HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1978.03.09TRATFIC, SAFETY & .PARKTN(; COMI{rSSrON I.IARCII 9, I97B CALL TO ORDtrR The regular meeting held l.larch 9, I97B; of the caIled Traffic, to order Safety & Parking Comniission was 7ry Chairr:ran Subbotin at B:00 P-m- ROLL C'\LL Present: Commissioners Foley,. Graham, Gundersen, Subbotin, Sulger' Absent: Commissioner Aliamus. Others Present: Thomas E. luioore, Traffic/CLvLL Engineer PLEDGE OF ALLEGTANCE Commissioner Sulger 1ed the P1edge of Allegiance to ti:e F1a9' IUINUTES Minutes of the meeting of February 9, l97B were accepted' l.Ihite pa ssenqer 1o aCinq zone.Rev. Douglas 1.1. Fairrington, Pastor of Three Cities AssendalY present. Correspondence of .God Church at '110 Lorton Avenue, was had been provided each Corrrmissioner. In answer to an inquiry, Traffic Engineer T. E. Moore suggested that the rvhite zone could be used ouring the week for passenger loading and unloacling, and on the weekend it could be used by everyone orl a two-hour parking basis. signing This could be accornplished by appropriate Commissioner Fo1ey then moved that the suggestion of staff be adopted for limited r.,shite zone Monday through Friday. The Chairman requested the rnotion include the conditions as set forth in City Planner Swan's memo.of February'28, 1978, including corrections suggested by the Fire Department; and parking to be revierved in one year. Seconded by Cornmissioner Su1ger, the motion carried unanirnously. Conulissioner Foley expressed appreciation and approval for the Day Care Cerrter as a very fine idea for the CitY. SamTrans prop osed rcute chanqes.Janes Gallagher, A. R. Cianfichi, , dis.cuss proposed route changesand IIoward Solorno.n \^/ere present to relaterl to bus service in Burlingame. There are nineteen citi.es they serve and they expressed the desire to meet on a regular basis with each CURREI'TT BUSIL.iESS a Traffib, Safety & Parking Comm.--2 Iu1arch 9 I 978 At this time the drivers are negotiating their union.contract and have the opportunity to choose t-he work that they will do for the up-comi.ng six months. This occurs in the Spring and in the Fall. For this reason. I'[r. Cianfichi has an opportuniQzto put into effect modifications and new service that he thinks rvill be appropriate. The system was consolidated, together with ten others, in July, L976. It has been pretty successful. It was three million passengc.rs a year. During the first year, they carried six million. This year they had very close to twelve nrillion passengrers. They have put on Northgate Transit in Daly City last JuIy, L9-77. They expect to institute main- line service under contract with Greyhoud Bus Co., between Palo Alto and San Francisco, with their own design. The fare is much lower than Greyhound. They are now carrying almost thirteen thousand riders a day in San Mateo County alone. They recognize that they cannot stand stilt in this system because the State legislature mandates that thirty-five per cent of operating revenue be supplied from the fare box. It is twenty-one per cent right now. The various sources of funds, plus funds from District reserves, wi}l assure operations through 1981 vrithout the necessity of invoicing the one-half cent sales tax, according to General iuianager John I'lorrorv. Their target is one hundred thousand riders in all forms of transportation on an average woriking day on a system of express and local bus and S.P.R.R. S.P., hacl thirty-five hundred riders purchasitrg commuter tickets, and SamTrans has now enlisted five thousand card holders. Mr. Cianfichi, Director of Planning and Research, Pr€sented l-wo maps of Burlingame and d-tscussed the three routes, 34E , 34C and 34D, as presently located. Route B is very vreak and Route C is a duplicatiorl because they have Greyhound covering the saine area. Route D is the really good route with three hundred twelve passengers. a day, includi.ng quite a few school children. They have taken away routes B and C, eliminating duplication and waste, and Route 34D has been kept pretty much intact except at Burlingame Pl.aza, it now services Peninsula Hospital. A San lr{ateo bus comes up to Peninsula Avenue. At the north end of Burlingame a route from DaIy City terminates at the Plaza and gives service to San firancisco Airport. The service provided will be more meaningful than pre'viously. In answer to an inquiry from Commissioner Sulger,'it was explained SamTrans goes to Page l'1i11 Road in PaIo Alto. There is free transfer between Santa Clara and San l,iateo Counties. They have made a special Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm effort to disolve barrierswill be service every half March 9 19?B between hour in city and the City lines. There peak periods. county during Mr. Cianfichi responded to Chairman Subbotin, explaining that they have developed information and pretty well know what peopre r.rant anclneed. Their staff has riclden the routes and knows who ricles thebuses. He has consurted vrith the school authorities so they can takecare of the chi]dren. Another inquiry from the reveaLed that it was not ridership could be buil.t on usage. Chairman concerning service to Highway 280 considercd practical at this time, untilup. It tnight be a possibility, depending chairman subbotin asked if the commissioners felt there should be aninquiry to deterrnine that Burlingarne is receiving its fair shar:e ofthe funds and service. Commissioner cundersen stated that perhap: we should see what the City needs and what it is receiving in p.ro-portion to the City's share. !1r. Cianfichi expenditures. at all. They al j.gned . recited figures for each route covering cost an<1lle stated Burlin-oane does not have many complaints received some calls when raainline service was re- l4r. callagher explained that it will be important to infornr thepublic in advar:ce of the changes. They will notify the newspaper and senior citizen groups. They would be vrilling to meet with anygroup interested to publicize the system and the changes being made. They desire to be dependabte and re1iab1e. once the scrvice i.s estab-lished, they plan to produce a three-part County rnap showing north,central and south County schedules with ::outcs d.esignated by nunrber, keyed to activity centers. They rrzi1l provide a 4 x B card for theroute the individual is intercsted in. There ruill be plastic signs on bus stop posts. Mr. Cianfichi stated that Route 34B carries J.49 passengers per day. To achieve thirty-five per cent, it would have to carry 910 passengers. Route 34C carries 351, with 765 needed. Route 34D carries 4'?4, wilh IO0B needcd. The combined routes eliminate duplication ancl providebetter usage. Mr. Gal-lagher expressed the desire to meet and confer with this Com-mission whenever there is something to convey to each other. Theresults of these adjustrnents will be watched to see how successful .--3 Traffic, Safety & Parking Conutr.--4 March 9, 1978 they are, how the community is being served. If there are any sugges- tions as to what should be done, they are available whenever needecl. Chairman Subbotin expressed the Commission's ness to support their activities and assist EI Camino ReaI at Howard Avenue, Traffic SiqnaIs. availability and willing- r"n any way. Mr. Cianfichi explained that they are flexible and any needed changes can be accornplished. The SarnTrans representatives departed at 9:30 b.m. Burlinggne Avenue Area paJ:kinE. A letter from the office of the Postmaster General, },r-ashington, D - C. , adciressed to Mr. Schwa1m, explainecl. that they are progressing as quickly as possible with plans to re-locate the Post Office in Burlingame. Review.The Chairman reviewed minutes of other Cornmissions Ivlr. Ivloore explained that he hadHiqhrvay Road from l4i11s Avenue north. written to the State Division of Highways expressing his concern about the proposed plan and what was thought to be wrong with it incluciing cost. He has had several telephone calls from Oxford and Cambrioge Roacls area advocating closing the area and making it a cul-de-sac. Mr. l,loore will be putting out a questionnaire soon to the residents in that area. Parkinq 1800 Block (East side) of El Camino Rea1. Mr. Moore has contacteo both property owners involved and they have started installing signs designating private parking in the back of the buildings. If the problent persists, they ivilI contact city staff again Bay front Trarfic Studv. The next phase of study by Drachman & Associates is due luiarch 13, 1978. The rneeting scheduled for l,larch 18, 1978 has been re-scheduled to April I, L978, giving staff more time for review of the report. Chairman Subbotin asked if Commission members will be asked to attend. Zwingle expressed his collcern for the location section, and Mr. I"loore has referred the matter Highways for investigatj-on OLD BUSI}IESS 1. Comrnissioner Graham inquired Mr. Moore had no information to City Council. about ten-hour parking on Chapin Avenue. to report. It must, of necessity, 90 of to A letter from EarI H, signals at this inter- the State Division of Traffic, S.rfety &Parking Comnr. --5 l'larch 9, 1978 2. Commissioner Graharn expressed interest in changing short-termto long-term parking on parking lots rshere advisable. I"lr. l.iooreexplained there is to be a new parking ordinance for reference vcry soon. 3. Cornraissioner Foley inquired about the projects planned for theinteresections of Bellevue Avenue at Prinrrose Road and at LortonAvenue. i'Ir. I"loore stated they were proceeding r+ith the design. Thefunds are available and wi1] be forthcoming. 4. chairrnan subbotin asi<ed about i.dentif ication of raclar and to conrrey to sergeant o I Brien that the comririssiorrin the inforrnati.on wher: it is avai.labIe. rr)ute ai . i, s -in :e re s i:,cr: 1. A petition for a.crossing guard for Lincoln Elementary Schoql"\./en read b), l'{r. I'toore. I'Ie distributed a cop}r of Secti:.n l0.ti8 f rcrr,the Traffic Manual re1ar-ing to Adu1t C::ossing Cuard pror;j-sicr:, a:rdfour diagralrs of turning movenetr,ts as well as traffic counts aL tlte.intersection of EI Cainino Rea1, Rosedale Avenue a.nd Ray D::ivr:. iiehas a computer: print-out going back to 1971. ile counted only twoelementarl' school students there today Chairman Subbotin reccAnized that warrants are not met for a Crossj.rrgGuard. Coinmissioner Graham moved to advise City Council not t.o con-sider the request. Seconded by Comnrissioner Sulger, the mot:-oncarried unanimously. Chairman priority Subbotin askeC for a Crossing if there are other i:rtcrsections with higher Guard, and l'1r. Itloore replied tirat therc is noi. on Lhe coup) c wi.Il 2. commissioner Graha:n asked Mr. I,Ioore about the parking lotwest side of EI Camino ileal. He stated he hai, receivecl aof complaints about the ticket dispenser location. Mr. t/iocrelook at it with regard to realignment. The lot bctween Highland and Lorton r&enues rvas questioned alsoI'Ir. Moore stated ninety <legree'parking is the inost efficient intype corridors, but he will lool< at both lots again. ADJOURI'II.IENf Respectfully subnritted, and narrow The ureetinq adjourned at 10:3O p.m. Joseph A. Aliamus, Secretar:y I{E?i BUSTNtrSS