HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1979.10.11,t \(\// TRAFTIC, SAFET| & PARKING COMjr{ISSION October 11, 1979 CALL TO ORDER - by Commissioner !'ehlhaber at 8:05 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Commissioners Aliamus, Fehlhaber, Fo1ey, Kreling, Graharn (8:20 p.m.) Subbotin, SulgerStaff: City Attorney Coleman Finance Director Argyreg Traffic Engineer Moore Sergeant O 'Brien PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAIICE - Led by Commissioner Kreling CURRENT EUSINESS 50-5O Muffler Sho p -- Followin g extensive discussion, Ctrairman craham moved that a two-hour parking limit on Newlands Avenue not be imposed. Seconded by Commissioner Sulger, the motion carried with all Aye votes except Commissioner Kre1ing, who voted Noe. Resident Parking Permits -- Preferential residential parking permits not recorunended at this tirne, motion by Commissioner Subbotin, seconded by Commissioner Foley, unanimously approved. Parkinq Lirnit on the 1800 block of EI Camino ReaI -- Comraissioner Aliamus moved to retain two-hour parking and eliminate twenty-four minute green zone, and review status in six months. Seconded by Commissioner Kreling, unanimously approved. Donnelly Avenue Lots for Parkinq -- Drop from agenda. lRed Curb at Driveway and Industrial/Commer cial Districts -- Commissioner subbotin moved the new system should be tried but added residentiar areas. Seconded by Commissioner Foley, unanimously carried. Pedestrirln problems on Old Bayshore Hi ghway -- Dro p from agenda. Crossqralk at Lorton and Bellevue Avenues OLD BUSINESS -- None Following discussion, it MINUTES - For meeting of September 13, 1979, approved. Burl inqame Avenue Srea parkinq -- General discussion. was requested staff continue surveillance. \ il. Traffic, safety & Parking Corur.2 10-Il-79 NEW BUSINESS I Commissioner Sulger moved that a Yield sign for eastbound traffic on Anse} Road at Floribunda Avenue be installed. Seconded by Commissioner Foley, the motion carried unanimously. 2. Informative only. Drop from agenda. AD.TOURNMENT -- 10:40 p.n. Respectfully submitted, G. irames Fehlhaber, Secretary