HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - TSP - 1980.10.09TRAFFIC, SATEfY & PARKING COMMI SS rON ocToBER 9, 1980 CAII, TO ORDER - 8:OO p.m ROLL CALL - Present: Commissioners El1is, Fehlhaber, Foley, craham, Sulger Absent: Commissioner Kreling, excusedStaff Present: Sergeant O'Brien, Engineer lrlooreVisitors: Mr6. Paula Hoffman, 1541 Burlingame Avenue Mr. Pat Gilbride, 1129 Laguna Avenuellr. and lrlrs . Gilbride, 1131 Laguna Avenue PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Com. Sulqer. IVIINUTES Com. Ell,is $ras present at the meeting of September 11, 1980. llinutes approved as corrected. CURRENT BUSINESS: Chula Vista,/Laguna Avenuea One-way traffic. The agenda schedule was changed to accomnodate the interested visitors. Visitors stated they were in favor of making Laguna Avenue a one-hray street. Afterdiscussion, it was decided to request staff to contact the businesses on Laguna and Chula Vista Avenues to appraise them of the proposed changes and inform them the matter would again be discussed at the Noveniber 13, 1980 meeting of this Commission. This was a motion by Com. Sulger, seconded by Com. Graham, unanimously approved. Staffwill communicate vrith llrs. Lurnbert,. L1,25 Laguna Avenue, concerning theee actions. Study of Loading zonesstaff to prepare a map meet ing . in commercial areas. Commission requested showing existing loading zones for Novedber Study Staf f of effect of moving bus reported on this item. stop on ?rousdale Drj-ve at Hunt Drive. Drop from agenda. Red Zone requested on Rollins Road adjacent to Uike Harvey AutoDealership. Staff lecorunended no additional red zone at this tj.me. Commission unanimously agreed . Four-hour parking limit in parking lot between Washington park tennis courts and City Recreation Building on Bur).j,ngame Avenue at MyrtLe Road. Irloved by Com. Graham, seconded by Com. Foley, thatfour-hour limit be established. Unanimous "No" vote. Chairman Foley was requested to r"rrite City Uanager explaining Conunission,s Traffic, Safety & Parking Commission - 2 october 9, 1980 act ions . It was suggested that the S.P.R.R. station consolidation item be returned to the agenda as a permanent item because of the possibility that CAITRANS, because of their recent aquisition of a vested interest in the stations, might be contemplating improvements. lrlinutes of other commissions were reviewed. Staff reported on items of interest concerning Burlingame Avenue Area parking, and the closing of oxford,/Cambridge Roads at El camino ReaI . AD iTOURNMENT - 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sophia H. M. Kreling, secretary