HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1979.01.11JA}IUARY 11, r979 CAIL TO ORDER The meeting called to order at 8:O0 p.m., bY Chairman Graham. Present: Commissioners Fehlhaber, Fo1ey, Graham, Kreling, Subbotin, Sulger. Absent: Commissioner Aliamus, excused. Staff Present: Sgt. o'Brien, Traffic Director T. E. lloore, Traffic Engineer Burl ing ame Avenue Area parkinq. Chairman Graham stated that loca1 meichants were pleaseci with results of free one-hour parking before Christmas. Commissioner Kreling suggested use could be made of the revenue that lras lost. General discussion followed. Review. requested Planning Commission minutes not available. Chairman Graharn staff to obtain copies on a continuing basis. Bayfront Traffic Studv- No action taken. Consolidation of S.P.R.R Station near Oak Grove Avenue. No action taken. I"1r - Moore del ivered a copy of cars parking on their right-of-way. letter written to S.P.R.R., E€., Hedge at intersection of Vancouver, Jacklinq and Easton Drive. Mr. Moore stated that an on-site meeting was held with property or^rner, Park Director Hoffman, and himself. Owner agreed to t,rimming hedge to conform to City Ordinance. Commissioner Fehlhaber requested the item be kept on agenda until hedge is actually trilffned. " Lega1 by city procedure s Attorney. and requirements for Commission Meetings" Reviewed by Commissioners individually. pre sented No questions. Goa1s,/obj ect ives :To revise City park inq requirementsS General dis- cussion. Schedule for major discussion at meeting of February 8, 1979. Commission requested copies of off-street parking requirements and new parking ordinance, and parking requirements in Millbrae and san Mateo. TRAFTTC, SAFETY & PARKTNG COMI'IrSSION ROLL CATL PLEDGE -OF Af,LEGIANCE -- Led by Commissioner Foley. I4INUTES -- for meeting of Decemlcer L4, L978, approved. CURRENT BUSINESS .Ianuary 11 , 197 9 Vehicular Vi s ion--Obst ruct ion Near Corners. Initial discussion. Further discussion at future meetings. OLD BUSINESS None. General discussi.on of bicycle facilities. Chairman Graham requested that this item be added to next agenda. Mr. Moore discussed problems Department and its effect on capabilities. Mr at of reduced staff level in the Engineering traffic and transportation engineering Moore demonstrated the new street photo logging equipment provided no expenditure of City money because of a County-wide Feoeral grant. ADJOURN}4ENT Meeting adjourned at 10:O0 p.m Respectfully submitted, c. ilame s Fehlhaber, Secretary i Traffic, Safety & Parkinq Comrn.--2 NEW BUSINESS General discussion of green zone in front of Brothers DeIi at Howard Avenue and Primrose Road.