aII excused. Present: Director of publi.c Works, Ralph E. KirkupTraffic Engineer llhomas E. I{ooreTraffic Director ,Jame s D. O'Brien PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Subbotin Ied the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1a9. MlNUTES Minutes of the meeting of December 9 CURRENT BUSINESS 1976 were accepted. Southern Pacifie Up ]"ng .Mr. Ralph Kirkup, Director of public works, was present to di-scuss the southern pacific upgrading project.He referred to tite EIR being prepared by DeLeu$r, Cather & Company,and that a meeting is being planned by city staff to include thecommunity in an effort to obtain oplnions and suggestions. The Consultants have indicated alternatives to be:crossing the way it is. 2. Take the railroad up.road down; ot, 4. Do something in between. Eithertake raiLroad one-half up or one-half down. He staintention of changing Broadway by installation of ait is too destructive to the commerci.al area. t. Leave the 3. Take the rail- lor.re r Broadway ited there is no n overpass because rad Tentatively, the meeting date would be January 26, L977, includingthis commission- Drafting of, the rnpact Report is to be compretedthe week of I'larch 25, L977. The public hearing held before the'Pranning commission is scheduled for their meeting of April rs, 1977.rt wirl be presented to city council for their deeision of an altern-ative. At the same time an application will be sent to the puc. Presently, the City is thi.rteen on the priority list. With theprojects that have dropped out before us, and those that have beenfunded, the City anticipates being in fifth or sixth place. Traffic, safety & Parking Comm.--2 January L3, L977 The primary estimate included in the application stands at $4,80O,000. ?he State funds pay eighty per cent, the railroad, ten per cent, and the City, ten per cent, or $480,000. There are City Gas Tax funds and supplementary funds to be applied for. Ihere seems to be no problem in funding the proj ect. T'lxe meeting mentioned previously is scheduled to be held ats the City HaIl. Commissioner Subbotin suggested the Beautification Commj.ssion be included for aesthetics, beautification and social impact, as welL as the Park and Recreation Commission. He suggested the meeting be conclucted in an effort to obtain items for consideration iather than controversial subjects. It would be well to have netrsPaPer coverage. Any suggestions from the_ audience should be written and presented to the consultants for their future consideration. Mr. Kirkup stated that the Planning Commission did not wish to participate in this meet- ing as they will be taking testimony in April . Beautification and Park and Recreation Commissions could participate. The meeting is just for information gathering. . Mr. Kirkup agreed that he could chair the meeting; introduce the people and topics. Staf+ is counting heavily on the nevrsPapers for publicity, and he expressed appreciation for the suggestions offered. Nortbpark Apartments wilt be included in notification because they are definitely going to be affected. Commissioner Subbotin asked if the tvro stations and provide a he did not think they would. the railroad would consider elirninating single one, and Mr. Kirkup replied that Commissioner Subbotin identified three or four categories of the EIR and related Park and Recreation and the Beautification. commissions with visual aestheticsi the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission with each of the areas in their purview; and the Planning commission would address social impact, land use or requirements, and noise and air qualities. There are definite areas that each group would study. Commissioner subbotin asked if it might improve the crossing at Broadway if th9 station were moved? Commissioner sulger referred to previous discussion about one station at Oak Grove Avenue and clos the stations at Broadway and Burlingame Avenues. I\tr. Kirkup feels this would raise the magnitude of the study and would rather not have it included in this study at this time. He then asked about the date for the meeting and Mr. Subbotjn suggested that the Commissioner Graham suggested it might be we}l to have Commissioners express their thoughts. It might generate more resPonse frcrn the public. Commissioner Subbotin agreed that this was good strategy. Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--3 Commissioners would make a meeting is scheduled. Mr. .Tanuary 13, L977 special effort to be present rrhenever the Kirkup will send notices. Parkinq structure. Commissioner Subbotin asked Mr. Kirkup if he would care to address the status of the parking structure? Mr. Kirkup replied that as he understands the action taken at the City Council Study Meeting, a feasibility study on the Conrad 6( Associates plan will not be made; that it will be on the City Council agenda for their meet- ing January 17, L977 i and that they will adopt the Carolan Avenue site. Mr. Kirkup said he understood that the Post Office is not intending to move soon and that the timing is off. Conrad & Associates included in their study consideration of the Post Office property and the revenue that would come from parking and retail shops. The figures are not available yet. It would be premature to do that study until the Post Office property is available. Traffic control devices on O1d Ba shore Hi hwa Mr. unt i1 Moore later expl ain ed this year. 'Loading Zone criteria. Commissioner crahamr s concern regarding the problem of carrying heavy Tv sets to and from custoners' automobiles continues. Often, parking is only available at some distance. He asked about a green zone in front of his store to see if it would be beneficial. they could not include this area in their study Mr. Moore stated that short-term parkers store for an errand takinq less than the green zones at the corners of the block. would use it to twenty minutes. run into a Ihere are Commissioner Subbotin read the following re qu iltrEnt s from The Traffic Engineering Handbook, published in 1965, designating "Special vrarrants to guide the establishment of curb loading zones": I. That there is no alley or off-street space available for loading use. 2. No curb load- ing space within I00 feet of proposed zone without crossing a street or a1Iey except in areas of concentrated activity. 3. A mlnimum of ten to fifteen stops per day for piek-up and/or delivery per business or combination of businesses proposed to use the zone. 4. The weight, quantity and time requirements of loads handled. Chairman Podesta asked the a request for a green zone? red to this Commission for decision. City with be refer-their procedure if a citizen came to the Mr. Kirkup replied tirat it would recomrnendation to City Council for Commissioner Graham asked if the planter in front of Sj.rnpson's Clothiers might be designated as a ye1low loading zone. It is longer than the others and does not extend out into the street as far. January L3, L97? In response to an inquiry, Sergeant O'Brien stated he believed the Department of Public works would be responsible for install-ation ofthe loading zone. There are three, twenty-four minute zones in frontof the cleaners on Howard Avenue. He called attention to the fact thatit would be taking an hour zone and making it twenty-four minutes, andit would be available for anyone who wished to use it unless you puta sign on it to indicate it is for the sole purpose of unloading and loading TV sets. Commissioner Graham spoke of the inconveniencethat his wife and he carry sets for them. to the customer and When asked about a loading zone in front of the planter, Sergeant O,Brienstated there are crosswalks on each side. A car parked at the loading zone would block visibility of the crosswalk; they would have to unload on the street side or in the back. IIe also mentioned there are five loading zones servicing Burlingame Avenue. It was thereafter requested that this item be dropped from the aqenda. Howard Avenue survey (includes consideration of traffic signal at Lorton Avenue and Entrance to Safeway parking lot). l4r. Ivloore reported computerinformation regarding the intersection of l,orton and Howard Avenues. There were nine accidents in eleven entire months, with only one avoidable by the installation of a signal . There was one injury last year, oneinjury the previous year and in L974, one injury. At this time it is difficult to justify a signal. Mr. Moore understands the problem is at peak hours and the delay resulting from the volume of traffic. Commissioner Subbotin asked if the intersection was rated any more critical than others in the cotnmunity and Mr. I'1oore answered tirat there others more critical . O1d Bayshore Highway wouLd be a good example. Traffic, Safety & Parking Comn.--4 Commissioner Sulger asked about using the back door of Graham TV Shop? Commissioner craham replied that it can be used as an exit but it can-not be left unLocked for entrance. . Mr. Moore mentioned that it is the misuse of short-term parking thatis causing a problem. Customers with appointments for hair dressj.nE sometimes require two to four hours and often feed the meters. Entrance to the Safeway parking lot was investigated by Mr. Kirkup, Sergeant O'Brien and Mr. Moore who attended a meeting with Safeway officials. The problem is apparent to a1I , and their engineers will check the radiuses for their trucks. They use that entrance as the best access for theirbig trucks to thc rear of the store. They would not consider giving it up but will work to improve its use by other vehicles. I"1r. Moore illus-trated the route of the big trucks as they ingress and egress the lot,and stated agreement seems assured. Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--5 January 13, 1977 l4:Egy Stop" signs. Mr. Moore has investi gated, and reported thatthere are complete 91,000. seventy-two signs at eighteen intersections required tothis project of insta]Iation, at a cost of approximatelyMr. Ki.rkup will report to City Manager Schwalm, and a report w il1 then be available to this Commission. Appl ication for State funds. Thereapplication for to hazards and info rrned . Mr . these funds, which roadway obstacles, has been no are for the but Mr. Moor:e Kirkup stated Mr. of this nature. Ki.rkup comrnended him highly . Moore has done an excelle..r job of The results of his efforts have been answer to purpose of will keep the City's j.mp rovement s the Commission obt ain ing very good grants and Mr. P ark inq problem , Miley Trucks & Equipment, homewith notation regardrng City Council ,s action at ,January 3, 1977, rvhen they rejected Mr. Miley,sa home .occupation. (For information on1y. ) 2. Chairman Podesta refpffed to Elizabeth Anderson regarding herfor the opportunity of serving. occupation. A letter their meeting of business license for a letter from former Commissioner resignation and express:,ng appreciation OLD BUSINESS 1. commissioner surger asked about a hedge at the corner of AderineDrive and Barboa Avenue which was over six feet tall and extended outover the sidewalk, causing a hazard at, the intersection. Mr. I'1oorestated the Park Director had sent the noLice to them that they are invioration of the city's code. commissioner subbotin reported that hebelieved it had been trimmed. Mr. Kirkup wirl check it out and reportback. None The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. FolJ.owing adjournment, the corunlssioners viewed a timelapse film presentedby Mr. l'loore, of the intersections of Rollins Road and Cadi1lac way, and Broadway and caLifornia Drive. The film showed the traffic movementsincluding trains, if involved, and pedestrians. They were very favor-abry impressed with them and recognized their application to the studiesbeing conducted. Respectfully submitted, Victor T. Subbotin, Secretary NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNT1ENT