HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1978.05.11TRAPFIC, SAFETY & PARKING COI4I'IISSION MAY ]1, L978 CAI,L TO ONDER Presentl Commissioners Aliamus, Sulger. Others Present: Thomas E. l.loore, Foley, Graham, Gundersen, Subbotin, Traf f ic / CLv LL Engineer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Cornmissioner ALiamus led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Commissioner Graham referred to Item 2 under Old Business, and stated his recluest haC been to "Change the parking limit on the east sirle of Chapin Avenue, ttle entire length from EI Camino Real to Primrose Roacl, from two-hour to one-llour." The minutes for April 13, 1978 l{ere t}ren accepted. CURRENT BUSIT{TSS Burlj.ngame Arrenue Ar:ea parking. Chairnan Subbotin referred to an interoffice iretno oated May 3, 1978 to Mr. Schwalm from Mr. Kirkup. Mr. Schwalm fon,'arded his comment to City Council at the bottom of the memo. Attached was a sunmary of previous minutes provided by I\tr. Moore. Mr. Moore stated it was not considered at the City Council study meeting held May 10, L978, and suggested this was the opportturity for the Commission to gitre comrnents or additions to the report. Commissioner Graham requested the record indicate climate on Chapin Avenue has changed dramatically were brought up in November, 1977. that he feels the since the study items In answer to a question, Mr. Moore stated the west end of Chapin Avenue is free parking now. The recommendat.ion was to mcter it at a higher rate than the lots. The object being to encourage parking on the lots that the District bought for long-term parking Previous actions and reconlmendations were discussed. A letter receivcd April 19, t97B frorn the Burlingarne Business and Professional Association reeontmends to City Council that parking between fil Camino Rea-l and Primrose Road be changed to one-hour parking without meters. 'Ihe City llanager is recomnending to City Council that. ten-hour meters be placed on the westerly portion of Chapin Avenue. A letter from the Chief of A regular meeting of the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission vras held !1ay 11, L978; called to order by Chairman Subbotin at 8:OO p.m. ROLL CALL I\TINI.IITES Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--2 May 11, ]978 police supports the long- and short-term parking on Chapin Avenue. Commissioner Sulgdr expressed his support of ten-hour meters east of El Camino ReaI at a higher price. Mr. Moore.again stated that the purpose is to encourage people to park on long-term lots. The meters on Chapin Avenue would be twenty-five cents for five hours with permission to park ten hours at fifty cents. Commissioner Graham statecl complaints have been received from the busin.esses and attorney's office on Chapin Avenue about the lack of short-term parking. He i.s opposed to one-hour meters and spoke of a town which vras experiencing problerns similar to the City of Burlingame. They covered meters for three months and found there was rnore parking for people. There were more tickets gj.ven with one-hour parking without meters than with meters, He would Ljke to try one-hour unrnetered parking .for a trial period. IIe stated i:hat' the 1etter that went to City Council with the Eurlingame Business ancl professional Associatiorr recofilmendation was referred to thi-s Commission for their recommenclatiotr to Citlr Councj-l. Following further discussion, Chairman Subbotin moved that a recc'm- mendat,ion be conveyed to .the City lvlan;rger in support of his recom- mendation in his memo of i4ay 5, 1978, indicatinq ten-hour meters at the location east of EI Camino Real on Chapj-n Avenue. The motion was seconded by Chairman Alianrus. Conrmissioner Su1ger amended the motion, requesting a charge of fifty cents be imposed. During discussion, Mr. I,loore explained what is involved if meter heads need to be changed for different time limits. The easiest would probably be two-four-eight hours. The other alternative would be one- five-ten. chairman subbotin said he would currently support long-term parking there, but circumstances change and it might be necessary to adjust accordinglY in the future. Cornmissioner FoIeY Graham stated most becoming much more unmetered parking to see the result. seconded tire amendment to the motion. Conunissioner of the Associati.on rnembers foresee chapin Avenue retail, and that is the reason for the one-hour request. lle recommended a test area without meters The motion carried on the following vote: Ayes: Commissioners Aliamus, Foley, Gundersen, Subbotin, Sulger' Noes: Commissioner Graham commissioner Graha;n moved that the easterly half of chapin Avenue be changed to one-hour instead of two-hour parking limit. Commissioner Foley seconded the motion. Commissiotler Gr:aham stated that the two- hour parking now is being used by employees inst,ead of shoppers' Chairman Subbotin stated the request would amount to sixty-two spaces on the east end of Orapin Avenue including both sides of the street. a Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--3 May Il, 1978 The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Eric }lausser was present and stated he was strictly a by-standerthis evening. Review. Chairman Subbotin reviewed items f rom other Commissions. Hiqhwav Road from Mills Avenue north. Mr. lloore stated thcre has been no reply from the State as yet. Intersection of El Camino Real and Howa rd Avenue re. traffic sjqnals. The State is working on a new design for the signals. Bayf ront Traffic' Study. Commissj.oner Fol"ey reported cn the Sub- Committee meeting he and Commissioner Graharn attended. Basically, they developed tvro alternatives, one with residential and one !,ritl"rout, to present Lo City Council for their ultinate decision. There were six recommendations as listed by Mr. Kirkup, which Comr,issioner loley read as foI]ows: (1) The subcoinmittee b.rsiciilly preferred Plan 2 of the BIaynqI Report, with the modifications that the floor area ratio for restaurants be limited to O.15 and the floor ratio for of f ic,-'s be limited to O.75. (2) That an alternate plan be submitEed to the City Council, sho!,ring approxinately 19 acres of residential concentrated bethreen Airport Boulevard and the City Lagoon and localed on Parcels 17 and 18 as shown on the maps attached. That the residential have a density of about twenty-five units per acre and be limited in height to three or four stories over parking, (3) That the master plan be changed to show aI1 of the Anza area as waterfront comnercial. (4) That the zoning on the Hyatt House, Sheraton Hotel and Drive-In ftreatre be changed from 1,1-1 to C-4 zoning. (5) That the C-4 zoning be amended to allow offices only as a conditionaL use. (6) That specific uses other than the residential area, not be assigned to specific lots or parcels itith the understanding that on the state lands only hotels, restaurants and commercial recreation uses are allowed . Commissioner Foley stated that the Subcommittee accomplished a great deal . Commissioner craham said Council discussed it at their study meeting May loth. Mayor Crosby \"ras not present and Counci.lman Martin abstained because of a conflict of interest. They put it over to the next meeting to have at least four members votit]g. OtD BUSINESS: 1. Commissioner Aliamus had been inspected? if the hedge at Park ancl Linden Avenues still growing. asked It is 2. Commissioner Foley asked about the crossing guard study? !1r. Moore reported that they have completed investiqation with the exception of one crosswalk, which will be done May l5th. They they conpare the Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--4 the various crossings, give merit points to them, a priority list.' 3. Orairman Subbotin inquired about the lady concerned about parking Center? It had not been received. I'Iay 11, 1978 and the result is the petition anticipated frorn in front of the Recreation I'{EW BUSINESS 1. Commissioner Graham stated that in the four or five years he has been on the Commission, there has never been a recommendation Eo solve the shortage of long-term parking. It has been discussed but never recommended to City Council a means of f inding reore. Iie mol,ed a reconlrnendation be given to City Council that trafjic,. safetl' ano parking opportunities exist in rhe elimi.nation * {,{{flW i . p. R. R. ,Station. To gain adCitional long-ter:n parking, ccnstruction of a new S,P. Station 300 to 600 feet no.rth of Oak Grove Avenue, vrith parking- for comnuters between California Drive and the railrcad tracks, and Carolan Avenue and the tracks. Lease the e>risting parking area at Broadway and at Burlingame Avenue for City long-term parl<irrq. Through surfacing and tree planting, thj-s would .rlso beautify both areas. There has been a recornmendation to move the Broadrvay Station south, and this would be an opportunity to use the area at Broadway to increarsr: Iong-term parking. The area at Burlinglame Avenue similarily would provide much needed long-term parking. S.P., is providing some funds for moving the Station, and perhaps there would be a source from the State for improving traffic. Commissioner Graham discussed this shortly with the City Engineer cr.nd Iearned that if the City's plan could be improved, the project might move faster. Ivlr. Moore e:<plained that the City was placed on a prioritir IisL with the plan presented. We must now present a lnore detailed plan if it is to receive further consideration. Moving the Station south has merit. Commuters would be moved from the busy Broadway area and there would be more parking area. Possibly the Burlinganre Avenue Station could be restored. for a useful purpose as it is an historical monument. Commissioner Graham requested it be suggested that this is the least expensive vray to get more parking. Mr. Moore stated there is an effort being made to encourage people to stop taking cars to San Francisco. Burlingame doesn't have any bicycle facilities. There might be some money for multi-mode transportation. Commissioner Gundersen inquired about SamTrans connections. a Chairman Subbotin seconded the mot,ion and it was approved unanimously. Traffic, safety & Parking Comm.--5 May 11, 1978 2. Commissioner Graham stated he had another proposal for long-term parking. He believes the cj-tyts biggest problem is in the Chapin Avenue,/Primrose Road area. He moved that a recomendation be given to city Council to investigate installing a parking deck over the parking Iot behind the Library, with entrance from Bellevue Avenue, suarting about one hundred fifty feet back from Bellevue Avenueso as not to interfere with residences on thaE street. The parking deck would be rectangular instead of following lot Iines, and of a size and specifi- cations for the most efficient use. Spaces can be smaller for long- term parking and there $rould be compact car size spaces. Chairman Subbotin inquired if there was anyone who objected to double- decking that location. There were no obiections. Commissioner Graham stated the intent would be, hopefully, strictly for long-term parking. spaces would be purchased and tick'ets inserted in a slot for entrance. Chairman Subbotin Graham thought the investigation. Ile parking . suggested financing should be addressed. Cororissioner idea could be given to city Council for their desires to make a solid recornmendation for additional. Chairman Subbotin.suggested information should be obtained from staff to revieh, the annual parking assessment to each parcel. It could include the original assessment on each property, the assessment being paid, and the present use of each piece of property. For example, the Crocker Building pays no assessrnent hut their demand for parking is X number of spaces. This information would reveal discrepancies and provide information for future consideration and help determine whether it is equitable or not. Commissioner craham stated there is roughl,y $I20;00O available for parking--bonds which r+ere not sold. $?O,OO0 never sPent. He estimated the structure contemplated would cost $600,O0O. He asked that five per cent of parking income from a55qssment lots since 1962 be given to make up the balance. There was no second to the motion. It was requested this be placed on the agenda next month. 3. Cornmissioner Fo1ey announced that and managing parking. It soul-ds stated he hoped to attend. there is a like a very seminar on developing good one. Mr. lloore Respectfully iubmitted, ,Joseph A. AIiamus, secretary Ilhe meeting adjourned at I0:I5 p.m. ADJOURNMENT