HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1978.08.10AUGUST lO. 1976 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Traffic, Safety & August 10, 1978; called to order by Acting Parking Comnission was helo Chairman Sulger at B:OO p.rn ROLL CA],L Present: Commissioners Fo1ey, craham, cundersen, Sul(jer. Absent: Corrurissioners Aliamus; Subbotin, excuseo. Others Present: Sgt. O'Brien, Traffic Engineer Ivloore. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner craham led the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. M INUTES i{inutes of the meeting of .Iu1y 13, 1978 were accepted. CURRENT BUSINESS: Burlingame Avenue Area parki.ng. (moved to end of agend a ) Review. None grven. Bayfront Traffic Study. Staff j-nformed Commission that p l anning consultant's final report had been received. Traffic consultantrs draft of final report to be delivered August 24, l-9'78. Consolidation of s. P. R. R.Stations. Staff for funding of an engineering and planning to Ca1trans. This would not be binding on was authori-zed by the City Council. Commissioner Foley asked stated by Mr. Kudroff at reported that study rvould be the City until a proposal submitt ed an agreement One-hour parking suqgestions.It was recommendeo by Graham that this item be dropped from the agenda as been brought up as a conunent only and not a request ation at this time. The Comrnission aclreed. OLD BUSINDSS Corunissioner it had original ly for formal consider- as I\loore if the parking probLem on Cortez Avenue, the last meeting, had been resol"ved. Mr. rrv TRAFFIC, SAFETY & PAI{KI lf c CoT.IMISSION Traff ic, Safety & Parking Comm.--2 stated that he had talke<i to phone and the problem seemed August 10, t97B Mr. K\rdroff several weeks ago on the to be working out. NEW BUSITiCSS 1. Conrmissioner Sulger inquired why the flashing light on Hovrard Avenue, aCjacent to Washington School, was flashing all the tine. Ivlr. Moore statecl that it should not and he agreed to check the mechan- ism of the tirne clock 2. Commissioner Sulger also asked rvhy there was a "No right turn on red" for northbound El Camino Real traffic at Peninsula Ave.nue. I"ir. Moore stated that he would investigate and report back to the Commis.sion. 3. Letter to City Council fronr Roderick J. C'I'Icara, 1i09 Drake Avenue, regarding limiting overnight parking permits to one per buij-ding was read by Comlrissioner Fo1ey. The proposal was dj-scussed. I,1r. Moore pointed out that the problems resulting from multiple permits per dwelling'unit seem to be quite isolated and usually can be resolved by cooperation between neighbors. Discussion followed and Commissioner Graham moved, seconded by Commissioner Fo1ey, that recommendation be made to the City Council that no action be taken to change the parking ordinance at this time due to the isolated nature of the occurrences. 4. Letter from Burlingame Business and Professional Association regarding parking }imit changes on Chapin Avenue was read by Commissioner Foley. Mr. Moore stated that the one-hour time }imit on Chapin Avenue would be inexpensive to try and was easily reversible. The income of $45.0O per year per meter was discussed. Mr. Moore thought it was low for such an area. Sgt. O'Brien discussed the problems of enforcement with a reduced staff. Commissioner Graham felt most people would cooperate with posted limit. Sgt. O'Brien discussed the abuses of long-term parkers using one-hour parking ljmit areas, and future increases in long-term parking demand. Commissioner Graham agreed that the ten-hour parking was not objec- tionable now, but would be in the future. Mr. Moore estimated that #401, 4O5, and 400 Primrose Road, I20I Howard Avenue, and P.T.& T., increases in personnel will result in a demand for 193 more }ong-term parking stalls by 1980. It was suggested that increased parking fees and fines could be used to underwrite additional parking enforcement. It was suggested that these increases be discussed at. the next Comrnission meeting. The test site recommendations were discussed. Conrmissioner Graham suggested that only rough checks need be made to ascertain any changes in parking habits. No recommendations were made. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1O:00 p.m. iloseph A. Aliamus, Secretary Recorded by T.E.MooYe