HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1979.09.13TRAFFIC, SAFETT & PARKING COMMISSION September 13, L979 CAII, TO ORDER -by CommissJ,oner Fehlhaber at 8:O5 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Commissioner Kreling I.{INUTES - For meeting of August 9, L979, approved. CURRENT BUSINESS Mr. Chester Watson and Mr. BiIl, Vallivero of 151I Newlands Avenue presented a copy of a letter to Mayor Amstrup, a petition, and aix photographs relating to an alleged parking problem on Newlands Avenue. After general discussion, staff t as requested to study the problem and make recommendations at the October meeting of this Commission. Burl ingame Avenue Area parking -- Letter from Cit y Attorney explaining that the material requested on the parking district would not be avail- able until the october meeting. Chairman craham reported that he had received complaints of bicycle riding and parking on the sidevalk in the Burlingame Avenue 'area - A brief di.scussion was conducted regarding raising parking City, and designating al1 increases in revenue for parking fees in the improvements. Bav front Traffic Studv -- A discussion was held of bui lding height Iimits and the effect on traffic Aeneration. Consolidation of S.P.R.R.Station -- No discussion.Keep on agenda. Vehicular Vi s ion--obstruction near corners -- No discussion.Drop from agenda. Bicycle f acil j"ties facilities. OLD BUSINESS -- None. Brief discussion of inproved bicltcle parking ROLL'CALL, - Presents Conrmissioners Fehlhaber, Xreling, subbotin, . Sulger, craham (8:40 p.m.) Staff: T.E.Irloore, Sgt. O'Brien Excused: Aliamus, Foley I Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm. -- 2 e/L3/7e NEW BUSINESS l. A letter from the City of Millbrae regarding sight distance at Sebastian Drive was discussed, and their recommendation of an appropriate sign was unanimously approved. 2. Comm'issioners Graham, Kreling, and Sulger voiced interest in attending the one day Orientation Course Eor Policymakers offered by The Office of Traffic Safety. 3 Commissioners requested a copy of the L977 Burlingame Avenue Parking Survey with any available current comments. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:IO p.m. G. ilames Fehlhaber, Secretary t)