HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1978.04.13TPJ\FFrC, SATETY & PARKING COllllrSSION APRIL 13, 1978 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Traffic. s.ifety & Parking commj.ssion was held April 13, 1978; called to order by chaj-rman Subbotin at B:00 p.m' ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Aliamus, Fo1ey, Graham, Absent: Commissioner Gundersen. excused. Others Present: Thomas E. I4oore, Traf f ic,/civil Sgt. James D. OrBrien. Traffic Subbotin, sulger. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MII.IUTES Eng 1ne e r Dire cto r Minutes of the meeting of March 9, 1978 were Minutes of the special meeting held April 4, a correction to Paragraph 3, page 1: Change "minimum. " accepted. L978 were approved the word "maximum" fol l owing to CURRENT BUSINESS commissioner Graham introduced James FehLhaber. visiting as an for the position available on the Commission' .rppl icant Road be re cent Burlinqame Avenue Area p arking. The has been discussed,proposing that if considered for additional parking' Mr. information in thj.s regard. Hiq hrvay P.oad from Mil1s Avenue north - Post Office ProPerty on Park j-t \rexe available, it migirt Review. Chairman Subbotin reviewed minutes of City Council and other tffiflsions. Moore stated there is no Mr. Moore reviewed the action taken back to calTrans thei-r suggested plan repIy.previously, rn'h ich for the area. He invotved referring has not rcceived a Ba front Traffic Stud will be discussed as the Intersection of El Camino ReaI at Hoi,rard Avenue - At the request of Chairman Subbotin, this item final item on this agcnda- I4r. l.{oore rePorted that this intersection thatCalTr:ans has noti.f ied the they are rvorking on it. citizen who lvrote about Commissioner Sulger led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag' Traffic, S.rfety & Parking Comm.--2 Parki.nq Lot Ticket Dispensers.Mr. Moore inspected thequestion, and the ciispensers are convenient for some ancl for others. If they are moved, the pattern wilL just be does not see any advantage in moving them. April 13, 1978 two lots in not convenient reversed. He Chairman Subbotin inquired if they have been operation adequately. Sergeant O'Brien replieo they have been insta]Ieci for the past fouryears and require fairly Iow maintenance. Chairman Subbotin inquired about col}ection of parking meter funds, and Sergeant O'Brien stated ours is a one-man system. The advantage is the man hired. He has been with the City thirteen years. It v,,as agrecdthat the obvious control would be the comparative collection amounts. OLD BUSINESS 1. Commissioner Aliamus. inquired about a veh.icle vrith a boat which hasparked for some tirne on Carolan Avenue. Sergeant o'Brien explaj-nedthat the owner is visiting in the area. He previ-ously parked on Linden Avenue and has changed to Carolan Avenue. $1r. l,Ioore mentioned that heis not inconveniencing anyone. Carolan Avenue is a wide street withgood visibility and there are not too many residences. Clrairman Subbctin asked Comrnissioner Aliamus to bring it up at the next meeting if aproblem exists. 2. Commissioner Graham inquired about the ten-hour parking on ChapinAvenue, and Mr. Iuioore had no current information to relate. Commissioner Graham asked about changing the parking timj-t on the east side of Chapin Avenue from the G:.rden Center to Primrose Road from tvto-hour to one-hour.I{r, I'Ioore replied that he thought the cars vrere not going to go anlrrv}rereand it becomes merely a game with signs. If it were to be a change, hewould have to recommend more rigid enforcement, and Chairman Subbotin recognized that more rigid enforcement would require additional financing. He suggested that the businessmen should provicle some constructive suggestions to alleviate the pressure on staff and the politicians. Oneidea presented rvas for the businessman to buy the meter in front of hisstore by paying the City an estimated $10O a year, take the meter headoff and put a sign on the stand that parking for one hour is being pro-vided, courtesy of Graham TV., for example. It then becomes the respons-ibility of the businessman to enforce the time limit. It is being donein some communities. It does not cost the city anything additional tomonitor that kind of prograrn. Sergeant O'Brien mentioned the new constructions on Primrose Road; theFox Arcade, and the buildinq at Howard and Lorton Avenues, all within theParking District, and the number of anticipated employees involved. ThePolice Department receives so many conrplarirrts about metermaids when theyendeavor to enforce parking limits strictly -Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--3 April 13, 1978 Commissioner Graham reiterated his affirmation that the City must pro- vide parking, and Chairman Subbotin replied that it is not the respons- ibility of the City. Streets are availabie on a first-come, first- served basis and he asked who should make the decision about who shouLd be using the spaces? Ir'hat is the best and highest LLSe of the land fronting on Burlingame Avenue? Is it stores or office buildings? Commj-ssioner Graham stated that if shoppers cannot use the street the stores, there will be no sales tax. Chairman Subbotin asked the businessmen or the property owners are r+illing to be assessed provide additional parking? Commissioner Graharrr stated they are paying off assessments. near if to sti11 Commissioner Subbotin stated that it is their property and investment and they are required to pay. Commissioner Graham stated he could not buy the idea of rnerchants paying for rnore and more ernployee par)<ing far office buildings. Chairman Subbotin suggested that i.f a new assessment were initiated, the City could contribute in a very minor vray, but should not spend general fund money for parking. Conrmissioner Graham stated the rnoney derived from ticket dispensers is used Lo pay costs of maintenance ani equipment. It shows a deficit. Chairman Subbotin explained that a new assessment district ivould require those who increase their building facility to provide additional par)cing. There are different ways of distributing additional requirements. They would have to sponsor and undenrvrite the cost, NEiI{ BUSINESS 1. Corunissioner Sulger told of a lady who had solicited his signinq of a petition to restrict parking on both sides of the street in the area of the Recreation Center to five or ten minutes only; to demolish the American Legion Buildi.g; remove trvo trees and install parking. She has talked to Sergeant O'Brien. The petition o::iginated as a result of a citation given by a metermaid. She is askir:g for limited parking the full length of the Recreation Center. I1r. I,ioore stated that there is a parking 1ot next to the tennis courts which is never full, about one-haIf block from the Recreation Center. Sergeant O'Brien said the lady v;as going to speak to Director and rvill probably bring the petition to the the Rccreation City I'lanager. 2. Commissioner Aliamus asked if someone could look at the house on the ' southwest corner of Park Avenue and Linden Avenue regarding shrubbery beginning to accumulate. Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--4 April I3, 1978 3. Commissioner Graham stated ire had received ca1ls from three persons concerning four or five cars abandoned in the parking area at the corner of EI Camino Real and Broadway. It is a private parking 1ot, but Sergeant O'Brien wiII check on it. 4. Chairman Subbotin inquired about moving the S.P:, Station at Broadway. l'{r. Ivloore stated the project is rather far down on the list. It could be advanced by providing better plans. CURR.ENT BUSII{ESS (Agenda Item 4) Bayfront Traffic Studv. Chairman Subbotin asked if the two meml:ers representing the Commissj-on at the Committee tleeting have been invited to the next meeting planned? Commissioner Foley stated he had not been informed of the date of the previous meeti.ng and did not attend. He received a letter of apology from the Director of Public Works rvho had called four or five times in an effort to reach him. Chairman Subbotin offered the sunport of the Commission in making any decisions and rqo.uld call a special meeting for discussion if desj"recl. Commissioner Graham attended and reported that there was quite al1 attendance of developers. The Committee, as a majority, discarded Plan No. 1; also, PIan No. 3, tentatively, vihich involves maximunr residential use. They are looking at Nos. 2 and 4, and the majority of the Committee favored No. 2. If residential use is not allowed, everyone would like to have good hotels, motels and restaurants, but there are not enough to fill that space. They figured it would take fifty years to develop rvith hotels, motels ariA restaurants. The developers there pointed out that there are no hotels interested in building right now, and hotels are not financed by themselves, but by tl"rings close to them and they run at a loss for four or five years. The Sheraton is probably the rnost profit- able right now. They took a vote on residential use. The result was four to one, with one undecided. She f avored a Vioodlake-type of devel.opment which v,'ould not require schools. If residential is permitted, it would have to be two and one-haIf times that size in order to make it viable. The two Planning Commissioners were particularly adamant against residential. They did not say that they favored office buildings either. Their preference is not known. Commissioner Graham is for residential use, and Mrs. Barton undecided. They are going to bring up that point at the next meeting. They discussed, in some zoning way, an attempt to i.ndicate the area Traffic, Srfety & Parking Comm.--5 April 13, I97B between Airport Boulevard and the Bayshore for hotels. It includes airport parking facilities. Therc is an empty arlea and Lhe drive-in theatre r,vhich they believe should be maintained as interim uses. Hopefully, in ten years, it would be available for a use more approp- riate than office buildirrgs. That v.rill probably be the main topic at the next rneeting. Staff vras requested to pursue traffic improvements such as buttonhooks, ds weII as the intersection at Broadrvay and the overpass at Peninsula Avenue Chairman Subbotin asked if the had the op.portunity to address that they did. audience, at the Commi-ttee tleeting, the group? Conrrnissioner Graham answr:re<l Chairman Subbotin asked if consideration was given to prioriti.es? If the proposed irnprovements in the Study Area place aII .the other irno::ove- ments in our community at a lolter priority? Ccnunissioner Grahaul answered, No, they did not. That would not be the case. Commissioner Graham remarked that the five agreed that the developr,rcnt should not cause traffic to go above 11076, level of Service D, If it shorild, then the development is stopped. There was some question bl,- all five on the Cornmittee about certain aspects of thc count, concern- ing how they arrive at the LOA% figure, There should be traffic counts so they know rvhat is happening rather than assuming. Chairman Subbotin conrmented that this leve1 is reached at certain times during the year. Level D doesn't occur every day all day. He asJ<ed if it has to be thirty days out of a year, or how many days during the 1'ear?' He remarked that it would have to be monitored. I{r. Irloore stated that it can be worked out. It is a matter of design criteria. It is the intpact of traffic movement and not necessarily the volume of traffic. T}rere are some movements that have much higher impact on an intersection than others. Traffic is a major problem. I{e praised the Drachrnan Report very highly. Chairmirn Subbotir-r expressed appreciate for Commissioner Graham's report. He offered the Commis.sion's services at a special meeting j-f the metnbers cbuld support or assist in any way preparatory to the next Committee Meeting. He distributed copies of IvIr. Keyston's letter summarizing his presentation a't the meeting of April 7, 1978. Respectfully submitted, The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. .Toseph A. Aliamus, SecretarY \ ADJOURN}IENT