HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1980.11.13TRAFFIC, SAI'EIY & PARKING COUMISSION NOVEIIBER 13, 1980 CALL To ORDER - 8:05 p.n., by Vice-Chairman Fehlhaber. ROLL CALL - Present: Commisgioners Ellis, Fehlha,ber, Kreling, Sulger. Absent: Commissioner Foley, excused. staff Present: Engr. uoore, sgt. o'Brien. Guests! Gene Klein, Barker Blue Print co., lL27 Chula Vista Lee E. Solomon, lI75 Chula Vista Avenue Mildred tr{. Lumbert, 1125 Laguna Avenue, #6s. E. Lwibert, lI25 Laguna Avenue, #6 Donna l,luzz i, 1134 Chula Vista Avenue Chap Solomon, Village Valet, 11.75 Chula Vista Pat Gilbride, 1129 Laguna Avenue, #3 Richard wereda, 2108 Hillside Drive PLEDGE OF AIJEGIATiICE . LEd bY COM. SUIgCr. Ii{INIIIES - October 9, 1980 approved. CURRENT BUSINESS: Chula vista,/Laguna Avenues one-way traffic. The order of agenda items was changed to accommodate guests. Chairman Fehlhaber opened the meeting to public conunent. The guests representing the various business owners on Chula vista Avenue objected to changes in the exi-sting direction. Numerous reasons were given. Chairman Fehlhaber called for Commission discussion and stated the various alternatives: 1. Uaintain the status quo, 2. Change Laguna Avenue only; 3. Reverse directi.on on Chula vista Avenue and make Laguna Avenue one-way southbound; 4. Leave Chula Vista Avenue as is, make Laguna Avenue one-way northbound and reverse the exiBting directions of Paloma and Capuchino Avenues. Com. Kre1i-ng asked what would be the effect of making Laguna Avenue one-way north of Broadway as well as Bouth? I{r. Moore said it should be equally beneficial. Motion by Com. Sulger, seconded by Com. Ellie, that staff be requested to contact residents of Capuchino Avenue and Paloma Avenue regarding reversing the direction of travel on their street6. Com. Kreli.ng proposed that merchants be contacted to request empJ.oyees not to park on the various side streets adjacent to Broad$ray. {he origina} motion Traffic, Safety & Parking Conun.--2 rL-13-80 was passed. No further actions lrere taken. Ttris iten to be scheduled for further discussion at the December meeting. Mr. Richard wereda, rrho resides at 2IoB Hillside Drive presented a petition for an additional stop sign on Hillside Drive at vancouver Avenue. lIhe Conmission accepted the petition but deferred discussion until the Decedber meeting to allolr, the Cornmissioners time to inspect the site personally. Burlingame Avenue Area Parking. staff informed the Commission that they had been authorized to proceed with redegign of parking lots recommended for inclusion of 90 degree compact car stalls by the Commission. Ihe work is not to be started until after the holiday seaaon, to avoid unnecesaary disruption of parking. Review of minutes from other Commissions. After review of Planning Comni8sion minutes, the Comnrissionerg requested that staff provide copies of the Drachmon traffic report for the proPosed building at 700 Airport BIvd. Closing of Oxfotd/canibridge Roads at El camino Real . No new informa- tion from staff. Study of Loading zones in commercial areas. staff had found errorE in the existing map showing yellow zones and would revige for December meeting. S.P.R.R., station consolidation. No nev, information available. OLD BUSINESS: Conuniesion reguested any available information on C.}{., meeting with s.P.R.R., regarding railroad stations. Letter from city Engineer regarding new red zone6 on Rollins Road, adjacent to the new Mike Harvey Building, was reviewed. Uoved by Com. Ellis, aeconded by con. sulger, that any action be deferred untiL the problem ia reviewed at the December meeting. staff reported that CAL,TPANS is working on the installation of pedestrian signala at Broa&ray and Rollins Road. It ras caIled to the staff's attention that one of the traffic signal heads at Broadrray and Rollins was misaligned. Letter from l,lr. John C. Franklin regarding painting siderdalks with legend "No Bicycles or Skateboards on Sidewalk" was discussed. Staff Traffic, safety & Parking comm.--3 l1-13-80 stated that the business districts \ ere properly signed so that the City ordinance was enforceable and that the Police Department was enforcing it to the be6t of their ability. It was moved by Com. Kreling, seconded by Com. EIIis, that the expense of such additional signing would not be justified by the mininal amount of impact on the problem, and recommended that a letter be sent to the Chariber of commerce asking them to encourage the local merchants to warn violators of the ordinance that they were breaking the law. ADJOURNII{ENT - 9:45 P.M. Respectfully subritted, Sophia H. M. Kreling. Secretary