HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1978.01.12CALL TO ORDER The regular ,Ianuary 12, TRATFIC, SAT'ETY & PARKII'IG COI'MISSION January L2, J^97A meeting of the Traffic, Safety & Parking Commiss j"on was held 1978; cafled to order by Chairman Subbotin at B:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Pre sent !Commissioners Constantino, Foley, Graham, Gundersen, Subbotin, Sulge r . Commissioner Aliamus. excused.Absent: Othe r s Present: Thomas E. Moore, Traffic,/civi1 Engineer Sgt. Jarnes D. O'Brien, Traffic Director PLEDGE OP ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Constantino led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MINUTE S Minutes of the meeting of December B,197 7 were accepted . CURRENT BUSINESS Review. Chairman Subbotin reviewed minutes of the City council. Planning Commission, and Park and Recreation Commission, calling to the attention of the menbers the items of interest relating to traffic. safety and parking. He noted that Comroissioners Constantino and Sulger were re- appointed by City Council for another term of office. Hiqhway Road from Mi11s Avenue North. I"1r. Thomas Moore stated they had taken a traffic count but are a little doubtful of the resuLts and want to take another. It is extremely high. and he would like to spend some time at peak hours watching the area. I'loving the bus stoP would be a major project. Therb does not seem to be another logical location and he doubts if it would be practical. In'considering other alternatives, he is rvaiting for CALTRANS regarding their signal revision, which is based on the Nolte Report. Everything is in abeyance. but there wil1. hopefully. be answers for next month's meeting. Coramissioner Sulger visited the area twice and remarked that the street is very narrow. Commissioner Gundersen went there twice and found no problem. Comnrissioner Foley expressed amazement at how narrow Highway Road is and questioned the possibility of one-way traffic, north. He' was unable to contact eitirer the Hansons or Losees. I'ir. Moore explained he would bring back all the options available, for consideration. Bur] in ame Avenue Area arki. Mr. David Millican, Financ of the City's Parking Mete 1977, with budgeLed amount meter revenue j.s not chang The I'lunicipal Court is pro return per citation referr, wil} now be added to vehic ,Janua l2 l97B surve -Parking }leter fu nds.e Director, distributed financial statementr fund indicating actual figures for Lg?6 ands for 1978. He explained .that the parkinging. Last year it had declined slightly.cessing citations more s1ow1y and the do1lared to them is decreasing. Traffic citations1e license renewal fees. Conrmissioners Constantino and Graham both expressed interest in segre-gation of Broadhray area revenue from Burlingame Avenue area revenue.It rsas estimated this is approximately twenty-five per cent of the totalfront BroadwaY. I1r" llillican explained the computation of the cost,s and that there isno reserve for resurfacing or fixing up the lots. If parking rates areincr.:ased, the additional revenue could be used to service revenue bonds and build the structure neecled. The most important decision foralry s;olution is whether it should be paid for by slecial assessmentsof }rc'nefited properties or parking revenue or general government sub-sidies or some combination of these. Itr atlsrver to a question regarding busj.ness licenses, Mr. Millican statedtherc is presently a flat fee of $25.00. No percentage on gross sales..\ nc-tr'ordinance proposes $40.00 business license fee and an additionalchar;c based on number of employees. The city's present ordinance wasp:sscd in 1948, and is a bargain, according t; state standards. Cltsirrnan Subbotin inquired if there was any discussion regarding alloca-tiorr of increased revenue. I,tr. I'Ii11ican stated that the main thing istO pl'.-vent or reduce propertv tax increases. Mr. Millican discussed theconrposition of the tax base of Burlingarne, pointing out the large amountof trxes derived from hotels, ron-r€tail businesses and car lots. r---hairr.lan Subbotin expressed appreciation to Mr. Millican for his explana-tict:r.. He then remarked that the Commission might endeavor to identify ;r rit--sirable improvement and show the method of developing it and therc::tllls, to support such an investment. Commissioner Graham requested tl)r'C.rr'unission become involved in obtaining the Post Office property and,t'rllcr.'ing discussion, commiss.ioner Constantino moved that thl city Manager 1."' rr'i'iilested to pursue the possible availability of the post Offile !'r-c:'r'::ty for future parking use, its present status, and when it might ).'.' sr'.lilable, officially, for sa1e. Seconded. by Commissioner Graham,tll.. r::..tion carried unanimously. ]'r.ir-:".r1 Aid Urban and Safer Off-stem Pro ects.Mr. Moore referred to Bellevue Avenue and!'i.r:'r:r ::ubmitted for revision of intersections at Traffic, Safety & Parkinq Comm.--2 Traffic, Safety & Parkinq Comm January 72, i-97A and Primrose Road, and Bellevue Avenue and Lorton Avenue. The City's application for Safer off-System funcls resulted in being rated No. 2 and No. 7 or B, which indicates current funding. It is anticipated funds will be available in Late February or early March. The tv,/o projects wilL cost about $25,000. They are responsi-b1e for about eighty-five per cent of the cost. Commissioner Constantino mentioned that the location is a very strategic part of our City and asked if thought had been given to lighting. It could be very effective at night. I"1r. Moore explained the item of light- ing coutd be inctuded with irrigation. He stated the Park Director is very interested in the project and it is possible that something very nice could be done architectural ly. Essentially, the traffic circle plan will cut down speed somewhat and reduce conflicts. chairman Subbotin cautioned about any construction that would reduce sight distance. He then mentioned the improvement plan at the intersection of Lorton and Bellevue Avenues. Mr. Moore explained these projects lvere included in the Nolte Report. In this instance, the City received first-year fund- ing for the two projects. l{ext year, if there are appropriate projects, an effort will be made to accomplish them also under this prograrn. Commissioner Graham moved the endorsement of the suggestions presented in the two diagrams and congratulated the staff on obtaining the f unris to proceed. Seconded by CoNnissioner Constantino, the motion carried unan imous 1y . Parkinq, IB00 block (East side) El Camino Real. Mr. Moore stated he had received a complaint from an individual at 1870 E1 Camino ReaI similar to that of 1"1r. Cohendet, Burlingame Travel Bureau, lA42 EI Camino ReaI. He wanted to wait until the weather is j.mproved and will then investigate the problem. Commissioner constantino requested that everybody on that block be notified of any contemplated changes so they can express their opinion. 1,1r. lioore stated he would probably recommend the lots be signed to the effect that it is private parking, in an effort to discourage commuter parking. --3 Bay front Traffic Study. Mr. undoubtedly give direction at anticipated that approval to Drachman and Associates wi J.I Moore explained that City council will their meeting January 16, 1978. It is proceed with the studies being made by be given. Hedg e at 1516 Adeline Drive (Mr. & !lrs. .rohn A. Escabosa) . Mr. I'loore stated there has been some minor changes in the hedge, mostly in width and some in height. During discussj-on that foflowed, the question was asked if it is still a hazard? Commissioner Foley called attention to the city's ordinance, limiting the height to three feet. The CitY could be liable for permitting violation of the ordinance, and as a result Traffic,Sdfety &Parking Comrn. --4 Commissioner Graham moved that feels it is a traffic hazard. motion carried unanimouslY. January L2, ].97A the record indicate the Commission still Seconded by Commissioner Foley. the copy of the comPilation of the Commissioners, asking their opinion om the Nolte Report. Mr. Moore will Chairman Subbotin mentioned that this is not the. only such problem and asked if there is any discussion about continuing such action through- out the city? Mr. Moore replied that thi.s is really a test case and teaching staff lessons about handling such problems' In answer to an inquiry, he expressed the opinion that the City's ordinance was not nearly as stringent as other communities' warrants for Pour-way Stop sign instalLation. It was requested this item be kept on the agenda for a future meeting. OLD BUSINESS I. Commissioner FoIeY requested results of the surveY taken of priority of Projects as taken Chairman Subbotin and he requested being considered, meeting. asked if the Commissioners might look at Sergeant o'Brien to provide a delineation to be sent to the Commissioners prior to a of fr provide it for the Commissioners. NEW BUSINESS 1. Sergeant o'Brren asked if the commission would consider bringing non-conforming streets up to traffic speed surveys so that radar can be used. sPecifically, he is considering Howard Avenue and Hillside Drive. speed surveys reconunend higher speeds on these two streets and only in this way can radar be used to enforce the regulations' He ref-erred to previous surveys and changes on Bayswater and occidental Avenue s . the two streets of locations next month ' s 2. Commissioner Sulger expressed concern over tial areas damaging street trees and asked City. sergeant o'Brien assured him there are of merchandise must be made to residences and assist whenever possible. The drivers do not it would involve damage to their trucks. ADJOURNI*1ENT large trucks in residen- about truck routes in the routes but that deliverY the Police DePartment does do it deliberately because Respectfully submitted, Joseph A. Aliamus. secretary The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.m.