HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1978.11.09TRAFTIC, SAFETy & PARKING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 9, 1978 CAI,L TO ORDER Ehe meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Aliamus at 8:OO p.m.. ROLL CALI, present: Commissioners Aliamus, Fehlhaber, Foley, craham, Sulger.Absent: Commissioner Subbotin, excused. Others Present! Traffic Director O'Brien, Traffic Engineer Moore. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Commissioner Sulger. MINIITES for meeting of October L2, 197A, approved. CURRENT BUSINESS Burlingame Avenue Area Parkin s.Discussion of status of Chapi.n Avenue one=hour parking. No action taken. Review. Chairman reviewed Beautification Commission minutes. Bayfront Traffic Study. ceneral discussion of Counci 1 Study Iueetingof November 8, 1978. Commissioner Foley prepared text of a letter toCouncil as follows: "The Traffic, Safety & parking Commission wouldlike to be informed of the on-going Bayfront development as it impactstraffic. we hope you wourd continue to seek our advice and involvement.'lThis was unanimously endorsed . Consolidation of S.P. R. R.Station near Oak Grove Avenue.Unan imously Barroilhet Avenue at EI Camino ReaI .Heard partial report on the traffic completed next meeting.study. Hold on agenda until study is B i cycle (Pedestrian ) Safety pro grams. ceneral discussion. No reconmen-dation. Drop from the agenda. S iqn inq City' s parkinq facilities. Staff Commi.ssion. Drop from agenda. report satisfactory to the ( endorsed that a letter be written to the City tlanager requesting that Council be requested to encourage our representatives in Sacramento tovote for first year funding of the project as proposed by the Metropol itan Transportat ion Commission. Traffic, Safety & Park ing .Comm. --2 Courtesy Parking,christmas Season. General discussion of Council's commissioner Aliamus mentioned that cars are parking again between Carolan Avenue and the S.P.R.R., tracks, north of Oak Grove Avenue, during football games. It could create a hazardous condition. The Commission requested a letter be 6ent to s.P.R.R., informing them of this condition. NEW BUSINESS The problem of double parking on Burlingame Avenue was discussed. No action talcen. Discussion of parking problems in front of the Post office on stanton Road. No action taken. commissioner Fehlhaber commented on a hedge that obstructs sight distance at the intersection of vancouver, ilackling and Easton Drive. staff to contact owner for additional pruning. EL ECTION OF OFFICERS The following officers were duly nominated and unanimously elected: Chairman: Harry S. Graham Vice-Chairman: Richard P. FoleY Secretary: G. ifames Fehlhaber ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.m. Respectfully submitted, c. afames Fehlhaber, Secretary Notess T.E.lloore November 9, 1978 decision. No action taken. gl,p BUSINESS