HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1979.06.14,TRATTIC, SATETY & PARI(ING COMMISSTON June L4, L979 By Vice-Chairman Foley at B:05 p.m. ROLL CAIL Present: Commissioners Aliamus, Fehlhaber, Foley, Graham, Kreling. Absent: Commissioners Subbotin, Sulger excused. Others Present: T'. E. Irloore, Traffic Engineer J. D. O'Brien, Traffic Director City Residents: Mr. and l"lrs. Brisbee Mr. and Mrs. Costello PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Commissioner Fehlhaber. MINUTES For meeting of May I0, 1979 approved. NEI{ BUSINESS: I,Ir. and Mrs. Brisbee, 824 Acacia Drive, Burlingame, were present to discuss their letter regarding stop signs to replace yield sign on Paloma Avenug at Pa1nr Drive. Discussion revealed that the proposal should have read Acacia rather than Paloma. Proposed by Commissioner Graham and seconded by Commissioner Fehlhaber, that Palm Drive be considered a through street and aII side streets have arterial stop signs installed. Unanimous agreement. Letter from lrlr. and Mrs. Coste1lo, Broadway Locksmith, 1011 Califor:nia Drive, regarding length of red zone on 1OO0 block of California Drive, easterly side. Commission requested staff to prepare diagram delinia- ting problem for consideration at the meeting of JuIy L2, L979. CURRENT BUSINBSS Burlingame Avenue Area Parkinq General discussion. Bayfront Traffic Study General discussion. Consolidation of S.P.R.R.Station near Oak Grove Avenue General C/TLL TO ORDER Discussion. Vehicular Vision--obstruction near corners. tentative ordinance for JuIy meeting. Commission requested a A Traffic, Safety & Parking Comm.--2 June 14, 1979 Bicyele facilities -- Kee p on agenda Remove yeI1ow zone at l2O9 Hovrard Avenqe (Auction Studio). Removal proposed by Commissioner Aliamus and seconded by Commissioner Fo1ey. Defeated. Proposed by Commissioner AIiamus, seconded by Commissioner Kreling, to have staff prepare a map of loading zones. Carried unanimously. Parking ban on Cypress Avenue , EI Cariiino Real to Carol Avenue. Conunissioner Aliamus proposed there be no change. Seconded by Commissioner Kreling, carried unanimously" New four-way stop Murchison and Magnolia Dr1-v_eg. Recommended installa- tion by Commissioner Kreling, unanimously. seconded by Commissioner Foley, carried OLD BUSINESS Parking regulations on Primrose Road. (Letter from Jake Higgins.) Commissioner Foley proposed no change, to maintain uniformity of district. Seconded by Commissioner Fehlhaber. Carried unanimously. l4T5 Chapin Avenue -- Letter from Mr. Van Etta. Commission requested results of investigation regarding off-street parking on Chapin Avenue. ADJOURNI,IENT 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, G. 'James Fehlhaber, Secretary I